o 4K Price: $4.00 per yir. ONCORD. N. CJ. S,URD4Y,AP5lIi !l' 1902 Single copy 5 cents. im iff 9 WADE- HAIVJPTON AT REST. l'ASSES A WAY THURSDAY M0RXIXG Had Just Patted His 84th Birthday Tributes From Gen. Gordon and Gen. Lee Gov. McSweeney's Proclamation. Qeu. Wade, Hampton died at his home in Columbia, S. C, at 9 o'clock Thursday, the 11th, of valvular disease of the heart. The grand old hero and states man had just passed his 84th birthday. . By his own request no special pomp will be displayed at his funeral on Sunday afternoon. Governor McSweeney issued the following proclamation. "Whereas, the Hon. Wade Hampton, aformer Governor of South Carolina and United States Senator, died at his home in Col ' umbia, this morning at 10 min utes before 9 o'clock, full of years and of honor; therefore, I, M B McSweeney, Governor of gentleman tmd his death wiirnotj. . W SERIOUSLY HURf. only b greatly deplored all over the country, butjnote especially by those Confederate soldiers who were accustomed tq follow ing him oi so many fields of bat tle." s Sjnod Will Meet la Concord. Inasmuch as it is not expedient for the North Carolina E. L. Synod to meet at China Grove and inasmuch as the council ef St. James Church Concord, has invited the Synod to meet in St. James church, I therefore an nounce that the Synod will con vene on Wednesday, May the 7th, 1902,' at 11 o'clock a. m.. ac- Fajlg From un Elevator at tliS -Cannon Mill Wounds Not Xecetsnri1y .Fatal. A lifctle son of Mrs. Martha Howell, of CannonvUte, was very badly hurt Friday night at the Cannon mill by falling from the levator on some machinery and striking on his head. Drs. Smoot & Pemberton were called in and tlressed the boys wound. We are glad to learn that the ; injuries arb not regarded as fatal and.it is hoped thtft ho will soon recover. I .tv 3 c?' r. cr. vs j jdia'M W Vv!VV WWW W Sam Jones to Lecture In Charlotte. It was mentioned in yester cording to adjournment, in St. day's Observer that some of the James Church Concord. C. B. Miller, Pres. of N. C. E. L. Synod. Her Teacher Did Kill Her Detroit Miir tier Cleared. A Detroit dispatch of the 24th ministers or me city were endeavoring toSGCurea lecture by Rev. Sam I Jones, the great Georgia evangelist. ' The contmct has boon made. ; Tho lecture will bo given on the1 9 0 c DEPARTMENT STORE. The. 'Soap Department. Vjl Our sales on this one article SOAP has been M far greater than we expected. This soap de- partment has been open now only three weeks and the sales are increasing daily. There is a U reason for this, it is because we, sell the purest ft1 Soaps and the best quality of Soaps that are to be obtained-at popular prices. Again we sell y Soap on the same basis as Dry Goods, etc., for '0 less than you can buy it elsewhere. W' Wcare also selling Woobury's Facial Siiop. tfv i ii i.i . t i i i i i Known tnc worm over as 1110 iiignesrriraimiiru Medical Soap. t Woodbury's Facial Soap is. cleansing, healing, 'beautifying, fragrant rnd refreshing. It contains the best anticrptu-., known to medical science and is specin'ly ve eommended by doctors for all nrotind use. South Carolina, in view oC his ciears the mystery of Carrie nij?lt of May 0. at tho Y. M. C. Her music : A services to his people and Irs ! Jennetts murdei country through his Jong and , . M bcnettL 0 honored career and in turther ' 1 recognition of his broad states- did thc desperate deed. They hall, and will bo for tho tho Brevard Street Methodist church, Charlotte ri r iiiu ma' ship and true nobility of had met for consultation overusuvu Ul character and his high patriot- the situation. He wanted her to rack rrwljJ tIie Xn0yiti0. ism ana umutiuu iu uuijr ffo to a lymg-in house whilo she : Mrs. II M Barrow and daugh- State, do request that on tomor row, Saturday, all public offices in the State of South Carolina be wanted htm to abandon his fami-'ter, little Miss Adelaide, Rev. ly and elope with her. They' and Mrs. JAB Fry and child, closed, and as a further testimo- could r ot agree and he says ho Mrs. R E and Miss Elizabeth nial to his worth that the flags was seized with the impulse to ' Gibson, Mr. Thos. Hopkins, Miss of the State and of tho United kill her. 113 will probably plead Lizzie Montgomery, Mrs. Dr. Statos be put at half mast on the guilty and be sent to the poui- State capital and all other public . f Hf 1 ;u: il 0 1 4 1 buildings in the State and re main in that position until the funeral services are held," From the office of Gen. Gor Attend tho Funeral of (Jen. Hampton. The. following telegram is expressive and will." bo seen to be don, Adjutant Gen. Moorman hasj addressed to aU Confederate issued thu following: "Overwhelmed with grief, the general commanding announces to his comrades and countrymen that the great spirit of tho chiv alrous lieutenant general, Wade veterans: Washington, D. C, April 12. Mr. D B Colti4ANE Please attend in Confederate uniform, the funeral of Gen. Hnmpton at Hampton, today took its flight to Columbia, S. C, Sunday after-1 join the hosts of his comrades j rioon. You can get back homo encamped upon the other shore. Monday morning'for breakfast. Truly can it be said of him that j mst Confederate Soldiers the blood of heroes coursed in I . , ,1 1 i in your camp, .who two able, to his veins, as ho was third bear- J 1 ing the name'of Wade Hampton, ' do like wise. his grandfather having fought j JSCaku. Con.' under MariOn auJ Sumter; audi was a .naor general in tho Rev- i Tra: olntiouary and b"y his illustrious ! Cheraw,, S. . C.,. AprU 11 carcer he has proudly sust'iiued.; Freight trails. Nos. 22 and 52 the high character his heroic Qn the Seaboard Air Line, ruD- I'n.nkman-JIiller. Mi.fts riorenco Miller will bo married on next Thursday, the 17th, to Mr. E G Fraukman, of Versailles, O., the brides broth er, Rev. O B'Millor, (jfliciatitig. . (( orgic Teach Crojw. The peach in Couth west Geor- W Toilet Soaps. Old Fashion Butter milk and sweet scented Glycerine, tho best .F.c soap on the ' market, a Sweet Toilet article. Per box of three cakes, spe cial price IOC Better soap, finoly per fumed, different odors Per cake lOC tv Woopbury s racial jiC . Soap.' known every whero r e - as a cuke 2oc crtie Per o V 0 Laundry Soaps. so;i. .Magic Cleaner Octagon cake 9 Sofip, Pearie Floating per cake Fairbanks, two e.ilu-.-, for SO- " , L . V Q low Is P II k 1 Williams, Miss Kate Means, Mr. and Mrs. J B Sherrill, Dr. Joe Goodman, Sheriff and Mrs. J L Peck and Rev. and Mrs. W II McNai'ry and Mr. and D J Bostian -returned from tho Ex position Friday night. All re- 'port a number one good lime. & '! ( f Bell & Harris Furniture Go's tho place to buy your Ho.frierators, Lawn Swings, Hammocks, Settees or any old tiling you ni: y need for poarcb or lawn. Furniture and. House Furnishings gia does not scorn to have been ' ol every (icscnpnon. , vv e are MrienY in 11 amt 11 you injuieJ.i y the receut cold snap ! need anything in our line mid fail'to see. us you loose niug north from Columbia, had a rear-end collision on, a very sires, as he was one of our great est soldiers, a statesman without hlrmis.h. n, neerlfiss citizen and a pure man. The general com- j heavy grade uoar McBce, twenty manding directs that all possible j miles f Mm here. riin No. 22 honors be paid o his mem pry .by came ruAuj-dctwu hill at. a l.J'-h the .United, Confoeratw Vet .! rate Gf speoj a,fj crashed into erans." No. 52, which hd stepped to fyc A Macon.-Ga., dispatch of theapinhiTi iad jrol from lltljsays: ' . 0ae of the cars. .Train No. 22 p .n : , . . t. Wade Htipton when to'UI of "10 noi" i.-y 1 1 10 heavy rains that proceded and Ijave followed it. Tho trees in tho orchards were quite unit. jurcd and all the ro-j ports from -that section are'toj tile same effect. Uule.-- fortune! is most unkind thc poach crop j this yjiA- will bo large and thej fruit of good quality. Fleming j money. Conic and sou. . . Installment pinn a SP'KCI ALTY. Be aarris Star. "I KcYcr 3t' raia Killer ft Fail be? n.ere, 1 what cat' tl mailer botile? b'tore, what c. 3 ! was tetal wreck and afire de- j Ulhi it. is ;i0tPry Davis f,' ' stroyed it. it all, but somMhicsr ft e drug- Concord 'National .Bank Has pafd 54,000 in dividends sinco it evened dos in July, 1668. its surplus andnmdivided he osses iiTUTi tin ci vi ns e -3 I IT"! - j -i m. v It ( 4 gc oral's death uday General j Hampton wis one of tho lj.st , H I ' 1 L- . 1 jl uluSI nave inauo iiiseuanu :t:-j entire I!firlK'S 11 . Ti:e fame of Burden's h:i magu;i.c-?:.t men in any rcr,- ; hr , f, iT1 the world. ls I have ever kne-.n :., ii lf-.onir0und tW earth. It's the ear 1 ii . JL i. 1 c if'. ,4,, peilr'- ueiuer ui ! Corns. Burns, Bruises, Sores, Boils'. Ulcers, Felons, 150 ns and all Skin PmntimK On e nff! hh o Pi e out rept$i. He was a mag- j cure 25c a box at Fetzcr's Drug nifirnt snocimn of th-r- Sou Ihcrn 1 Store. A. 01 great aouuy, iaeiuuung win- ; ono ners, true and loyal to his f 1 io Is and an officer of the gl-oat nt, , Scalds, .. , ,i Aches. r did i,t lx.tice 11; inavc Fuinhtiler for years . i.'l. i'. cramps ana stomach aches and u novor failed." Seventy-five Georgia raised fighting cocks will be taken to Dallas, IV. , during tho reunion to compote against all coiners from tho western States. An derson Ititelligfnx:er. sue! . lire; n'iV used for sued. ' Its officers are : .-'if- ' ; t any eiw ei" bet It: wa if for ngj, ma n. Vr;t an.bclfy J M Odcll, I ;u evident; DB Colt rune, cashier; i L D Coltrane, assistant cashier; J M Ilendrix, bookkeeper. j Beard of Directors II Lilly, vV Ii Odcll, Jno. P Allison, J S; Harris, Elaia Kin-' 1 rOJeUj ar.c! D B Colt ran o 1 to ii!: V V A i -3 -1 r -i hue. ds I, si IVH .i.... . & .I 1 hi It V h . 1 1 -J 3. -3 'A