o Daily Standard. JOHN D. BARRIER, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE Is . MORRIS BUILDING. THE STA.6ARp;ii published everyday Sunday excepted and delivered by carriers. , . Rates Or Subscription. One year ' . Six months Three months One month $4.00 2.00 1.00 35c Singft copy 5c. The freekly Standard is'an 8-coiumn 4-page sper. It has larger circulation in Cabarrus bij any other paper.. Price i a year in advance. Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. . . Address all communications to a THE STANDARD, Concord, S. C. TELEPHOXB NO. 71- UONCOTID, N. C., April 17, 1902. THE LVIL TOO (1REAT FOR SILENT INACTIVE!!- We hope it will not be in vain; that we appeal to all true, honest, upright citizens, of our town to come to the rescue against this most. festering ore on the body of our citizenship, gambling. This agitation is merely acci dental if not providential but who will say that it is not time- '. ' ! iArtn,l Txrnc Tint, ne XVP at first' thought, the prompting of some one that was burdened with knowledge of facts and conveyed them to the minister, but was ona of these incidents that the Christian yorld believes was an inspiration in the fulness of time for the staying of a destructive force.' . . "While aware that there is a circle of incorrigible "blacklegs" in the tjwn we were not aware until that discourse was preach ,ed and noted in print that this eVil is so absorbing. A citizen came i to our office Wednesday -and told us that our editorial Tuesday was timely,; but conveyed a minimun of the reality. Said he it is a fact that mere kids will collect in out of the way places on Sunday with their little week's earnings in pennies to be put up on games at cards. A very material loss by fire was sustained by one of our citizens within a few'years that is tr&cable to none other than a group rff gamblers though con victing evidence is lacking. The interested party is ndt in posi tion to give all the facts known about the prevalence of the evil lest worse losses be sustained. So here we are facing an old set of hardened habitues of these densof'vice who threaten our property with destruction,, buj tea thousand times worse the thought, nay the withering reality that they are leading oub boys don into the depths of an evil from which they can not rise to true manhood, till freed fronthis mania. , Shall we as citizens be silent and inactive while this vice is drawing its venomous tendrils about our boys, the hope of the future, alienating them from the church and the purest t strata of society and chaining them down to the haunts of moral pollution? m We iuvake the strong arm of the law but this arm is weak if not sustained by a wholesome vigorous public sentiment. It is emphatically the duty, the privi lege, the interest of every vir tuous citizen to stay with par ental authority, with social in fluence and with vegilant detec tive serVicethisyouth Delighting evil. . Let no one accuse, a "public officer of dereliction of duty while withholding needed infor mation to convict. Let no one deplore the evil and lay the responsibility at the door of others while his own means for betterment is unexhausted. There is too much at siake. to let tnis matter rest. Reader will you not give it serious, prayer- fu.l thought and personal exer tion for the rscue? Bernard Weithias, of Spring field, Mass., murdered his wife aj few days ago and to avoid arrest when escape was impossible he swam into the river and let him self down. The officers, how-, ever, went down after him, grap pled him out, drained the water! out of him and got breath into him all for the satisfaction, it seejis, of taking him off from the gallows. Funny way we have of doing thing in this world. It does seem that when a man kills his wife he ought to be humored enough to be allowed to take himself off. Peace Conferences are being held between the British and the Boers but little seems effected yet. If terms are reached it will probably be on a basis of Boer representation in a government whose head will be British, some thing like he government of Canada. Its early consumacion will save a brave and heroic peo ple from annihilation and a great proud nation from the handicap of an immense burden in prose cuting a war too costly to main tain till the sturdy natives can resist no more. Reason for not Taking a Newspaper. The editor of an exchange claims that his town has three of the stingiest men on record. The first will not drink as much water as he wants,uriless it coms from a neighbor's well. The second forbids any of his family writing any but a small hand, as it is a waste of ink to make large letters. The third stops the clock atnight to save wear and tear of machinery. All of them refuse to ake a newspaper on the giound that it is such a strin on the spectacles to read. . Annual Meeting the 17th. The Annual Meeting of Cabar rus County B. L. & Savings As sociation will be held in the court house Thursday, April 17, at 8 olockp. m. The books are now open for subscription in 9th series. . W R Odell, Eres. J M UENDitix, Sfc. Tres. Hill Iiro's Brand Call at Cannon & Fetzer's for Hill Bro's. Brands of Roast ed Cotfees. For quality, strength and satisfaction they are guaran teed. Ask for these goods and take no other. a-20. TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY- Concord Presbytery Elects Iter. Messrs. Tidballmnd Monroe aud Elder Morau and Hamilton Commissioner. Mooresville, April 16. Con cord Presbytery convened here at the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening at 7:30. The opening sermon was preached by Jlev. Mr. Wakefield, of Spencer. Rev. C M Richards was elected moderator; Rer Geo. R Confefson, of Concord, was electeu engrossing clerk; Rev. L, B Bailey, of Mocksville. vfas elected rending clerk. The ministers were nearly all present at the opening session, but there are many , churches not re presented by elders!. The prin cipal work of today was the election of commissioners to the General Assembly, which meets in Jackson, Miss. The minis terial are Rev. Messrs. J W Tidball and -C A Monroe; lay, Dr. Monroe, of Morganton, and Mr.'Chas. Hamilton, otGilwood, There will be a missionary ad dress tonight by Dr. Davis, who has had much -and beneficial experience in mission' work in China. The attendance upon Presbytery is large. e?lect Means Danger. Don't neglect biliousnes and constipation. Your health will suffer permanently if you do. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cure such cases, MV B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., say "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the most satisfactory pills I ever took. Never gripe or cause nausea." Gibson Drug Store. Ihe Southern SeHnifTickas to Charles ton at Special Rates. The Southern Railway has put tickets on sale for tlfj Char leston Exposition. The round trip rate from Concord for sea son tickets is $11.05. ThalOday tickets on sale daily are $8.10. Tickets on sale on Tuesdays and Thursday, 7 day return limit are $5.30 At Fetzer's Drug Store. The Newest Perfumes in popular favor now are floro- DOIIA, PALESTINE CLOVER and la fkance rose. These odors are unique and exquisite. "Don't fail to try them, queen of violets is still without a peer, it is in fact the only violet. To Bo THere and etay there to maintain our posi tiJn at the head; we'ootinte to sell the different 6tjles of vehicles of Tyson Jones, Hackney, arbour, Emerson & Fisher, etc., of the same quality that has rgiven satisfaction for years. Our effoita are dirtied towards pleasing' our ever Increasing: number of customers rather than add to our.profits. Any of these vehicles will make phas ing Christmas Gifts buggiee, turrey and traps of any finish all are excellent value at the price. Men Silk . . . Respectfully, 'mm i 1 - fcminif f'li iiAJfcifcJui. Says Ie Was Tortured. "I suffered such pain from corns I could hardly walk," writes H Robinson, Hills borough, Ills., but Bucklen's Arnica Salvo completely cured them." Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Per fecl healer of skin diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by Fetzer's Drug Store. Twenty-Five Pieces For 25c. We will, until further notice, Laundry 25 pieces, such as Pil low Cases, Sheets, Towels, Nap kins and Handerchiefs, for 26c. Not more than 8 sheets to be in each lot. Table loths and Spreads in with the above will be 5 "and 10c each. No starch will be put in any of the above mentioned. Wo are vourf to t-v vso i, UND.tv a M, L. Brown & Bro LIVERY. FEED AND S ALE f STABLES. Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Omnibuses meet all passengei trains. Outfits of all kinds fur nished promptly and at reason able prices. Horses and mules always on hand for sale. Breed ers of thorough red Roland China Hop. Dr. 'W. .H.Wakefield, CHARLOTTE, N. C, limits Lis practice to disease's of - Eye, Ear Nos and Throat. The Doctor will be in Concord atl the St. Cloud on Thursdi?y May 1st. D R. M O FFETT'S JrTH ii.jLjL-iJjJIL JJJ! A V fv I ml ft, el iy-J tt -o. I - 'i (TEETHING Cures Cholera-lnfantum, Diarrhoea, Dysentery and the Bowel Troubles of Children of TtiViVV. Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels. Strengthens the Child and MAKES TEETHING EASY. Cures Eruptions and Sores. Colic. Hives and Thrush. Removes and prevents Worms. TEETHINA Counteracts and Overcomes the Effects of the Summer's heat upon Teething Children, and costs only 25 cents at Druggists, or mail 25 cents to C. J. MOFFETT. M. D., St.. Louis. Mo. wrugg.sis, or; ' Embroidered Socks, T) I I I) D. J. B0STIAN.1 r.n n Sight Was Her'Terror. would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alexandria. Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but, when other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed .to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bron chitis and all Throng nnd Lung, Troubles. Price Sue and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's Drug Store. Sale of Land Fop Taxas. . As Tax Collector for Cabarrus County and by order of Board cf Commissioners of said county f delivered to nie on the first Mon- I day in September, 1901 and'by .authority of Chap iter 538 Public Lawe 19ul, I will sell 'at the court house door in Con-, cord, N C, oil Monday, the 5th, day of May, 1H02, tile following "tracts or parcels of lund in said county for taxes due thereon, vij.. wabd no 1. J M Coley, Pine st 1 lot val fG40 13 8G WARD N0. 2. Jacob Blackwelder, near ball ground 1 lot val, $200 3 50 Thos C Cook, residence, St. George st 1 lot val. $100 6 51 VAED NO. 4. Geo Tucker, 1 lot val. $100 ($ 6f Sm Black, Broad st 1 lot val. $80 1 83 John Black, Broad st Hot val. $100 3 80 Wait Hatry, W Dopot st Hot val. 100 2 10 A J McCatter, Broad st 1 lot val. $75 l 75 Oils Miller Cvleburg, 1 lot val. $80 1 83 Auruer iuorrison, apny 11 1 lot va'. $50 Zim Crump, 1 lot yal. 125 ,T0 G5 J L TECK, Sheriff. THOB. W HMITII, Tax Co POWDERS) . S 1

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