0 o 0 i :0 I i t. 0 v 0 . 5 A to f. i 4 O ' i J I Price ?$4.00 per year. . CUE "CITY OF riTlbuLlKu ' ma ASTER. I. , roic Deeds save Jranj. 'The latest Reports from the great river steamer disaster, the (burning of Vhe "City o! Pitts burg" bring no comfort in tihe V Ifope that the number of casual ties would be reduced. The number of lives lost still stanfls at5Q to 60. It was indeed a I most terrible disaster. There are many stories of her pism to be related and many se .quels that are painful- to relate. Mauy chose drowning to burn- . ing. Ope tld gentleman swam opt but died on the 'shore from exhaustion. One man put a life preserver on himself and one on his wife and taking his littio girl in his arms let himself down into the water by a rope and held it till his wife did likewise and they b'atUed with the current for. two miles down the river and were . rescued. The littfe child was limp and. unconscious, but the iather held lier clothes in his teeth arid assisted dio wife. All were saved. One oqat was manned and took out 14 at a time till the 'flames prevented further approach. Then many floaters were gath ered up and saved. MEETING OF TJ1E FARMERS. Cabarrus Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany m Session 0I1 Officers Re-Elected Two -Assessments Ordered Af airs' in Good Condition. . Th Cabarrus Mutnal Fire In surance' Company met in annual session Monday, the 21st. The secretary and treasurer's report was read., and app'roved. The business of the Company was pronounced in goo'd shape. An assessment of one-tenth of one per.cent or tci cents on the $100 was laid for May first aud the same for six months later, November 1st. . , . The.old'ofncers were re elected and are as foKows. ' President, Z A Morris; Sec retary and Treasurer, po.f K Patterson; Agent, C A Isenhour. IWnship supervisors. Nn's 1 JT, RbvfTnrd. 2. J .T . Cox,3. R M Kimmons, 4. CJ Goojlmar 5. Wm. Propst, 6. G E Ritchie, 7.G W Dry, 8. W 27 1 Misenheimer, 9. R C Blackwel. der, 10. Sam Black 11? S W Whita, 12. Z A Morris. The time for the annual meet ing was changed to the firyfr Saturday in March. Card of Thanks. We desire, in feeble words, to convey to the many friends our sincere thanks for their loving interest in our dear little Cath leen and their great kindness to us in our period of anxiet' and sojQmw O Mn. and Mrs. Roland Harris, I A Y0CSG WIFE MURDERED. The Horrjble Discoyerj of a Plant System Section Master on Returning to His Home. . Charleston, S. C, April 21 A murder of extraordinary bru tality was committer ijear Ravenel'sstation, this morning; W V Jones, a section master on" the Plant System, on returning to his home in the. forenoon, found the body of his wife jn & dog house nar his home. .The throat of the young wife was cut from ear to ear, and the head was, almost severed from the body. A blood-stained sickle which lay near the corpse, showed how the crime had been committed, Several "articles are missing from the house. Robbery is supposed to have been the main object. Whether,, as has been reported, there has.been.a more fiendish crimp will depend on thoTeports of physicians, A band of armed citizens was immediately organized au.d the sheriff and chief of police of Charleston were promptly in formed, but as yet no clue to the if murderer has been discovered. SHOE BUTTON IN lilUL'S IUNG. X-Ray Apparatus Locates It and Doctors Take it Out. Louise Deshener, aged 7 swallowed a shoe button three ago, and it lodged in her left lung. Ulceration in time, closed the entire lung and forced the button further dewn into the tender lung tissues. When Louise was taken to the hospitnl Dr. Burdick with his X-ray apparatus, made two skiagraphs, one from behind tiro patient and one from the side. The result ing pictures show thetbuttpn. An incision was made directly into'tho effected lAng, -and., the but6rf was removed with a pair of 'forceps. Tlie operation lasted 30 minutes, and is said to be the first of i'ts kintl. , Compressed air containing nebulized oil will.bo us'cd to inflate the Left lung a,s soon as the wound is healed. The The doctors say that the treat inent should effect a complete cure. Chicago Dispatch,, lGth. Mrs. William Junker Dead. Ivlrs. William Junker died Momkiy about 12 o'clock at thair home at Catjnoflville. The funeral services were conducted at the home today (Tuesday) at 9 o'clock and the remains were taken to St. Martins church for burial. Mrs. Junker leaves a sorrow ing husband and five children to mourn the loss of home's chief feature, a wife and mother. "The man who doesn't owe some of his success to some womunhasn't had any." CONCORD, N. 0. TUESDAY, PRIL VETERANS, HIVE DALLAS. Came IuAhead of Time Reunion well 'On'joday. . The Veterans have stormed Dallas and were just one day ahead, of time and therefore ahead of accommodations. The fair grounds which were intended to be opened only today (Tues day) had to be opened Monday and many of the men had to pur chase their own meals at restau rants. ' . The reunion proper opened to day and preparations were com pleted for entertaining any num ber that will apply.. The ' exercises today were chiefly in the nature of greetings or welcome addresses. .The old scars are having a good time of it. Mies Annie White Dead. Miss Annie White died at their, home on Bell Avenue Monday evening about 0 o'clock of consumption with compli cations. Ller health was declin ing but the end was not looked for so soon and her brothers were not at home when the summons come. She was 31 years old and had lived a noble t christian life, devoted to her 'church and all that pertains to a christian char a2ter. She was .the only daughter of tho late Nathaniel. White and leaves an aged mother and six bVothers, three of whom, Messrs Tom, Chal, and Tin White are citizens of Concord.. Tho funerrl services will be conducted Wednesday morning at 8:30 af tho home by Rev. G II Cornelson when tho burial 'pro cession will .repair to Rocky River church where the body will bo laid amid those 'of rel atives and friends whpse li'ves sheidoubtless-emillaed. Our sympathies are tendered to those whose loss is her gain Good Roads Convention. Thure willt a Meeting of tho citizens of Cabarrus 'County, during tho rress of court io the court hou-,0 at non in Concord on Monday, May the 5th, toor ganize a Gotfl Roads Convention for Cabarrus County. . There never has been a more important meeting billed tor the! w . . . . ..iii benefit of the citizens of this county than, this one for good roads. Its results will reach and bless every homo jn th'e couirty and it is sarno.stly dofiired that every township wilf seint its best representative men. here at this meeting. M. B. Stickle y, Vice PresiJent of Ste Associa tion for Cabarrus County. '"It is far easier to keep the ordinary wolf from the door than it is to keep the gray wolf out of office'-". 22 1902., I) f -TV- ... iro j!. dovs worn n pants come and look without the least obligation to buy .Boys' Suits, double Knee value z.5U in size b Better Suits at 2.50, 3.50 joy;. uuu ivne.e i ants, ,au Tl . X 1 1 1 'Tk i ,34G the best 50c pitnt Bitter Knee Pants 75c and Job lot of Boys' Knee Pants, ajre ( to . value 35c and 40c, our special price Teu doz. 25c Mole Skin Knee Pants, price ; .TTTTTTTTTTnYTi7TT17WTTTT7TyTTTTTTTTnT7TTTfn77TTT7n77fITfTTiTTTnTfTfTT77nVTnV P 3 I STARTLING One-third of your life is spo; t hi bed Why rur h com p . fortable. We have in stock tho fivmous SILVER 'KiE, SOLID COM, : M TO, IBS tMM and last but not least the . Butler Portable Bed Sprirg. t Rnrinorc fnr tho Olrl Mulilln A en nml Mnmr V:,.. ) 1 TrP E TjKIi is sfimothinf? now nndor t3Tour house and explain. Mat.rcssestp match , a rul 1 E ' Prices from a . g " .Common Straw t . " Tako Life easy Equip your re.s t Bell & Harris Furniture .Co'S:Store. ! and Dream "Boll c3 3EIiiX-ns Good Job Workl. ft ft 7I 5ei iULl' -substantiate. this statements n 1 1 il i i-..rr jjj to say Whether our work isall right or not ; and if it is no), we guarantee to H k rrlake it sq. We arehere fo ma e aft profita livingalso to do justice to H our. cubiunirb. ,w The Standard Job Office. -Singlh ropy 5 cents I Parents have you.got t6 buy any clothing for your boys in the near future? Then it Tould be econemy to look over our large stock. We hare just the. kind that is well made and will stand the Jiard knocks of a realboy. The Mrs. Jane Hopkins Star Make is the best, every stitch taken just right double Knees and double Seats to the knee i and Seats to prints, real to 1(5 years, our price ' 2.00 up to 5.00 11 1 1 wool, goou -wear, sizes on the market - V.' i j yc-itrs, 25c extra IOC REVELATION I "4 4 41 3 4 4 4 4 tho sum. Tho ;i"vft wilMm n.t. 4 4 to tliQ Royal hclt. beds with a Spring and m!it- -3 lrom tlie 4 Sweet Dreams. ' JJlSl2?m OO. ... . i MJ lnmr wai i lj o x 0 :.i 1 o