"0 12 If ) v r U3 r & t 1 1 I Prioe: fj.00 per year QNCQRD, N. CJ. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2 1902. Single, copy 5 dtiNT. t ' : i j 4 o 4 VI GRAmsOCliVFlMttTIOS. The S. W.' G. 0. Entertain at Mrf Laura Allen's-A Brilliant Affiiif With Kojal Feast. . The reception given to about twenty. young nen by fbe S. W. G. C's. Tuesday night was one of the most enjoyable social events of the season. To say, tiiat this charming . function was held at the hom of the Misses Allen would be suf ficient guarantee of unalloyed pleasure but when you include seven or eight such charming girls as the members of the S. W. G. C's. (what'the lett-rs stand "for we know net) one could not fail to spend the evening pleas antly. ' . . ' ' The young men out numbered the young ladies in the ratio of about two to one but then the S. W.. G. C's. capacity for entor- taining is great and there was not a man too many. Those present were Misses Grace Brown, Wilma Correll, Lizzie Montgomery, Eula. Parks, Minnie and Ada Allen, Louise Means. Messrs. H L Parks, Jo9 Hill, Olin Hoover, Geo. Mont gomery, Leonard Brown, Ernest Correll, Will Archibald, Leonard Boyd, Joe Goodman, Fred Wil liams, Frank Brown, Ed Moss, John Foil, Rutledge, Char lotte; Brock, Winston; Griffith, Winston. Several novel games were in dulged in. Mr. Williams drew first prize while the booby fell to the lot of Mr. Rutledge. The dining room was a mass of dogwood and daisies while the other rooms were tastefully dec orated with the club's colors. De licious refreshments were served and a thoroughly enjoyable time was the fate of all present. . We have heard it said that the ladies' clubs of Concord were in creasing faster than trusts. We have tnot been privileged to at tend any of the others but if they all entertain in such a love,- ly manner- as the S..W. G. C's. 0 we say, long life to them all, and may they include us in their next. Alphonso. A Difficult j at Cannon Mills. Dan Xowder, Jr., knocked Si mon Peter Fink in the head with a cart wheel at the Cannon mill Tuesday . nighU The trouble arose dVer Fihk'6 correcting some worlj Lowder was doing..: Fink is notkthOughH to boseri ously hurt. Tobbaccoa Great EtIL Mrrf Herbeci Fiske, ofnhe Northwestm 9 University at. CJicago, says in speakinof the evil jymcn cigareties worir 8 among boys: ot a single student using tobacco haj - w , w i son tickets is $u.uo. rneiuaay stood in the.first rank, ttffi. year4ckets onsale daily, are . $8L. the past nine years, with one excep tion." Raleigh Times. MRS. D1UBARMI1RDT 1MUD. Attacked, Monday With Appeiivt.ilIs auduralgia fth( Heart Later, 119 Yielded LifJToday at 10 a. ra. The'shocking tidings came this (Wednesday) morning of unex pected deaJif Mrs. Df. Charles II Earnhardt of Mt? Pleasant. She was attacke4 with appen- fdicitis on Monday and it was contemplated to have an opera tion this morning ,nd Dr. Lilly and. Young, were called. New ralgia of the Jieart set in, .how ever, and did its fatal work today at 10 o'clock before lhe operation began. Mrs. Earnhardt's maiden name was Miss Ella Ridenhour. . She was a daughter of Esq. 1) XL Ridenhour and sister to our townsmau, Mr. R E Ridenhour. She was about 28 years old. She leaves a devoted husband and three children beside a fath er and mother, a sister and three brothers. Mrs. Earnhardt connected her self with the Lutheran church in early girlhood. After marriage she united herself with the Meth- odist church with her husband, . , one was conspicuously useiui and devoted to the church and its interests. I The funeral1 services will be conducted .by her pastor, Rev. Mr...Pickens, on Thursday,; , , '.Our sympathies: are extended to the . stricken husband:? and motherless children and others who bear heavily the terrible shock. ' . Homes for Synod. Tha following homea have beerii tendered and 'assigned to the members of the N. .C.'E. II Synod,1 which 'will convene at St. James church on next Wednes day : RSL Brown and delegate, A M Brown. K O Holland J P Oook.o EP Parker. Geo. H Cox II M Brown J A Linn L E Bnsby T H Strohecker J Q Wertr A G Vo?gbt . CLTFisher IlA.Trexler . 0 B King . O A Brown P J Wade ... VyBjozer R A Helms . EW Leslie ' W W J Ritchie J P Miller, K PDeal.., Juo. A Ritohie. D BJCtistor. J D Barrier. D R Hoover. . W O Correll. G 1 Crowell. I) li Coltrane. " Pink Misenheim'r. J L Miller. , . 41 I. I It II Martin Boger. W II Blume. D F Barrier, R E Ridenhonr. J W Propst. J A"Kennette. A S Day vault. J A Cline. W A Dutton O A.Dry. 0 B Miller, D L Boat; delegate A J Black welder. LVK Propst and B 8 Brown. J M Hn(irix.x O Brown Cox, W R Cox. V RStickley, M B Stickler; delegate A p Sappenfleld. Fro Hot to Colf.v ; ': Dysentery is prevalent every where in feunjmerandif due : to miasmatic pbisbus, and, jbegins abruptly' witb: inflammation of the large bovteli In America the ; disease'1, i&obmmon, but 4 bronerlv treated 'does not . result as seriously as ;in ine ? iropics.r Perry Davis Painkiller is the best knowfi remedy and the most effit cacious in the" ' treatment rof dysentery. A lie Southern Selling Tickets to CharJeV ton al. Special Rates. The'" Southeft: Bilway3 ;TTi jfut tickets onale'fOT. the.Chari lestonExposition. The round trip rate frfm Concord for sea- Thursday, 7 day "return linm are .$5.30 ItEUXlOX I FULL BUST. tie1Iundred and TTiitj-Fie Thou sand Ysito$s Cared fur Wen. Gordon Arrives Late but Make n Fin Speech Mayor CiivcsKy to "Kalipu" Who Gives it to Gen. Gordon. Dallas, Text's, is about the most packed city now to be fotind .It is" estimated .that there are 125,000 visitors present aud that there are 80,000 in the fa r grounds jn tents: Gen. Gordon was delayed twenty Lours and all hope of h?s 'arrival was abandoned when he suddenly camo in xat 1:15 p. m." Tuesday ami J deafening ap- 'plause. Ho nude one of hin characteristically beautiful and learned spi-veliva all full of 'pride in the Confederate soldier7 and ; teeming with affectionate trib utes. The Kaliph parade, which is something like the Now Orleans Mardiin as, took place .Tuesday i and the mayor of tho city in ' solemn address gave the key of the city, a great guilded key to 'IIis Unutterable Exaltedness" i the Caliph who' then, through j ' , 'to Gen. Gordon. Mr. Abernathy, the Observer's reporter says, the Tar Heels are in: evidence every where. A' right royal time the Old I Veterans aie having though they 'are too packed for comfort. MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES. Meeting at Caurt Houio Procession bj ; Children to be Jtined by Veteransand Band Crosses of Honor to bo GIren. At a recent meeting of ths Dodson Ramseur Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy arrangements were made for.the obstrvance of Memorial day. As is our custom this will take place at the court house on the 10th of May at '6 o'clock. All children, who will take part in the cele bration, i will please meot with the Daughters at Mrs. J C Wads worth's at 2 o'clock to form the line of march to the court housi. The veterans, sons of Veterans and.bandare requested to join them at Fetzer's Drug store. jfter the exercises the monu ment will be decorated as usual. The following program has been arranged for the occasion: Music by the band. Opening prayer Rev. W H Hiller. Roll call-Wr .' M II Caldwell. Musio.v 1 Addriea Rev. O H Cornelafln,' Jr ' Presentation of Crosses Child! en of .bo'nfedeifacy7 . .... , Benediction Rev. W H MeNairy. Self Protection i demands that you be .on the alert to see that you get Pair kilhr (Pdlrry Davis'), whef! joix asx' ior' h; suoie ueaier.'s wui'iry and- persuade you - to, take something ehe, claicnjed to be just as good; insitt upon getting Painkiller; tH.e remedy, which has'; beeq, tHe world's ',' familyi doctor.' for C0yearsj jt never falls to stop 1 diarrhea,- griping pains inhe. stomach or, bowpls, dysentery, etc. Large bottits rf-"V an oO cents. ' mmmm & "Meditation alter marriaere is wisdom gone to seed.,, 1 ro u nanus--' eonio and iooi to buy j 1 K nants-' eonio and look Boys' Suits, double Knee and Seats to -'anKreal valut' 2.50 in siz; 8 to 1(5 years, our price . 2.00 Better Suits at 2.50, 3.50 up to Boys Odd Knee Pants, all wool, 34() the best 50c pant on the market Better Knee Pants 75c and Job lot of Boys' Knee Pants, age G to value 35c and 40c, our special price .Ten doz, 25c Mole Skin : price- nTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTnTTnWTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTWnnTTTTTTTTTTTTTTnnTTn TARTL1N0 One-third of your life is spe' t in bed Why not, We com fortable." We have in stock the famous MlilM, SOLID COM,.' THE VICTOR, IES S and last but not least the Butler Portable Bed Spring. Springs for the Old, Middle Age and YouDg. The BUT- F LEK is something new under your house and explain. M.atresses to match ab My!.- and Prices from a Common, Straw to the Royal f elt. Take Life easy Equip your beds with a Spring and mat- ress from the . Bell & Harris Furniture Co's Store. and Dream Sweet Dreams. BU cfc Harris Fur. Co. t t c. c c c s e aiiiiiliilillUllillllttllillUllUnnUUUjiUUUiilliiiliiilAiUiliUiUiiliiiiiUiillliUillilt. FOR -eVEK SIXTY. EARS Mfs; WiMlow's Boothieg Syrup has' Leen 'used for over ejity years by mil lions of mothers for their children whi.e teething, with perfect BucoeBS. It soothea thef ' child,' 'eoftena the gams, ftllaVaftU pain,'onre8 wind eolic, and ie th'rpest fcewedy for Diarrhoea. , 1 will relierelne poor nine Buntrer lmmeai' B own'SoothuiK' byrnp aud tkts eo tnW HWakefield, w charlotte; n. a, limits his practice, to diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. The Doctor "will be in Concord at ijp St.' Cloud on Thursday J May 1st. ot'tht V3rld.!- Twenty -ty cents a bot tip - anfl k for ''Mr. Win- 9 I m Parents have yeni got to buy any elotliirig for your boys in the noas future? ."Then it would bo econemy to look over out large stoek. We a have just the kind that k 11 ,i . i :n M ib vtjii Jiiaoe aim win stand the hard knocks of a real boy. The Mrs. Jane Hopkins Htar Make "is the best, every stitch taken just" right double Knees and double Seats to tho knee without the least obligation r. rvi trooa wear, sizes 50c 98c 10 yenrs, 25c Knee Pants, extra 15c OlilJ fit.. JMMJUMMWWaB 3 3 REVELATION the sun. The ngeut will be at Nsw ' York Lifs Insurance Company ! OLDEST AND LARGEST COnFAIf Y in THE WOKLTj." Assets 200(p00.000 Oyer $1,000, 'OOfliOf "of tarams t in force. CASH SURRENDER AND PAID-UP VALUES AFTER TWO YEAI&. All Policies absolutely incottst . able from date of issue. I also handle Old Line Fire, Oc cident, Health and Sick Benefit Insurance. Call on or address TiloS. J. Wujti. Room 415 WtBt Depot Stitet.