' 4J ' ''''' X' . 0 i r " ' :4k r mr 4 I i Price: $4.0&per year. 4 JL, L- . 'JOtfCORP, N, 0. TrfUESDA,iPKiL 2 1902. "mm A .V' Single .cipy 5 cents. TT 1 - ' 1 i 1 O 'S sp -! i X Tf At famous jayal battle. 9 ' DM the Merrlmac IUiuAway From.tue Monitor ! Storf of the Unique En- garment? v We can duaw our own conclus- ion? after a statement of a few facts as they have come down to us. On the 8th of March, 1862, the Merrimac (originally thfe Vir ginia, according to the Account given by an officer on the Fed eral ship "Congress," unk the Cumberk nd, helplessly beached the "Minnesota" arid drove the "Congress" to surrender all in Hampton Roads. In ramming the "Cumberland" to the sinking point, the Merri mac seriously injured her ram. Night now approaching, the ' Merrimac, together with her ac companying ships, '.'Beaufort," "Yorktown." "J.amestown" and "Teaser,!' withdrew from -the scene of the tmg6dy and pro ceded jp the channel to Norfolk to repair damages to ram and the old rickety em ine.s. The next day, Ssunda, (Jlh of March, as the sim was rising, in going down the channel to en gage the Federal ships airain, the "Merrimac" encountered the "Monitor," and after sparring for advantages, the "Merrimac" aimed to sink -the Monitor by ra aiming. "With full steam on she struck her with tremendous force, so terrible, indeed, that it was feared the Monitor would sink. The Merrimac drew away.' Then came the rattle of shot . and shell! The Merrimac ran aground. Things looked serious but after lighting until after, noon, a shot from one of the in jured guns of the Merrimac, which did much' damage to 'the . Monitor, the contest for the day ended, "sending each contestant to her moorings without actual victory for either side." The Merrimaa, putting herself in po; sition' again, waited "for the ap proach of the Monitor, but she did not return to the battle- and the Merrimac withdrew to Nor . folk. . . .On April 11th, having-repaired damfages, the Merrimac steamed down inta Hampton Roads to ' find the Monitor, but she was 1 not there she had gone to Gortress Monrde. A day or two after the Merrimac went out again and challenged the Moni tor to battle. It was not ac- cepted. Day after day the chal- lenge was given ut the Federal Monitor refused. And so thkgs went on until the 3th of May, wlfen the Merrimac game down the bay and "fotrad the Union $eet, together with heMohitor, shelling the Confederate Matter- ies at Sewall's Point. As the unky MSrrimac' caine towardaJ em the uaiorTnet ceased bom - bardinand left .the scene 5r0f St. AncfreVs church and -was Fqptrpss Monroe. -After steam- Lvflvpf f uat rhurrh nA f.,miv ing no Wniown tfce bav, Ropmg to encage theta, but Mliug irf ut ,,J!'n ,M WdUst. left thflv an,! At steamed back to Norfolk, aiyq -o 1 wj ,100r ftff hov Vihnr for nnnn battle. ' ' Frntn Vioco fantc a a T co iA T ' fore, the reader can drawi! own conclusions. Contributed. THE DALLAS REGKHfr. - . a Wednesday a Great Business Session Old Officers Re-Elected-Gen. J. C.JProP9t and Miss .Hattie. Coch . ... , . Walker Succeeds dev. Hampton Sew Orleans Chosen for Next Reunion. The- Confederate Veterans wont into business session in earnest Wednesday. Gen. Gor don as Commander-in-Chief, Geh. Stephen. D Lee as Com mander of the Army 6f Tennes see and Gen. W L ("Old Tige:,)t Campbell as Commander 6f the Army of the Trans-Mississippi were "re-elected acd Gen. C J Walker was elected Commander of the Army of Northern Virgin ia to succeed the late Gferi. Wade Hampton. ' New Orleans was selected as the place for fehe next reunion. Gen. Cordon announced the death of Gen. Hampton and speeches of. eulogy were made followed by singing "Nearer My f God to Theo." j to dw light the epicure. His "Private" John Alien, of Mis- weight is about 50 pounds, judg- sissippi, tho orator of the day, j ing from feeling him and guess made a speech of less than an jing.at the weight .by guessirg at hour that-bristled with wit. He lhe weiht tho cral and sub" V'as called back for more of the kind that held the old fellows in glowing merriment. Chaplain Gen. J W Jones made the chief memorial address, be ginning with "Winnie" Daves' and touching the chief figures in the ranks of theConfederato dead.', A resolution was adopted to withdraw all support. of Grant , University of Tonnessee'on ac count of an article by one of its professors disparaging to South ern 'wornem The recommendations of the historic committee were adopted without completing the reading. The Jefferson Davis monument fund was found to bo needine"! - -w I- co-operation arid vigorous aid as 1 chief difference between the only about $35,000 is'on hand and ' system perfectedby the Weather $40,000 more is needed. I Bureau and other systems is It wa shown'that of the $200,. ' that in th form-er a'teleP is Art j w uAkml .used for the reception of me 000 needed for the Battle Abbey, I- :.nstead of telegraph or Confederate Museum, $176,053 I ..I ' . i a i j j r 'il. is cue amuunb iu luo nciuus oi iiiu committee. There Vas no business meot-l ing to4ay as the grand., parad was the featu jo of the day. ThevmelTngTrWay:wiIt-clobO the business part ofhejreunfori;1 It i hot and qrowd Mrs. Isaac freeze Dea(l. Mrs. Isaac Freeze flied at her home at Cannonvillelhis Thurs day) morning Ueath cameWith l'ttle. warning, frbm heart dis ease.. .Mrs. Freeze wasa'verr. excel- Men tf woman. She, was a member The sorrowing hysband and , , . , five daughters and three sons, so SUQQ asoreiy oereavecr? Jiave bu sympathy and tfie prayer Itbat graSe to bear their sorrow may be abundantly be StOWftd. L ifrganeral services wj Proust-Cocn rune. Our townsman, m Capt. A H rane were marrfed at the hdme of the bride, "near Hawisburg, on Wednesday at 4 o'clock p. ' m, Rev. I G Mclaughlin, the pas tor of the bride, ofjficiating. The bride is. the estimable daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Jesse Cochrane and sister of Mrs. Ed FCorrell, of our city The groom returned Wednesday evening with his bride, 'who now pre sides in the beautiful home ojn North Union street. We offer congratulations with wishes for full and exhaustless cups of marital bliss. He's ft (Jallant Turk. The Express Company brought in a'bronze turkey 'gobbler today from Mr. P W Brown., of Salis- jbury, to Mr. II II Blackwelder, ,u0- 5 That is.a specimen of bkd , tracting it from 05 the aggregato for express charge. - Airy how lit is more turk hau an ordinary 'feasting sultan could dominate t Wireless Telegraphy. Vashington; April 22. Score- ,tary Wilson has Sven instruct- ions to Prof- Moore cliief of the Weather Bureau, to make an exhibition of the system of wire less telegrahy devised by the Weather Bureau, to other branches of the' government service and tomorrow a test will be witnessed by General Greeley, chief signal officer of the army, to be followed later by a test for the naval trial board. j The exhibitions will take place . near Roanoke Inland, NC. The 'mechanical devices. . The. May .number of Every body's Magazine open with a most interesting article by Dr. Henry Gannett on "Famous-1 . American Mountains.'" superbly ulsf&te with'photographs of thenotSble of the Rockies, the Sierras and Alaskan Range. Especially timely is T. P. O.'Con hor's estate of Cevil Rhodes the' ''Napoleon of South Africa." lt3 a('skiltkul character stidy, representing the curious admix ture of traits which irfAke Mr. r - I -n4 . w. . 1! iJi Ivnoues tne preaipersuiiaiHy ui renevotne poor nine euutrer lmineai umx AnntU, oia K1Q 1 Sold by druiaU in every part 14. ""'"""'oftlie world. Twenty-n eenny not- contribution is Di? H W Wiley's ;.Man af a Machine," which the functions of J.fte hmnanbcnly are comfllired with mechanical processes. & A !T Reconsiflm his Resijruation. Ilgent Proctor $&s withdrawn his resignation as agent at Salis bvuy, so that his stay will pro bably be longer than May 1st. j I 1! ft n Back of these wordsare facts. Coulda' afford to mi3-' represent you wquld find us out. Wj are buUdin'g.for Uie future. ' Thte is, Concord's fast growing stpre. Tomorro4w will be larger thftn today, because good tidings travel fa5t. This large store can accommodate a great mauy popple. Neighb9r tells neighbor and the news .of superior values travel; Makes no difference what you' want go to Parks , and save both time and money, This special sale will allow you to test the strength of this store. Below we give you a short list of a few specialties "added for tomorrow. ''MilliDHT. Tlio popular d 'tuad now is for r;b1u for every pn-pone. The s.t.e bdyer acta quickly. No. 40 Sat'n Liberty, real value 35o yd, special 15o No. 40 Wash Silk Ribbons. 10c Bpool Ribbons, all oojorp, per yard lo AH eolorjs iu No. 5 Teffetas 5o AlT colors iu h'atin back Velvet ltibbons moderately priced. Kcal barsrams Si law Suiluia. ip children's 2,000 yards of plaiti Whit L'iwii, Kpt'oiiil ealeirice 2o Colored Lawns, Dimities and Batint, xtr iuo v iIueK, 5o, Tio, l()c, Uc up to 2rn Heady to wear SVrappern, w made, porfoct fit'uiir, light ami dnrk colore, size 32 to '12, at Niec ial prices-ol)o, 7.'5ct.-j, 88ctH. DSets aud 1 2r. It will pay you o euvtijjato onr ofTorintrs in black Silk and black Wool Skiitlugs. TTTTTTTTTTnTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TARTLING One-third of your life is spert in bed Why, not be CQm fortable. We have in, stock the famous SILVER EiNG, SOLID MMl and last but not" least the ... . . Ei Butler Portable Bed Spring. fc Springs for the Old, Middle fe T.F.R. Ls somethinc now under E your house and explain. Matresses to march all hiy. and P Take Life easy Equip.your beds with a Spring and mat- 3 . " ; ress from the ' 3 Hi LJBell &. Harris Furniture Co's Store. 1 and Pream ran hum1111 iiinniiiiiiiuuiiuiIiimmuuAamuiiiiuuiiUiiuiiUiaiiiiiiiiiUiiiiiiii FOR OVER SIXTY EARS m i m Mrs. Winslow'a Soothif Byrnp has been used for over sixty years by mil lidr.s of mothers for their children whi.e teething, with perfect euooesa. It soothes the fihjJA, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures ind oolie, and is LUt? UCOI ICUiCUJ V1 J.u,. .w ..... .. .. ".. i:in. . iat. j: tie. lie enreand aak for VViu s'wg SoAine Syrup." ai"4k ro othftrkinrt Boratftd Talcum Powder. The popultrfavorites are sale at Fetzer's Drug Storft L tor. Colgate's ""olet Talcum, jpih ler's Violet Talcum, Fetzer's Borated Talcum, R &G Poudre deRiz. all absolutely pure and h'armles. harmles.' "ltf to 25 cents. lift. TZt'JtXS'J MatcUess Values in EmMJerles aiif Laces. Choice Embroidery up to inches, special price 3 Hambnrjrs and I ni'ftiriru al .price 7 and 8 i-;Mi-, .-,.t il price ui'.i Swiss aud Caoinno Ed ns real value 15c, new pntff h out price lOJo The 3."5 and 40,; T rednced to, per yat are Woodbury's i ; CVCT3 wllCiC, uc.v 1 'Uttf rilUlk '!' s Olyceniic, tlio K i t li Toilet Sri.p, per box ' : k ,,'llte-d iio.en U: 10 1 liloerli Vests, tnn neck, o1 v Lnbii t'l'.lof!) Vtts, Si", bi.4 values af SHe, l.ro mi. I Tiibend show in f AT n Cii- dernear, well inado, ut moderate prices. t St. 00 Kil Glov ' . i.i-et in lingers, all colors uml sizos C'c SEVELATION 1 THE 7IC701 THE WIIM i Age and Young The BUT- 3 the sun. The arrent will bo at ... . S.wcet Dnxims. New -York . Life ' InsurwcQ '.Company! OLDEST AND LARGEST COMfANY IN THW0Ry. Assets - . $290,000,000 (to $1,000, OOOfOOO of iDSQfaiiCB CA.IIUKHElS!DErt AJB PA-UP VAlUES APtliTi TV( YE.UiS. "-7-;- m . . . . . . m 1 alio handle uid Jaine Kirelc- cidet, Heiffth and Sick Benefit Insurance. Call on or address Thos J. White. Boooi 415 West Depot Street.

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