(J 0 -3 : - ; ' - . ' m ... if f . i , ' 0 ; t Hutce: $4.00 per yean J .AT TMiEKMlXD HALL. Jlisses ireiTid Bradford Delightfully l!iitertaiu a,Xjimber of Guests. Two of . the teaffhers fhe Laura ' Sunderland School for Girls, near this place, rvfissss 1 Dbrothy Ifyrveyand Luna Mae Bradford; gavt; a delightful entertainment in the parlQrs and, reception rooms of the, institu tion last evening, Among those fortunate enough to'" be guests were Mr, and Mrs. ttajvin-, -Mi John Erwin, ;Mrsses Margaret and Mary . Grier, Rev. . Mr. Hunter and Mrs. Hunter and Prof. Caswell, of RookyRiveVt Misses Montgomery, Morse r and Goss: ' of the faculty ! of the school; Mr. John K Ooit, of Salisbury,' and MrV Howard A Banks, of 'Charlotte, Early in the evening 'Mr. Banks spoko to the young kidies of the ' school about the student volunteer'cdn ventionat Toronto, Canada, and Mr. Coit,' with 'hts stereoptiVon showed a : series fo ( piptures ..illustrative of the scenery and life of western North Carolina. These pictures were greatly1 enjbyed by the -girls; "especially; tby those from ths njotlntains. ' f Later the company enjoyed a variety .of- good , things ia . the shape, of progressive litorary gam es "instrumental 'music by Miss Morse,' the music- teacher, and- some ' of her pupils, songs by Miss HerVey, tho vocal teach- . er, and delightful refreshments. Prof Caswejl won the first prize, ".Reveries of a Bachelor,", and Mr. John Erwin the booby, and they 'were gracefully presented by Rev. Mr. Hunter. .. ' The ' guests departed reluc- ; tantly, deeply indebted to Mioses Hevey and Bradford for a thof . onghly enjoyable evening. Con ...coTd Cor. Charlotte Observer, 23. wutmbs ieieKpny-Meat8 the Mar- . cnl System. - Norfolk, April 25. .Gen..' A W Greeley, ehief of the United States Signal service, pjsse.i through Norfolk yesterday," on- route- to .Washington. C?en, Greeloy has hpn on the roast r . witness.Uig Uie experiments in wireless . telography being con- ducted between 'Cape Hatteras ' and Rnoke Island, 60 miles tkstant. by tle expert of teleg raphy of the UnUed States Weather Bureau. The results of these eperi- ments are saitf tohave been em- w 0 ingnilv 9 satisfactory to. Gen. ?eley, whm things that thi tv,of tuju nra rdoT p;!f Wi ii ; e in,. ' havtodevGJfeDed for -the edvern. men, hiutobtaiii the benefit! 0 or Trjir uihguvuries nee, a sys tem of transmitting messages -wifthout wires superior to the Marconi system. Gen. Greeley , is enthusiastic over the results . achieved by Profs. Fessenden and Thiessen. t Passing Away. The graded school building now has the wreckers" upon it and destruction, is round about it. The towers and the roof, the joists, ceiling "and flooring lie around in heapwith "the nails cfrawn out v and Jready for use agai ' Much, of the waUs ' .. js down and it seems to lyyfe suf fered a cyclone or' a fire.v The. walls are being picfrod to weak, ness below and jfuiled ttfVn'" bi sections wity ropes aud a niijh. . ber of stout hands..'. They fall with a thud sounding like.jfchunf- . i der. -Workmen. -say ''they '' aim , save the brick better by this . . , , fnethod. "It looks like a stuiJen dous job to clear .the groujpdsipr the new 'building; Whaf'brick and mbrtor there v is to" be r e mpvad,! yet .the motto 'of ; 'the school,;. 'Labor Omriia . Vinc,tV applies' to'tejfring down as well as'biildingllind ,iiFeloiig""."all wilt1 be 6ut of tj)Q Way And i tb e new bulldlDgj. ,the pride of the town wifloe? reared up. With n ii i 'i .r a' !'"! it i" an we pieasing anucipauons oi tho'newand.'the beautiful build- 'pendix,,. are .merely accidental ing there is &pathos about, the .consequences .of the ..inflamma memories of the old. How many tion rather, than causes of , it. To of the young men and women of j such, as never eat a grape with the town recall the . incidents of .out. a certain misgiving it may childhood there while - getting., be comforting to learn that it is their, training for life memories that will grow more dear, as the years recede and lessons that will be learned anow . and stamped more deeply as contests ' in life are met for which, these, lessons Wore intended to arm them. . The Buffs Ahead of .Tinio. At tho risk of jeopardizing the reputation Of jtfns paper for truthfulness7 the editor can. write'., and pr'mf it witlra "straight face" acid no quibbling, that he was walking in his garden a few cUiys ago to, see iiv the Irish potatoes wero'i sprouting; and he found the otato . bus stationed hore ' and j there'on.the' ground, seemjlngly waiting' for the pptatos to come up . . From the appearance of things in our garden jtvould seem thatj potato 'furmers will have a 'dbusgy time" of it this season. 1 rr, . K"n ,Tae Common v 1th The F.caetft Sncce?f. iThe Daughters of, die Confed eracy met w4th encouraging su cess Frida,vfcnight ith their ice creamfeast; It was well patro-- nizedtind, as we hearcl ono on. tleman saythe only fault to be foifnd with the service was that it was too much for . the money. rm a. a inenet urocteus were iusi twenty-one - dollars and there was fully forty dollars worth of The Con cord band came in and played several pieces of music which was enjoyed in silent rapture. It is a real pleasure to note the the splendid success of the en terprise which a liberal patron ago made possible. L'ONCORD, N. CJ. SATURDAY. APRIL 2 Appelidicitls. Judging tyoai the repelrtS so frequently made in the daily press, would appear tfiit ap peudiaitis is not. only on the in crease, bu.t'thgt it seems to have a specfal predilection for promi nen,t persons. Contrary to,-.pdpu laii belief however, it is nj mote, frequgnt nor electtve' in its oc currence than formerly, It is si m ply. a rne w.naine. , for the .very old and 'very eommonlitrobla known as peritonitis,. or intlam illation , g-f thp ;b6wqls.':wkhieh, untiriate'fy Wdbefbre operative eatment was instituted, always ended in death. , . . v , .The troubJe-havidg bean tra5ed ' ,.'. to the 'ulceration or rupture if an 0hflamadt appendix, causing the fatal peritonitis,., tbo arjy removal of .the disease4 orgah very naturally suggested -jthe J proper line ; of treatment. It.5s J - perhaps, ' not 'generally; known by the, public , that tho. variou s jforeiga bodies such as grape J seeds, cherry (ipips, and the con ' ai. ii i 3 Jii. . creuyas usuauy lounu in ine ap a very rare circumstance to find a soed;of the fruit 'odged in the j appendix. In fact it is now proven that asido from the in- testinal concretions which really form in thje i organ after the latter becomes diseased thorg isscaroe ly an average proportion of three per cent in whicn foreign bodies, distinctively1 so-called, ' are disj covered. That these accidental oi deposited substances are not absolutely necessary for tho pro duction of tlie disease is shown jby their entire absence in a goodly pumber)f tho most se vere cases, Among tho latter may be mentioned a recent in- stanQo which has clairncMl much puVjlic ft'tf.'iition. The ril cau.') of tho dispase is -associated with tho destructive tendencies of a peculiar inicrobo called the co;on bacillus, wliich always exists in the intestine, lind is absolutely lyarmless until an inflammatioiiior injury of tho appendix gives it an opportunity for th' development of malig- nant qualities The microbes J then multiply ritll great rapidi- W a , sooWies the cnua, ty, penetrate Hie walls f tRe , Rnay8 ftu rain, curl weakened organ, intensify tlTo'jSSft inflammation, antFfinally escape ' . ' into the abdominal cxivitv fy fil- ceration or rupt-efl.r?otube, thus producing the fatal or,sp- tic peritonitis. Health. iiovr to Mnn- Jiae custnrd. 1 A Japanese custard is made with i . baked apples. Press through a sieve Colgate's Violet Talcum, Spiell until a teacupful of the frothy pulp la : ers Violet Talcum, Fetzer's got Stir in one teacupful of Pded Borated TaicUtt R & G Poudre sugar and the stiff whites of tfto eggs, , , , beat for twenty minutes and eat with deltiz. all absolutely pure and whipped cream. . hdrmles. - 10 to 25 cents. 1902. nEPARTMENf STORE. Fine Shoes loderately PriGed 1 . Our shoe's are made by have a reputation for. making ffood shoes: Only the bestot leather is used and by the most, skilled workmen. All lines of high as well ! as' low cut shoes are here npwin the different sizes for Men, Women and Children Our Shoes fit, give ease and comfort to the wearer, ' Ladies Oxfords in Pat. 'br fine French .Kid, heavy, or turn sole at 2.50 and 3.00 . 1 nm a 2.QG Ladies' Ties 2.00 are very proud of our iadies lies at thi ' 'price ''because they -make a good shpw beside otber 2.50 goods. The best that . IT can .be turned oiit for the price . 2.00 tTTTTTTnnTTTTnTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTnTTnnTTTfTTTTTTnTTrrTTnTTTTTTTT TARTUNG One-third of your life is spor t in bed Why not be com- - fortable. We have in stock the famous I SILVER El, ' SOLID IB, and last but Butler Portable Bed Spring. Springsfor th Old, Middle LER is something new under t your house and explain. Matresscs-to match all Prices .Common Straw to the Roy at IcSt. Tako Life tasy Equip your beds with a Spring aud mat- ress from the Bell & Harris Furniture. Co's Store I - al and Dream Sweet Dream. 3 v. ...r...-W''-'JMiiaiiiii-'mMiirm-.Jii." i. m in imm OVER SIXTY ,EARSkW Tift, mnm fe.sr.v ! von fcflen nfied for "over biilv years by niiT- lioi-s of cotbers for their children v, h:.e teething, with perf eet buccobb. It Booflhes tho hild, boftens the RUinn, s wind colic, ftad is Diarrhoea. ltwiiJ ittle sufftter ircmtvli- Sold by dru-e in every part o! t"s vorld. Twentv.liv jrcentH c. iot-( t - K nr and hf. fr "Wrs viin-' othkir IlorfttcH Talcum Towdor. Tlso popular favorites are for itSs salo at Piitzer'ab Druff Store. copy 5 CENTS. 3 0 the best manufacture who Mens Oxfords. ; Pat. Gdlt guaran teed stock, 1) and width's, price 8.00 Men's Oxfords, new shapes in Box )alf,' fine Vici'or Velours'1 leathers '3.0O , sPat. -C6lr Shoes im button or c, will. not break, price 5.00 ) o REVELATION i ' THE VICTOR, IKE 1 not least the Age and Young.- T;; -BUT the sun. Tho abui will bo at Mid from a 3 1(11 ill III) IUV 4 KII, VH0 I OLDEST AND LARGEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD. Assets $290,000 COO C?er JlMcOMQJ cf Insurance in force. CASH SUKKENPER AND PAD-Ul VAr.uife aftT:k twc5 yeaks. ATl Pol Lxfutoly lcics aoso mcorjosii abhp from date of issue. I also handle Old Line Pirtv ilf cideut, Health and Sick Ijpmg-. Insurance. Call on or address Thos. J. Weitk Koou 4 15 West iVpct fttrtet. SlNGLH t fa

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