"IV I i. ft ? Price: $4?00 pyear? - 'J'JNCORD, N.C5. TUESDAY. APRIL 9 ?902. SlNGLB ftfPY gENTS. M Is L-L if BAIN ACADEM.X" COMMENCEMENT. Our Reporter In Those Part Ilfcralds . Us Some ofthe Poiutsof the Closing . Exercises. Miitf Hill, N. C, April 26.-In tjie process xf events time rolls pn. Commencement week at Bain' Academy has come and gone; many youths will nowturtf their energies into channels oth er than mental. Five medals were .awarded by this, school. The silver medal was won by Master Hal DeArmond, in the little peoples' elocutionary con test Tuesday night. On Wednes day night was held a debate by members of the Philomathean Society, on the subject, "Re solved, That the United States Should Prohibit Foreign Immi gration." The aQirmative side wo the question. Mr. Cyrus- McCombs- received the medal for best speech. The Euphemean Society held its content Thursday night, sub ject, "Resolved, That Labor of j Children Under Twelve Years of of Age, in Cotton Mills, Should be Prohibited by Law " The , question was won by the affirm ative, the medal for best speech being awarded to Mr. D M Mann. A large audience was present at.each of these contests. The art of debate is a most excellent acquisition for a young man. It not only helps him in business, but in later years, when Cupid throws a halo of beauty around every tint of nature, it will ena ble him to persuade some girl to form the mistaken idea that she mail delivery routes are pro likes him better than aav onejposed for our county. These else. On'Friday, April 25th, the routes have never yet been regular exhibition exercises took ! surveyed however and it is not place. Dr. Crowell, Lawyer a certainty. One of the pro Stevens and a Mr. Hood "sat posed routes will touch the down on" a committe to award Phoenix Mine and also Rocky the medal for the best recitation River, while the other will go and for the best declamation, i via Kindley postoffice and across Excellent speaking not a single by Mr. L M Morrison's. The failure. Miss Lydia Hough re- exact points on the routes have . Ceived one medal, .Subject of not been deifinitely fixed but 'recitation; '"Asleep at the! these are some which show Switch." 'To Mr. Xas. Noles was awarded the other medal, subject ; declamation; ''Robert E. Lee". After intermission the audi ence was entertained by a pert! v nent addess by Mr. J F Newell, of Charjotte. His speech fairly bristled with forcible argument and amusing "anec-tales". In the presentation of medals many good remarks were made by Messrs. Stevens, of Monroe, and McCall and Dowd, of Char- - - lotte. Sallies and jokes were freely indulged in. Most excellent music was ex tracted from brass instruments by the Steel Creek Band and the small boy was in all his glory. At night a most excellent ren dition of a drama, entitled, "The Deacon," was given by students to a packed house. It was a financial success. This time an hfrnoVbftion was sprung du thjb sporting ytuth. It is cusfcmary to admit girls fiee as an 'attrac tion, like 'spreading honey for flies. This time, however, the girls had to pay as much as the boys, it being considered that a girl is capable of seeing as much and having as good time as any body. . The students' social followed the play as a finale of the com mencement activities. .Daeih. Steps Taken for an Organization. The members of the New Bouth Club together with a number of our business men met Monday night in the Club rooms to fur ther discuss the .plans as set forth last Friday night by the Club itself, which was to estab lish an industrial committee in the club and in the beginning asked for the co-operation of the 'business interests of the town. A few brief talks were made but nonbusiness whatever transacted except that it was moved that Mr. H L Parks, the president of the Club, appoint a committee of three consisting of men not mem bers of the club to confer with the Club's committee as to a plan of organization. A meeting will be called whenever the commit tee of six now decides. The following were appointed as committee:, jno. P Allison, F L Emery and W C Correll. Two More Routes Proposed. Postmaster Patterson informs us that two more rural fre the directions of theroutes. f 111$ E 1 1 mate Is fire Hundred. Sheriff Peck, as an answer to inquiry of a Standard reporter as to his" estimate of the'" number who by May 1st hare not paid their .taxes, place's the number at five hundred. Every day, he says, that numbers 'are coming in but thinks his estimate is. about correct . Break man Hart Mr. W L Litaker a breajrm&n on the Southern Railway, had the misfortunate Friday 'night to get his leg crushed at the ankle. He is now4n the Private Hospital at Litaker lives where he has a small daughter. Cbarlette. Mr. at Salisbury, wife and one "There is music even in snore from the nose that we love" AN ACCIDENT AT FLOWS. Alil From MrJ. M. Harwell's Gun. Strikes lfim.ln the .Ejeommnnlon iserylces at Rocky Hirer Next Sunday Other Items. Flows, N. C, ApMl 28. Miss Ida Flowe is visiting her siseer, Mrs.'W D Dorton, of Mt Pleas ant. i . . Mr. and Mrs,S J Horton, Mr. and Mrs. WG. Newell attonded the commencement exercises of Baine Academy at Mint Hill. A pleasant time was reported. Rev. R J Hunter will hold communion services at Rocky River on next Sunday, assisted by Rev. J M Wharey, D. D. The idler's accept with pleas ure the invitation extended to them by the beautiful trees to rest under the shade of their ben'ding. boughs. . Saturday evening while hunt ing Mr. M J Hartsell's gun How out of the stock and the shell struck -Mr. HartselK near the right eye. Dr. J C Black at tended the wound. It is not yet known how bad the eye is hurt but we hope that nothing seri ous will result. Mr. Mack Hartsell, of No. 10, attended tho old soldiers reunion in Texas. Scitmo. The "Destnet Skiile TonlRht. It is expected that a large crowd will attend the "Deestrict Skule" tonight at tho court house which is given for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid Society of Cen tral Methodist church. The doors will be open at 7:45 o'clock and the teacher will call books" promptly at 8 o'clock. All rela tives and friends of the scholars are requested to be present and note the accomplishment of the pupils in this school work. Commnnion lerrices at Rocky Hirer. We notice that our correspond ent from Rocky River states that there will be communion services at Rocky River next Sunday. The first Sunday in May each year is known by numbers of our people 'as the. Sunday to attend services at Rocky River church and It is probable that a .large number from Concord will attend the services.' Opening of Hynod. Synod will ba opened tomorrow by the President, Rev. $ B Mil ler. Folio wingthe opening will be communion of the Synod, then formal opening of Synod by President Miller. Rev. V R Stickley is vice-president and Rev, C B King secretary. . Attention, fi'oodnieng On account of the entertain ment at the court house tonight, in which several of our officers and members take part, our reg ular meeting is postponed until tomorrow, Wednesday evening, 7:30 sharp. J D Hatchett, C. C. Progress !: The Department Store is continually on the lookout for the best interests of its customers. Come when you may and go to any department and you will find it bright and atti active. Merchandise that's interesting is making an effort to.be first. New features that are first advanced in this store are often times a little later .advanced in other stares and claimed as original. That is- al right, for its a recognition of progress. News From the Shoe Department. Here is a new one and we will see who isfirsfc and foremost and who copies or duplicates every one who is acquainted with this store knowns rhnt our shoe trade is growing by leaps i and bounds. Every month is a decided increase over the corres ponding month of the preceding year. There must be a reason for this, it's because we seli only the best and well-known makes of shoes at prices with in reach of every one.QWe give values. e want; you to fell at home in this store we want your friends patronage. With this in view we have placed in our shoe department a shining stand where all shoes purchased from Parks & Oo. are polished as often as yoii get in the chair without any cost to you. This stand is up to date, made of hard wood and nickle trimmings. The chair is 'comfortable and the best of polish used. . Tomorrow (Wednesday) is our initial day and every one who wears Parks & Co. shoes get them polished as often as you please. MB TTTmTTTTTmTmTmnTTTTnTTTTnTTTTnnnnnTmTTnTTTTmmTTTTTmTTTmTTTTTTTTTTTmTTn F TARTUNOfolEVELATlON E One-third of your life is spe' iortabie. we have in stock tne famous SELVES ZiNB, SOLID Mill THE VICTOR, THE imM and last but not least the ' Butler Portable Bed Spring. z Snrinsrsfor the Old. Middle LER is semetbing new under the sun. The agpnt, will be at your house and explain. Matresses to match all fcliy.ca and Prices from a Common Straw to the Royal Felt. Take Life easy Equip your ress from the I Bell & Harris Furniture Co's Store. Iv and Dream FOR OVER SIXTY EARS Mrs. Window's Soothing Byrnp ha been naed for over 'sixty years by mil-i lion of mothers for their .children whue teething, with perfect enooeBs. It soothes .the child, softens the gums, S.11&TS aU rain, cures wind coHo. and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It wiln relieve the poor little nufftrer immedi ately. Sold by drujjjrist in every part of the world. Twenty-fie cent, a bot tle. Be sard and ask fur 'MrF. Win slows Soothing Syrnp." and take ro oherkird , IJorffied Talcum Fonder. The popular favorites are for sale at Potzer's Drug Store. Colgate's Violet Talcum, Spieh ler's Violet Talcum, Ftzer's Borated Talcum, R &G Poudre deRiz. all absolutely puro and nannies. 10 to 25 cents. n uu t in bed Why tot He com- 3 3 Acre and Youncr. The BUT beds with a Spring and mat- Sweet Dreams. New Tori Life Insurance Company! OLDEST- AND LARGEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD. Assets $200,000 000. Oyer $l,000,000,00lof Insurance in force. CASH SUKUENpEU AND PAID-UP VALUES AFTEIt TWO YEARS. AllPicies absolutely incoutest- able rom date of issue. I also haacfte Old jine Fire, Ac cident, Health and Sick Lenetit Insurance. Call on or address Tiios. J. White. Koom4 15 WtBt Dcj ot bUett.