Price: $4.00 per year. 'UNCORD, N. C. WEDNESDAY. MAY 7 1902. .'in SINGLE , COPY 5T FRIGHTFUL ABIDES T. Mr. Victor Krown is' Dragged Hair a ' Mile by a Mule." As ft r esult of a ghastly ac cident ' Mr. Victor Brown, of Sharon townshid, lies at death's door. Mr. Brown lives close to Sharon church. He finished ploughing in a field about sunset and going home he rode a mule. Thfl animal became frightened! and ran away through the woods. Mr. Brown was struck by the limb of a tree and hurled from the mule, his leg being caught and held in the harness on the animal. With his head and side touching the gcound the unfortunate man was dragged half a mile. The animal stopped at Mr. Brown's home and members of his family came to. his relief. He was unconscious and a tele phone message from Sharon at 1 o'clock this morning states that he has not yet fully recovered consciousness. His face and head are frightfully lacerated, and his side is badly torn and bruised. Physicians are still with him, and they state that he is very seriously, if not fatally, injured. Charlotte Observe. KM'KEsESTATIYE SALMON 15EA1). Sad, Strange Coincidents Three Days in Succession the House Adjourns. Congressman, J S Salmon, of New Jersey, died suddenly of apoplexy Tuesday morning at his home. Congress adjourned out of respect to his memory. This was three successivo days on Which that body adjourned under such circumstances. Cum mings. Otey, SalmonJ Singu larly enough, only a few days ago Congres?man, Gilbert made a eulogy . on Representative Stokes. Mr. Salmon sat near him and was much affected." He leaned forward and Told Mr. Stokes that he wished Mr. Gil bert could say as much, of him when he was dead. Mr. Clabsrn Misonhcimer Dead. Mr. Cluborn Mjscaheimer died oil last Sunday at his home near Misenheimer Springs at the age of about 70 years. His funeral was conducted by Rev. J A Linn at New Bethel where he was a consistent and most valuable member. Mr. Mfsenhofcner was in every vay a g(fod man. He leaves a wife and four chil dren fee mfcurn his dc$h. A Card of Thanks. To the friends and neighbors who have been so kind to us during the afiictiou and dath of our loved grandmother we exte ad hr most heartfelt gratitude and thanks. J A Brantley, W E Brantley. CABARRUS COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT. Judge Starbuck Dispensing Justice in the .Name of the Old North Statu. . TUESDAY EVENING SESSION. i ! In the caseiven to the jury at noon on Tuesday in which A W Bost, Henry Bost, Will Braf- f ord and Bob Gray were charged with an affray, A W Bost 'and Will Brafford were found not guilty. Henry Bost was fined $30 including costs and, Bob Gray $15 including costs. In the case of Robert Louis charged with felony1 and murder in killing Lum Morris the jury returned a verdict of not guilty as charged but guilty of man slaughter. Judgment, four years and efeveu months on the county roads. WEDNESDAY MORNING SESSION. Ben Welsh charged with lar ceny was adjudged not guilty. Pleas Barrier charged with selling mortgaged property was found guilty and judgment was suspended on payment of costs. He is given till next Monday to secure the cost. Tom Caldwell,' charge r w 1 was acquitted. The criminal docket being completed except a few cases continued, the court adjourned t ill next Monday when the civil civil docket will be taken up. REAR ADMIRAL MHMPSON DEAD. Passes Away at 5 p. in. Tuesday f Cer- eforal Hemorrhage. Rear Admiral 'Sampson died at his home in Washington at 5 o'clock Tuesday evening. The immediate cause of death was cerebral hemorrhage. . It is well-known that the Ad miralwasAleclining au'd that the end was near. He had been.un conscious for several days. ' AtHMiloii to riie Niitonian Hotel. Gi'ound is being broken at the . Miltonian hotel for another annex 4p the family wing rif the building. The dimensions aro 18x24. It will be two stories and a cellar with piazo and balcony. The lover room will be a "kitchen. It will add very materally to the now. well-arrangetl hotel. iJhml Town Lot Fanning'. Dr. N D Fetzer J one of our ' best farmers of the town lot grade. He now has a patch of rye and sand or harry vetch that is the most luxurious crop we hare seen this spring. It is , about the height of a man. , The ! growth too slender foi its own weight and must be j sowed with oats or rye to hold it : up and make it capable of mow- ! iag. A cow goes for it on all foars, eschewing all others and chewing this as her choice suc culent. On this she yields choice butter, decidedly better in flavor than the clover butler. ROCKY RIYER ITEMS. Death of Mrs. 31. R. Harris Rev. Mr. Davis on His Way to China Harrisdurg, May 6. Saturday night at 12:0 o'clock Mrs. M R Harris, of Rocky River, passed to her eternal reward, after an illness of only a few days. On Wydnesday she was taken ill .1 ii ii.-i i i j. i anu an mat loving nanus, anu , vJt "- " uuuouai iuvv jjijub wu llKe TO 1611 OUT medical skill could do were done friends and customers. You will see mere ans dis for her comfort and restoration played here tomorrow than you have ever seeji in Coi to health but the Father whom! cord. Our fans are of beautiful colorings and the very' she had served and loved all her j choice of patterns and Styles. We claim tliem 25 per life was calling for her .and at J llt lower m price thaw the same fans elsewhere TTn- . the hour amed he gently fell asleep. - . The funeral services were con- ducted iu the church Sunuay af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock by Rev. J M Wharey, D. D , of Moores ville, after which the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery thera to sleep till the dawning, of the great rcsuructiou day. The entire community sympathize deeply with her threo sons in their great sorrow. Rev. and Mrs; J M Wharoy left Monday, for Salisbury. Rev. Jno. W Davis, of Colym - bia, will arrive in Rocky River Friday to visit at the homo of Dr. Grier. Dr. Davis is on his way to Cnicago. from there he! gors to San Francisco to sail for hina onthe 20th of May. B. Mecluiff of IJiisinpss Men. There will bo a - meeting of the business men of Concord Thurs day at 8:30 p. in. at ISfew South Club to hear the report of the committee as to the plans for an organization to promote the busi- nes interests. Every business man is earnestly invited to present by order of com mil tee. A Decline In Saloon Patronage. A strong temperancp lesson is taught by the experience of the Union Pncifir. railro:ri. wluoh ! , j made a rulo a fow weeks ago that no maii who frequented saloons, whilo either on or 0? duty, could remain in i'.s service. A sudden decline in saloon patronage is now reported all along lb Union PncifiV. 1'uies, and at Cheyenne, Vy-, a centre of railroad labor, twenty live drinking peaces are'said. to. Lave goneout'of business within two weeks.--Daily Reflector." On account meeting fit Grand Lodge I. O. O.V., GreensboHn, N. C, May lu. Tickets on sale May 11 to 13 with final limit 17th. Fare for round trip 3.65. The Summer Season is full of dangers particularly for the children, who not know- frit indulge themselves, with the usual gtiping pains in the stomach as a consequence; mothers should nave on hand at all times a bottio of Painkiller (Perry Davis) which will at once relievo the sufferer; it is a afc, simple remedy and it should be kept in every house. Large bottles l'5 and 50 cents. SALE IF FAB Tomorrow is opening day for this Notio Department on Fans. When we have something of extreme quality nrifl cftrlo nf art iiiinonn told ecomonfes are tobe found in, every department, : : ' . , 'g J Qay 2e FeUIS i White fhnize Fans, en amel sticks, the 75c kind,! here m . 48c Silk Gauze ii'ans, "bone sticks, bif value 75c Gauze Fans, perfect beau ties, 98c. Extra Fine Bilk Fans, fancy or plain, ivory sticks, 1.50. Good smooth Palm. Leaf ! Fans, per do?n 10c. t 0 tiy -L jji'tJUji law mm tm . M H k hi W& M N -i 1 mM !ik $h'm Cure Chotora-lnfantum, Diarrhoea, Dysentery and the BowelTrot.-bics of Children ttf Attu Altf Aids Diae vtion. Rniiilnti tii Rnml. ;irndliM ih. t,!. M r.iAure I TEETHING KASY. urc-s Fruptlon and nci prevents worms. Tfc.r-.TKiN A Counteracts and Overcomes the Effects of tli mail 25 cents to c. J. moffett. m. Fetzor's and just get one of our Sot HotterrStett . . Gurney,N6rth StarCold Wave, La Bellp or or North Star Ice Bo a it don't forget our Ice Cream Freezers. Arctie ater (loolers, Hammocks, Lau Swings and in fact uvory thing ou cao think oi' to uiako the outngr uiua ;cel coufort able and the iner man look .t ice. h "Furniture my land-dfd you eve: come and" sr e car lotsP spot ca..,ii, is our way of buying. Our freights and ffcscounts givo us a long Tefd ver small buyers. It's a. pleasure to show you around. If you feel xe.iry drop in and see us w srf31 do you if we can. ' Yotirs for Busiuess," Bell L Wants OH; ens to K;:.r,v rr.., - 's Little "I have used DeWitt Early Risers for constipation and torpid liver and they are all riTht. I am glad to indorse them for 1 think when we find a good thing we ought to let others know it," writes Alfred Ileinze, Quincy, 111. They never gripe or distress. Sure, safe pills. Gib am Drug Store. Fold i rig1 Jap . &n 500 folding fons. usual price He, ojir opcniiijjr rice 'Fans usual fy sold for lUc are displayed a; 5c. You will itvknowledsrt that hei'e "are Fan double the .price, wort it 10c. riv r i i l UKt' your cnoicc in mis lot of matchless values, 15cv Fans to be pioud of, 26c A Sores Colic. Hives and Titfiish. Removes d.. st. Loui. mo. , Drug Store. v "National Refr?gerators Han i Pur. s Co. Dr. W K. Wakefield, CHARLOTTE, N." :., limits his practice to dishes of Lye, Car ,oso and Thro:t. The doctor will bu in Mt.. Pleasant at Mrs. Welsh's Hotel on Wednesday, May LSh, for u:ie lov ( nl o. ... ,w

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