o O o 1 l PrtceW.OO per year. : ONCORD, N. C. SATURDAY AY 10 Single copy 5 cents. t 11 11? 6 1 i , j ; 'i IHr:OI8liSH1PPIIlLi. MARtImO.UE. ISLAND SQdfURGED. Bt. Pierre Wth All Its Inhabitants Del. gcd With Fire Loss of Life May be 40,000. The disaster in tha Spanish West Indies in which St. Pierre Uh of the worst lu the world's history. The hlghe .l .i. timate is now 40,000 people do- stroyed. Consul Ayme drspatch'ed thq Secretary of State from Poitit-a-itre on the 9th as follows: . jAt 7 o'clock a. m., an the 8th int;, a st6rm of steam, mud and, fire enveloped the city and road stead of St. Pierre, destroying ev very house in the city and com-, munity. Not more than L'O per-: sons escaped with -their lives, j Eighteen vessels were burned and sunk with all on board, in. ' gino, then he and his brake.man lt died about .two weeks ago. eluding four American vessels and'flagman jumped. The crash j Neighborhood ta since its and a steamer from Quebec cam0 a momonl later, derailing ( burial resulted in Freeman's ar aiamei Rosaima. The IL itel , a number of the cars and thus rest last night, and the coroner's States consul and family are re ported among the victims.'' The scene was terrible. The , atmosphere, was darkened except by the flames which fell tn the ; shipping in the .harbor and caught them on fire. The Ro- i saima, a vessel from Quebec, was seen to explode and of course all on board rerihed Boats that ventured as near as ' possible , to shore could see no living people. The commander of a French vessel in a dispatch to Paris says: "I have just returned from St. Pierre, which has been com pletely destroyed by an immense mass of fire which fell on the town at about 8 o'clock in the morning. The entire population (about 25,000), is supposed to have'perished. I haye brought back the few survivors .about 30. All the shipping in tho har bor has been destroyed. The eruption continues." t A St. Thomas dispatch of 9th says: "It is now estimated that 40, 000 persons perished a result of the. volcanic eruption in the island of Martinique." Mattress Factory for Salisbury. Salisbury will soon have a mattress factory. Mr. F L Rob bins was ejected president and treasurer of the company. They wiH erect a nicg btick building near the Jestler cotton mi?!. The company has a paid up cap ital stock of $10,000. Smallpox at McAdden? ville The Charlotte News Has re ceived the intelligencthat small pox is rampant at McAdensvi rte. There are 12 cases, beside $5 cases called chicken pox. death has occurred froc disease. One the THE SOUTHERN HAS ANOTHER WRECK. One Man Killed wt Collisions-iccl-dont ar Lynchburg, Ta. A Lyr.chburg dispatch of the 8th says one man was killed and several cars were wrecked in a collision on the Southern Rail way here this morning Some wr? shifted at Wiimers, four miles south of here, and 15 of them were left standing on a heavy down-grade. The air brakes and hand brakes were bolh set, but the air pipes leaked and before this could.be remedied the heavy train started down grade toward the city. .By the time it lurned inty Jefferson street it was mak- um uui. n " lhe track toward the runaway. The engineer reversed the en- stopping the traiu. The reversed engine then started up the track with a .Kent, county physician, revealed caboose in front and ran into an ! unmistakable evidences of vio engirie attached to a freight j i011C0. Freeman is ono of a f am train. The caboose caught fire ny which has figured in almost and was burned up, and this every county court for twenty onded the chapter of accidents. 'years, himself having served a Injuries sustained by Flagman1 term in the penitentiary for wwen r leius. in nis jump irom rhe engine before the first I " 1 1 1 i M ; collision, proved, iatai in a rew hours. None of the others was seriously hurt, Senator Simmons. It is gratifying to the many friends of Senator Simmons in this State to see the stand he has taken in the United States Sen ate. His speech upon the Philip pine question is considered by the newspapers of ths State as a masterpiece. It clearly shows , lined to make a great name in'; is the United States . Senate, and the people of the State may well feel proud that he was elected to this exalted positionf He is a statesman and a lea'derof men. Statesville Mascot. Mr. A. Buford, of Henderson, Succeeds Mr. Irring Proctor. Mr A Buford, of Henderson, N. C, arrived in the city yester day and today took charge as the Southern freight agentliere, succeeding Mr. Irving Proctor, who recently resigned. Mr. Bu ford has been in the r'ailroa'U service fifteen years and is both an efficient agent auda popular gentleman personally. It will be ' a source of gratification to Mr. Proctors many friends here to Isnow that he will remain in Salisbury. He will conduct a commission business in the rooms now occupied by the West ern Grain Company. Salisbury Sun of 9tb1 IF SAD DEATH OF TWO STUDENTS. Isrowu University, J Charlottitville, Va , Burn aultyvo Vounj?lMeuIer- inn in t lie Flames. oung Mr. P Agnew McNeale, of Vashington, D. C, and J C Knox, jr of Richmond, losWmg in the Hustle for Business. neir lives in ?. lire that burned Brown's University sghool at Charlottesville, Va., on the 7th inst- The young men were pop ular and are deeply mourned. A Father Kills Ills Child. Lenoir, May 9. Reddick Free man, who lives at Hudson, sx miles south of Lenoir, was placed in jail here last night on a bill of indictment charging him with the murder of his 15- months old Child. The only direct testi mony was that of his wife, who states that in a fit of rago some weeks ago he handled the infant most cruelly, as a result of which investigation today. The au topsy, by the coroner and Dr, arson. Sad and Singular Suicide. A voung man named Burrus committed suicide yesterday near Rockford in a peculiar way. An uncle of the deceased who con ducts the hotel at Rocktord, in formed a gentleman who came in on the Wilkesboro train last evening that tho nephew, had been in bad health for some time. This produced despondency causing the young man to end his lite. After taking a large dose of morphine, he went out . 4U , .. . . , . i 11' Lilt W UUU3 ituu oiun. iii3 ucau between two saplings, which had crown close together. He. was. dead when found. The family believe the T "'morphine alone would have killed him, had he not adopted this strange plan of hanging himsftlf. The de ceased leaves a wife and two small children. He was indus trious and his death is mourned by many friends. Winston Sen tinel. Hugs Flay Itavoc. We are informed that bugs are eating nearlyevery green thing that dares to make its apyear ance in the Mt. Holly section. Potato bugs are not the only kind. Among them Ls one smal ler than the pfcttito bug red and green speckled. Anjiher is green and black speckled. To- """ all kinds of garden vegetables are eaten un. Gastonia News, Trrnh -apd Keep Thinfcirr It's tfte Thinking The thinking man speedily finds out things as a re sult, of his thinking. He finds that his customers want not a nameless Shoe without any personality or re sponsibility but a Shoe made on honor and backed by the reputation of a large, progressive and reliable Shoe IJ?mrfacturer. 'Such a Shoe is Snow's Guaranteed Patent Calf for men.' Carried in all the latest and best styles. Snow's Guarantee! Pat. in Shoes 4.00 Snow's " " in Oxfords 3.50 , ' Men's Low Shoes in Viei and Yelour, ih all styles, so. ties, half eong., blooeliers 3.0' Men's Low-Shoes in Yici, gocd style .00 $2 Thesa Are the Very Best Makes on the Market Toda;. " Jn Ladies' Low Shoes we can show your nearly any style made. Strap Sandals, 1 to 4 straps, 2 Button Ox fords and Oxfords at all prices from 1.00 to 3..0O. If you wear our Shoes you can drop in at any time and get them Sinned Free. We have a nice, comfort able chair and will be glad to keep your shoes neatly polished. ; ft and just get one of our Hot, Hotter Stop Gurney, North Star, Cold Wave La Belle or National Refrigerators or North Star Ice Box and don't forget our Ice Cream Freezers. Arctic Water Coolers, Hammocks, Lawn Swings and in fact everything you can think of to make the outer man feel comfort able and the inner man look nice. t F.urniture my land did you ever come'and see car lots, spot.cash, is our way of buying. Our freights and discounts give us a long lead over small buyers. . It's a pleasuroto show you arouud. If you feel ,'weary drop in and see us- -we will do you if . Til 1 . . MZ Yours for Bell L VDR. M OFTETT'SXT (TEETHING Cffre Cholera-lnfantum, Dlavhoea, Dysentery and the Bowel Troubles of Children Anu Ae. Aids Digestion, Regulates tli Bowels, Strengthens the Child and MAKES TEETHING KASY. Cures Eruptions and Sores, Colic. Hives and Thrush. Removes and prevents Worms. TEETHIN A.Counteractt and Overcomes the Effects of the Summer's heat upon.Teethlng Children, and costs only 25 cents at Druggists, or mail 25 cents to C. J. MOFFETT. M. D., SU Louis. Mo. Fetzer's Wijnts Olbers to Kuow. "I hare tised BoWitt's LittlS Early Risers for constipation 0i 11 LI IUI piU II Vtl UiLl tuuj uii; Uill right. I am glad to indorse them for 1 think when wo find a good thing we ought to let others know it," writes Alfred Heinze, Quincy, 111. J uey never gripe or distress. Sure, safe pills. Gib- son Drug Store. t Man To-day Who we can. Business, Harris Fur. Co. i POVDERS? Drag btorg. Dr W H. Wakefield, t CtlARLOTTK N V limits his practice to diseases of Bye, Ear Nose and Throat. The doctor will be in Mt. Pleasant at Mrs. Welsh'o Hotel on Wednesday, May ' 8th, for one day only. 6 y i

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