3 r Price: $4.00 per ear. ONCORD, N. C. MONDAY. MAY 12' 190. Single copy 5 cent!s. II 4 J 1 1 A i V I' r MEMORIAL DAY IX 1902. Tbcreople Turned Oat to Do Honor to the Dead Confederates Rev. 0 II Cor nelson Enloelzes President Davis and rieads for Liberal Aid In Erecting a Monument The Honor Roll Read and , Crosses of Honor Bestowed. The exercises on last Saturday in honor of th'e Confederate dead were appropriate and creditable The programme was executed with pleasing solomnity It was an unusually fine procession "bf Daughters and Children and a goodly number of veterans in jne Eindthe court room was packed! Rev" W 9 Hiller mad e an es pecially impressive prayer at the opening. MissGertrudeCaldwell .sang the Old Novth State as a solo yi he strong but mellow voice ac-" complied by the Concord band $nd lustily joined in with in ihe chorus by the audience. . Rev. G H Cornelson, after some preliminary remarks show ing his appreciation of the honor and the responsibility involved in accepting the invitation to make the address entered upon a eulogy of President Jefferson Davis as the representative of the cause in whose defense they died to whom we meet to pay this tribute. He admitted that his "subject had made some mistakes as other men but that he was the repre sentative of States' rights more than any other. He had this. principle iubred in him and de fended lUas a soldierascholar, a statesman. He was peerless in m his defense of jthil principle. It.waSf woven into the very fibres of his soul and he toever aljowed it to fade from his mind He thought Jefferson Davis f- not fully understood as an un selfish patriot and a great leader.' He feplor'ed .the fact. that there 4e traducersof the chosen head. He urged boys i their school declamations to commit to mem ory and speak Jefferson Davis' farewety address to to the United States Senate:' ' It is a model of -pure and expressive language and is the words of a man sincere in all that he said and did. He was a patriot of the truest dye. The speaker rehearsed the great , .sufferings of Jefferson Davis when the Confederate, arms were laid down indefeat. Ashe had been the highest representa tive jf J-he principles fought for he was made the 'subject of pun ishment for all. . The ; speaker refrained: from the mention of names of such' as were chi'elly responsible .for, his torture. The iron shackles and the double sentries over him wore a constant torture 'ard it was by the vigorous protest of his physician that the irons were removed. The people made him presi-1 dent but no tongue can tell the amount of suffering he alone en dured as a consequence. Being a lawyer and a states man he knew his rights and plead for a trial but was refused from no other cause than that he was innocent of crime, yet the subject of hate and the victim of punish ment for the whole South. The speaker told of the noble -vyprk of the women of the South in their one united, strong and determined effort to rear a mon ument in 1903 to the memory of A this great nan and thecause he ... . represented and for which they died whom the exercises bf the day were to honor. ' He plead for liberal aid to be Extended to this nQble, unselfish and patriotic effort. He quoted ; from the hero while living these words, "God bless the women of the South. They have not shot an arrow akme." Mr.H M Caldwell read the honor roll, including some 300 men of. Cabarrus that yielded their lives in the sgrvcie.. The list, he says, is yet iccomplete but he is getting nearer and nearer to the perfect record. .Jt Barrier then, according to instructions, called the names of 44 veterans to receive crosses of honor. Twenty-five of the num - ber failed to answer to their names and the sweet little girls, Children of the Confederacy, were deprived of the pleasure of pinning them on.J Rev. WH McNairy pronounced the benediction and all repairod to the soldiers' monumentr and deposited a profusion of flowers as a loving tribute to the dead Hncj, all dispersed with a glad but I solemn. sensation that they had discharged the ' annual duty bf keeping' fesh and green .the memories of those who .suffered 1 ...... , and died in the aause-so dear to evei'v Southern heart. i The Concord Band contributed ks thrilling music, which earned; i D the thanks of a grateful public. ROY FAGUART'S TERRIBLE Al . I)ET. ' (Jets Foot Crushed by tii Train-thief From Indiscretion. Roy Faggart, son of Mr . Yal. on tine Faggart, in a fit of impru- ' dence was attempting to ride on' the tpin on tho Southern's yard Sunday, and iust at jthe 'cattle pen ho got a pot crued in a horrible manner there, seemea to be not a bone left uninjured, jr.. Young. took off tlio gmat too and part of . the bone further back but it is feared that it - will ! . ... requiro the amputation of the vjhole. It is to be ' hoped , that tjie vorstiwill not be realized. It is an awful les.son to let trains alone or g--t on them right. "Modesty makes a calico dress richer than stain grown," DEATH OP A BUSINESS MAS. H Miller, of Salisbury, Dies-He ivas ) Successful . Yoimtf Uroceryinan and Had About $J 7,000 Insurance on. His! j c ) '! , , V A ' 1 LlSWs the-ThihkingMan To-day .Who Mijier, a succesefu voung, busi jWiiis in the Kiistle for Business. nessjmn of Salisbury, died of a - . . . - . . iingeriqgdis'ease'at his home last,! ! ' , 1 ' n '; ' 1 , ' i ' ' ' "' ' ' '' nigh, Though his condition was hopeless, the end came sooner hant had, been expect , and with a degree of suddenness.- Of an upright, manly character and ' " a genial lemperameni, ne .was e 1 Hi generally aritl , heartily . liked. H:is-last business enterprise was the arganization of the Miller Grocery Company, for wholesale trade, k Hfs providence and fore thought are shown by tho con siderable amount of his in suranceabout $'17,000 an amount probably m. excess of the remainder of liis estate. T.io deceased was the son of MrJ HG Miller, of Zeb, this county, who survives him. He was 35 years of age when his prosperous career, after a long and painful interruption, with occasional intervals of better health, was finally cut short. Mr. Miller leaves a wife, who was Miss Mary Julian, and twr young children. The funeral services 1 will be held from St. John's Lutheran church at 4 o'clock to morrow afternoon. The pastor Rev. Dr. L E Busdy, has boon attending the Southern Synod ih Charleston, but is expected to arrive in the morning. PYTHIAN REALTY COMPANY. The Company Ortanlcg and Elects Of flcera Wik to Conmipjice at the Earliest PossibIevMoment. . The stockholders of the Pyth- jan Realty Company met Satur day pight in the Pythian Hall and organized themselves under trie above name. . j The election pf officers was en- tered into, which resulted as fol , . r A lows; F L Emerv,- president: Chas. P llflchie, vice-president; II M Barrow, secretary, a.id LD Coltrane, treasurer. The follow- i ' t 1 11 In . mS were cnoson as tnir ooara oj directors: Messrs. F L ' Enfery,J lChas.-F Ritchie,- II Barrow, D Coltrane, Jno. L Miller, W fie11 aPd R fJ -JcConnel It is the intention of this com- pany to start the erection of thoir building just as soon as possible. ! Stock, will now be solicited from j tbc;rnembers of the order foif th ' v-iuiklin' ?routul having al- up stock :It is tliGught jit-obablo to let stock bo taken y ;tho members for i;ayn;ent on the in stallmenL plan. ' ' ' ' ; This building, when completed, promises to be a credit to our town and shows what can result from a united effort of a body. Thinh and - Keep-' Tprinhing 'The. thinking man speedily finds out chincrs as a re sult pf his, thinking.' ' He ;not a nameless Shoe .withbut any personality or re- snnTiihi1if-i7 -Knf o Sh """""vjiiii Mitt u th; fenutdtjon of a. lanre. Manufacturer Such a Shoe is ' j -i j Snow's Guaranteed 'Patent Calf for men.. . Carried in all the Snow's Guaranted Pat. in Slioes' 4.00 Snow's1 ,u - .: : u ; in Oxfords,' 3.50. (Men's Lov Shoes in. Vjoi'and Velour, ih all styles, io. ties, half corig., bloochers 3.00 Men's Low Shoes in Yici, gocd style 'd.iiU Thess'Are the Very Best Makes on the Markcl Tcdaf. In Lndies' iow Shoes we can show your nearly any style made. Stuip Sandals, 1 to 4 straps, 2 Button Ox fords and Oxfords t all prices from 1.00 to 3.0O. If you wear our Shoes you can drop in at any time and get them Shined Free. We have a nice, comfort able chair and wijl'be glad to keep'your shoes neatly polished. : fy. Hot, Hotter Stop and just get one of our Gurney, North Star, Cold Wave, La Belle or National Refrigerators or North Star Ice Box and don't forget our . ' Ice Cream Freezers. . Arctic Water Coolers, Hammocks, Lawn Swings rind, in fact everything you can thinjt of to make" the outer man feel comfort able and the inner, man look nice. Furniture my land did you ever come and se cui- lots, spot cash, is our vay.of-buyiujr. Our freights and discounts give us a long lead over small buyers. It's a pleasureito show you around. If you feci weary drop in aild see us we will do you if we can. . , Yours for Business, . Bell & Harris Fur. Co. r? DR. O ! - r 1 mi 1 ; -A " "v. .cr w .....a- ; . ... . . . i i..A4, j tr!i viioio!wi-'j.in'iiin, warrnoea. uyf cnieryaiia t.'io tiowei Troubles ef Children of , lk.iTHimi fAiir. .(tUtre Criions iti.d Sores, fealic Hivi and Tl:rnl Kamovo and prevent Worms- i"f.:KTHiNA Counteracts vi,nd Ovorcjsmes the Effects of the y . tm'9 I if I I ' f I ( a 5t I.. 1 1 I 1 1 'M. . IVrt t I." Vr.wnU r.frAndl l.n. Iha IT I.ilH . Rl AYcC ' uiiwrs Iteiit iipoil 1e'tlv"i! Cl-ildrct, rn Mfi tonlv 23 cents t O-u-i'ists, or mail 23 ccnU to C J. MC r'ETT, ty:. D.. Gt. l.uis. Mo. Fetzor's Dr:iL' Store. Wth-U Otltciw to Km. . thafP used ). Witt's Litlle U'sers for con.-.ptilion -and torpid liver and they are all rir:ht. 1 ai 'lad to indorse them for 1 think when w.) tiuda good1 tiling we ought to lot others know it," writes Alfred lleiii.e, Quincy, 111. Tl'iey nver gripe or distress. Sure; sr.l'e piiis. Gib son Drug Store. finds that,his customers want nroressivfi and rlihlpW U1I 11IJIIU1 illHl HlUZKfll l)V latest and best "styles.' FFETT'S V -. i ' OfTE, X. limits his rietiee. to dlK of V.) t, fat- N'oic aru! Tliroat. T!:e do. b in Mt. rth. for i 1 , We' Mav en Weiluosday, OJ'C d.iv only. I. t I. i , i A

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