I O OA WMIHIMU Da ly Standard. JOHN D. BARRIER, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE l.VJIOKIll$ IJUILDIMJ. THE STANDARD Sunday extpt RATES One year Six month Three months 1.0QJ One month 3oc Single copy 5c. Th Weekly Standard is an 8-column 4-pftge aper. It has a larger circulation in Cabarrus hnn any other paper. Price $i a year in advice. Term for.rejular advertisements made Hltown o application. Addreas all commuincatiotiB to i TELEPHONE NO. 71- Concord. N. C, Miy J3, 1802 Seeor Augusto Seyero met with a fatal accident at Pa i on the moraine: of the 12th in his A Woman Killed by Engine. A Deep Msterj. Mrs. Jj&rtie Hunsucker was! It is a mystery wlfy women struck by the steps of engine 36 ' endure Backache, Headache, nn S,t,rdraii0,nn,n s,.nri ma I Nervousness, Sleeplessness, I i.vieiaucnojy, raiutiur auui 0 1 1 1 -wr. I .. . . troub csu "1 suffered im approaching -passe&ger oa the Jvith kidng,, Voule." writes) main Ji5e Stand in g just close ; Mrs. Phebe Cnerley of Peter enough, the steps of" the ' engine on Iaf "arlj a back Painffd i'1 fah 7. struck bfcrn the h!p, thrown but Electric Bitters wholly cured ho several feet. SJie was im and- alhough.73 years old, I , now am nolo fro do all inv house. J7""r3Tr 1 x r Paral7zed rom hiPs down , work." 1 It overcomes Cor T!lh S31NDAU), lo..coru, . c. mab j ;stipation, im'proves -Aopetite, 7' rri upc n arfppt. lion.lt.Vi. Onlv fiOe apparently free from pain and , Jt FetJer,s Drug store conscious until she died. The; , ... accident occurred near her T,,e Southern Selling Tickets to Charles j ton at Special Kates, home, within the city limits. 1 , The Southern Railway has Mrs. Hunsucker was rZ yeans put tickets on s-ale fr i,he Char- old and her remains were taken iost0n Exposition.. The round airship LaPaix. It took fire and j today, by Mr, J T Brown and trip rate from' Concord for soai exploded in mid air. The charred j family q,nd Mr. Calvin Sheffield, sen tickets is $lf.05. The 10 day body of bis companion, the engi- and family, to her old "home tickets on sale daily are 58.10. .i 4i i f u oi.i L... . Tickets on sale oq Tuesdays and aeer, met death before-it reached Elise, Moore county, lor inter- m, , , .. . , J ' . Thursday, day return limit are me eai ui uu n vo j'n"" i meui. im wives ui nifw - Yards eff 'MeVtepized Striped his wife and children. TJiis falling part will have lobe over- genOemeu are, daughters of the , liike ;i lmwninr Mmi. deceased. Greensboro special ,.T. , - , come before -the airship will be- ;Dr l itb to the Charlotte Observer. 1 doctors called dyspepsia took -- jsuoh hold ox me thai i could Corsets and Hustles !'"r .tlcu. Scarcely go," writes Geo. S become a popular.inftitution. ' New Kt-nicilrfuriv.tal Un;:s. Corsets- for men are now a 'Marsh, welkknown tittorney of , , t, r, , . ' i Tsocona, Tex. "I took quantities From, what the Oas.oma s,:i,)S ... eo.nmodity in N,w York. ; of l)L,,)sin ;ind other medicines 'Gazette ssys it appears that a:T,.., inuduciiofi of bullies for, but nuthing helped me. As a .iin,, (l)T(ntirn Tum.-th- . ! v l. drowniugman man grabs at a Cheni 1 . C'cCtnC lcm'-' v" ' 'evev, a novelty. stnuv j at Ko(joL Ifelt s-a:n::t pot ato bugs h. is ba:-n . 'nnj r.SiiU(. ti1.is jusiiiication'iu ' improvement at once an. i louiul in cot I on seed meal. It;tIl0 miiiiary sack coar, The ! "rt"1 takjn" . V1 a,m J . aound and well." Ivodol is the siy: . isi.! are von'tod at tiv in,!.- 0uiy 1)ro)araiioa witch exactly "Mr. 'I'iobert v'iiitc I.n'ori;!. 1 i,t ., . ,,, ':f cut it-;r!r en!- '.; ' reuruduC''.; the nntui.U d: -.stive f m V; v:e.-k that lie put c:.tt.:; ri rd i:.. J on It's potato vtr.-.; nuices ana corisenuen' I v is uio LO li 11 J. irJUCvi UlUOSS tli'.V ,,,jlf .,7i,:,. 1. l;.,, t . ,,v1 4 .V .he bu:r 1 V1!jU.-!' :;'(' . bug ! onlv one which dige ;.i ! 1 1-.-. m: 1 ii.iry j .ciu-'u fnod and cures any i'orm of man should b.giu to x-.r: ise caulio.; WntM t .1" world , n i : 1 1 ' t) ' . (IUIM- ' 1 i i ;ii (iiv".'!;i ,1 ro;vd.r, - - , l . - hi- ; .,.,.; '. s :ng lilt.' coiW ...... i- . to c. ll mk:c.'s- mi. 'lot Catiscs Nirhl AHri-i. ,;.'! uns'g.stiy appearance is pr -s , uuccd. I'or the benotit cf , men "One night my brother's baby -en. 113 was advisad. f V:ho want to w..ar these i'O.s , Jfs ' V,1' Cr(;a;):''.,W1'1S ! Mrs. J C Snider, ot Grilfenden this n,medy by a iv-huj a, bit haveo't the' proper ; hipKy.; ."rt .seemed ir would Loi-y; who had lliseovcr.l Us'a.ov.doniae.it the hip improvers ' Ptrangl.o before we cou!t get a .m...w.:,i.., .. ir.,1,.1 , .,. c... (doctor, so wo gavo it Dr. King's v ij '.u. i ij .i.A.nn, .,. i , are !'! ovuiOvi. e .v oru oun, tied a s;ck of cotton seed meal , 7" in his COW tr' U.-'h and W.v: ' Vic'.l ia a n w fr:n. Ir, ia nrei.tuca f.sr ji'ul r- a t ci v '-1 ' lb m. . Ith.-i lartionlar l..ijt-iit of sufiV-rcrH frcra Mho house to . protect. . our child tutijing to the hcnsethrougii Ins ; .ikh1 tvittrib v.-ho are .moj to an' uto-1 reu from Croun and Vhoo""i" :. i' . . j i ; .. i New Discovery, which guve rpi'CK' relieJ ami penar.uen tiy pat en. to !"'"" iu V- ,,iM'!ira 1?,u',"-i Cough. It cured mo of a chronic ! ur:inc.-. Ail tut; ho.uiut: aud fnfilbiii ; , , . . . , . . nilii-tl o 'JX.U'1 a litllu iu.'li'ivticsof C.r a-a r.ulia Vo n-t.aium roucmai iroumc in;u no oiriei; " ' ! i i!Miyv pl-o1.a.!itiiu ii(l not ry i remedy would reLc-Ve." In- pp,lho sack a lime 'o r ' t wo j u t tb.. cr.-t i ouh I'rioo iae'.ndi'3?c.nrfty. fallible for Coi,r'h.-, (Ids, flf tho ivmn-nts cf ' ''t rft o w ruV"Lht'8 I Throat and Lnng n-oubles-EiOo i ui lu Ol me JL'iiiiiaiub oi or lay I!r()ther-,..iO Wntren hiroet, New i , r. n, . - . , 1 'Ul,1 . I ) s to meal. He afterwards noticed j' v . that the littl patch of vines tliat The physicians who attended 'caught UiO siiiing.s roiuained Mr. McKinly in his last illness green and growing while the , are to.bo paid a,t the rate of a rest of his crop was devoured by. frr.nioti loss than $1,000 per day. the bugs. If tii is is a genuine ! That Js 'pretty good pay for what thejf accomplished. Dan ville Boo. and 1.00. Trial bottles free at Fetzers Dru" Htore. . discovery it is one certainly of verv .';:reat importance." North Carolina, as was told Foil Rent The Cleaver Club . Tim i ( t li if mi ciii'iini. rF TTnii n n r theotherday beatsall thebaP; iCol.biu-slloo,s app,y to'w c in tho growing of sweet potatoes, j Coleman , - tf. Now it is said lhat in production of tobacco as to quantity she is second to Kentucky only, nd leads in tine tobacco, 1 he gold k leaf and brichts. Wilmington Messenger, Old Soldier's Experience, M M Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester. Ind.. writes: wife was sick a long time ra spite of good doc tor's treat men l, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills, w!:ich worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them. Only 25c at F.etzer's Drug Store. "Some men give their con science an anesthetic and then think they are doing right be cause it does not reprove them." "A greoy. many men vio havo t(n thousand dollar paintings on their wails wuld trade tho;iolf if they could get Ihe.priuts of a baby's hand o take their place." "Tiio agnostics a pooi com forterwhon mlho mother weeps ov the bier ofher baby." "Only a foolish man be!i?ves that-a society woman, uses a fan to keep herself cold." I - FO il O V E U S XT V ' jr ' . Vlvb Mi e. Wiii'dow'a Soothir.tr ,fcivruj Laf been rifled for over sixty yean by mil lions of uotl.cra for thc:r children wbi.fc teetbin?. xvith ierfopt sucoiph. 1 1 aootbes iiicm ciiild, woftous thw (ni'T., allays all puin, curen vimf colic, p.u-t the lost reuiady for Diarrhoea, it will rulieyolie poor little subtler immedi ately. Sold byfiruprjiipts in every part of the world. Twenty-five cens a Viot tle. Be sure and ask'for ''Mrs. 'in elows Soothing Hyrui." wiv, take no in black- and colors worth. 20c For .9 ' 4 D li p f.' V N V. . - H v. L 9 y. t,.7V tj-f...L 4b-J 1 noruleu Talcum 1,'tMV.l r. S TT TT T77 i T TTTT 37 TIT 77 T f Tf .TITTTTT "f IT iTAS The popular f.-.vorites nro Tor; p , . :1 sale at Fo r',- Dni-r. Store. , jf 15 I'V) 3 Colgate's Vioi.jt. Talcum, S-mVu- ' " - lers Violet- Tahuim, Fi-iz.r's g Horatcd Tii'.i .nn, Li & G Pond re ! t-d-Jiiz. :11 tdosuhiteiy pure and j harmles. 10 lo 2a cents. J 3 tr- A Oh oi a juiro Time ! ' in four difftH-ent' positions. AVe are here ftjr a ;short time onl'so comeoa'rly cimlavoid f T1 ' ! 'A the rusli Mothers bring your -babies. A souvenir .with every 5ce,u"ts woldh of Photos. AiBcnaoNiiv I- t - - tr. t- s i tr wa't for an 'unii, Ynl'7 ''d . . i W A I I f..r i t.n vh'-n y.,u . . watches . . r3 3 3 Herd Building, opposite Milton inn Hotel. , i I Nasal In all its ntftgoft, Ely's Cream Balm cleftnscft, tootliM nd hf ! th diseuad membrane. It curectrrb and driTM way a cold in tut bead qnlcUly. Crem Halm it placed into the ncstrila.ipreadu over the membrane and lg absorbed. Relief it Im mediate and a cure follows. It U not drjiuj doe not produce gneezlng. Large Size, 00 cati at Drug IfiBU or by mall; Trial Size, 10 conta. ELT BR0T1IHRS, M Warren Street, Kew York i ;,..r,u,t v v I t a t. i T (i ,A!M Why should I- . A' have tiio fce-st ?jf, fj for your 5 cento? rAl 3. . W A 'v ' V - '." .-:','- W 'A To 33o Tlaeiro and stay there to maintain our posi tion'at the head; we continue to sell the different styles of vehicles of Tyson Jonos, Hackney, Biir'ooar, EiuertLn & Fisher, dtc, of the samo qnality.that haa Riyen Batisfaction for years. Oar efforta arc directed towards pleasing our ever increasing num'jer of cutoniersather than add to our"profits. Any of those vehid-t -swill make pLas Christmas Oit':,s buyiee, mrrey and tra, s of any fiuish all are exesllent yalue at the price. ONCORI) - NATIONAL Bank Has paid :4,P00 in dividends since it opened doors in July, 1S88. Its surplus and undivided -fund is .e00. The losses from bad loans in its entire history tuaj $33.00. .It has never sued aay ouo or boon sued. , , 'Itsofiicers are: J M Odell oresident; D B CJitrano, cashier; L DColtrafic, zfissistarlt cashier;' J MTEIendrix, bookkeeper. Board of Directors W II Lilly -W U Odell, iuo. P Allison, J B Barns, Elam "lmg J MOdell aad D B Coltrafte " " i At I'etzer's Druar Store. , The Newest Perfumes it popular favor now are floro- DOHA, PALESTINE CLOVEli and la piiAXCE hose. Those odors are unique and exquisite. Don't fail to try them, queen of violets is still without a peer, it is in fact the only violet. A u 7 ( 1 'V. 7, i 'i 4 (4 "t Y i "I . 71 Vfc d T ; 0 1 0 Si1 .4. ft .Ilk