Q .X Price: $1.00 per year. . ONCORD, N. V. WEDNESDAY. MAY 21 190?. Single ropy 5 cents. ft p IP 114 3 I . 1 ii r f 11 V1 Y V' ft Mr. A. A. Harvey Ketnrna With Texas Soil and Otb Mementoes oj, HisTrlp ' to the Loir Star tap. m ... f Mr. A A Harwell, "of Locust, has just returned from Texas after attending the reunion. He ramfled over a number of places anfl isquite interesting to conversewith. He gathered up some thmgas souvenirs of Jiis visit. "He can stand upon tile Texas bfack lan&sVhenever he chooses or sleep on them either. ml " .1 . r j 1 P i msis,ine nrst we naviysuey . this remarkable soil. He also has a fine Collection of sea shells that were sifted out of these lands, 'snowijg that the Te:aus are now raising their finest crops in what was at oae.timaNep tune's patch. He has a specimen of a white chalky, gritless .stone that lies beneath this soil, show- ing that the sea furnished the v f oundatibn and then laid"thr!ch alluvium upon it so. that those TexanS can beat us farming. Even up in the "pan handle" Mr. Harvell gathered up soil that is alluvial and almost black? He seemed delighted with the Pecan groves with their trees three feet thick. He has some , as fine specimens as you ever cracked your enamel on. He has some specimens of corn, one of which seems just the thing on which to feed little chicks. It makes from 50 to 75 bushels per acre. He says as a corn growing country it is better than North Carolina as to quan tity but inferior as to quality. J FarrAing is comparativeleaey there. One man With his ma chinery cultivates 50 to 75 acres of land and makes a bale of co 1- Ion to the acre. Mr. Harwell met a number of Tar Heels and 'is flighted to find nearly all of them doing well. They are independent and happy. . Moiher Dies to Sare Sou. Pittsburg, Pa., May 19. A trolley car crushed out the life of Mary Hafner, of Allegheny, aged 30, today. She had crossed the street and was followed by her 4-year-old son, Haymond. A Troy Hill car dashed down the grade ancVhadnearly struck the bjpy when the mother saw it. She ran in frontof the car, threw her son off the track, but was herself caught beneth the front trucks. PLEASED Willi TEXAS. Ivery Healthy Boy likes to get himself into places of danger. Hence bruises, strains and sprains. Mother scolds and brings out the bottle of Perry Daves' Painkiller and rubs it on the injured spots with an energy and frequency depending on the seriousness of the case. There O is nothing like Painkiller to take out the soreness. Tbere is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. Price 3c. and 50c. 4 Flafftjor Dcliutin (ttoh SecJ) 1)6 EslHhed ai RocklnghamJL'haTfttte People Interest. 0 SEWESTERlTJSg 'rtip Observer is mforniea ron there was a called meeting thaf there is a movement on foot of the tbwn commissioners Tuesj to established a plant for delint- day night. Mr. Cannon present ing cottorTsoed atkRockjngham. ed to the body tb necessity for This enterprise is based upon system ofsewerage ftt the Qib patents procured 'by Mj W A son mill. He saidnhat ttiere is Ragsdalefor tng all the 'lint now a good large community off of cotton seed, leaping th uitiutt. aeeu iwnwg iuxk oe iqq size oi me uiiu ine luiiciui Island cotton seed. 1 It is staied ftmt will be opbledand sewer- hat for the exportation of (jot- ton seed it is necessary to take all the lint off of them, lgaving j them-hard ajid black In .this. shape they stand the ocean voyage, which the ordinary J upland cotton seed will not dtf because the lint that is on thnv ! absofbs moisture and this 19 turn spoils the seed. Mr. j along the line. He said the !axs Kagsdalc stes that delintedVfrom that source had now bo cotton seed wTll sell in Europe cope a considerable !tem and at about $5 a ton. This is a 'that the next legislature would tort of 2,240 pouuds. His figures go tj show that there is better profit in delinting all seed and shipping them to 'Europe than there is in work them in this country. 1 is said that some of the con tinental countries have a high tariff on cotton, seed oil and practically no tariff at all 3n cotton seed. This condition would contribute much to make the exportation of seed profitable as compared with the exportat ion of oil. The principal marketfe for tho- seed are in England and Francel Mr. Ragsdale stated ihat if his negotiations went through In good shape at Rockingham tha pa rties interested there would probably build a plaint in Char- Llotte. Several local people are to bo interested with Mr. Rags dale. Charlotte Observer of 20th. - ! A B1k Turtle. , t Last week while Master Prank Crowel? was visiting his cousic,' Boone Crowell, in No. 6 town siip .they causrht a turtle in Dutch Buffalo creek tfiat weighed 15 pounds and while Boone was getting him out of the creek the line tore and Frank said "God Nose" he is gone but the line happened to get fastened to a root and we got him at last and over Sunday we feasted on turtle. According to Fkank. The Swiss Bell Ringers. The Swiss Bell Ringers will be at the court house tomorrow night under the auspices of the Alkest Lyceum. A charming chine is in stcre. Tickets on sale at Gibson's Drug store. Admission 50 cents. Mr. C C Hopkins left today for Charlotte to enter St. Peters hospital for treatment. TOJFX FATHERS MEET. $iie, BnqgtfAskcd to Coustruct Sewerage m fmm System for the Uibsoii " I At the rqut of Mr J W (jfn. there, and as they are doubling age is a "necessity. Complaints have been lodged against tha present art-angement. and he thought a sewerage system should bo ecued at onpe. U,o asked tbfc board ,to construct a line 'tapping the waitl system tlfat would supply the need there! and would embrace many more be askad to extend the corporate limits so as to embrace all thQ property Jhere, or, if it were so, desired ,the liaae might bo con tracted so as to leave out the I entire plant and community, though he preferred to have it taken in as a whyle and pay the taxes to the town and enjoy police protection and pother benefits. Mr. R E Gibson presented the claims from the growing taxable wealth of the community and hoped the commissioners would see the force of the claim. On motion the matter was re- jit ' I ferrod to ttfe sewerage committee to be reported at the edrliost practical time. ' Twora Kind. Goldsboro, N. C, May 19. A shooUng scraf e is reported f rtfm Mt; Olive, 'where on Sat urday night a negro whose name could not be learned shot a white man named Bill Miller. The njgro emptied his pistol, which was a six shooter, into the white man at close range and the later, with six balls inhisbody, is still living, but is said to bo in a serious condition. The contro versy arose over some money which the white man claimed that the iwvro owed him.. It seems that Miller is in bad repute in the community from his association with the negroes, and the public generally are not disposed to make much effort to condem or to apprehend the negro, and the occurrence is not much regretted. The point at dispute between the two men was of a trivial nature and is not thought fit for publication, 'On her wedding day the happy bride can see no good reason why. tho honeymoon should not last forever." jf 1 I h trVYPQ MCI IMP I mm mm t f 1 m j . ; to.l ' TQr the n2t thirty das . the large tailoririg conceri of. Ed. y. Pricand Go. have madea "deep reduction in a number of . Suits .where there is onljr tJlbtJi enough left to. make 4 or 6suits. ' These are the 'best patterns the lo'ts.be- ing small. -Now to get ja made to measure;&uit -at. a fetore Jbpught price. The 1 9. 00 ' tor 21.00 'Suits are- now;-16.C0. The 16.00' to 18.00 Suits are now 13.50. The .workmWship is.-of the very best and a perfect fit . is guaran teed We are pleased to-have you " drop in and look over the samples. N o ' U falking The Bell & Harris Fur." Company is doing that. Call and we DR. MOFFETT'S El my ftej&fa Costs Only 2o cents at Druggists, M&d&OT mail 25 renin to C. J. MOFFETT, M Klouk.N(,j. S. C, Not. 2C. VM). I wai flrBt advisuu by our family jih) siciarljn Charloeton to uso TEF.T11IXA (ritli ot:r b-.jjr when lie wn but a vi-ry youn(f Infant, r.i preventive of colic bii to wiirm ami swet'ten Ifcaetoiuach, f.nUr It won useful In tHPthinif troubk-8, ami itseff. rt haa N'in found to bo so very bint'lici:iJn jiofrve from ilutinrs t-'mt "i.-t conB()U(Tt upon the use of dni( nl koo! ;.ir if kv nips', ttnil Wf have come t.i r'-it. af'.i r uso vi.h 1 -8 :lii Iron, as one of the neceHsities when there Is a n ".v i.uiiy in the house ami until the tffrijr troubles are over, and w take pleasure In recommwiilini; it to our frieni' :u of the horril ntulT Unit o uiany Hple ti-e to k their taby quiet. HAHTWKLLM. AV i:, ( J. aiittb':f Djily Tunes auJ V..-eiy Tu i'-.'MtfrsiiK i. Fetzer's Drug JStore. for over1 sixty EARS - Mrs. Winslow'e HootiiiBic tirrnp haa been nsed for over eisty years by mil-lior-9 of mothers for their children whi.e teething, with perfect eucoess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind eolio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relioye the poor little sufftrer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. ..Twenty-flve cents a bot- Be sure and ask for 'aire. vm .iows Sootbinz 8yrup.' ither kind. and, Uke ur iir -Me , Basiire Sh its., - is an opportunity. s e :; Cures Cliclsra-Wiim, Diarrhoea.Dventery,and the Bowf Troubles of Children of Any Age. Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the Child and Makes TEETHING EAS1 j EAS) , is. ivio. D.. T. LOUl! Qr yj H. Wakefield ; CHARLOTTE, N. O., limits his practice to disease Yf 4 Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. The doctor will be in Mt. Pleasaut at Mrs. Welsh's Hotel on Wednesday, May -St.:, for one day only. Them; H-rfi'T t-r ill 4ft