Q o o 1 r II Da ljj Standard. JOHN D. BARRIER, Davidson College is to have WITH THE CHURCHES TOMOItKOW. Money next week. Luckily thje Kdit and i-roi.rietor. m are no street cars tlwe, u 1 -OFFICE i310IIRl!f HLILi. J? Z. t ft. . THE STANDARD ;ia publish X even avu Sun4.ieefied atTdelivereJ bjjacarrieW. Rates DFiscRipr1ofr One rear . 0 frnWltf 2.00 Three months 1-00 Que month 35c . Single copy Sc. w I The Weekly Standard us an gainful enougjrto learn that the stories ofcruelty bjj Amftridin soldiers to the Fili pinus have too much, truth itf" tfiem. Che truthdps not carry justification, however ind the aiing gibn to tfte. maUer . ii$ Congres should "bring bafek to thetfte army awholespmreJ straint against uncivilized meth ods. There seems Jittle douot that the American soldiery 'al lowed itself to become exasper ated over acts of a peo'ple of whom little better could.be ex- farger circufftion in Cabarru It h a hn any other paper Price $i a year in advance. Termslorjregul advertisements made known n application. Adresl all communication Ion THE STANDAK1), Concord, H. C. , : . . TELEPHONE NO. Ooncord, N. C, May 24, 1902 PEStS IS MAIITLN10.UE- perveksitV. MAS'S It was said after the firsfover .brow df St. Pierre that the ex plorers would face a deadly dan ger in the venomous serpent, fer-de-lance. Thepoison is so deadly that few persons survive the bite and woodmen save themselves by quickly chapping off the limb that is bitten by the snake. He isa born enemy, too, and seeks his man and follows him till man or snake is killed. These snakes inhabit the mountains chiefly, but wneu Seismic disturbances occur they descend to the lower lauds. Hence it was expected that St. Pierre wou!d be a den of these reptiles. . The story of pests on the is land of Martinivue is interesting. The time was when, like Cuba, there were no poisonous snakes there, but rats of voracious breed were an unbearable plague and some one learned that the fer-de-lance is a good extermi nator and secured some from Trinidad. It was a success, for the rats were soon gone. But alas! the snakes were infinitely worse than the rats for they drove the people out of their farming lands. A South African told of the snake-eating secretary bird. A pair was secured and lo, the snakes began to disappear and the secretary bird began to fatten and multiply charmingly. Farm ing lands were reclaimed and all was doiilg well, but the secretary bird has beautiful plumes and femininity yearned for them as decorations. The bird is too good a fighter to be robbed cf his feathers alive and too self confident to ktfo'w fear. So hewas an easy prey for ex termination by the hunter and behold the snakes were soon upon trtem again. 1 It is sjrangely truginthe 6cn omy ofniature that ever enemy of man has an exterminating en emy, butnan in his perversity, turn upon and destroys his f f rien Ind protectors, goes back, 4?n hisbest friends & Wafts Others to Kuv. '&b$ve &edDe Witt's Litto Early Risers 'foi constipation and torpid liver and they are all right. I am glad to indorse them 'for I think when we finda good thing we ought to let others know it," writes Alfred Heinze, Quincy.IU. They never gripe or distress. Sure, safe pills. Gib son Drug Store. A nearly Wit-nun is fcxlendel t Yon. ! "I will hAV of the Lord, Ho is ay I fortress; my, God; in hiui I truss .1 . 91:2 St. James E. L. church. Sun day School-at 4 p. m. Services at 11 a. m. by-Rev. C A Phil lipps. , Sunday School at All Saints' Episcopal churcn at 10:15 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. by the rector pDr. J C Davis. ' UaptistChurgli-Sunday School at :30 a. m. Services at n a. The o . , ,. -- Rocket ! New hi of White Organdie Remnants in Mercerized Stripe Lawns and Dimity in m. and 7:45 p.' nv, by .the pastor 1 to 6 yard lengtljs that sell for 20 to 25c, our Rev. JE. Smith. . . Forest Hill M. Ex church.., Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7;30p. m. bykthe pastor Re'. J N Hug gins.J ' 1 Trinitv Reformed church. 10 Gfcmr7d,r Rn ,nn nt. tlft a.' m. expected .and trm were almost. s . ' g u and 8 p m as savage a the Filipinos by way of retaliation,. It is shame- ful.on the American army that it J should be cruci to a weaker foe and be justly compared with Spain in waif.methods. School Is Out J The boj'S and girls are at home for the vacation and now the fun begins, '.One of the greatest I pleasures of vacation times is amateur photography. It is o.ie of the subtle joys of living To thus preserve the fleeting scenes of happiness. Realities of today will be but faded memories tomorrow if you have not a Kodak. You can buy, a Kodak at Fetzer's Drug Store for 1.25, $100, $5.00 and the -newest thing out is the Folding Rocket Kodak for $6.00. . All are complete in .their parts and make perfect pictures. You can also buy at Fetzer's Drug Store all kinds of Photographic Supplies, Developing and Print ing Outfits, Paper, Dry Plate?, Card Mounts, Chemicals, in fact everything necessary to set up a com plete photograph ic establi sh ment; Call and buy a Kodak, get a .catalogue and learn all about it. . A Deep Mfsterj. ' It is a mystery why women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness,' Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy, Spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure suih troubles, "I suffered for years with kidney trouble." writes Mrs. .Phfcbe Cherleyvof Peter sou'Ia., "amd.a lame back pained me sd I could not dress myself, t)ut Electric Bitters wholly cured me, anfl, although 73 years old, I now am able to dtj all my lfouse. work." It overcomes Cdh stipation, improves Appetite, gives parfect health; Otjly 50c at Fetzer's Drug store. j State Medical Society. The annual meeting oS the North Carolina State Medical Socif ty will be held at the Sea- shore Hotel in WrightsvilJoJune 10th to13tb. On thjfthree pre ceding days the State Board ol Mrdial Examners will examine th candidatesifor the practice ol medicine. Extensive preparaj tions are being made for the en terjainment of thedoctors, both by the pastor Rer.W H McNair. Central M. E. Church Sua day School at 4 p. m. Services at 11 a. m. and'8 p. m. by the pastor Rev. JAB Fry. Cannon vill Presbyterian burch. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 10:30 and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. John Wakefield. St. Andrews E: L. church. Sunday Softool at 9.30 a..m. v . First Presbyterian church Sunday School at 4 p. m. PreachiBg at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Wy the pastor, Rev. G H Cor nelson. Epworth M. E. church Sun day School. at 9:30 a. m. Love Feast at 11 a. m. Preachins. at 7:30 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. J Homer Earnhardt. McKinnon Presbyterian church. Teacher's meeting at 9:30, Sunday School at 10 a. m. Services at 11:10 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor Rev. W A Gillon; Baptist Mission at Gibson's Mill Sunday school at 3 p. m. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by Rev. W T Talbirt. Tot Causes Night Alarm. "One night my brother's baby was taken with Croup,' writes Mrs. J C Snider, of Crittenden Ky., 'it "seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so.wegaveit Dr. King's New Discovery, which gaVe quick relief and pemanently cured it. We always keep it in Uhe house to protect our child ren from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve." In fallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Eung troubles. 50ci and $1.00. Trial bottles free at FetzerDug Store. . Kesler Mill Enlargement. Mr. R A Browr4 has been awarded the contract to buildthe netf mill for the Kesler Cotton Mill Company. Thenew build ing will be 258 by 90 feet and will be connected with the main building at a point below the en gine room. Mr. Brdwn was in Salisbury yesterday making ar rangements to begin vbrk. He wfiite and solid colors gt 80c Pt lh. 10c yard. Fine Plain White tawn a't worth 15 to 20c yard. Lengths 1 to' 6 yards. 12iC yard, . 1 to 9 yard Remnants Chambray colors pink and. nary, at' 7icyard! You are paying JO to 12c per yard for same. Men's .and Coy's Sample Suspenders at 10, 15 and : . 19c. Another lot of 48c. Negligee Shirts .These Shirts are the best sellers, we have ever had. The largest line of fine Box-Papers in Concord. Mail Orders Carsfully and Promptly Filled, Respectfully; ' ' D. J. BPSTIAIM. 26 South Union St. Concord, N.-C. Like a Drowning Man. "Five years ago a disease the doctors called dyspepsia took such hold of me that I could scarcely go," writes Get. S Marsh ,workknown 'attorney of Nocona, Tex. "I took quantities of pepsin and other medicines but nothing helped me. As a drowning man man grabs at a straw I grabbed at Kodol. I felt an improvement at once and after taking a few bottles am sound and well." Kodol is the only preparation which exactly reproduces the natural digestive juices and consequently is the only one which digests any good food arfa cures any form tf stomach trouble. A Chance of a Life Time ! 28Perfscl Photos FD:25c in four different positions. We arehereor a short time only so come early and avoid the rush. MotheYs bring your babies. A souvehir with every 25 cents worth of Photos. AmeTicanNovelty PholoGo. will start on the building nextj ed Building, opposite Milton- Tweek. SalisburySuff of 32nd. Ping Pong! Be up-tb-date and wear Ping Pong Ht Pin or Brooch. The very latest now on sale at Correll's, ', The JEWELER; war Old Soldier's Experience. ' l M -Austin, a civil teteran, .)f Winchester. Ind.. wrttes: "My vife wife sick a longim$ in spiffk of good doct in VTiffhtsville andiirVilminir-Jorri ,r to-'o ts on. Rleli Tinlbs. jills, vvliich woMced onders 1 ' I tor nor neaitn." ipoy always WilT Cure Stomach Achejflsfiye PUniiTes. irln Trv lrn fnlv 9 0t I). J " J uu ig otore. will ThJl-is jpsfhat Painkiller etze's Dru illo; try it.Eftvea bottle f ApTIVB A., in tuB ruse toinstant use, as it wm saveyou hours of .suffer- UVatcTi mg out that the dealer does not sell you an imitation, as the geat reputation of Painkiller (Perry Davis'), has induced many people to try to make something to sell, said to be "just as goodas the genuine." Active Agents Wanted If or "The Would on Fire" by Mnrat IIlstead. Burning mountains m American indies explode destroying cities fnll of people. Startling history of appalling phenom ena threatening the globe. 600 big il lnFtrated pag only 1 50. Highest endorsements. Biggest profits guaran teed. Agents clearing from $3 to $25 daily. Outfit free. Enclose ten cents for postage. THE DOjUMON CO. 6 2 i, tept L, Chicogo. ian Hoel. Concord National Bank Has pai2l $54,000 in dividends sjjice it opened! doors in July, 1888. Its surplus and undivided fund is $27.uu0. The losses from bad loans in its entire history are $35.00. It has never sued any one or been sued. Its officers are : J M Odell, president; D B Coltrane, cashier; L D Coltrane, assistant cashier; J M Hendrix, bookkeeper. Board of Directors W H Lilly W R Odell, Jno. P Allison, J S Harris, Elam King J M Odell and D B Coltrane 33 TJtLoro Lnd stay there-to maintalfn our posi- tion at the head; we coninue to selTxhe difTer6ntj8tyles oi L vehicles of Jones, Hacknev. Barboar, Emerson & Fisher etc., of the same'qnamy that t&a giyen satisfaction for years. Oar effoita are directed towards pleasing oar ever increasing number of customers rather than add to our profits. Any of these vehicles will make pleas ing Christmas Gifts buggies, surrey and traps of any finish all are excellent value atr the price. P. II. n