VjV 'OA V Q3TCE: $3.00 per year. UNCORD, N. C. TUESDAY, MAY 27 1002. -Single copy 5 centj. II 1 If li 1 im 1 ''it i (;oui) i:oais m&eun. TwnWn No Hs a Lively y!lntf I'jnorstke lfsii of liond .1iliforitjrt IItevr, Favor IHrrct Taxation Appoints Ihlepites tyCountj Meetlul and Creates a Good Roads Committee. At a meeting of citizens on Saturday, ay the 24th, in No.jTent on Saturday, the? 23th. 3 township, Dr. Geo. J.Oouger , Vice-President, J T Cox. called Vice-President from No. Swas meGting to order andex inade'chairman and Capt. W A'; plained the object to be to elect Kerr was made secl-(itary. J delegates to the County Good The. chairman explained the Rodds meeting to be held in Con object of the meeting to be the cortf xiay 31st and .also to dis .organization of a.Township Good Cuss plans and methods for ad Roads Association and the dis vancing the great movement, cussion of practical methods of( By resolution the meeting fa- operation as well as the appoint- ment of delegates to the county meeting on. the 31st in Cpncord. Tne o.ganization was made . permanent. ' The subject v as freely dis- cussed, some iavoring bond's wi e u jfis muiuu uuetii ua ior raising ire necessary -iuuus. Mr. Charles Allison favored uuugu,,, .uuMJr ,sucn as it is aesiraoie to connne .flegh thQ cntire ensth-of his direct-taxation U enough could dosely be put to manufacturing bmJy Kester was found uncon .be raised that way, but if not, material for the roads of count-' butlater reco-verod. Mrs. then he favored the issue ieSf willing to pay for same. Markers and her child were but bonds. Mr. W F Smith con-: The following were made dele- slighty shocked 'and aot curred with Mr. Allison. Mr. Wgates to tho county meeting: J seriously Injured B Goodnight favored a directax a Sims, R V Caldwell, D C, as did Esq. Bradford. Messrs. ; Bonds, George Cline, P S Good-1 G,llss I,nns- Charles Fisher and Lee Smith' man S S Johnston and others' Glass- Ma 27.-Quito a num favored the issue of bonds. ! who may be in attendance on the ber of the iTun t)tioPle of this On motion of Mr. W A Kerr meeting. On motion .the pre- .community attended Children's the meeting instructed tho dele- !sidirur omcer. Mr. Cox. was made ' exercises a; Old Bethpage. gates to the county meeting to favor the issue of bonds. It was agreed, however, that in the ap pointing of delegates the minor ity, that is those favoring direct taxation, should be fairly repre sented. On motion the chairman ap pointed as delegates to the county meeting 'Messrs. W F'izai to have the work done. Smith, Charles Fisher, Charles Allison. W B Goodnight and J 11 Bradford. - On motion the chairman was directed to appoint a committee pf th,ree to be designated the Township Good Roads, Con veil mittee. Me named the follow- ing: Messrs. H C Hamilton, ! Charles Fisher'and J A Kankin. Business being concluded the meeting adjourned. G J Gouger, President. " W A Kerr. Secretary. Pretty Romanrt With Marriw Soqiial. SThit was a mighty pretty fory in which Mr; ... Walter George' A . . " Newman met boniy lass on a picturesque Virginia spot , and there in the ardency of youthful love and hopefulness promised her that he would go forth and make a fortune, then return and J build a superb mansion with itsi grounds laid out with shades, fruits and flowers, forming a veritable paradise when he would claim her as a bride and make her a queen of that peerless do main, and he seemed to realize the dream minutely. Now the romance is nono the less dug the astonishing news floats that she is suing for divorcO. I rofi KV.visnn' mood koads. !t'zens of No. 2 lu Session Ther Adro - & 9 cat 5 Cnta Direct Tion the $1.00 and tljIsSfcfc of f 00.000 4.1 Bonds Delegates Tor Comity Meetluff According to call a goottly dumber of citizen met at Poplar vorcd a direct tax of 5 cents oti'brea mw bersclf aud Kester 81 00 worth of property and also hen-lhe bolt struck, passing the issue of $200,000 of bonds for 'down the handle leaving it a macadamizin"' roads ;n the' , . u i i i mj,uudmiiiiD luaus .ii 1,10 , short distauco above her hand, 'county. ' " Igtriking Kcstor on the neck and Tn0 meotinffi by vote, favored '. collar and the abolition of State penitenti-' t Iuhfin d dowlt his nrv farming and the emnlov- 1X1 J 1lluuUn' clllu UJO t,Iul'JUJ' m(ut of convicis ou the ioads of tho seVeral counties, and that a delegate. There was a general discussion of the subject but it took practi cal sharje when a collection was ! taken up for the removal of cream I)art Saturday niglft. certain rocks at the west end 0f .Concord was well represented. u i. tu tj irprtV,i.' Mr. Hugh Alexander, of Char- the macadam on the Poplar Tent roa(j ' lotte, is filling Mr. Earl Patter- 1rri son's n'tcoliere as operator dur- Mr. R V Caldwell was author- 1 x Business bwing finished the meeting adjoprned. , .f S S Johnson, Secrotary. Keriiif,itioii lor Jf. B. Luivis. Mr. D. Kirbv Pope Ik:s rc- j ceivd a letter roro M. John h' (Smith Commonweulth a,Ltorney "V , ,lttU the Govcrrior of Virgh.iS has i-ssuedVpquis.ticnpairsfor Mr. M B Lis, th; t.ost master at Madison,. and the papers win oe presdiueu- lW uuvnuyx to-daf. If Governor Aycock signs the rttpaisltioa paps ' 1 r- 'cJii AT..' TTAwlti tt!.l. ..Iron in L,4au ,vlJ- if ...,r ill. 1T 1 . . I -.. iruusyine, v a., ... u.. m uu a' ch a rge o f h iglxw - .7 ''- obb i y commit: ,d on Mr. Pope on March 25th. It will be remem bered that Mr. Pope, as - col- iUc. I7n,mhnan V-.am-! paignlund, was giventwo of Mr. Lewis, notes which the latter forced Mr. Pope' at the point of a pistol to return. Charlotte Observer. 'If ignorance is bliss a vast number of people ought tobe supremely happy.". FltEAK OFUM TMMi. i Extraordinary Exjfi'rfeiie of a Man i M Woman anifthilj Hi a Htffjrfi Cambria. Va., Mrty 2G. A re markable freak of lightning occurred vesterdav in Mont gomery county. Frank Kester, while (living, d G 'tojk Mr. and Mrs. Markers and child. He took Mrs. Markers and child in his buggy. Two hours later lighntingi struck the buggy, throwing the woman and child from one side and Kester from the other, ami scattering tho vehicle ovsr the roadway. Mrs. i i u .i n u -, back burning the llesh as with a hot iron, tearing his shoe l.eel otf and leaving a mark of se:rid The exercises were interesting as well as instructive. Tho young people had a very ' nico time at Dr. Flow's at an ico nig Ins visit to Washington. Rev. Mr. Kennedy preached at Bethpage last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Gillon wjll preach there on the first Sunday in .f:jno in tho riio young people of this co.f-1 munity jVc .?oing loitttend Chil-1 0XCi.c;)S ut Ei)0ch ville next Sunday. Thif StarJVJailtiouto from Mill , , Ctjal.K:j Kcr is can-er ... , , YnI,Tlf; ;i. ,lh -.CaWwell returned 1ft Concd today. j " gomo of tj10 voutjm men of this place !tt,:.jded a litemry meutiuff cUj.jorland last luid night ;:n.d report the exercises as being good. R. Two small boys who beat their way into Salisbury on aj detained here by the oiiicers. They said they were from Con cord aud gave the names of j their fathers who y;ere notified j of ' their detention. A. reply came to send them homo and they were put on No. 7 by the officers last night. Salisbury Sun of 2Gth, Kitchie-Crowell. b Mr.Valter RitcTn'e loft todav accompanied by. Mrs. Emma Wright to Ritchfield where he will take Mtis Nora Crowll as t tride on Wednesday evening. Mr. Muipford Ritchie will go by country road Wednesday to attend the wedding mi will re tarn with Mrs. Wright. " The bride and groom will come by train, dispensing with the custo mary bridal tour. t The bride is the estimable; daughter of Mr. Williani Ciovvell of Uichneld. The groom is a most excelleut young mau of business, conspicuous for purity, upiightness, indusiry and frif gality. . We most heartily con gratulate these young lovors in the early possession of 'the heart's deepest yearning?-, trui compauionship for life. C:m of Tiiank. I To the many friends and n.eigh- i bors who so kindlf rendered as- sistance to myself ard family in our recent a miction attend inf the sickness and death of Mrs Biles, I desire to return my. sin c?ro thanks. Most gratefully, L C. Biles. ' "Honesty, in these times, is regarded much in the same light as an article of merchandise its valuo is determined by the extent to which it will pay." MM That's What We Say Vo have so nijtuy r tfilkiu about the ffood-point.;. Some one ro? (lay ana says those Snow Shoes for jnen or Ine Kina f(r Wonicn ar the bestI ever for our large shoe trade. . i .iOUF SllCeS &TB enced workmen. The yevy best of upper stock and sole leather is used. Large variety, any size, all styles. We fit the feet purse. For t he Jeifot'sou Davis Mouuiueut Finid. 'Roooivpd of Mr. J D Barrier $12. for tne Jeti'ersonDavis Mon ument. Mrs. J P Allison, "Director for 3$. C. Jefferson Da- g vis Monument Fund. "May 2Khu19." Thtxp'anatftn of the above is that at the last neetinf of Camp No. 212, U. C. V.,a coin- municatiou was read from the committee asking veterans contribute to this fund. to The opportunity was given and the following availed them selves of it, viz : M C Walter, $ 1.00 II B Parks " 1.00 S L Partlow, 1.00 J D Barrior,' 1.00 D A Caldwell, 1.00 J C Thompson, . 1. 00 Aaro'n Bost, . 1 00 Nano' withheld, ' 5ir0 Total $12.00 1,t is not the pynoe to u:;e vreierai; and mak 1 heai iol lad. it they Vlo not com ibute. Should thtre bo otlvrsj wi;o wish to con tribute fhe amounts will bo ie v.'.ived and forwarded U Mrs. Allison hvtf no further elTort will be made. This should be entire ly a free will offering. Wants Oilers o !'.,w. "I have used DevVift's Little Early Risers for constipation and toTpii liver a -S ti; -y are all right. I am glad to indorse thum for 1 think when we ffncl a good '.thing we ought t) let others know it," writes Allied Heinze, Q'iini'y,Jll. Tfcey never gripe or distress. Sure, sale pUls. Gib son Drue: Store. A. 'I . K IM Of . can't Shoos that hell) k'S J;i every had. This is tw 'cause We 'sell good Shoes. HiadG bj . eZpeH- as well as the