W , r Price : $4.00 per year. f UNCORD, N". V. WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 190. Single copy 5 cemv. I 1 a 0 4 h ?. ! COM 51 ENOEM EST "AT MOST A MO EN A. ExeroNff Unusually r;nil-Ortn.r?rfll - . . Context Exeeedinsly. F.ne Program n Whflle Higblr Enjoyed. .Mt. Pleasant, Ifay 28. An other commencement at Mont Amoena Seminary is recorded and the students have returned to their happy homes. The ex ercises throughout were largely attended and highly enjoyed, more than measuripg up to that high standard which similiar occasions of the past have mer ited for this des"ervedly popular institution. Rev. Prof. 0 Lf Fisher, of Elizabeth College, formerly president of Mont Amoena, de livered the annual sermon before the graduating class Sunday morning. He had the undivided j attention of an appreciative au- j dience, which are always glad to have Mr. Fisher with them. j The young ladies of the Mis- sionary Society were fortunate in securing the services of Rev. ! testants. ' J THE liEETIfOVEN tfLUK. . - 1 , u x ,a,.cl, uu ir(tf:ram 0f Express Thursday vift-! succeeds uv. Miner as 'president atsUntAlrs. a. C.Herrlnff's. of the Seminary made a few brief j On Thiirsday evening, May announcements in regard to the 2)th, at 8:30 otdoekf at" the resi work the coming year. (denceof Mrs. H C Herring, on The past year has been one of West Depot street, thcwBeethoven- i success and it is safe to predict Music Club will give the first of thajUunder the.efficient manage-ja series of'concerts, which they ment of Prof. Fisher the institu- propose to have monthly, during tion will continue in its march , the summer. Each member has "BV (the privilege of inviting three! 11 to greater success. ' That's What We Say. COKSER 8T0SE LAID. Students Building at tbe State Normal- It Rose From $8000 to $20,000. We have so many good Shoes that we can't help' talking about the good points. Some one comes in- every wing is the programme:' a j xl- u ci t xi r n . .w day and says those bnow bhoes for men or the Itegina et, "Hunsiarian Dance,' Mos-. .- te-Misses Phifer and Smith. for women, are the best 1 ever had. This is the cause The corner store was laid 'Followin Piano Da I kowske , Sonpr, "The Shadow of the Palm," Flo. rodra MisS Craven. Monday for the Student's build-, Waltz. Opus 84 No. 1, Chopin-Miss ing at the State Normal , College i eZn-lL Hendrix. at GreensbQro. The ceremony ; "Fairyland Waltz," Veazie Nevin was conducted with Masonic' Qaartettb." ' , , Solo, "Choconue." Durand Mrs Mil rites. This grand work was Caldwall. started by Miss Louise Dull who Sods. "Whippered Vow," flartwell read the history of. the move- 'frKT'rr - : Dccitation, Seleotdd Miss Ilervej. ment which began with the mod- solo, Sdfutou Miss Oole. 'Uoofjnight, Goodnight, Beloved," Pin tute -'Nevin Quartette.'' women. '' for our large shoe trade.. We sell good Shoes. est hoj)o of a 3, COO building. Soon it was found that $10,000 could be gotteu and now it is-to To be Married This Ercninir. ;bea$20,000 building with $15,-- Mr. Palmer Porter arrived in Our Shoes are made by experi enced workmen. The verjr best of upper str-eli and sole leather is used. Mr. Hiller, pastor of St-James!0o0 seared and no fear for the' the city from Salisbury this i Large Variety, ally Size, all StyleS. R. Tj. church. fJoncnrd. who do- J ' . . ' ' ! other $5,000, uvered the Missionary address Sunday night. He to jk for his ! Mr. J- W. Sides Dead. subject, "Femininity."' The ad- him. The contest in elocution Mon day morning was one of unusual merit, and were it not for the fact that it was a contest among young ladies we would be con strained to call it a battle royal. Indeed it would not be inappro priate to style the contest a bat tle of princesses, ar'med with glittering diamonds, on the flow ery fields of choicest language. morning and will be married to Miss Lucy Rimer this evening at 5:30 o'clock by Rev. W II Mc- home at arv' They will leave on No. 12 train for Salisbury, whero ture home. New South Club Will Move. The New South Club met in Mrs. Jno. W Sides died at 11:30 dress was a gem, and has been j iuesuay uui uei profusely complimented by all j Cannnville -after a .lingering ill- who had the pleasure of hearing ness Wlth consumption. Her 'maiden name was Miss Kate Blackwelder, the daughter of Mr. J A C Blackwelder. She had been married but about nine fun body Tuesday night and con months and thus is taken from a- sidered a proposition from the sorro ing husband before a year pythian Realty Company and of companionship in life. Accepted the offer. It will move She was 20 years old and was into the K. of P. building. A a faithful member of Epworth suitable committee was appoint M. E. Church. 1 ed to represent the Club as to Her funeral was canducted at jts waT)ts and requirements in the church this (Wednesday) arrangoment and furnishings of A splendid program of musical , evening at 4 o'exock by her past- jthe new quarters. It is proba- ! n T TT T U - n .1 I. . .... renderings and recitations was or XU5V avmvL "'"ble that the military company We fit the feet as well ss purse. the IV i DR. MOFFETT'fi r' Wjfe. iLyiiTEETHING POWDERS) Costs Only 25 cents at Druggists, executed. Those on the musical program were: Misses Pearle Lingle, Ada Stirewalt, Ritchie, Means, Lentz, Tidmarsh and Magruder.' Reciters in the oratorical con test were: Misses Annie Bell Barrier Ella Lewis, Maggie Linn, Essie Moore, Beulah Van sant and Bollo Wingard. On a very small margin the medal was won by Miss Wingard The graduating class exeiciscs were held Monday, night, each reading &n essay on somt; live topic of the day. Rev. MrLinn, at th request of Dr. Miller, then deMvered the diplomas to the young ladies in the remains were laid among the wju 0CCUpy the quarters now beloved dead at Centre Church u$0(j t0 cuh. burying ground. Aids Digestion, Regulate! the Bowels, Strengthens the Child and Makes TFFTHINr: FASY dkilOr mail 25 cent to C. J. MOFFETT, M. D Gl. LCUli, nrtO. Flohkmor. 8. O.. Nor. 2B. !KK). I was first ad vised by our fumllr nliTslclnn In Charleston to una TEETHINA with our baby when he wai but a very rounir Infant, as a nrevontive of colic and to nurn ii.nil swepten tlin stomach. Later it was useful in teething trouble), and its effect has been found to be bo very lienellci.il and so free from dan corf that are oonseqiKint upon the uxe of driiKS and goolhinir syrupH. that we hare coma to ri',ira it. nf'.cr use with three children, anoneof the neoensitie when there Ih anew buliy the house anil until the ttwUiiiir 1iii!i!i'm are over, anl w. take pleasure Hi recommend In if It to our friemU inxtuad of the horrid xtuff that o iniii yi v. o to keep their baby quioU IiAltT WKLL M. A V Kit, ( Mauser Ua.ly Times and Wet.; .y J ..n.-ileRaentfer. J Fetzer's Drag Store. A Chance Thirteen mouths ago her Yon Simula See the Other Follow. other departed und last Sep- ' Mr" Ed Lipe' P""c0 doctor so ve Ravo it Dr Kind's e; . , - iollitv, is woarinff mottles eu his New .Discovery, which jravo Tut Causes Night Alarm. 'One night my brother's tnpv waa taken with Croup," wr ..ts ' i? t i-P T Mrs. J C Snider, of Critterricn OI. R JUlie X ITTiei Ky., "it 'seemed it would . . . : strangle before -we could' gut, : ;J 011551 ffiuJ? Jf Or 5oOC m tember a sister fell asleep aH from the some fatal malady. Our condolence is tendered to the bereaved. Mr. li t k Dead. Mr. J H Beck died this morn- 'should see the other fellow." ing at Forest Hill after a lingei-j . Mr. Held Leaves Nuliiburr . . ik and scalp put on jured ,t , Wq always koej,. jl, in there sbme time ago by a buck- j tho house to protect our chikl- ingmule. When asked what is ren from Croup and Whoopinc .Cougrh. It cured mo or a chronic thQ matter he looks triumphantly bronchial trouble that no other i rvq r.nrcv vnii remedy would reiiove." In ing illness. DeaUi was; not ifli- Mr. W W Reid left Salisbury fallible for Coughs, Colds, ; Throat and Lung troubles. r()c j and $1.00. Trial bottles free at ! Felzers Drue Store. in four different positions. We are here for a short time only so come porly and nevoid the rush.. Mothers bring your babies. A souvenir. with every -Scents worth of Photos. JiifflfilCll 1 0j0i ovnofilnrl Kit Viiu fnmillJ " HThft rn- .... . . .. ' . this morning for the county, . 'MPnR H - NaTTOMM mams will be taken to I'iney i . ' UUrHA'rvJJ 1 ili I LJl A i . . : when- he will mal-o his home: nb .iTfh n.vi Onntv. tf.mof-: " J' ... i .n i r witn nis omiuBi, mi. wiviu Rood Building, opposito Milton ian Hotel. row wh re the vi ill be J tid fo rest r. ucck leaves a sorrow- linwifio and five small children to mourn their lo. ur deepest a strorfc approjTL-iatck aaaress. , ...u sfi fivfftnded to tho hp.-' Reid. Mr. ReiJ expects return to Salisbury on to a : Has paid Bank 554,000 in dividtjds Dr. Miller annoucod that first Vcaved family visit within the next month. ' since it opened doors in July, ' . 1888. its surplus and Undivided Salisbury Sun of L' th. fund i-7 Ping Pong! lo up-to-date and wear -cl- honor bad been won by Miss Hattie Tidmarsh, of Vhitnflres, S. C-, and thatecond honor had "Been shared between Misses 3elle Wigqcl, tpne Star, S. C, and Emtia Werts, Ruff, S. C, The several medals were thn jpresented to the successful con- . "I Never Knew Faia Killer to Fail lTefoif what can tbe patter be? Wheto is thfi bottle? There, I thtfbght so; it is not Berry Davis1 atull, buf something the dfir gist must have Bad himself aSd I did not notice it; T have used Painhiller for years for diarrcea, cramps and stomach aches and it never fjjed." Wants Oilers to Kuow. jits entire history are $3. 00. It I have used DoWi.'s Littlo j has never sued ny no been Early Iers for consUpation sued. its oircers are : j im oaen, oresident; D B Coltfane, cash'e; LU QrtrSne, assistant cashier; J TTVi !- . y and t.ornid liver and they are all ri"l:t. I 'n I.id toindorse then for 1 Lhiifli when we find a roojd thinir we oujrht tuHet others -J know it," writes Alfred Heinze, Ouincv. HI. They never gripe or distress. Sure, sate pills. Uib- sou Drug Store. JM flendrix, boolikecf or. 1 Board of IMrfcCtors W H Lilly, W R Odell, JnoP Allison, J S Harris, Elai King J M Odell and D P Coltrae Fir or Brooch, Th very la'.ost now cm salgt at Correll's, TfieVEWBtEK o

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