V - 1 V : 1; . 5 V"C$ 31 00 e year. .. . ! ii IJetli)Toti Musi &nh ives a SplcnVd Frflgram ut Dr. and SI A. H.C, ller- The Beethoven Music Club ac cepted the apartments tendered by Br." and H C Her- ' ring in their beatiful and capacious home on West Depot street and pave an ' entertainment Thursday uight at which a number of friends were invited. Indeed the space was taxed that as many as possible might enjoy the rich fe.ast in store. The program as printed Wednesday in the Standard was strictly adhered to with a few extras on encore. As a lady said tithe writer aeter the exarcise, there wasnot a dry feature on the program and Foveral Parts rose -to the degree, of the sub- linfe. Fairy Land Waltz, by the Neviu Quartette, composed of I Misses Craven and Smith and, Messrs. Barrow and Betts was racy and beautiful to a. rare de-, bloIieris urMiay evening wun upon having won a life compan gree. The recitations by Misses j regard to our system of water ion possessod of the most con Hervey and Hendrix were very WOrks and was .employed by R6nial and lovely characteristics, enjoyable and each returned thom t0 engineer and superin. Mrs. Ritchie : will find a most after persistant delay but in re- tend the whole construction. hearty welcome awaiting her x, . A J Sponse lO calls Uiai wumu uui. icond! down and rendered a se whir.h richlv rewarded those who mav have burning palms. " Several piano salos were en cored. The vocal solos bv Misses Cra- v ven and Patterson were cheered lustily, showing the pleasure af forded by them. The program completed, the delighted guests arose, but were slow to depart and social con verse flowed in laughing stream and spontanpous vein. The occasion will linger in the memories of those present as a'tne cemetery Monday alternoon splendid contribution, othe sum total of life's pleasures, by the Beethoven Club and the inmates! They kept pummelling each of the 'elegant home thrown open other in the grave until a police for an evening oi enjoyment. man who had been summoded by Drowned in a Branch. The Mooresville correspondent to the Charlotte Observer under date of the 28th says named Will 'A young man McLaughlin. aged about 18 years, was drowned last Saturday near the home of his uncle, Henry McLaughlin, with whom he lived. The young man was subject to fits. His uncle never sentjiim far away whan alone. On this occasion he sent him on a short errand across a small branch r:;;" T lilt rtj'siueuce. vvxiuii no scyj been gone long enough to have u a Ai muue mp auu uiu xjui reuuru . his uncle went in search of him stad found him in the branch.i dad. He had crossed and re (gosselt the ft ranch, but his tracks indicated that he had gone back to the branch after crossing. It is supposed that he was seiacd I by a fit and fell into the branch." Subscribe for The Standard. m , , " . INDICATIONS R)U PEACH. !lnnoimoement Exported Early JioxtJ Week. Again the sky lools"brjght for peace in South Africa. The British have agreed to thereten tion of arms by the Boers and it is hoped that peace will oou be declared. Commencement at Sijuderland Hall. The commencement exercises of Sunderland will be held next Tuesday, morning and night. Two members of the present corps of teachers will sever their connection with the school at the close of this session. Miss Her vey returns to her home in West ,r. . . , ... xt , ,y Virginia and Miss Helen Goss to her relatives in Iowa. Con- cord correspondent to Charlotte observer. Mr. Lmllow Employed bj thej Water Commission. Mr- J L Ludlow, of Winston, met our board of water commis sioners Thursday evening with Mr. Ludlow will make the sur veys and complete the plans for the system and will see that suffered from cvg1j' ucwu w eiauiou ujuu ing to his directions as an expert. 1 r The water commission. wiiL purchase all the material them- J i . . i i as to tne laoor. Grave-Digseis Fight While Digging a confederate cemetory, his com Grave' jrades at the home acting as pall Albert Joeneay and John bearers. Lahey, grave diggers at Grace i - !.u xt tu N. J., were arraigned before Recorder Pullis, of that town, yesterday. They quart elled in and during the fight which followed fell into an open grave. the wife of the Rev. I W Gowan, pastor of Grovechurch, arrived. Lahey resfsted arrest and had to be clubbed into submission. Recorder Pullis, who is the Shakespearean scho a: of the Mow Tlnpham Tiitprarv RnfiP.tr. discharged both after making thom Tmmic tn ronrl 'FTamlAt. and learn the proper conduct, speech and manner for grave diggers.-New .York Sun. , i.. ; Dangerous Neglected. Burns, cuts and other wounds often fail to heal properly if !""r r DeWitt's Hazel bumu - suits.-. .Salve prevents bUCfl v conse delay ,'aeunces. Lven where qeu has . j tho lninrtr DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve effects acure. "I had a running sore on my legthirty years,' says H C Hartly, Yankeetown J Ind. "After using many remedies, I tried DeWitt's Hazel Salve. A few boxes healed the sore." Cures all skin diseases. Piles yield to it at once. Beware of counterfeits. Gibson Drug Store. :)ycmn' o. Friday, mav KItckiOrowcllJVeddIoff, My. Walter P IfiWhie and Miss Lenora growell.ilaughter oS Mr. lock at the home of the bride at 3 o'clock p. m. on VeInesday, the 28th, by Rev. J S Nelson. The attendants were Mr. Mumpford'Ritchieand Miss Mary Ritchie and Mr. Marvin Crowell and Miss Ermie Ritchie. It was a quiet home wedding with all the Joyeliness and en dearments implied in home, sweet home. After the marriage a sumptu- 'nnc rr rn cf ixrn o Miimrcrl in all J I 'glory of easy sociability. The b J J J . menu was elaborate and the fruests lingered lonsr at the festal bra ' Mr. ftitchie is too well and favorably knowto he.re.as a most excellent young man fo me to att3mpt any enconiums upon. him and ho is to be congratulated among a circle of good and kind neiRhbors E. W. FlrBt Veteran Admitted to Soldier's Home Dead. Mr. W R Aid ridge, the ilrst Veteran admitted ' at the North Carolina Soldier's Home died Thursday morning at the home. He was buried todar in the Saved Tree and Lost His Ovtu Life. Portland, Ore., May 29. 'Four persons were drowned li.t. nitrht, hv t,Vu r,nnsizin.r nf xwvuv D " J I O a row boat in the Columbia river near Martin's Bluff, 12 miles above Kalama. The drovnod are Herbert Martin, aged 21; Guy Martin, aged 17, Lilly Durkeo: aged 21; Lizzie Durkee, "atred 18: Besides those drowned mere were in the boat Mrs. E C Martin, Herbert Martin saved his mother, one sister and' T iv-m, After trking them to shoro ho swarn back t0 save the rest of the party but became exhausted and was drowned' with three others. - ,,,e nauds of ,l,e r,ife- Greensboro police circles have qujte a row. One Sam McClin tock seems responsible for it. IT n r,r A T-n nlr t Vi nt Vicr rn.r n nrl Struck his wif and terrorized his.family till'they all ran awjly. A policeman was called who took McClintock in. He found him quiet and sleeping when he got there however. McClintock got a warrant from a magistrate and the policeman was txnmd j,n a bond of $100 for his appearance :o court. Mayor Osborne is in censed and speaks of resigning if the police service is thus to be handicapped. so isof. m o , . p ' 'I . . ' " X . THE last two days in this month should make ' X business matters rather brisk at this siore be- $ cause of the extremely low prices on merchandise j of a. high 'character. The department store is a ' good store in yhioh to do shopping because of & ' M the large and interesting line of goods carried V w i i i i i ." ii on one.Hopr so moderately priced. 8 Plain White price 15c, our price Persian Lawns, beautiful quality, at 15 c, 25c and ft TToVTT flnn T?mn nYl T,QTTT"n Ad ft 1 i? in. wide, J , , n novo r ri nri i rr W Lace Stripe & large variety at 10c, H 15c and, per yard s Black Lace Stripe Goods X at 10c, 15c to, per yard. . X 40 in. Plain Solid colored Lawns, per yard n XXDOC !0(5fiCXD0CC-:3oC OH! ITS GREAT When you have three mail orders to till in one d.iy. fe ship goods today to Morgauton, Norwood and Mt. Airy, ;uid it's not a good day for orders either. But we have the stuiT the people want at prices that they can afford to" pay, wheat or no wheat. Our Line of Furniture mav be equaled in cities but not oxcolled in-North 0 wutiua. Car lots and spot cusn gives an option on the best factories in Ahe United States and our saving in discounts and frei; h'-. -.'ive us a profit to start with. Everything in season.- Now is a, food time To Buy Refrigerators.. Gurney, North Star, Cold Wave ahd La Bell to s ' c' n. Ice Boxes, Water Coolers, Liivvu"Swings, Settees and Rockers, and don't forget 'i m Palmer Hammock. We are after you for business. Come and seo. j I Q0 ell CC MamS 1? lir. UOHipany. ' i w .-,2 . . . tm -A-v w YytyvTtrTft-V"-Tflrvv-)tryi Good Job Work! V , iLWlC substantiate this statement I 'II7II . X with the real stuff, and leave it to you & $ to say whether our work i.S'ail j-ight or $ not; and if it is not we guarantee to.S X make it so. We are here to ma e a H profiWa iivingalsoB to-do justice to d our customers. jj: The Standard Job Office. jj; Send in your subscription to The Standard 35 cts. a month -SiNCfLE ropy 5 c:rs? Q I J . jT fflcj 35c 5 Lawn, usual' underpriced l)l;f,"w , A.) nor ttq vn uou 1 Whit Goods in xxx oxx::i'.xxx' ... . I . . alt 1 4 Ml