o o Da ly Standard. JOHN D. BARRIErt. ' Kdiior and Proprietor. 01 1 l E IS MOJIUIS IJUILDINU. THK STANDARD .is published every d.iy Sunday excepted and delivered byacarriers. . . Rates Of Subscription. One year $4.00 Si months 2.00 Threeyuonths , 1.00 One mc uth g 35c Single copy Sc. . The.VVeekly Standard Jis an 8-column 4-page fer. It lias a larger circulation in Cabarrua ava.aay other paper. Price Ji a year in advance. , Term fortregularadvertisenyMiti made known application. t , .J. , Addrsat all communication too HIE STANDARD, Concord, Ji. C. "WtLKPHONE NO. Concord, N. C, May 3' ' ; ; 71. j 1905 Dun's Review computes k that tHere is five to ten per cent, de crease this year in the cotton The South thj JJroader Action. The South is sometimes called narrow and provincial. Yet observe the' difference be tween the opinion of Southern people with regard to Abraham Lincoln and that of the Northern people with regard to Jefferson Davis. Lincoln is almost universally acknowledged at the South to have been the great nan that he was, and while tfie facts .jtvill not bear, out any Wltlilu'a Mileot the (pater. Fort de-France, Martinique, Mav 50. nnon The crater ofi Monte Pelee has been approach ed within one mile. This feat was accomplished Tuesday after noon by Geo. J Kavanaugh, an unattached newspaper man, who had accompanied Piftf. Robert T tlill, the United States gov ernment geologist on his expe? dit'bii. When Prof. 13 ill turned south toward St. Pierre, Mr. New lot oFWljite Organdie Remmftits ii whiUtand solid colors & ouc.per to. 1 to pjice Mercerized Stripe LawnsanJl Dinyty.jn. 6 yard'lengtlis that sellfor 20 to 5c, our dOc'yard. 12 to yard, great claims as to his having Kavanaugh continued on past been a relisrious man. he was a i Morne Rouge. His route seems good man. The South has realized that his death was her to have been along or near the Cale Basse divide. Re says he Kouge greatest misfortune because he descended from Morne meant well by her and vould into the valley between Morne have saved her from all the:Roug-i and Monte Pelee. This acreage. This with an unfavor-, horrors of the reconstruction valley was deeply strewu with Iine Plain White Lawn at worth-15 to 20c yard. Lengths 1 to 6 yards. , , . , M mlm i i tj u i i, . ' .. i . ... , i i i 1 to 9 yard Remnants Chambray colors . 'I pink and navy, at . 7cyard, You are paying 10 to 12c per yard for same'.' able start looks favorable " to ' good prices fdr the next crop. The Raleigh gradeu school comniittoe in arranging holidays for the school has ordered holi day whenover a circus comes to town. They say. children will not study wheu there is a cfrcus in town. It seems like letting 1 the children rul inihe uiattei-, but there is wisdom in bowluu graceful'y to the inevitable. in the war It tea foregone conclusion tVri Hon. ,Theo. F Kluttz and Hon. Spencer Blackburn will run a joint canvass this fall, and it is equally certain that they will re ceive the nominations from their respective parties for member of congress from the 8th .district. What a travest7 for suqJi men to compete for public confidence and trust- But Blackburn will bluster of course. Example to be Made of a Concern for Swindling' Newspapers The Commercial Union says it era. On the other nana Jefferson - Davis the vilest stories of personal cowardice, of unholy ambition and of treason are still freely- circu lated in the JNortb, as vile as those about Lincoln South before the and in, the remote woods even today. : so Davis was a brave soldier oi the Mexican War, was one of the? ablest Senators that any 'Southern State ever sent to Washington, was the best Secre tary of War the nation had had up to his time, and probably rnade as good a ruler of the Confederate States as that i nation could have had in those troublous years. He was a gentleman, refined, courteous, of kindly heart any. charming manners, and during the years of the war became a devout and humble Christian. He was no more responsible for Secession, or for the, Civil War, than a is currently reported' that the ( thousand-others, but upon his Government has under . c'onsid- devoted head has been heaped eration the prosecution of the , ,.. . 4. , 1 , , all of the odium of the war and managers of the "Independent , , , , , , . j ... " he alone has boon held to be a Advertising Agency, of Chicago, e - ti. , traitor. Civilization of some for its frauds upon publishers. To-this end it suggests that varieties needs to .flow norths every newspaper' publisher who ward instead of in the contrary has been defrauded make 1m- direction. Mr. Hamilton Mabie mediate complaint either to (3ol. (could afford to say that he James E Stuart, Post Office In- jliopel to see statues of Lee'and spector, or to Hon. S H Bethea. ! Jackson in the squares of United States District Attorney, j Northern cities. But we doubt at Chicago.. 'The Commercial j either he would have dared to Union thinks the; Government saya statue of Jefferson Davis. has sufficient interest in the-well Presbyterian Standard. , fare ot Ihe press generally to j stamp out swindles upon news-! ' . LIke frowning Man. a ' Five years ago a disease the papers. And if it has not suf- doctors calle dyspepsia took ficient evidence in this case it such hokl of me that I could can get it if publishers who have 'scarcely go," writes Geo. S u ji j , I Marsh, welhknown attorney of been swindled fy.the socalled . Noconat Tex. "I took quantities Independent Ad vertising Agency ' of pepsin and other medicines will furnish it. Send your com-! but nothing helped me. As a plaints at once, says the publi-1 drowning man man gabs at a cation quoted, and fitTlp the good straw 1 grabbed at Kodol. I felt work along. an improvement at once and And while the Government fs ' atter faking a few bottles ain looking after matters t. "this ound and well." Kodol' is the kind it would do well toinvesti- only preparaon which exactly gate the Co-Operative Medicine reproduces the natural digestive Company, of Cincinnati. To us jnices and consequently is the that bears the earmarks of a only one which digests any good , fraud and newspaper deadbeat foo(i and cures any form of no less than the Chicago concern, stomach trouble,. Henderson Gold Leaf. . r : about ashes. Mr. tvavanaugn was guided by an aged negress, to where an old foot-path once led to Lake Palmiste, neav the sum mit of the crater. There an iron cross, twenty ieet nign, was buried in ashes to within a foot of its top. Before him stretched upward tho mountain slopt, cov erod with ashes, which soaked by the heavy rains and baked by the sun and volcano heat looked like a cement sidewalk. The whole mountain top was shroud ed in smoke. Forgetful of the explosion of the previous night and the awful suddenness of the outburtsi and tempted by the seemingly easy ascent, he continued upward and made photographs and rough sketches. Mr. Kavanaugh found the valley filled with ashes, and two great rifts, which he was afraid to approach. At 6 o'clock in the evening turned back, reaching Morne Rouge at about 9 o'clock. He had made no new observations, and realized -his danger only the next morning, when occurred the greatest out burst since Monte Pelee's first eruption. On Wednesday Mr. Kavanaugh tried to descend to St. Pierre, but failed. He found a little Active Agents Wanted fdu "Tub Fresh On Hand ! World on Fire" by Mnrat lit letead. ! Bnnaing monDtains iu Americau Indies e-cph.de destroying cities fnll of people. Startling history otappalliuj: phenom na threatening' the fflobe. COO bir il lnftratei pages, only SI CO. Highest endorsements. Biet profits suaran-' teed. Aeents cleariua from $3 to 525 daily. Outfit fre. Enclose ten cents for postage. THE DOJUMONCO ; C 24, Uept L, Chxoa:o. i Shad, Trout, etc., every Saturday. Beef Pork and Sausage jrLaily except on Sunday. -Saturday night orders filled Sunday morning. J. F. Dayvault & Bro. ham?et in a valley near the mountain, black with 150 dead bodies. They were not carbon ized, nor had their clothing been burned orf. Probably this valley lay near the itinor edge of the zone of blasting flame. George Kennan reported from Morne Rouge this morning: "Two hours ago Prof. Angelo Heilpri' , president of the Phila delphia Geogn phicftl Societyj but here under the'auspices of the National Geographical Socie ty, left with Mr. Lead better to make a three-days' careful ex- ploratin and study of the new craters eat andnorth.V m.-m- A Deep Mystery. It is a Ibystery why womSn endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cum suih troubles, "I suffered for years with kidney trouble." writes Mrs. Phebe Cherley, of Peter son la., "and a lame back pained rne so I could not dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and, although 73 years old, I now am able to do all my house, work." It overcomes Con stipation, improves Appetite, gives perfect health. Only 50c at Fetzer's Drug store. Men's and Boy 'a Sample Suspenders at 10, 15 and . 19c Another lot of 48c. Negligee Shirts. These Shirts are the best sellers, we have ever had. The largest line of fine Box Papers in; Concord. Mail Orders Carefully and Promptly Filled, , ; Respectful ly, , D. J. BOSTIAN. 26 South Union St. Concord, N. C. A Blonde's !.!: Freckles show more plainly than a brunettes, but these discolored spots greatly mar the beauty of either. TU1 A H A toA uimm MA tSNOLIA BALM wilt effectually remove Freckles, Sunburn, Tan, 'undue Redness, Sallowness and all other blem ishes to feauty. IT IS A LIQUID for the, face, neck, arms and hands. Can be easily and quickly applied. Others cannpt detect its use. It leaves no sticky feeling! Harmless as water. At all druggists. Price 75i cts. . . O't rvz n Digests ivhatfyou .Eat ' When tiM ctomacb is diseased all ttie other organs Buffer, hence fatal GSscases of tb barV liTer, lungs and kidneys are often the result of Improper digpwtlon. Kodol Dtspetsia Curb contains all the natural festive flaida and by diffeating what you eat, It cures tits indices, tloo tt ithout aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and reeain its . iMftlthj condition and permitting yoa to eat all the good food you want. w My rest is often disturbed at night by irregular heart action which Ibeliere is on aooount of my ilomach being overloaded with tindi petted food. I keep a bottle of Kodox, DTBrapsiA Curb nearby and a Raall dose alwayi firm me i netant relief. Ed. Thomas, Leitchfield, Ky. ' Df can't help hut do you good I.W fa tori l household ramedy for oroeha. eoldi. r.mnn. hmnrhiti. rrrJT taadlBastrottbleeUOnE EI1MITE fkirsks it .,'?, -tY? W ww. vu.lJIUVWJft Gibson Drug Store.