d&9 ft 7i $ aVv'v H A .7 L.-J VJ r til P l M 1 m. m . PKfCE: $4.00 pelyear. " vCINCORD,. N. ,tC THURSDAY. JUNW 5, Tft)02. ' ... . .. . SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS it i ''V cabaiuhjs roLiribs. fommissloners Collie Orw am! (let tin Senatorial (Jifestiflii SetfladT to Tlielf Satisfaction -' , Messrs. IV G Means, Jonas Cook and A B Young, of Cat barrus ceurUy, cameo very ester day as a commission appointed by the Democratic executive 'committee of that county to arrange a basis for the selection, ot a State Senator from Ca barrus. Under the new law, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg are in the same sentorial district, and each county is entitled to a Senator. The oath-bound pri mary prevails in Mecklenburg. The conference yesterday was to give a clear light, to .Cabarrus; The commissioners from the neighboring counlv met the n w w members of the centrel com mitteeof Mecklenburg and the result was a very satisfactory arrangement. Cabarrus, is to proceed with her senatorial nomination according to her old plan and on the same basis that existed when Cabarrus and "Stanly counties divided senato rial honors. The . following paper was drawn up and signed: We, the undersigned com missioners on the part of the Democrat'c executive committee of Cabarrus county, and the Democratic central committee of Mecklenburg county, hereby suggest the following arrange ments in regard to selecting the two State Senators allotted to this district: First: That the Democrats of Cabarrus county shall select one candidate for the State Senate by any method they may deem best. Second: That the Democrats of Mecklenburg county shall select the other candidate for the State Senate by any method they may deem best. Third: We recommend that the Democratic county conven tions of Mecklenburg and Cabar rus counties ratify this action. , W G Means, Jonas Cook, A B Young, Commissioners for Cabarrus County. J D McCall, W C Dowd, Heriot Clarkson, E S Williams, T S Franklin, Democratic Central Committee for Mecklenburg County,, Charlotte, June 4. Charlotte Observer. Mr. A B Yonng impressed the claims of (abarrus for tile Judicial Convention. 1 Don't Let Them Suffer. Often children are tortured wh itching and burning eczema and other skin diseases but Buchien's Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expels inflamma tion leaves the skin without a scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, thftro'c n r col rrn rrs cmri h ae rrrA I Try it. Cure guaranteed. Onlyi"1'1 k1" Wit" 25c at Fetzer's Drug Store. Ilusky tomarry one with sense." COL. J.V- AXXHOV HMUfESS? . . ' He Rentes Eatfj JIistr riiA 1ht.Jlirtli and Growth f the improved Order! Rfid Men. , Col.. J T Anthony, of Char lotte, met the improved Order Red'Men,.fixJeen in number, and a few citizens( Wednesday night in the court house where he ad dressed them on the origin, the growth and the benefit of the . -1 - i. Order. It is remembered that the Bos- ton tea party were disguised as Indians when they threw the tea over board. This seems to have been the incipiency of theOrder. With, a spirit 1 of resistance to British oppression the clique de veloped into an Order of useful ness, and it adopted a ritual, pass words and grip and seryed good purposes in our early his tory. George "Washington, said the speaker, was one of the first 1 officers in .the order. The good effects were felt during the Rev olutionary War and the war of 1812. In 1832 the system was im proved and added the word "Im proved" to the name. The Order has suffered much at different stages and almost became extinctat several periods. It suffered prreat depression from our Confederate war and even n 1870 it numbered only about hirty or forty thousand mem- tiers, it nas now tatfen on new ife and numbers 300,000 mem bers. He dwelled on the benefits of secret co-operation through which the order works and on the orphanage feature. The Colonel was disappointed n having so small an audience. The members arc a fine look ing body of young men. The Colonel said he hoped to meet them again on somo future occasion. In the course of his remarks', v the Colonel asked pardon for personal reference to himself in doing his first picket duty in the Confederate service ncarthe ruins of the old "church in which Poca hontas was baptized a member ! of the Christian church Senator Pettus, of Alabama, says thatthe secret of living j long is to worlj. "I am eighty oni," he adds, "and happy and healthy as a boy. I notice that all of my neighbors who got rich and retired are dead. I never got rich and newer retired. The most' fatal disease I know of is to quit work. It kills every time. Keep working and you'll keep alive. r I j "Young man if you can't -i ... OUR PREMIUM OFFERS. T HE CONDITIONS of the following are that one dollar must be-collctod on each subscription, either daily or weekly, and we will receipt for same. For Fifty New Subscribers. We will give a Lady's or Gents 20-Year Gold Watch, case the very best make, fitted with El gin or Waltham, quick train, straight line escapement, ex posed pallets, compensating balance, Brequet hair spring, polished oval steel regulator, nickel index, dust ring and damaskeened plates. Value $18.00. . For Thirty-Five Subscribers We will givo a Lady's or Gents Gold Filled Watch. Open face, plain or engine turned case, fitted-with Elgin or VValtham movement. Value $12.50. For Twenty-Five Subecribers We will give ont Lady's solid 1 . r 4 U rt . u suver, OT)eii vxw waitu, unsu filled, with New England quick train movement, with your monogram handsomely e n graved on back of case, and a solid Silver Chatelaine Pin. Value $7 50. For Twenty Subscribers We will give one-half dozen (each) Knives and Forks, Rog ers best make, 12 dwt. Value $5.00. For Fifteen Subscribers Wo will give a handsome 8-day Clock. First-class brass move ment in handsome engraved oak case. Value $1.00. Tv.r -len Subscribers Vo w:il irivo one pair of hand- isomely chased, Roman finish- Solid Gold Curt Buttons, lor lady or geut. Value $2.50. For Five Subscribers. W"i will give one Po:irl Handle Penliolder,filled viih nest gold pen point. Value $1.50. Tarlton-Fibber. Mr. S'W Tarlton and Mrs. Mary Fisher were united iu mar- riasre today (Thursday) at 9 o'clock a. m., at the Lutheran Mr. Tarlton is 58 years of age I and Mrs F,sher is nearlr r,r- Ezh lost a life companion more i than a year ago and J?eU the burden of undivided cares and i the oppressiveness of solitude Union according to the divinely armointed wav for man seemed tho proper solution of life's prob lem with them- Their pasior, Rev. V R Stickley, being absent . . . curing license, were married as , 4 , above stated. Mav the shadows of life's set- ting Mn lengthen slowly, with them and sink beneath a cloud-, ess horizon. . FRIDAY ONLY : ' n : : 1 fi Great Wrapper Sale j ... . The $1.25 Wrappers are, 'for Q . this day only, ot - - . - JvC All 88c and the 75c Wrap---r persat - vVCf . The 50c ones trill go for - FRIDAY ONLY 1,000 yards of Ginghams will Some in -short be priced at - Every day will be a feel safe in saying we for a selection. Also, P sold for elsewhere. We judge from the sales we X make. Folding Fans from lc to $1.50. Our X special prices on folding H. L. PARKS & CO. OH! ITS GREAT When you have three mail orders to fill in onu d ty. o ship goods today to Morgauton, Norwood ana Mt. Airy, and rt's not a good day for orders either. But we have the stuff Mm people want at prices that they can afford to pay, wheat or no wheal. Our Line of Furniture may be equaled in cities bat not excelled in North 'uiiua. Car lots aud spot cash gives an option on trie best factories in the United States and our saving in discounts and iroi: !i , us a profit to start with. Everything in season. Now is n. ' -oo'l time To Buy Refrigerators. Gurnoy, North Star, Cold Wave and La Bell to .- '. c i'.om. Ice Boxes, Water Coolers, Lawn Swings, Settees and Rockers, and don't forget The Palmer. Ham mode. We arc after you for business. Come and see. The Bell & Harris Fur. Company:' . To 0. SpKCI AT. LOW HRTHES T t" "v -V Go D(,zen. D(zen: $ 2.00-Cabinets, gloss finish, for $ 1.5Q 1.50 Half Cabinets, g oss finish, 1.00 3.00 Cabinets, carbon finish, 2.00 4.00 Mantellcs, " 44 3.00 5,00 Uniola, u u 4.W 50 Per Cent. Off on All Sizes Equal to Half Cabinets. $1.00 off on 5x7, 6xlh, 8xl()t,izes. fl.OOoff on nines burg, narrow trimmed, train panels-latest out. . Now is the time to bring the little ones. A large 14x17 Picture given with all 3.50 orders. Crayon, 81.85. Pastel 2.65. Frames $1.50 to $10. You will do wellto take advantage of these low prices. I will have an Electric Motor Fan in by the 1st of June, so you can Keep coqt wnue posing. Remember the place. Or V. FOdST. 8kc Dress be reduced. pieces will - - - - 5c. special day on fans, as we have the largest assortment our fans are cheaper than & 1 1 fans are 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c. : V. Foust, NTfT. f TTNR AO 1 9fl9 W 'w ITalf Dozen. $ 1.00 1.5U 2.00 2.50 Opposite Court ouse.