a 4 I IP Price : $4tpO pjej; year. UNCORD, N. C SATURDAY. JUNE 7, 1902. Single copy 5 cents A. a 9 . . . r FLOOD AM STORM- LAMP OF 1.1 FE GOES OUT. Twelve lnch of Pain&lf-Ofc!one .it a ... .. ' ... KJIl Three. .JHiCfcU'.flaiiacetrabgesAwayvas 6 Years OW Leareg Three thil, dr'n. . ' A foot of waterfell withirr an hour at Cortland and Picheral, Nebraska, in a! cloud burstf on 6n Saturday mprning, about the.5tlv At Gladbrook, Iowa; j 5 o'clock MW Lydia Wallace, on Ihe same day there was a age S6, deprted this life at the' cloud, burst, drowning a7 year-, home 9 her daughter, Mrs. J old boy. At BenssalaeY, Indiana, . M Brown; on North Union street. ' there was a terrific cyclone 200 , Dfa,th was c,aused b? a complies- j yards wide that persued Us de j tion of Hd,isea,6es attendant upon j structi ve course for six miles. f , old aeV The deceased is sur-J Alexarder Leach and wife and vived .by three children, MrsJ( xc0ro kiiieri m urown. Mrs. j u uaicuven Brown. Mrs. ! and Mr. Jno K Wallace. Deceas- BIgaial Demonstration. . ; Wasbirgton. June 6. The ed was'ho rlic1 of ihe late Jno rO Wallace, -so well remembered Navy Department today made by tbe , older . citizens of our -public the'oTrder ft the assem bling of the .North Atlantic, South Atla'ntic ard European squadrons to pr i Lcipafe in' the bein most extensive fleet manoeuvres ever atttrrpted by fthe,navy m the Westlndies. . The oidejs re cite that about November" 16th next the department will assem ble in available vessels of the station named and abcut January 1st, lCCo these vessels will be gathered at Culebra, P. R., or Guaninutmo, Cuba, acd organiz ed and united for two motihs as ' a fleet. The list of vessels which will take part is as follows: Kearsrpe, Iowa,-Massachusetts, Brooklyn, Illinois, Alabama, In diana, the new Maine (probably), Olympia, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Raleigh, Albany, Chicago, San Francisco, N.ewark, Detroit, Montgomery, Nashville, Mariet ta, Machias. as many of the half dred or mere torpedo boats and destroyers as are available at the time arjd a fleet of naval colliers. town. , , . The funeral will take place to morrow morning, "the remains g interred in the Presby- .' ' i . .. . . -.. '.'. terian cemeery. S6: I ! m ...OUR,.,. m PREMRJM0FFER5. T HE CONDITIONS ot the following are that one dollar must be collcted ot) each subscription, either daily or weekly, and we will receipt for same. Mrs. Geo. Bamnger Dead. Mrs, Geo. Barringef, nee Miss j Mat tie Fisher, died at her home in Mt: Pleasant Friday. Mrst Barrirger bad been very low with the dreaded malady of con sumption for seven months and For Fifty.New Subscribers. We will grve a Lady's or Gents 20-Year Gold Watch, case the very best make,fitted with El gin or Waltham, jquick train, straight line esca'pement, Ex posed pallets, compensating balance, Brequet h&ir spring, polished oval steel regulator, nickel index, dust ring and damaskeened plates. Value $18.00. ' For ThlrtyFiTe Subscribers Wo wijl jrive a Lady's or Gents Gold'Filled Watch. Open face, plain or ensrino turned case, fitted with Elgin or vvaltham movement. Value $12.50. DOC'. :o 3eCX3cC;y-.:X3C :'XXX3K5g b In Merchandise for Ifn mediate Use. X QUR-SPECIAL SALES fiAYS were very sue- g cessful from the fyct th&t we had just what;X ft we advertised and our customers found some of tne oest values that 'they knew of. Uunng this sale some certain lines were almost bought out, but the exnress'and freights malcp. fiVfirv dpnart- ment bright for Monday's selling. This store is nliea wirn cooa tnincs. ana wp. arp. a wavs n p.fispn 'ft to show you the new arrivals. We suit any taste X and any nurse. . . ! WHITE. SHIRT WAISTS X TJHERE is a great difference in Ladies' Shirt $ X Waists some are well made and nt perfect- W' X ly, others are poorly made and very unsatisfac- X X tory. We call particular atsention to om White X ft Waists at 98c., $t,25 $ 5 and 2,00, all of -ft ft which'are well made, of nice material and perfect X fitting, lou cannot buy tire material and have ft them made in the same manner for tne price asked I rrrn'irnfl nn hnrlr of rn.RO. anfl n solid Silver Chatelaine Pin. ! Value $7 50. For Tweiity-Fire Siibicribcr8 We will give ont. Lady's solid f silver, emeu iuch waitu, uaao her death was not unexpected ; tilled, with New H-ngland quick . . J I monogram handsomely en j Dand preceded ner last August,. , of typhoid fever. The funeral services were cou ducted at St. John's today (Sat urday), after which the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery. M e extend our deepest sym pathy to the relatives and friends in their hour of sorrow. WHITE PERSIA LAWNS jej At 15c, 25c! and 35c. Per Yard. ' K A T these prices we show the most satisfactory - ft ft ffoods for white dresses. No other goods are Q uj as sheeriand beautiful as Persian Lawns. We g H also show some special values in plain white 34- rs Q inch Lawns at 10c. per yard that are worth a Q third more. New lot of Laces just received. From Hot to Cold. Dysentery is prevalent every where in summer and is due to miasmatic poisons, and begins . " I abruptly with inflammation of AtltPtici. KWirnr of IheWerM. .the large towel ln America Our annual mcrrCrial services :the disease, is common, but properly treated does not result as seriously as in the tropics. Perry DA'is Painkiller is the best known remedy and the mot effi cacious in the treatment of For Twenty Subscribers Wo will give one-half dozen (each) Knives and Forks, Rog ers best make, ,12 dwt. Valuo $5.00. For Fifteen Subscribers We will give a handsome 8-day Clock. First-class brass move njont in handsome engraved oak case. Value $-1.00. . will be held tcmoriQW (Sunday) and you arc requested to assem bIe at Camp at 4:30 p. m., sharp, from whefe the mfmbers will maich iu aJbcdytolhe cemetr. Let every one oring flowers. J 1 HATCHETT,Counsef Com. It is no disho&or to the past to Tor Ten Subscribers To wiiJ give one pair of hand somuJy cliased, Roman tinish Solid Gold Curf Buttons, for lady or gent. Valtio $2. 50. dysentery. For Five Subscribers. We will give one Perir.l Handle Ppholder,filled with best gold pen iwint. Value $1.50. '1 The J-nsrllsli Tobacco Omrnny to (o 'JTSWf 5 Into ISiisiness In Ndrtli C'nn liria. London, 3une 6. The Impe- rinl H'nViapnn Cnmnnrv hns n-. tffanizer, Wlln . 1 1 r m' r . . v. 1 " f t Bla k Jii Camp W. 0. W. jMr. A C Fire the rfficicai or- naineteen mem- A O KOCKV orjjan- OH! IT'S GREAT When you have three mail orders to fill in one d iy. "n ship goods today to Morganton, Norwood and Mt. Airy, ind ?t's uot a good day for orders either. But ve have the stuli' :h. people wTant at prices thq,t they can afford to pay, wheat or no wheat. ' Our Line of Furniture may be equaled in cities but not excelled in North ( 1 I'oliua. Car lots and spot cash gives an option on tile best f iotoris in the United States and our saving in discounts and irei . profit to start with. Everything in season. Now is To Buy Refrigerators. Gurney, North Star, Cold Wave and La B9II to .- Ice Boxes, Water Coolers,.. Lawn Sowings, Settees and Rockers, ami dgn't .forget The Palmer Hammock. We are after you for business. Come and se. The Bell & Harris Fur. Company. fis a on j time o 1 . 0 in . progress, the future with a pretended faith in the past is a traitor to alfctliat is Eob3e in both. Dr. J d Kilgo. annual elec- hae a reat faith in the future. r,eived n t fr(m aj?ents ; bers of Elm Camp? went tr Our ancestry can never be Uuiud q Rivtr Pridtty ntel?t an4 J f the purpose of organizing a fight .lzea a amP TO De Known as and he whowrecks1 ... !tii, t,.i, inrn mta ..p against tne American tooacco JJialv -mu nwumau ui mbihe. The report says that 'the World. There were 25 ap- 'a large umber of additional Potions as charter mqmbers, , , , thirtet'ft of whom were present. agenis, Luyersana.experrs naineieceivd the if hialion de. 1 already been engapec! and tha.gree. architects, have been commis- -tt,,,,,. ,,. Spi.t int ftMa sioned to design a number of Very year a large number of large leaf factories. The Impe- i poor sufferers whose lungs are 1 m 1. . . ' sore and racked with coughs are rial Tobacco .ompany intends ed to go to another climate. to start in the tdtacco business But this is costly aLd not always v ! t u . : 1 i at Greenville and Kinston, N. urV xf c n T I Dr. King New's Discovery for C, and Danville, Va., and at: Consumption will cure you at other points throughout Virgin-.home. It's the most infallible , , , .. j medicine for Coughs, Colds, and a and North and South Carolina all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The' first dose brings Man leains frcm his own;reiief. Astounding cures result mi&tskcs, tut he rever lives from persistent use. Trial . , rv , , . 'bottles free at Fetzers Drug Jcrg crevgh To ccrxplete nis Store Price 50c and $1 cducaticn." Every bottle guaranteeed. K. of IVs Elect OHcerg. regular semi tiftn of Officers for the Kf of P. was a part of the business on Friday night, and resulted&as follows: 9 Jas R Young, C. C.;JL Mill- - er, V. C; JC Fink, P.; J A Kennet; M. at A.; Geo L Murr, M. of W.;DW Tucker, I. G.; J B Caldwell. O. G. These officers will be installed on the night of the 27th, to serve for the ensuing six months. 1 , I Go 0 V. ' Foiist- . XjOEmXIxxs Pliotograplioi'. Special Low Prices Until June 30, 1902. Tfvzvn. Dozon: Half Dozea. S 2.0()-Cabinets,loss finish, for $ L50 $ 1.00 "i.50 Half tCabinets, gloss finish, 1.00 ii.OO-rCabinets, carbon finish, 2.00 1.5G 4.00--Mantelks, 41 3.00 2.00 5,00 Uniola, 41 u' 4.0lf 2.50 50 Per Cent.0ff on Al Sizes Equtoalf Cablets. $1.00 off 011 5xV, G$x7i, 8x10 sizes. $1.00off on Paiges burg, narrow trimmed, train pa?tel-latest out. Now is the time to bring the little ones. A. large 14x17 Picture given with all $3.50 orders. Crayon, $1.85. Pastel $2.65. Frames $1.50 to $10. You will do well, to take advantage of these low prices. I will have an Electric Motor Fan in by the 1st of June, so you can keep cool while posing. Remember the place. O. V. FOdST. 0IP u Court X -