a V 0& . ! ? j!? ! ' ... f r- f-t - , ' . ' - - It : raucfi: sw.uu per year. UNCORD, THURSDAY. JUNK l2, 1902.. Single tqpy 5 cents w m mm DOCTORS BY TllL- OCEAN' WAVES. . Dr. 1 31. Kin!, One .of the Siucj'snful ApplicaulsOfflcers nndMedical Board liJected. A spocialfrom Wilmington to the Ghariotte Observer contains the following interesting facts.: The meeting was calied to or der at. Wrightsville Beach by Dr. RS Young on the morning of the 10'th .with more than lftO physicians and members of their families present. Examinations by the State Board were concluded the day before and 72 of th 86 appli cants were licensed, our own townsman, Mr. P M King, being one of the successful. Mr- The session of the society closed Wednesday night with a grand ball in horor of thB M. D's at the'Seashcie hotel. Aside from the announcement of the successful applicants be fore the board of medical exam iners, the most interesting fea tures of the day's proceedings were the annual elections of so ciety officers as .follows : Presi- dent, A W Knox, Raleigh; vice president, E G Moye, Elm City; G A Julian, Thomasville; W W McKenzie, Salisbury; J L Nich olson, Richardsonville; secre tary, J Howell Way, Waynes ville; treasurer, G T Sikes, Grishom. Hot Springs was decided upon as the next place of meeting, the date to be decided upon later. A board of medical examiners for the ensuing six years was chosen as foll6ws: Frank II Russell, Wilmington; M H Fletcher, Asheville; J M Parrott, Kinston; C J Ohagan Laughinghouse, Greenville; G W Prcssly, Charl.ottc; J A Kent, STOltM IS VIJE WEST. I Death and Destruction iu flie rath of . Winds in Minnesota. Ulen, Minn., June 10. A tornado forn.ed within five miles of this place between 4 and 5 o'clock yesterday and sw"ept over an area one-half mile wide and probable 20 miles long. It took a southeasterly course, demolishing farm buildings, killing four persons and injuring many more. At Voss postoffic, Mrs: O Berg was killed and her home was demolished. Four miles. north of Ulen, three mem bers of the family of Andrew Horim were instantly killed and another was so badly injured that he may . die. Reports from various sections are to the effect that many persons were badly jured, two fatally. GREAT WESTERN STOltM. Jloifte Clown Dovrjiaud Three. Ladigs Crtished-StOrAj Worst Since 1S43. A Bloomington, 111., dispatch of the 11th gives an account of a very violent sjorm Tuesday. Three young women were crushed and horribly mutilated by the collapse of a building at Herna, a village Un miles from Bloomington. About 200 young young people WQre engaged in. a dance. About half of them got out before the building fell. Forty or more were injured. Bloomington suffered heavily but no lives were lost. At Peoria the storm was the worst, it is said, since 1543. Two persons were killed at Kingston Mines and a number were in- iujured. Near Atlanta.. Ole Johnson Berg and his son were , picked up and carried nearly half a'mile by the storm. Both escaped with bruises. The Norwegian Lutheran church at Atlanta was razed. Hundreds of head of stock were killed. s White Earth, Minn,, June 10, A terrific electric, wind, hail a nd rain storm passed over the southwest portion of the White Earth Indian reservation last night leaving death and destruc tion in its wake. Reports from the southern part of the reserva tion say that the fury of the storm was terrific in Walworth and Atlantic townships. Houses and barns were torn down, crops destroyed and some fifteen are reported killed. DAt Dry Run people were -in imminent danger of being drowned. Persons were rescued from the tops ot pianos and other furniture. At Carwinth, Iowa, three cars were blown off the track while the train was running 30 miles an hour. 'No one was hurt. love Forward ROWAN'S LYSCHIXG. FiTty Masked Men but 500 in the Mob Armed to the Teeth Overman Guards had been Dismissed. Trie Salisbury lynching as Lenoir; J T Battle, Greensboro. told by the Salisbury Sun, long minute story most embraced in our 'news colums Wednesday. The fifty men spoken oF were An oil rnrtr.iit of thfi lato Dr. I 1S a . ... . of which was U J U'tlagan, or tir.eenvme, to be placed in the State Library at Raleigh, was presented by Dr. R H Battle, .of Raleigh', and re ceived on behalf of the. society by Dr. George G Thomas, of Wilmington. Dr. M M Staples, of Macon, Canal Bill to Come to a Vote. The United State Senate has fixed upon 12 o'clock on the 19Lh to begin' to vote on the Isthmian Canal bill. Senator Fairbanks, of Indiana, who favored the Ni caraguan route at first made a carefully, prepared speech for the Panama route on Wednesday. Meeting of Masonic High Much-Muck. The Grand Commandery of Royal Arch Masons are in ses si session at Winston-Salem. Officers were elected on the elev enth. lie's a Whopper. Hero are the dimensions of that Currituck kid that we mado mention of Sunday: His age is 17 yer.rs; height, (5 feet 21 inches; It Indicates Life and There is Always Room Ahead. 'Cease to move," said the health philosopher, -"and you cease to live." But we have noticed that most people, cease to move when they cease to live. Howevert it is the far seeing,- moving-forward, active, hawk eyed shoe dealer who likes to do things with his weather-eye trimmed on the future. He is looking for Shoes that keep, pace with the march of progress. We have made a careful-study of the Shoe business and have brought together . A Combination of Specialties in Men's, Ladies and Children's Shoes equal to those carried by the largest exclusive shoe houses in the cities. If you want the best wearing and most com fortable footwear obtainable you should come direct to the Shoe Department of H. L Parks & Co. and try one of their Specialty Shoes it matters not what style, size or last, they can fit you at any price you m ty wish to pay. The variety here includes everything that most people want and we positively save you money ou nvery purchase. We do not sell cheap trash, but good honest made Shoes of the very best leathers at a reasonable price. All our good Shoes are guaranteed and we s'und right at the back of every pair. You can buy Shoes as stylish and as well made as ours by paying more for them. You can also buy cheaper Shoes but nowhere can you buy Shoes that approach our Specialty Brands in form, fini-h & fashion at anything like our prices. Leaders in Men's Shoes masked but the whole party! weight, 000- pounds; cireumfer- consistod of probably 500. The sheriff had called out the Over man gurds, bu,t vthinkitig there was no danger had dismissed them at 1 o'clock. Within CO minutes the mob swooped down in almost every, man's hand. Resistance seemed useless or fraught .with consequences be yond contemplation. Again the boy., aged 17 and 14 respectively, .confessed to the crime but each laid the heaviest blame on the other and claimed that Miss Benson .struck them wth her hoe. Ga., read a very interesting upon them with glittering pistol papor on new methods of re storing hearing and speech to deaf mutes. Tomorrow the so ciety will lively adjoucn and members will take a complimen tary trip to Sbutbport and Fort Fisher on the steamer Wilming ton. Upon the rejxrt of the nomi nating . comlnttee at Wed nesday nigrlt's sessfoi, I H Manning, cf, Chapel Hill, was choseli orator, G . A Movfte, of Greenville, essayist, anci A S Pendleton, of Warren- 'ton, leader ,pf debate 'Delegates tote Virginia-Soutli Sarolina andtnarican Medical Societies werealso appointed. . It is estimated that 5000 peopled on UUJ Vu" ,-, j j iBiltmore. They will ' i T I I III. m 4 I 1 f I If TU A Lll I I I ! - I I i r I . ence, C feet 1 rnohes; sound mentally and physically. At birth he weighed 18 pou.uds and at nine years 280. Morning Star. More Fine Stock tor Biltiuore. "Mr. and Mrs. Gwrge Van- dcrbilf sailed away Wednesday. Mr. Vanderbilt is importing 10,000 ' worth of highbred d'ogs, fowls and pheasants together with six pairs, of thorcughbred pigs nd two bulls of the best pedigree to be found Packard and Fields in Patent Vicis, But ton and Lace. Snow's Original Guar anteed Patent Colt, all Styles Sizes and Lasts Snow's Qld Glory, Vici Velour and Box W L Douglass, Patent V.ici W L Douglas, union made Vicis, all latest styles 1.00 3. fill ::.()( Snow's Shoes, Vici Vol our aud Chron'O Cult' James Moans, tho old rolial!t Box Ju and Velours Lono Jack a rut Battle Axe Vici ajn1 n le. - 'I styles ;nd s zf, 1.50 and 'J i '.ciu.l, t populir pr' . cany thron -the very be -: make obtainable u ' 1 in Calf and Vici i.50 it ;i.oo 2.00 0 2.oo Our Five Pillars of Strength Ladies Shoes.. in all fey be Subscribe for The Standard. ling cut down bodies before they were The act is generally dtplored. Active Agents 'Wanted fdb The WoKLD on Fibe" by Mnrat H.letead. Burning monntains in American Indies eTplode destroying cities fill of ptople. Stattling history of appalling phenom ena threatening the ilobe. 600 big il lnptrated pages, only $1.50. Highest endorsements. BisrgSHt profits guaran teed. Aeents clearing from $3 to $25 daily. Outfit free. Enclose ten oents fqr postage. THE DOMTMON CO. o-24, Dept. L, Chfoogo... shipped from Antwerp." As4i- ville Gazette. Don't Let ThennSuffer. Often children are tortured with itohing and burning eczenfa Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, epels inflamxa tion ieavesthe skin without 8, sr.ar. Clean. frairrant. cheaD. there's no salveon ea"rth asgocd Try it. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at Fetzer's Drug Store. K O ' or; Off H ' . 4 2,n 1 o a v ' CI w o c 5 (i c r H Elffi S " r1 i w D o o cr C O Is c- cr C en 73 03 O n H H X 'A - a a 2? 5 I t 4. .11 7. f (1 ct V - Pi p S3 A fir 5 Jit 03 1 s: -t ' o a cc P o 3 i CL C5 1 11 1 c 1 w - Our fihoe Department is full to the brim with good values for everybody. St) ft Shoos for tender 'eet. lrid botorps irr all colors lor ho b-abies Shoo Luces in all icug-ho uud widtlfs from tfce round cotton lace at a penny to the extru wide silk lace at a djme. Ccflored laces for the &p ort,etc. tiemeftber, we havu a nice Shoo Shine fctacd and keep a boy to shine the shoes we sell free. If you wear Parks & Co. Shoes dropn any cimetiftd gfct thein sinned. For anything in the Shoe line visit headquarters. H. L. 'PABKS & COMPANY DEPARTMENT STORE.

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