Q JCiil lilt J cNGORft n. c. kriday. .junk 13, $& Single nopV 5 cets Price: $4.00 per year. b : . . . . . , . THE (USE AT MEETlNw io wiltils. let.us not forget tnem .in tneir I The CUronlcle'&.Handsome Tribute" to untiring labors Saifi Joues WiUces County Macje Better. We believe we have not yet should all be thankful for it. se4nSam Jones written of so ' u, 4V, TRAIN COLLISION IX TEXXESSEE.H . . . . R o p.s nicelv an favorably as in the v , meeting pjace me iv. 01 xr.b. I ... ... , . v a I . . -a . . i a Tins was uecKiea at tne meeting of the grand . lqo"ge yesterday morning. The (Tate of the meet ing was se"t for the second Tucs- Wilkesboro Cnroniele of the Fire Kiy,ed and Manj Other Injurcd- TSnjflneer OTerioetea his uraers. . Five men were killed and more 11th. The Chronicle in , re- r than a dozen were injured in a by the eraogebtu, Sam Jones , . ...... Tw Both 7 h , .'. Thursday . afternoon "i ne preatuiug wars f,wul i . . . j 3 . ', I trams were behind time and one the way through and always hit mo YM-jr v 0 I nnrrirnni- - Wrvrl nnlr hie nrnr Ann the nail straight on the head Sam Jones used his own peculiar style, now particularly rough, now persuasive, tender and eloquent, now scathing and cutting now humble and sympathetic. There is only one Sam Jones and all imitators are frauds and failures. Mr. Stuart who assisted in the meeting is different from Jones. He preaches the bible straight from the shoulder "in a plain simple though eloquent manner and ptits his illstrations so plain and clear that' the. force 'of its application can not be resisted. On Sunday afternoon he preach ed his temperance sermon, which is the finest, mostpractical and pathetic discourse we ever heard on that subject. Mr. Jones preached the morning and night sermons Sunday and they were both grand. Sunday night over two hundred repentant sin ners gave their hands. Monday morning was a great least of love and rejoicing. Both Stuart and Jones made talks. Mr. Jones text was "What wait I for? My trust is in God" At the close of his remark hun dreds went forward and gave their hands, among them dis " tillers and liquor dealers. Such a scene is scarcely ever wit nessed' any timeor in any country. The spirit of heaven seemed hovering , pleadingly over all and eyas unufted to tears were wet and hardened hearts were melted into the tenderness of the hearts of babies. Hands that had not touched for years were clasped in friendship and love asrain. and tongues that had l spoken evil were turned to words of forgiving and praises to God. It was glorious to be there. The influences of such occa sions can never die. They work like the leaven. nri,:i V.o nrnico Via Inn era tnlforv tntTlOrrOW. O V 11 11 W LI 1 wu.WiiQO i.w i WW J heaven, God always works through human agencies, and while appreciating the efforts of Jones and Stuart and their effective faithful labors, we cemetery. oV,-7ii:i tint, fnrcet that the no o Ipjthlab Notice ble work of our own faithful , . ministers for untiring years laid the foundation and made ripe the iime for the glorious meeting. Officers of the Grand Lotlge Elected Z They Meet in Wilmington 'ext Year. gf the great- meeting and, we The Aseville Gazette of the izin says: Wilk.es will be better by reason THE I'TTHLLSS IN ASIIEVIIXE. Wilmington will .be the next engineer orerlook his order and ran past the stopping place. RI0T15G 15 PAWTUCKETT, R. I. Militia Hare to Take Charge A Boj Fatally Shot. . .. A riot against street cars in Pawtucket, Jr. I. , assumed . such proportions on 'the 12tb that the riot actwas read and the militia took charge of the city. . A boy who was looking on was fatally shot. The military were given ball cartridges and blood shed will follow if rioting continues. Strength of the Township. The following is the voting strength of .. the different townships and wards gdverning the action of the "county con Vote for No. Vetes in Aycock Convention. No. f 99 4 " 2 134 .5 3 97 4 4 85 3 ".5 50 . 2 6 . 144 ." 5 7 44 2 " 8 193 8 " 9 108 4 " 10 111 - 4 11 '112 4 no 12. Ward 1 318 . 13 " 2 265 11 V 3 75 3 ' 4 113 5 Death Ilfcips a Harvest. The twiit babies of Mr, and Mrs. J RRoss died near the furniture factory this morning'at early dan. They were laid to. rest in the city cemetery this (Fri day) evening. Mr. and Mrst A A Bullaboy, of Gibson 'Mill, lost their infant babe early this mornins and the remains were laid to rest in the city cemetery this (Friday) even ing. , The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J - M Morris died at their home at the Gibson -Mill this (Friday) morning. The body will be interred in the city ceme- day in June, 1903. New officers were elected as follows: Grand chancellor Jacic Scott, Jr., of Alamance county. Vise grand chancellor L D Robinson of Wadesboro. Grand prelate Rev. E D Brown, of Kinston. Grand master at arms B Nooe nf Pit tshnrn. v , rivaYirl inn at mm rrl .T T? TTlir ' ley, of Concord. Grand outer guard F W Mil lor of Wanesville. Capt. W T. Hollowell, grand keeper of record and seals. John C Mills of Rutherfordton grand master of eichequer Two sessions were held .yes terday'morniug at which reports were read of a gratifying nature. The work was entirely of an ex ecutive nature. In the morning the visiting ladies were given a drive to Richmond Hill. Members of the grand lodge met last night at the lodge rooms The salaries of the newly elected officers were decided upon, among other business transacted. Episcopalians Meet. The tenth convention of the Episcopal Dioceso of North Car olina is in session at Oxford, N C. Chain Gang Mu'e Hurt. Oner of the chain gang a.ulcs got severely hurt Thursday in a runaway. 6lie4foot was 'caught in the iron spoke tfbeel and the hoof was greatly damaged", nil ! most having a goodly part of it torn off. It was otherwise! nun to some extent. It is a question whether its usefulness will sur vive the injury. -i . - . .LED E RS li 'HE i'S SHOLS! Packard and Fields iu 'Patent Vicis, But- ton and Lace. 5.00 ' Snow's Original Guar-. antaed Patent Colt, t all Styles Sizes and Lasts , 4.00 Snow's O'.d Glory, Vici Velour .and Box 8.50 W L Douglass, Patent Vici S.50 W E Douglas, union made Vicis, all latest . styles . : , 5 3.10 Show's Shoes, Vici Vel our and Chrome Calf 3.00 James Means, the old reliable Box Calf and Velours , . 2.50 Lone Jack and Battle A xe Vici and Calf , all styles and sizes 100 $1.50 and $2.00 being a popular price, we carry three or four of the very best makes obtainable in Satin Calf and Vici 1.50 & Im Our Five Pillars of Strength in Ladies Shoes. ' o a - ' F89 a i v: i? I a P , . O a P r- o to CI ' ris i QQ.0C OfO O c crH. Co X p a 2 SB Q. CO ? 13- W (t Q O 1 H g D- O EC O 5 (C o on v. 2d m pip I oo a. Q V - cn r " 5 u PJ to t I l J, 3 W (D t P R t hH a i . L 5 i-t 2 Wo U CuZ- 9 Our. Shoe Department is full to the brim with uod v alus for everybody. Soft Shoes for tender feet, kid bottoms in all -colors for the babies Shoe Laces in all Jenrt hs n nd widths from the round cottonjace at a penny to ihe extra wide silk lace at a dime. Colored laces for the sport, etc. -Remember,' we have a nice Shoe .Shine Stanxl nd fcpep a boy to shine the shoes we sell free. If you wear Park s & Co. Shoes drop in any time and get them shined. For anything in the Shoe line visit headquarters. H. L. PARKS & COMPANY II TITST A TJTMlilNT STORE. jliwv niii '"L'jjr c T""'"" "T'T1 l""m "'"J" "H'TTiffTBI fnr'u-ll"""l""wf J k? ' v W vv W Rug! Rugger? Ruggist f 0 m EE XT, The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blackwelder died on Wednesday evening, the 11th, on Buffalo street. The remains were laid to rest in tht city Concord Lodsre No. 51, K. ol P., will meet this evening at' 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren cor dially welcomed. Full attend ance urged. Work in first rank. Train Strike a Mule. . . Mr T? A Dfifise hd a mule ..... . . -painfully hurt Thursday evening at the depot. The team was 1 0 standing near the track and the one mule's front feet were on the track when the train backed. The mule was caught and pushed back and torn from the wagon. It received a severe wound on ! one leg beside a number of minor injuries. It is under the car of Dr. Griffin, who hopes to bring it through all right. EVERBODY wants a NEV. RUG and if you want th pick don't tarry but come quick We have bought largely, as wo usually do, in order to get price right and we did, and we 'have marked then; as aear the water iin as possible, If you are interested In Rugs now is your time. CHAIRS?. Chains world Vithout ecd. .An other car of 100 dozen chairs to meet the seating capacity ofcur customers. STOVES. Another car of those celebrated Star LeautiCcok Stoves, the best Stove for the money on the market 10 year guaraptee on fire back. FyRNITURE. Furniture we sing all day. long. Come and see us and we will make you i'&ppy. b3 0 . 0 0 0 ORaII Ar. TTHliris Fur' .Co 12. : -j--- - p . tr. sr. sr. mr. r. sr. sr. sr. sr. gr. v. vr sr Dr. Stag? Will Remain. Thi Presbytery declines to dissolve the relationship with Dr. Stagg and the 2nd Presby terian church of Charlotte. So he wil remain pastor. II W M H m Ik II Children ofAnrAoe. CTCCTHING P0WDlR5)tLa the Bonds. Strenlthetis' -mi Costs Only 25 cents at Druggists, l Or mrnll 15 (tuti to C. J. MOFFETT, M. the Child and Makes TEETHING EASY. Dn ST. LOUIS. MO. S.Z.-AJT'm A v. '4A ttwi r flnirlmt h. nur familr nhTiicuui in Charlefton to n TEETH1S-V irithour bi when be wm but ery joaag infaut. es a prcnenuve of colic and to warm and .weeien t!ie uoraacJu that Ire wnq uen t rwn the u. ot aruira aod .ooUiin ayrui-, that we h. come to rrd it. alur u.e wilh lhrm m uki Ti Hjnri in reoomnienainK w wur irwui,. ingir.ii i-i u. ui . - " . ... j, r U.Ul fcW. A . fc- M WHWIV. r feabr quiet. Fetzer's Drug btore.