lllli 4 .0 Prucisi i-LOO per year." . .UNCORD, SATUKDAY. 'JUNi?l,l, 1902. t Single copy 5 cents 1- Ft iIKDSIC!iT LEAVE r.VTEBSOy.- Why Long J)tanfe Telegraphy, is , f , . . Dinicuit. ; IVomlnenl .Cities Form an .aniz;. Tho , f a tglctaph lino' ti.ti for the Purpose of Kidding I bat " 1 - lity of Anarchists. tho fewer the signal Hat can bo Pateifson, N. J., Juue 20-- ont over it in a given time. Au Mayor "LliuchlifCp seems to-night analogy yrill make tho reason to bo in complete coutroJ of the clear. situation here, bucked as he is by If wo take 500 feet of rubber tho entire peace controlling garden hose and attach it to a force of the city and a goodly water-tap, the -water will not portion of Jho Stvite militia. The start and stop flowing instantly soldiers'', presence; has had a when the tap is turned on and deterrent effect upon the reds off. Tho water will not How out and they. are rot in evidence in in sharp jets, as it aces with' a tho city. short hose, but in gradually in- An ' organization has been creating. and decreasing gushes, completed composed -of SO Alul if tho taP ls l,oued and wealthy business men of this city. c,oficJ very Vapidly, tho gushes .' , t , , 4, ,v will not have time to increase to-night, known to tho public as , T" TT. ' and decrease. They will merge the Patersim A lgilanco Commit- , . ., , , . t into another, and the water will tee, but tho memberships and , ' , , r flow out in a steady stream. In proceedings are r.,Y made public. 'nvat.o dctivctivv -o have already . . , . , i ,i shrmils-rapidly through a very been .eni'-aged to shadow Iho 1 J . Dn. 1 at ik lir. . Roanoke, Va., Jufio 0. A spee'al from, Brislolj'VenrL, io Tho Roanoke Thnes says : , "Ncys of a fatal duel btvion .fames Ellis, a policeman in tho little townof J51k Park, N. C, and William Winters, a moun taineer, has reached here. The men faced each other with re volvers and iir ?d several shuts. Ellis was killed, while Winters was seriously, if not fatally, wounded. II. r was able tu rice unaided to a ph.y: ici:tn across the mountain from the i-c'ene of tin ti w ". one of sown lAtjlh, 1 1':.- who is known as S. n-en D-yl!s,' a :ru. e n ga nst fori; nei thu arri ui:o-. leading reds. The anarchists are to be induced t o leave Pater- fon quietly if possible. If they don't no. the comm it i "( l- said to have its own plan for action, One of tho methods to be em- of a blacklist and no matter where in Paterson a man on it obtains work his cirndowr will be notified to dismiss him. If this plan can be carried out ardon hose, 'the signals run into one another anil are lost. The reason is that tho rubber hose is slightly eku-tie, and tho pressure of the water flowing through it swells it up slightly. When the tap is suddenly elf sod the hose contracts again to its ordinary size, thus forcing water out at tho open end for a mom ent or two after the tap is dosed. When the tap is suddenly opened again the reverse process takes deily conduct ; :;d roughly, fo V.'in'fis rharg who had ,. r. . u!sor-andh-vi him :! Jl M:ml.'i r i.ii a., .J -js-.e r' .Ni 1 1 lard it, will sl-irvc! out of th( citv all , . ' placo. The hose is already full anarchists who may come here. 1 It is, said the committee has 250,000 pledged by the men composing it to carry out its purposes. of water, but enough extra watt has to bo foiccd into it from the ta p to swell it up as much as i will stretch before the water wi start flowing out of the open one i Death the Kcaper. A foWranh or telephone wire I - - n 1 - - ' x Mr. VrilliamShive, the afflicted is exacty ,e the garden hose fur t" ni ' . son 01 air. jamcs omvp, aiea ai Th wi or ralhor lbo t.tlier i his homo in No. 5 township Fri- surrouncilug tho wir0( is elastic i t t rm I any nigni. ine rcmauis were ,nf .vh(m w0 Tmrril 0l,-ctrici tv I ' ouriea ai joenezer cnurcu nib iXl( itrin Tmt.inst-intJv (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. sLart or stop flowiu at the other Mx. Shive was 21 years old. end unlcss tho wiro is xvn About two years agb ho was short We must give the signal stricken with blindness and was time to start and stopf and tho shut out from much of life's en- lonffcr tho wire tho slower the V I joymcnts. rate of siiruallinsr. That is why I j. ne J. ycar-o.a- cnna oi Mr. it ls impossible to teleplono over John L Fink of No. 7 township', mnrn thnn nhout one. thousand died Friday nigh;. The little' mil and why telegraphing body was interred at 5 o clock through Atlantic cables is so today (Saturday) at Mt. Olive slow follows also that atele CllUrCh. lorvorv'h crefnm nclno1 n In.rO'tt Meeting of X. C. E. L. Synod. number ot signals per letter wu The adjourned meeting of the noG be ablo to compete over loug E. L. Synod of North Carolina distances with a system usin will b? held at St. Marks church, only a few signals per letter. China Grove, on next Tuesday, Donald Murray, in Everybody's the 24th.. The following considerations will do oeiore tne bynoa: Some Wheat is Fiue.. 1st. uramation. . Mr w C Litakcr, of No. 4, . - 2nd. Amendments to constitu- Magozine. tion. 3rd. Report on North Carolina College. 4th. Election of trustees of lonfmoena Seminary. 5th. Application for benefi ciary education. Wanted Colored mac, sober and trustworthy, to prepare for traveling. Salary to begin. En close standi envelope. John Card, 352 Dearborn, Chicago. showed us today (Saturday) a sample of his wheat as fifte as the country ever affords. Quite a good quantity of it has pour grains abreast and some even five grain's. He says his crop of wheat is good, well tilled but a little thin and somewhat dam- age4 by the Dugs. Mr. J H Barrier, of No. 7, says he has no complaint to make of his wheat crop, , Lei , who ! ' , , ' . ,,. !'id;-; :i"'o shot Miss Lila SulfL's ;o dvalk in a church on the outskirts of At lanta, was this afternoon pro nouiiCy'd s:i!i" hy jury. Hi.-, attorneys had uit, up a plea of lunacy and tho firs'. 1 rial was to determine his mental status. Now that this iss-o lias boon r settled ho will bo pk cod on trial for his life to'norrow. Lee lakes the verdict in n very apath-dic manner, bearing out lawyers' assertions that he does not rea lize what! is going on around him or the gravity of his position. Co:.tr,.t t Lt. Asheville, N. C., June 20. The contract for building the Asheville v; r:-it,herfordfon Rail road wac: tod v lt to Ceorge T Cn n is, ;f Xov Drk, and work will begin ai once. It is under stood here that the Seaboard Air Line is backing the movement and the road will be extended through the mountains to the Tennessco line. y, i 0 x V o V II , I t I V. A ' I I I ,!, t 1 . t i , V, Cut Prices ' ''Draw Out- The Popul Straws show which way the wind blows and. when .Park & Co. advertise its a weli known fact that they have things in the store to look like they do on paper. I J ere are some strong' values that ym can't gret around. Now is a oo'd time to jjy inji summer supply o wash goods. The prices are greatly lowered. Shii lii.g" Calico in fat colors, hirge range ot .it I'erns, never sold for loss than T;e, cut price 3 U2 cents 500 yards of 5c I )ress L'twii at the matchless price of c liiK Vn ai.'i iful patterrs oT ! : I 'il. ill ICS cC iiUv', iJS,. 10 cents. ; ! i.; as tha r .t re o; u i . narily sold, ar 10 ccnf s 1 our price I Dotted Sv;.i--:.;nc.".d-- ored Lawns aad '' a - I I . 1 IS i gaudies that v av s a; 25c I!uiiiii (!,,.. looks j for 25 yard, a,, aicc.ia.l like silk, now j price 15 cents i U2 cents i5 cents. Hfind kerchiefs. One lot of ladies line j laaulkcrchiofs, very one sold for 25c, some slightly wrinkled and some soiled, take your choice lor f 3 4 t i ..""Ti "si u a, A'it w 'i'.i' ,'Tr ' t-7, . j'" ', v '. vVWV'Vi'V:tf'WtJ'ii tfwX' V a W v g Rug! Rugger ! Ruggist Dr. Endcr, son of a hirrr.er president of the Aetna Life In surance Company, has been frrnntml 1 iviYf( f rrirn wif A. W IJ U V '!. l .111' 114 because of her cruelty. II is little (?) wife weighed only L'ilO jmunds. On their bridal tour he discov ered that die had a fondness for drink and a few of the things that the groom esc;ipnd were be ing shot, stabbed, bit, and pitch ed down stairs. Yet, notwith standing Dr. Knder's experience, a Newport News policeman -fill soon wed a girl who calls her self a "pugilistic woman" and boasts 'that she can easily lift 580 pounds. The foolhardiness of son mm ! Iialeigh Times. 0 Q Q e O e Q SI Ha! tkfjj Et3 EVElil'.ODV wants a NEW KUG and if you want the pick don't tarry but come quick. Vo have bought largely, as we usually do, in order to got :'. right, and wo did, and we Jiavo marked them a,s near the water lino as possible. If you are in forested in liugi now is your time. CI1A1US. Chairs world witinm't emd. An other car of 100 dozen chairs a meet the seating capacity of cur customers. STOVES. Another car of those celebrated Star LoaderCook Stoves, the best Stove for the money on tho market 10 year guarantee on tiro back. FUKNITURE. Furniture wo singvall day long. Como and see us and we will make you, nappy. :."l sti3 0 j, :; B 4' AW 8 Bell & Harris Fur. .-a .- rva .a ."a .t tT pr rr. rr. r-. sr. pr. i -. XJ'''ivWWWiV-' S V u! VV V VV ?2kf Wf ti FOR OVER SIXTY EAPS 3Ir6. Winsiow's Bootffiaj? Hyrnp haa been ueod for ovrr fcixty ye4s l;y mil- ior.a of motLc for their cLlUren wha.e teet'aiDg, with perfect success. It soothe a the child, Boitens tho gaua, allays all r-ain, cures wiad colic, and ie tae best remedy for Diarrhoea. 1 will relieye the roor little sufTert immedi ately. Sold by iltLgist6u every part of the world. Tweuy-iiva ceata a oo tie. Be eureand ask for ''Mrs. Wit- toB Soothing Svrrap," auJK6ke no ther kiad- ' JL .V 44,0r mail 25 evBi tw ' MCi-FZTT, M. D.. ST. LOUio, MO. Pi l.fr''K,'s. C., Nov. 2fl. I'iO. I ts fir-Jt ii'lvis. ii ir firii!y t iiiri iii Cl..i.-U&.u u.-e VV.K1 M 1 th our tmby when lie was hut a very yoinx infiint. a- irvenr i.ic ;!: v:irt' . I : -- ter it u.ufut in U'.Jfc'a i.ul-U-s. and it.- .-; f t ,.i-J,-nf"Ui'o bf so very 1-i cnl.n.'J.-'.'rt.1 i ' irw Fl.- nth uiir tmbv when tie was hut ft very yoiliii nuiirit. a- iir-venti' t.ater it me u.ufut in U'.'A'a i.ul-U-s. and it.- . t i-nf"Ui'u bf so very 1. tiiat.ire c,1i.8noufA uim 2. a ne of drus iiml -ii!:i j'iil'lren. as unHofTne Df;siiii- w!ifti Wrni a mow r. :. in tl'liUM hi i W I tlif u." ij, L-i. t,lii.iiirf4 In rtwiiriiHn tei' it f n (tur f rien'.tf i r. -1 -.4 1 of t!tt ll-.rri 1 K I Lh.it f.by quiet. AVLH, iMauawc-r ii. Ti.-- L JvJS ZiFetzer-s Dr Store. r . '2-' - ' I-

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