o Q Daily StanarjL JOHN D. E'ARRILR, Editor iniJ lrupiieior. THK STANDARD is published every day Su-uU; - ...ci-u-.l and doivcied by earners. Rates Of Subscription. 0;,cca, . .. fcrix. months Three months A-Vu Ouc nio'h 3;c vSin- le copy 5c. The Weekly Standard s an b-co!umn 4-P:Se per. .It has a ltrger ovulation in Cabarru ian o;1iepai.cr. l'tefi a yeartn advance. Tcni.s f;ir regular adstl semets made knoGi application. Adchxs i all communications to Til E STAM)A1U, CoueordfN. C. TELEPHONC NO. Coxcoud, N. C June 18. 1902. f Mouto Peieo is throwing - out slime. We hope it will not m- jectany of it into our political, campaign next fall. Henry Kechtin, the disburscr of the department of Justice at Washington has misappropria ted $7,000 of government funds. He is a batchelor of 1 villi an : .,... f C'O linCl ..timvAllir Tt just takes stern honesty to live inside of one's income no matter what his income is. Grover Cleveland, who is now Doctor of Laws and -Doctor of Jurisprudence (whatever that is J II Jb 1JUL LUU UVJU J.eji iiiuj; iui"e ' . . n snp.ee h of the same srood old ring cm Thursday night in New Yon? City at the dedication of the newT building for the Tilden Club, lie is still' wise, clear, sound and hopeful, a grand stal wart mind that was guiding the ship of State so well till defec tion drew away the ranks and the party has known only na tional disaster. How much bet ter to have stayed with him, to have let the money issue alone and to have reached the gole of tariff reform and to have had less of the cry of trusts and com bines. But of course those who ran awTay after new and strange infatuations now place.the blame of Democratic humiliation on him instead of themselves. How the seasons cotne and go. It seems but a span since we let ourselves into the lap of charm ing spring time wi-th its bloom- . ing loveliness, its long mornings aud evenings of rest, when ' the zephyrs seam to carry con-' teijtment, joy and sweetness, at the apex of which we have ar. vived today, June the 21st; and we realize that every day brings us again on our course to the cutting blasts' of winter. W fain would lengthen out the days of balmy spring as the muses of poesy touch the lips. But calling back our unbridled vis ions of things more distant, (and always more reconcilable in the realization than in the specula tive,) we are bidden by our better senses to reach out iust beforo u.nd take in full cornuacopias of the rich fruits & human n dustryn which a kind Prci dence is smiling through a be nigirseason. Love without return, is like a question without an answer. Geiuiau r'rovub. V in order for him to take a bate of crow right now. Kitchener Praises the IJoer Leaden Pretoria, Juno General Lord Kitchener has, telegraphed Generals Botha, Delary and De Wet "as follows: Now that the surrender of the arms in tho hands of the burghers in the Transvaal and Ocango c l .g comviQa I , my lriirn appreciation, ui uiu uua in-energy and unfailing tact' 'with which you have facilitated the work. My commissioneis and I recognize how much it is duo to your exertions that the burghers have displayed every where such a loyal spirit in ac cepting the change of govern ment that has taken place, I can inform you that the manner in which the burghers have come in has greatly pleased his majes ty, the king, and deeply im- , , , . , pressed the British people who are heartily anxious to welcome them as fellow citizens. I feel confident that a new era of complete reconciliation between all races has now dawned upon South Africa. First Fuel Oil System. Preparations for the use of fuel oil on the locomotives of the Southern Pacific Railroad have been going on for some time past. It is now reported, ac cording to the Iron Age, that this company intends to equip its entire system for burning fuel oil, ipcluding engines, ferryboats and steamers. Large storage tanks, of 50,000 barrels each, are being built along the line of railroad at convenient distances. Some 210 locomo tives have already been, con verted, and others are being changed as promptly as possible. Another Itemed? for Potato Buks. Mr. D C Stroup called a few days ago and gave us the follow ing recipe for Irillfng potato bugs. "Chop fine, the small branches of cedar limbs. Boil long enough to get all the strength some four or fiye ,. . After cooling, spray ;h to wet plant." Mr. hours enougt Stroup says her has tried this and it is suredeath to potato bus. Morganton News Herald. KowanOiot iu Sjmpathy Withthe I,v n fliers. m j The Salisbury correspondent tothe Charlotte Obserfi?r avers that the s?ntimmit ift Rowan is agaiist the lynchers and that V.Ohave recently neard an echo to tho effect that lion. Theo. F Kluttz ate turkey gobbler-at tho close of his campaign at the ex pense of his defeated opponent and that he will eat crow at the close of the next campaign. As "G E K" has it all. reversed it is titizens are cheerful in rendering4fCr the Commerce of the country aid to Solicitor Hammer as his own statement shows. The idea siven out that witnesses would be in danger of assassination is empnaucaiiy repuumieu. "Suffer LiUlo Cl.O.idii to Come." Little Mary Grace IXarkey daughUT of Mr. an J Mrs. tu' M H;$key, died Saturday morn o ffi -I it-iof il'aoss. oho was about iwo and :i half year t.f rr. -in 1 -: SI. rf (Ti & T K I 0 I O V V L txvj- ciau ' . -. Ul IntiU U lie! J IV - - fnnernl p?rvi?4'S tok ralace from the. residence Sunday morning and the little one's U5tly wa laid to asst in Lexington cemc- i . . tery. The bereaved parents have tho sympathy of many - friends in tho town and com munity. Davidson Dispatch. Kc-ady to ield. I used DeWitt's Witcli Hazel Salve for piles aud found it a certain cure," says S U Mere Del. dith, Willow Grove, 7 w Operations unccesr-fary to cure mles Fhey always yield to be Do Witts Witch Ilazol Salve. of wounds. Accept n counter t'eits, Gibson Drug Store. Heroes or Two Causes That Were Lost. 'The description of the raggedness and exhaustion of the Boer commandoes that have surrendered recalls forcibly the surrender of Lee's veterans at Appomattox." Springfield Re publican. And what is more, their heroism 'and long persis tence against great odds remind the world still more forcibly of the heroes of the Confederacy who fought with Lee. Food Changed to Poison. Putrefying food in the intestines produces effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowe's, gently, easily but surely,' curicg Con stipation, Biliousness. Sick Headache, Fevors, all Liver Kidney and Bowel trouble. Only 25c at Fetzer's Drug Store. The irrigation bill has passed and the work of reclaiming the waste lands in th,o West will be gin. Of course an appropriation from the national treasury will be necessary for a start but this ought, in the course of time, to be paid back from the sale of lands. The reclaimed lands should be carefully guarded and bestowTed only on farmers who will locate tljere. A government expenditure of from $5 to $10 an acre should not be for the benefit of any save actual settlers who will pay for the laud. Raleigh Times. , Don't Let Them SuffA. Often children are tortured ii7itVi ifrVi?nfr unrl Hnrnintr pP7.Am;l and other skin diseases out T3ucVilen.s Arnica Salve heas the raw sores, expels inflamiiia- and other skin diseases but tion-leaves the skin without a scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, there's no salveoneartlfasgood Trx it. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at Fetzer's Drug Store. And the Senate has passedthe Spooner Bill for the construction of the Panama Canal by a big majority. Now a cnal will be built at last, and it will do tuore Wn general, affd particularly more toward 4he upbu'tf&ing of trade irW:b5outhtn Stales fiia a"y other actf the citur-lsews anauoserver. your reflected face hi suclias Nature gave V or fiave freckles, sunburn, tan, saliowness, etc., clouded its former flesh-tinted transparency? If so, apply and redeem Nature's gift. Delightfully refresh ing, and entirely free from all injurious elements. It gives a complexion that makes a lady ' look years younger. It is a LIQUID, easily applied and sold by drusjists at 75c. The 72-inch BLEACHED SHEETING, 6 l4c. Navy and Wine , COLORED CALICO, Yd TTTTnTTTTTTTTTTTTnTTTTTTTTnTTnnnTTTTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTnTTTTnjJTTnnnTTnnn I Its North Carolina Stats Sirail ani Industrial Wim V 3 P t ljTERARY t CLASSICAL SCIENTIFIC p: COVilERCIAL t TND Jbtriaiji PEDIGOGIOAL t MUSIOAL liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiuuniiuiiitiiiiiiiiiifiitiitiiiiiiiiUiiiuiiUUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimaiiAite your truthful mirror. Is it you in coior ;ind smoothness p, iLS I 2CB PER YD., pa yc Respectfully, Bostidn Session oiris;September iMh. Expenses ioo to 140; ftr non residents of the State 160. FaculU of 33 members. Practice and Observation Schoolonnected witlRlie College. Correspondence in vited from rfcise desiring competent teachers and stenographers. To secure board in the dormitories all free-tuition applications should be made before July 15th. z For catalogue and other information address PRESIDENT CHARLES D. McIVER, Greensboro, X. C. 3 A