a Da ly Standard. JOHN D. BARRIER, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE IS .MOKKI IlULMMj. Tin; STANDARD is published every day Sunday excepted and delivered by carriers. Rates Of Subscript. $4. Oft 2.00 35c One y&.iv Six months Three months Qu month, . Single copy 5c. Yli )Jeekly Standard! an 8-column 4-page aper. It has a larjftfc circulation in Cabarrus 'Lls.u any ilher yape. Price Ji a year in advance. Terms for regular advertisements made known 'jn Application. AdiVss all communications to "'HIE STANlUKl), Concord,' 3. C.I TELEPHONE NO. 71- Concoud, N. C., June 26. 1902. The celebration at the Greens boro Battle Ground this year on the 4th of July is going to be full 'of interest.' .Distinguished oratovs will be there, including Congressmen. This is always an interesting occasion to those who have entered, info a deep realization of the crisis under which that 'battle was fought and r.'hich made the name of General Green immortal. It is & Mecca at which the citizen may veil bo.w and be baptized anew with patriotic pride for his State :ind country. Telegram (Jot it KIgut. The public is insistent in its iomands. It expects the news paper to be a pacif-horse, a dray team, a ditch digger, a gas in spector, a water tester, a specia policeman, a detective bureau, a slog chaser, a sidewalk fixer, a cow finder, a thief catcher, business maker, a city pusher, a house seller, a paving inspector, ii sewer director, a pocketbooli linder, a lost article hunter, council regulator, fraud discov erer, panic preventer, obituary j)reacher, chief taffy pouror at weddings and. social functions, sporting mascot, fish liar, big egg prevaricator, snake story expander, judge on earliest gar dens, business boomer, husband fiuder, general all-round handy man for the community. In fact if there is a single riling of im portance to human life and hu man happiness that doesn't go through the newspaper it has never yet been discovered. It touches every feature of the hu man endeavor from the cradle to the grave. It smiles with those who smile and weeps with those who mourn. It is every where all the time, the most busy, the most useful ox all public agencies. It makes mistakes. All human agencies do. Some- rimes it is dishonest. JJut it stands out so in the glare of the arc light of publicity that it can hu.t half succeed, if dishonest sand then only for a short time. The above, from the Adrian (Mich.) Telegram, comes pretty close to being truth, too. But then, the public reads the papers and never takejs time to think of :tucb things. Ready to Held. I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel iSalve for piles and found it a certain cure," says S R Mere dith, Willow Grove, Del. Operations unecessary to cure piles. They always " yield to be DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve. Cures skin diseases all kinds of wounds. Accept no counter leits, Gibson Drug Store. Tlie Truth About Cleveland. "I think that G rover hind's speech befojo the Tillen Club was a masterly uddjress, said Mr. W KGhapnTafl of New York, at the Raleigh. "I was born a,nd rearjdinth1 DemocVatic faith, and even fol lowed my party in 1896 aiid 19 0, which was a supreme .test of loyalty. I can tell you, how ever, that soine of the best ' men amonj m acquaintances bolted, and I nevqr had the heart to con demn them. ' "No doubt the rabid followers of Mr. Bryan, who have always spoken scornfully of Mr. Cleve land, will make adverse criticism of his speech. Ue could do nothing that wotiltl condemn him t6 the eyes of the extremists At the same time the sober minded, intellectual, conserva tive men of the South, where they are not afraid to express their true sentiments, will praise the ex-President for his timely and well-considered talk. If we of the South would divest our selves of prejudice, we would be forced to the conclusion that Mr. Cleveland is today more worthy of leadership than any man m the Democratic party." Wash ington Post. The above voices our senti ments exactly. We have been there ourselvws. Born in the Democratic fold and always a believer in Jetfersonian Democ racy, we have in all the ups and downs of the Democratic party for forty eight years, shown our fealty rntl proved our loyalty. When the Democratic party piped we danced and it did not make much difference as to tha tune when the music was a waltz, we waltz; when is was a two-step, we two-stepped; when it was a cake-walk, we cake walked. Why we submitted quietly and kept our temper when blatant mouths poured 'out their abuse of Cleveland and even danced to the Bryan music in both his races for the Presidency. But it made us very tired. The Democrat who will adhere to the yagaries of Bryan and de nounce the Democracy of Cleve land can not depend on our sup port. And the man who can not and will not see that Cleveland is a better and more reliable ex pounder of Jeffersonian Democ racy than Bryan does not under stand Democracy in its true and native sense. Kings Mountain News. Jiprii Fever. Spring t!vty anortif' na'. r' biliousness, if is more. "One way to avoid being rob bed is not to have ajihing worth stealing." J Thousands Sent iuto Exile. Every year a larsre number of poor stifferers wjtose lungs are sorg and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not CHways sufe. Don't be an exile whei Dr. KingNfs Discovery $or Consumption will curt you nt home. 's the most infallioiei all Throat and Lung disuses on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astounding cures result from persistent use. Trial bottles free at Fetzers Drug Store. Price 50c and .1.00 Every bottle guaranteeed. fr, serious thfu most nople thik. A torpid liver and ill active bowels mean a poisoned system. If flelectetf, serious illness raayj follow such svteptouj. Deu itt s Little Earlt Risers remove ajlj dangerby stimulatifu Vhe liter. 1 opening" the bowels and cTeaus ing the system of impurities Safe pills. "Never gripe. "L have taken DeWitt's Little Early Risers for torpid liver every spring for years," writes li Ai Kverly, Moundsville, W. . Va. f "They do me more good than anything I h,ve ever tried. " Gibson Drug Store; Reduced Kates. On account of the following occasions the Southern Railway will make reduced rates: On acccunt of Annual Meeting Southern' Educational Associa tion, Chattanooga, Teen., July 1-4, 1902. Tickets to be sold June 27 to July 1. inclusive, with final limit July 6. .Fare $1.G0 for round trip. Don't Let Them Suffer. Often .children .are tortured with.itchiug and burning eczema and other skin diseases but Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expels inflamma tion leaves the skin without a scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on earth as good Tjy it. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at Fetzer's Drug Store. m m Ruri'ydur- evfeDVfer"--' your reflected face in ycifiHriitftfe . such as Nature gave ou ift color at IS it. atld smotfthn&s or have freckles, sunburn, tan, sallowness, etc., clouded its former flesh-tinted transparency? If so, apply Hagan's Magnolia Balm . . .. OUR . . . PREMIUM OFFERS. TUE CONDITIONS of the following are that one dollar mustbecollcted on each subscription, either daily or weekly, and we will receipt for same. For FIftj 'ew Subscribers. We will give a Lady's or Gents 20-Year Gold Watch, case the very best make, fitted with,El gin or Waltham, quick train, straight line escapement, ex posed pallets, compensating balance, Brequet hair spring, polished oval steel regulator, nickel index, dust ring and damaskeened plates. Value $18.00. and redeem Nature's gift. Delightfully refresh ing, arid entirely free from all injurious elements. It gives a complexion that, makes a lady look years younger. It is a LIQUID, easily applied and sold by (Jruzjrists at 75c. YTYTTTTTTTTTTTnTTTTYTTTTTTTnTTTTTW t lis North Carolina Stale Normal and Industrial CSllsjs hr LITERARY CLA8SICAL SCIENTIFIC COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL PEDIGOGIOAL MUSIOAL Session opensrSepteniber iSth. Expenses $ too to 140; for non- residents of the State $160. Faculty of 33 members. Practice and Observation School connected with the College. Correspondence in- vited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. To secure board in the dormitories all free-tuition applications should be 3 made before July 15th. 3 For catalogue and other information address 3 PRESIDENT CHARLES D. McIVER. Greensboro, N. C. 3 iiiiiiiiuuiiiiuuiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiuiiUiiajiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTs For Thirty-Five Subscribers We will give a Lady's or Gents Gold Filled Watch. Open face, plahi or engine turned, case, fitted with Elp;in r Waltham movement. Value $12.50. For Twenty-five Subeeribers We will give one Lady's solid silver, open face watch, case filled, with JNew England quick train movement, with your monogram handsomely en graved on. back of case, and a solid Silver Chatelaine Pin. Value $7.50. For Twenty Subscribers We will give one-half dozen (each) Knives and Forks, Rog ers best make, 12 dft. Value 5.00. For Fifteen Subscribers We wjjj give a hqfcidsome 8-day Clock. First-class brass move ment in handsome engraved oak etise. Value $4.00. ...Ladies'. Silk Parasols at Gost...' yc. ones for 75c 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 1.25 1.68 1.98 " 2.25 u 2.m Ladies' 14 inchAVhite 5ilk Lace Mitts at 78c. m w I f For Teu Jjbsfrfbers will give He of hoid- somely chased, Roman finish Solid Gold Cuit Buttons, for lady or gent. Value $2.50. For Five Subscribers. We will give one Pearl Handle Peu holder, filled with best gold pen point. Value 1.50. . 1 -sr li - i Respectfully, f bosnai

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