soft ? n - , o 0 Im If 1 1 Price: $4.00 per year. . r SlNGLBPOPY 5 CUNTS 0COKD. N. C..SATUKI5AY. JULY. 5, 190.2. it .1 i; m p j k m l m a. 3 iv, h ; i i i -r . u i i hi , . -- 1 M y v r 1 . . , KILLED 15, WUKDED 29. ' Two Cars on an Electee Railway GiU'de Sear Gloversville, S. Y., With jar ful Result. . . . Utica, N. y.; July 5. On an electric railroad near Glovers vilie last night there was a col lision between two cars crowded with msseneers. bv which 15 persons .were killed and 29 in jured. For. a distance of four miles north of Gloversville, the mountain lake railway, an elec trie road, connects Gloversville with a popular place of resort or pcn;cj?round. As it was the Fquxth of July the place was crowed with pleasure seekers. Last night the cars were filled with people coming - home'. At 10:30 p. m. at a distance of about S mUes north of Gloversville there, was a, collision between two cars, one bound north and one bound south. They came together head on with terrific velocity. As a result the 15 persons were killed outright and 29 injured, the latter more or less seriously. -As it was a holi day there were many business men among those on the cars. It is impossible to get the names of all present. City Recorder Frank C Wood, of Gloversville, had his back broken and is in a very critical condition. Mr. Clarence P Emery I)ead. The sad message came by wire Friday night to Mr. F L Emery that his son Clarence P Emery, at Bynum, was seriously ill, of typhoid fever. Mr. Emery se cured a trained nurse, Miss Mary Winecoff, and hastened for. his ' V ' bedside, but congestion of the brain sat in and he passed away at 4 o'clock a. m, this July 5th. Mr. Emery was 30 years old and had a wife and one child. Mrs. Emery was Miss Evie Kime, of. our city, and many hearts grieve in sympathy with her and his parents in this sore affliction. Wormj In Apple Treei. Editor Home and Iarm: I will give my experience .withj worms in apple trees. In the fall of 1901 I noticed one tree that seemed dead except about 4 inches on one side. I picked all the worms out above the ground. I then . raked -the earth 'back down to the, roots, put one and a half gallons of slack lime round the tree, put water on itf and raked the efrth back over the 0- lime. It has been doing well - m ever since. Last spnnr I 9 otfted another tree. The apples I on it were about fhe sh of yor thf mb, the leaves were turing yellow and iallinf off. treated it in the same way as before, and the leaves and apples all fell off, and tnen it put out new leaves, and now it is in bloom ' and looking well. Dido, Miss. J O Fondren. i In convex Delegates to State, Congressional aiitl Judicial Conventions Elected E Spen cer Blackburn Indorsed. The Republican county con vention was. held to4ay (Satur day) in the court house. Mr. G L Patterson was made .chairman and Mr. .G E Keesler secretary. It elected delegates to the State, Congressional and Judi cial conventions and attended' to such other matter as pertained to the meeting; The following resolution by Mr. G Ed. Keesler was unani mously adopted, ' Resolved, By the Republican party, of Cabarrus; county, in convention assembled that we REPUBLICANS MEET heartily indorse the .able and among other things I hope to be brilliant record in; congress of able to furnish some facts that Hon. E Spencer Blackburn, and may prove to be interesting read that our delegates to congresV001" our would -be-alar mist." Rional rmvpnilnti at, WillreWn. -Special t6 Charlotte Observer? July 8th, be instructed to vote for his renpmination first last and all ihe time. At the meeting of the execu tive committee after the conven tion Mr. G L Patterson was re elected chairman.; TWO MEN HOLD UP A TRAIN. Get Little Bootj and Are Pursued Hotlj. Two robbers held up the Rock Island Railroad's limited Thurs day night, says a Chicago dis patch: and expected , to get into the large safe tbat held $90,000, which it seems they would have accomplished but for their shoot ing one of the express messen gers. . This defeated them and hey had to make their flight. Tney" are hotly pursued and will be apt to meet with a fatal end if "overtaken They , got about $600 worth of cheap jewelry, which 'will be Jite. advantage. In their flight the stole horses and buggies, exchanging them for otHers as tby needed them ohasten escape A man, Charles Nesler, whom it seems they forced to be an ac complice has been arrftsted and wilPbe.usecLas a witness if they are ever brought to triaj. Daughter of the Confederacy Meet.. Mrs. J D Hatchett entertained the Dodson-Ramseur Chapter of U.D.C. on the 'Glorious Fourth" The report of the Davis monu ment and its fund tyythe State director, Mrs. JohnP Allison, was welt prepared and lisUnt;df toiAmth appreciation. This is a work of love tor every l0jyal Southerner and one to which te wllinSly respond. A MisH Besant pie,llted to the ftapter aMecan dollar to be used in t4&Davis monument TuncE The monej as "en Ms Besant just after the surrender and was of course a treasure to her but the cause" was dearer. She was accorded a rising vote of thanks by the Chapter. C. ' PRITCIIARD TO SIMMONS. " . iIcSaj8 There lJiot Uie Slightest Foun dation for the Latter's "Blood-Cnrd-Hug Statement. Marshall, July 4. Senator Pritchard when asked today by a correspondent of The Observer as to the statement sent out by Senator Simmons to the effect thatr a conspiracy has been formed by the leaders of the Re publican party for the purpose of testing the poll tax feature of the constitutional amendment said : There is not the sHghtest foundation for the blood-curdling statement of Senator Simmons. I will not discuss the matter further at this time but I will give a statement to the papers within the next few days and i DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMIT TEE MEETS. Primaries Saturday, August 2nd and Convention Tuesday, August oth. The county Democratic execu tive committee met today in the grand jury room of the court house. Tuesday, August 5th, was fixed upon as the day for the county convention for the nomination of a full county ticket. The pri maries will be held in the 11 country townships at 2 o'clock p. m. on Saturday, the 2nd, and at 8 o'clock p. m. of the same day in the four wards of No. 12 township. The body i instructed Chairman Hartsell to complete the list of the township and ward executive commitieos, in all cases where this has been left incomplete, when 30 days from the former primaries shall have expired. I. o. , n. There will b a regular meeting of the Improved OfderHeptasopbs Monday nMght in their hall at 8 o'clock. R. A. Brower, Secretary. Iter. C. L. Miller Called to St. Johns. At a congregational meeting at St. Johns ghurch on last Sun day. Rev. C L Miller was unani mously elected as pastor. The call has been forwarded. Negro Killed atXewells. A negro man was killed at Newells Friday night about 10:30 o'clock. He was the fireman on Ijo. 40 freiglit. The conductor had left his engine and gone to tfie depot for orders. No 46 was ?felayed ior two grains to pass. Tho&egro had been seen Setting on the end of a cross tie. hen the engrtdDer returned to his train he found his fireman ded, ap parently struck by one of the trains. An inquest is being held over the body as we write. .1 .-' mm m , MONDAY Will be a delightful time to shop at the De partment Store when all sections will fairly groan with bargains. This will be the begin ning of the second week of our pre-inventory selling. The first week of the sale this store has been; crowded with eager buyers every -day, but we are determined to ma ice next week the . biggest from a view point of Values. Every Depart ment is now making a glorious spectacle of bar gains splendor with new attractions each day. The most prominent Clothing and Gents' Goods, Notions and Millinery. Sany of these Departments we sell you goods" for -less thau. you can secure equal lines elsewhere. DID v o u EVER. Still another candidate for sheriff ! No. For Senate. Better than that. Our candidate will run on a "llatfprm" broad enough for LI LI will stand or fall on its merits. Call and look at them.(Gpod cook ing is essential to. gooct health' and tobe Bappy you must ha-re health and the best stove on the market is not too good. Jrtah King, Star Leader, Blue Fiame Oil with latest improved Q?Kas No Oil Stovebetter and prices way down. 11 Furniture! Furniture I . All we ask is come and see. Car lots spot cash is our vrvj tI" buying a living profit our way, Boll and E3Car ris -E-uiir. If You Have" t .. Rlieumatism URlGSOt the great tested and endiMKl California Renj&ly will cure you. it also cures iver, Kianej ana Bladder diseases, caused by an exfesa of urio acid. It never falli-and builds tip the health and strength mile using it. Bend stamn for book of wonderful cer tificates. Price. Ik per & druggists. II Wir ply you It will be w bottle. For sale drugglsbcaa not nt precid QSOQ rnu " rece!A.oi price. Uricjol Cheirl Co., Los Argelei.Cil. Lsmtr & Rankin Drug Co., Atianti, a. ' ' Distributing AjtnU. 18-. Furnishing - i Vlats, Dress vi departments are: Shoe all to stand on, sven the Vrtok. Y DARLING The of selling. , We can trade. FOR OVER. SIXTY EAKS MrB.' WinBlow's Sootbir Bvrup ss been used for over sixty vear bj aa- liors of riothers for their ci1i- win. e teething, with perfect 3J3fH J t eoothes the child, BoftAa tbe$3rt allays all pain, cares wind colie, aaJ ie the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufftrer iai-0i tely. Sold by drnffsriBts in every mtI oi tue world. Twenty-live cents a !- flo "Ra anTA on1 jiiilr fjir ''Mrs TSil slows Sothinsr Sfrup." aud tka aa ' other DruW. WWakefieJd f UA1JLOTTE, N0. lifnitCis practio t& disease oIT Eye, EarNose and Throaty The Doctor will be in Concerts at the St. Cloud on Thursday' June 26th. 1 it