1 (: 'Price: $I06 par year. ,i . UNCORD, JT. C'. SATURDAY. JULY t9 $Q Single ooVy 5 qpnts 0 i . iiwr tr ill ii fvY in I 1 1 LOST OS I A ONE ABU. ' Cit? Summers' Accident tot ns Serious as Itejjorted Capt. Summers au accounUof whose accident appeared in Tutftiays Sun, "was nat so badly hurt as was at first supposed. The 'Greensboro correspondent ' of the Charlotte Observer says: . Conductor Summers was run over by his train at Bona hi, near Cq yesterday, and pis' arm was cut off, the train passing over his body ' and making him a physical wreck foe life if he can possibly- survive. Ho lived near Guilford, College,' ( arid is a splendid man. lie was passing along on top qf . a car lost his balance and fell, and in soine waydrbpped under the moving : cars. Salisbury Sun .of 18th; Gilt AT FEOOUS IS THE WEST. Unnysre to Corn Crops I'ut'at $4,000, 000." If eavy rains have been falling i$ Missiouri, Indiana aud Illinois recently about Keokuk, Lincoln and Jcfliet and eflormouf, damage has been done and is likely to be dqne befpi'e the waters subside. Grain men, estimate the losses as high as 000,000. , . Col. 1 ft Means for tlie Senate. ' I m a candidate for the noni i nation flf State Senator by the De'mocratic primaries on the first Saturday m August and the Democratic . county . convention of August th'o 5tji, 1002." Paul W. Means'. ' The Cannon -Fetzer Company Store. - The four large, iron colutans and ten beams are being placed in' position at the addition of Cannon! & Fetzer Co. store to day -and next week the masons will begin to build the pressed brjck i front. The large plate glass that will be placed between the pressed brick columns and iron columns will be 90 by 126 inches and there will bo four glasses this size'. The main en trance will bo finished in tiling. When this building is com Ipleted Concord can boast of one of the handsomest plate glass front store rooms in the State. ; 'LOCALS. Mr. and Mrs. W U Citon are visiting relatives in Dwio county Mrs. Lizzie Betts let Monday to vfsit relatives at StedmaiS. Staflly Enterprise. "Mrs. 'J XI Recces was over fronj Concord awhile this wtel Stanly Enterprise. The Coleman cotton mill has closed down for a few days in order tlmi the boilers may be inspected. . Mr. . Ltfayette Brown is at work on the frint of the row of oGices belonging to Mr." Elatn King with the paint brush. Messrs. Will and Sam Johnson came over from Glad is this morning .and went wut to Mt. Pleasant to play ball on, that team.' ' ' Politics is tho subject of con versatioD on the streets today,' so ptck your candidate and prepare; your vote for next Saturday one week. Mrs.E'T Brodnax and Miss Alice Calloway, who have been visit in :r at Mrs. James C Gib- WTTTTYYTTTTTTTTTTY7TTnTTTTTTWTTnTTnnTTn I Muslfri. Underwear Mrs. J T Robinson Dead. Mrs. J T Robinson died at her home at Forest Hill at 3 :30 a. m. today (Saturday) of consumption at the age of 45 years. She was a good and lovable member of McKinnon church. Her funeral was conducted at the home at 5 o'clock by her pastor Rev.'W A Gillon and the remains. were laid to rest in the city cemetery. Our sympathies arc extended to the sorrowing husband iid five children? His Nose In a Wrench Hp Fights. -Mr. 'V B Troy informs' an Ob server reporter of fierce t fight that 'occurred between two 'em ployes of the Charlotte Roof and Paving Company a few days ago. : son's, left for Greensboro this While one of them lay in a heavy ni0Iilin' drunken sleep the other screwed i inG SW1DS on uie courc nouso -, , - jlawn was not placed there by a monkey wrench tightly on his .the candidates, as ha been re nose. The nerves of the 'ntoxi-! ported, but is only being used . . . ii- Ibythemas a comfortable place cated gentleman stampeded im-i J ,. , . 1 . 1 to whisper to the voter as to mediately after he awaked and ; why they aro entitled to tho of he wrestled with the m6nkCytice to which thoy aspiro. wrench for ten minutes before' On all sides this morning i i i f i j could be seen weary, complain- he succeeded in freeing his nose, j ing liumanity on ac'ount 0'f the Then he went for his torturer high tempcratuie last night. and fought him in a blood-thirsty You &lol! ior a uvnt and , record last night as one ot tho fashion until bystanders inter- j hottest of tho summer season. fered. Charlotte Observer. tr. t C: 3 '3 31 -a n Beg-iniiititf Monday we take this stoclc and cut 1 the'prico on every garment. .Next week is the last week of our great pre-inveiitory sale and our very zjj g best values will he laid odt. If valuer eoun't for anything this will he the largest week of the .sale, 3 3 --1 3 as every department will contribute libera iiy. W e. understand that wmo competitors say we Sues (ho Norfolk Virtfitiinn Pilot. j If vou have a job of commer cial printing to be dono let us show you samples and make you The Norfolk .Virginian Pilot prices before you place your critisized J G Tilton, the com-!t.rdc.r' Wo ffua?"antc satisfac- ' tion or you need not pay. We monwealth's attorney, for not want part of your patronage in letting the Oklahoma sheriff the printing line and will have it . . . i if good work and fair treatment xjuvo xiiau, anas usDornc, 10 no ; count for anvtliing. Phono 71 tried for two murders. Mr. Til- are'sclliiitf goods too cheap cutting the life out of E the nicreantile businej ss. II owever, we liave vet L to learn of any customers who are offended with us because we sell them goods for less than value. This Muslin Underwear reduction lasts all of next week and at the price we expect to close out practically every garment. t fc: tr. 3Ir. Allison For the Senate. Coucord, July 19jh, 1902. To tij: Citizens of Cabarrus: Yielding to solicitations af maiy friends from all sections f the county, and feeling that evcy good citizen iShoul make some sacrifice for his Country, have consented to become a ton has entered suit for $10,0(70. There seems small prcpiK ct of hisgettingMamageit is said as 1 ,v U1C 1 u " ' ' " i J a. , had to repair. ,,Standin' tlie criticism was for a public act : waist dee) in icy water," he onlv writes, "gave me a terribJe cold land.cough. It grew worse daily i . f Finally tho bet doctors in Oak- J rrogranif(heTliIrjjLnJfcTauIeiiMlonjandt 0f Sjoa City and Onr! of orth Carttlina, at Ilicliorj, C, 'ha said L had Conumption aiid ! p 1.25 and 1.48 Gowns, sale price 98c 3 3 51 1 3 -a All of the fine Underskirts at 1 .48 and 1.2f T A fuel III l-trii' ii noun vjtiviiir Aii?ust.7, li)0-- ' Voluntary anthem tjy thecTioir Prayer. Address of welcome jy Kev. W P Cline. Music. Address, TheProblems of the Lutheran Clvurch in the South, by Re. II B Jacobs, D. D., LL, J)., ofMt. Airy Theological Sem-i inary, Pfiiladelphia, Pa $fusic. Addresj The Opportunity and ObligiDns for Missionary could not nv;e. ineu l began jingI)r. King's New Discoyo and w;.- wiiully cured by six bottles." Positively rjfuarrifeed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles by Ii 13 P'etzer, Druggist. Prif'4! 50c - - llilliiijcs. Two Amerifiiin officers have committed suicicfe in Manila. Thus far the United State.4; has built 850 school houses in f'orto 1.00 (5 owns, different patterns, sale price t: f0e ?rusl in Drawers I Muslin Drawers with hemstitched cambric r.uiile or tucks and hambur ed'e, biy 25c t values, Lalies' plain tucked .Drawers ' . I A few dozen 48c Drawers that are soiled tr fc now Litiii''s lisle tfireat 25c 'ests now Lonff sleeve Gave Vests 98c 58c 87c 39c 19c 10c 25c 3 3 SI 31 -31 3) 15c E 31 31 31 31 31 25c 5 Ribbon and Millinery I Values". Music. Rico. p. Wjiite Liberty Kibbons, NVs. SO and 100, t very wiiie, worth 40 and 50c, unheard of price E 25c candidate for the Domination of ttt Senator forthis flistritt. My business record and faiA- fuhss to the Democratic party W Boger of Rfc Hofly, fl i I hone seak sufficient! fot mp ': 'witCbut outliSng a polity fer, as to what you iaei'joct of Ae snoum you nonor m witfcuthis responsible trust. Now that I have consorted $o this race, I trust my friends will not fail to attend the primaries to insure my nomination. Respectfully, John P. Allison. , 9 ! g All Sailors, shapes, -titc, greatly refuted. Tie strike of the coai mirwrs j in Alabama has b-u settled, the ) Worlfn North Olrolina, by Rev Jopertoimakfup some onces-i 3 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 3) 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 sions. Vj anston, Wjjpmin, sn&v llDlOd I . 1 1 At AddJtsi)ur Awiual Reujiio3Ven -Vrs iasL W(iCK Vne iftnefiH Hsm Why teferafJre drcPd to tl5e HoIt It Should bjp Continued, Re V ry3)zer, of Z&N. C. Music, Announcements. L. M. Doxology. Benediction. Dinner will be served for all in the grove. Business meeting after dinner. freezing potoS Masonic otiee. Mi Special communication TSloKesLodgeNo.S2, A. F. ' '.:. A. M., Monday niht July 21st, at 8 o'clock. Work in 1st degree. Jno. H. Rutlege, Sec'y. fc i i era ii i w i i iki mcio. 3i '' 31 I Fiftydladies' Black Taffefta Para.V)!. guaranteed fflfst 1'dvji. Jautiful handles of (terinan silvrti-, E look like very iKie goous Ihese have befn onr i best 1.50 retailor's and for this weeks Jalq 1 31 31 3 JL 31 31 3 31 31 H. L. Parks & Co.r

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