9 f - i Price: $4.0 per yeaj. ONCORD, N. 0. MONDAY. JULYl-l. SlNGLH HOPY 5 CENTS - -FIRE AT GOLD HILL. Cooper TompaiiT's BuIWInffBnrned Trcitlileut Newman a ud Party Have Narrow Escapes. . '"Salisbury, -July 20. Fire at (Sold Hill to-day destroyed the company building of the Gold Hill Copper Company, of which Mr. V G Newman is president. Mr. Newman and a party cf gtests were dining in the build- mgattho time. The fire was. 'caused by a child playing with matches in a store room in the building, which was filled with excelsior, and the blaze immedi ately spread. Mr. Newman and the guests had barely time to get out of the building. Hhere were no means of fighting the fire and the destruction was complete. It was erected before the civil war and has always beeu used as the residence of the company officials and for storage purposes. The loss is estimated at $5,000 or $6,000. Special to Charlotte Ob server. TERRIBLE FLQ(US ON Tift MISS-' GREAT STORM AT BALTIMORE. .1SSIITI. - Eleven people Killed and Hundreds of Houses Damaged-The Residence Portion of the Citj and the Water Front Suffered. A terrific hurricane struck Seven Hjmdred Square Miles of Dot tonis Submerged Crofs Promising One Hundred Bushels of Corn per Aore Totally Ruined. The floods now on in the north 'Baltimore at 1:30 p. m.,' Sunday west are the worst ever known ! c.ominS from the-southwest re- suiting in the 4eath of eleven in that region. About Keokuk, and Quincy, 111., the Mississippi has spread over 700 square miles of. bottoms, teeming with corn that a few "days ago promised 75 houses and boaU were caPsized f inn wic it Jon the water front leadingtothe now a total loss: rate of six inces per day and the Wishes $1,500 for -Finding Merrell's people. It was in the residence portion of the town that it blew down and unroofed hundreds of above casualties within about 15 minutes duration. end of this great destruction can not be foreseen. THE EXPERT PRINTER. 'May I print a kiss on yonr cheek?" he said; She nodded her sweet permission. 80 they went to press And I rather guess He printtd a large edition. Kew Buildings In Business Portion of Citj. At present there are two new building going up in the busi ness portion of the City, the Cannon & Fotzer Co's. store and the Pythian building, and before many weeks the carpenters and masons will be at work on three more, these are ' the Emigration Company's building, at the corn er of Corbin and Union street, the City Hall, on Depot street just in rear of the Concord Drug Company and the Wadsworth building on North Union street between the Litaker store rooms and the Postal Telegraph office. Surprise Birthday Reunion Sunday, the 20th, was the birthday of Esq. Geo. E Ritchie. On Saturday morning he was do ing some work on a new granery with little thought or care what took place 62 years ago, till ten children and seventeen grand children swooped down upon him and his honored companion with a surprise as delightful as it was complete. Soon a table was made under the shade trees and there was spread a sumptu ous feast with ice cream and wa termelon dessert and lemonade toth fill. Mrs. William Propst,, Mr. u Ritchie's only sister, jvas let into "the secret and was there as a guest of honor. The da was pleasantly spent in jolly reunfon festivities. Xtras a glad day and nprj 1 ories will cling witl pleasure to Body. Salem, Ore., July 18, The re- A map of the country now ( mains of David Merrill, the es would show a lake, 70 miles long'caPed convict, have been deliv where Wore the. rich land waved ered a- the Oregon penitentiary, with luxurious erons, . aitei oeing Drougm nere Dy mrs. The loss is immense. Trof. AuIIto Hickory. Mrs. N E Aull of Newberry, S. C, is at Prof. A G ifirkpat rick's and will go to Hickory where she will be matron of the girls dormitory of Lenoir col legge. Mr. Aull who has been editor of the Newberry Herald, will be professor of mathematics at Lenoir college next year Prof. Aull has completed two years out of three for his Ph. D. degree at Johns Hopkins. Gas- tonia News. . Dead Mao Found. Sunday on the roadside be tween Greensboro and Browns Summit an unknown dead man was found. He was an Italian and to all appearances a tramp. He was lying in a clump of bushes, his head resting on a root and the vultures had muti lated the body. No marks of identification could be found and it was decided the poor vagrant had died a natural death. He had been seen walking towards Greensboro on Wednesday night. The people of the locality in which he died gave him a decent burial. Mary Waggoner, who found the body near Chehalis. Warden James of the Oregon penitentary and one of the prison guards readily identified the dead con vict. The casket was interred in the prison .cemetery without ceremony. Mrs. Waggoner made formal demand upon Sheriff Lee for the reward of $1,500. Mr. Lee declined to pay it, offering her $500 for. her trouble and - expense, and ex plaining that the .reward could only be paid for the capture of the convict, and that she had merely fouud his dead body by accident. Mrs. Waggoner re fused the amount offered and made a formal written demand for the full reward to be pre sented to Governor Geer. Attention Veterans. Camp No. 212 U. C. Vs. The lime for our annual meeting is is on Tuesday the 12th day of August. At the Court house at 10 a. m. It is to be hoped there will be a full attendance as it is the dav for the election of offi cers and other business of im portance. It is also the day for the reunion of Co. F 1st N. C. Cav. and other companys. Camp JTo. 212 will also have a Target practice on that day at 2 p. m. The veteran making best hot is entitled to free transpor- tation to the btate reunion at Greensboro, Aug. 10th. H B PAitKS, Com. Camp$t. 212. The Old Yankee Blue. The long established blue uni form for the American soldier is to be doffed and he is, after 1902 to don a suit of olive green. Much of beauty is to be sacri ficed for the safety of the men wearing them. Next to the British red coat the American blue makes a good target and makes the maneuverings of troops on the field most easily detected. The new color is said to be the least conspicuous color known. For the sane 01 our soldiers primarily and a deep seated dislike for the Yankee blue secondarily we are delight ed with the change. We won't have to struggle against the dis position to hate the blue clothes. We cultivate our miferat the it till superseded by many more erfense of otrpaacity for hap J ratl: which all hope for him. jpiness. Jlife. ' m I Lost His Life at Beating tuc Train. A man sup'posed to bo Henry Fisher fxom Salisbury was fa tally hurt at Asheville lust week and died. His identity. $s a citi zeruof Salisbury was rtot estab lished1, however, and it seems a mystery as to who Tie was. He was beating a i1dewlh ariothgr snan and on attempting to get off the train at AshotKlle in a rather drunken condition losthte t ... 3 ! Muslin Underware I e t. c r E C C C Sale! Beginning today we take this stock and cut 3 3 3 3 3 3 the price on every garment. This week is the last 3 week of our great pre-inventory sale and our very best values will be laid out. If values count for anything this will be the largest week of the sale, as every department will contribute liberally. We understand that some competitors say we are selling goods too cheap cutting the life out of the mercantile business. However, we have yet to learn of any customers who are offended with us because we sell them goods for less than value. This Muslin Underwear reduction lasts all of this week and at the price we expect to close out practically very garment. 4 3 i 3 3 1.25 and 1.48 Gowns, sale price 98c All of the fine Underskirts at 1.48 and 1.25 better be quick 98c 75c Muslin iiowns 58c 3 1.00 Gowns, different patterns, sale price 87c 50c Muslin Drawers- 3QC Muslin Drawers with hemstitched cambric ruffle or tucks and hamburg edge, big 25c values, Ladies' plain tucked Drawers A few dozen 48c Drawers that are soiled now 25c Ladie's lisle threat 25c Vests now 15c E Long sleeve Gavze Vests 25c 3 19o I JLUC 3 i Ribbon and Millinery Values. I White Liberty Kibbons, No's. 80 and 100, very wide, wortn 4U ana oUc, unheard or price I All Sailors, shapes, etc., greatly reduced. 25c re .1 Snap in Umbrellas. Fifty ladies' llack Taffetta Parasols, guaranteed fast black. "Beautiful handles of German silver, look like very fine goods. These have beeli our best 1.50 retailers and tor this weeks sale tak your choice for i H. L.. Parks. x Co.