OmCuu lctcu A i. - A'.vl Price r $4.90 per year. ONCQKD, N. 0. TUESDAY. JULY 22, 1902 SlNGLB COPY 5 CENTS mm w llj V $6,000,000 FLOOD DAMAUE. I BOAT COLLISION ON l1lE ELBE. The River Fa II in- at Keokuk, but KIs Ing i Other Points Traius Kuu Through Water. ' Keokuk, Iowa, July 21. The height of the flood in the Mts sissippi river was reached to-day south of here. The river fell an inch and a hatfat Keokuk today and the fall: will reach southern points by to-morrow. But the rise of a foot more in the vicin ity of Canton, Quincy, La Grange and Hannibal carried the water over thousands of acres previously uninjured. The high est water is betwejen La Grange and Gregory, where the water on Sunday was well below the rails of the St. Louis, Keokuk & Northwestern Railway on the bank of the river. . A flood is pouring over the tracks to day and reaching to the steps of the coaches. The road-bed is' good ,1 u!ing its share slow running through water. Farmers report a much greater loss than before and estimates approximating 80,000,000 dam age over 75 miles of river fron tage will not be changed greatly. The river here is full of debris. South of here the dam include thousands of rabbits as passen gers on logs, pieces of houses and other wreckage. Fifty People Drowned Out of 185 Ex cursionlsts. A Hamburg "dispatch of the 21st gives an account of a boat collision On the. Elbe river at 12-3P a. m. in which 50 people were drowned. Thirteen bodies have been recovered. The Primus, of Hamburg, was cut in two by the tug Hanza. There were 185 people aboard. Some got aboard the Hanza, others were picked up by boats and some swam ashore. The accident occurred without notice and the band was playing and there was dancing and mer riment on the excursion boat. Notice! Important!! The survivors of Co. F 1st North Carolina Confederate Cavalry are, by this, reminded that the second Tuesday of Aug. (the 12 dav) is the day, of their reunion. It is necessary that every survivor be present and each one is urged to answer to roll call promptly at the court house in Concord at 11 a. m. on that day. Immediatelv after adjourn ment of the business meeting dinner will be served. W. D. Anthony, Pres. Jno. Fueeze, Secy. 'ew Railroad for North Carolina. The Union Trust Company has completed arrangements by which it will finance the exten sion of the Ohio River & Char leston Railroad from the coal fields of West Virginia to Lin colnton, N. C. At Lincolnton the road will connect with the Seaboard Air Line. This line will then be the shortest from the West Virginia coal fields iom to the sea, and will give the Se&board an independent route at to the Great Lakes. A Splendid Attendance at JJistnhflHier's Springs. Misenheimer's Springs, July 21. Though the season has just opened this place of rest is hav- of visitors, who come to lay aside the cares of life and the hum of business to par take of sulphur water and the good eatables served by Mrs. Mi heimer who is always desirous that none go away dissatisfied. Mr. Jacob Shoe, who formerly pulled the throttle on the Con-cord-Mt. Pleasant line, is this year filling the'eerk's place, and satisfactorily too. As is characteristic of this placo, huckleberries and cream each day follow the sumptuous dinner, so long as they in are sea son. Everyone who has ever visited this place remarks as to this exceptional desert. Among the boarders here at present are Mrs. Crump Harris, of Winston; Mrs. David Bennett, of Norwood; Mrs. Jane Nash, of New London; Mrs. Geo. H Cox, of Organ Church; Mr. Sam Carter, of Salisbury; Miss Maggie Earn hardt, of Pioneer Mills, and Charlie Earnhardt, son of Mr. Wiley Earnhardt, who lives near Concord. Quite a number of neonle from Albemarle, New 1 London, Salisbury and Concord spend Sundays here. Georsrejrille Educational Rally. . Friday Aug. luth at George ville an. educational rally will be held and -the people of Ihe county will have an -opportunity to hear some of the state' most ad vanced thinkers on educational lines. The program has been in preparation for some time and promises to. be attractive and instructive. This will be the first meeting of this kind held in Cabarrus this year and the couuty super intendent Mr. Charles Boger and Prof. J W Barnhardt of the Georgeville Academy, promise to the people old and young a like an interesting day and hopo that many will bo present to hear what these men will have to say on this most important question before the ieople of North Carolina. The date was set at this parti- ! cular time in order that the farmers might conveniently be present on that occasion. Be sides speakers of tl:e county there will be speakers fro'n Wako Forest collego and Char lotte. (J lass Transparencies. Glass, July 22nd. Mr.. Loo Earnhardt is home from Gas tonia. Ue will spend the summer hero with his father, Mr. Jossio Earnhardt. Messrs. Lloyd Flowo and Four- ney Rogers- left this evening for Mallard, where 'they will attend a colonial tea. They will roturu home tomorrow. Misses DollaRogers and Bertha Thompson, of Concord, spent Sunday at. Glass with friends. Some of the young men hope they . will soon visit here again. Mr. and Mrs. L C Overcash wjll give a watermelon feast to the young people of Glass Sat urday evening, July 20. R. N TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTFTTTTTTTTTTTmTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTnTTTTTWTTTTTTTnTTTTTTTTTTtTTI TTTT fc i Muslin Underware I ale! 4 1 Beginning today we take this stock and cut I the price" on every garment. This week is the last I I I week of our great, pro-inventory sale and our very 3 best values will be laid out. If values count for 3 anything this will be the largest week of the sale, H as every department will contribute liberally. We understand that some competitors say we fc: 3 3) 3 are selling goods too cheap cutting the life out of 3 , c-r a 98c Storm in Salisbury. Salisbury was visited by a vio lent wid storm Sunday evening about 6 o'clock, which at timef assumed the proportions of a cyclone. Several trees were up rooted and mary. lipbs were wrenched frotf the trees. No damage to life of property 1s reported. A small rain fell dur ing the night. Salisbury Sun. A Winston Ladj Will Sue a Norfolk Newspaper Winston-Salem, N. C, July 21, Mrs. Victoria Roberts of this city has employed counsel here and at Norfolk, Va., to institute suit in the United States Circuit Court against the Virginia-Pilot of Norfolk. Mrs. Roberts con siders that she has been slan dered bv an article which aD- t x, . trouble by stimulating the liver poarod in the paper corfnecting ' L1U ctr ui.i,,,,,,,.; I iv I j w ' f-j - "- t; i Little Fire In Charlotte. Charlotte had a little fire this (Tuosdny) morning at 1 :45 o'clock in the Garibaldi block between Try on and Church streets. The tiro raged for about a half hour but was subdued without any great damage. Poisoning the System. It is through the bowels that the body is cleansed of impuri ties. Constipation keeps poisons in the system, causing headache, dulness and melancholia at first, then unsightly erupjious and( finally serious illness unless aj remedy is applied. De Witt's1 Little Early Risers prevent tnis 1 the mercantile business. However, we have to learn of any customers who are offended with us p because we sell them goods for less than value. 3 This Muslin Underwear reduction lasts all of p this week and at the price we expect to close out practically every garment. t c I 1.25 and 1.48 (J owns, sale price All of the fine Underskirts at 1.48 and 1.25 better be quick I 75c Muslin Gowns 1.00 Gowns, different patterns, sale price 50c Muslin Drawers Muslin Drawers with hemstitched cambric rulHe or tucks and haniburg edge, big 25c values, Ladies' plain tucked Drawers A few dozen 48c Drawers that are soiled now Ladie's lisle threat 25c Vests now Long sleeve Gavze Vests it 98c 58c 87c 39c 19c !0c 25c 15c 25d Ribbon and Millinery Values. 3 3 3 3 White Liberty Ribbons, NVs. 80 and 100, very wide, worth 40 and 50c, unheard of price All Sailors, shapes, etc., greatly reduced. Snap in Umbrellas. A 25c 3 I of Ifce bowels. Those little pills ' do not act yiolently but by strengthening the bowels enable , them to perform thtirpwn work, j Never gripe oi distress. Gib-' kon's Drug Store. I her name with that of Charles F Osborne, accused of murdering two wives. TMrs. Roberts and Usbornejs second wife were good friends during their residence in .a-. Winston. It is probable that a lilr. G L Patterson willmove suit will alto be instituted against into tte house on Mill street oc-1 , ... cupied by Mr. Williamson the a orth Carolina paper which firt of u.ust and Mr. Hau'is! published the subsnce of the wiu m0ve into his new hom flu Norfolk paper's article in a tele- North Union Street aboit the gram sent by a correspondent. Mrst of the month. t Fiftyladies' Black TafTetta Parasols, guaranteed fast black. Beautiful handles of Germansilver, look like very fine goods. These ha. ve been our best 1.50 retailers and for this weeks sale HUp tatfe your choice for uOU.1 H. L. Parks & Co. 3 3 Stun niitulliii:iulimm11i''j'''jmiililiUiiiAiA-:iUAi'!i iiuiii