1 v- U .. ; V, ' . : : 1 l Pich:"$4.00 per yeajr. ONC(JllD, JT. U. THURSDAY. JULY 4, 1902, Single copy 5 cnts FOCU DROWXEll f X A SLOOP. A l'teaftiire rarty Caught Like Rats In a'Trap-The Captain's ilerofc Action. jSavannah, Ga., July 23. Xhe sloop Lovell. Dell, owned and Bailed by Capt. Allen N Calder of Thunderbolt, and having on board a pleasure party, was capsized in the Ogeechee river, near Hell Gate during -a squall yesterday afternoon and Captain Calder's aged mother and. infant daughter were drowned. ' Cap tain1 Calder's father and wife were "seriously injured and his father may die. On the sloop were Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A Calder, of Sun bury; Capt. and Mrs. Allen N Calder, of this .city, their five children Vernon, 12 years old, ' Frank, 9 years old; Lawrence, 7 years old; Delacy, 5 years old, and Olga, 18 months old, who was drowned, and Mrs. Saudi ford, who is GO years old. All except .Captain Calder and his son Vernon were in the cabin at dinner. Vernon was holding the jib sheet. When the storm struck the craft Captain Calder oTdered his son to slacken the sheet, The boy was frightened and became excited. Instead of doing as ordered he pulled tight on the jib halyards, and the sloop refused to answer her helm. Without warning the craft was capsized and those m the cabin were instantly sub merged in water. They were penned in like rats in a trap, as the entrance to the cabin was under water.' With desperate courage Captain Calder dived into he cabin and succeeded in dragging out all except the baby, Olga, whom he could not find Mrs. Calder, the captain's moth er, died soon after being brought out. Later. Stephen A Calder and Mrs. Allen N Calder died to nigh't of congestion of the lungs, brought about by taking in water while in the cabin of the capsized sloop. v; ; SCANDAL IN GREENSBORO. Jlrs. Ida Stafford, a Wife and Mother Elopes With J E Hardlngr, Iler Boarder. . g Greensboro iias a scandal in which pretty Mrs. Ida Stafford of 35 or 40 years forsakes hr husband and four children and elopes with one Mr. J E Harding a book-keeper at the Revolution , Cotton Mills. Harding was un m married and boarded at Mf. Hardings. No undue intimacy was discovered an4 it is believed that a sudden infatuation seizqd. era. They tools: none of Ir Hard ing's belonging and the woman left her jewelry except the en N gagementiQbg whh?ch 0he sent 4 back by mail to her husband. They are believed to have gone West. HE CHEATED THE ULLOWS. While the Jury Was Deliberating on His Case, an Alleged Murderer Kills Himself. While a jury was deliberating upon the question of his life or death, John B'McShee, charged with murder, stopped his 'trial by taking his life this morning. Tragedy, human interest and cowardice figure largely in the most' sensational story that Rome has known in years. Wild excitement prevailed in the courthouse when the announce ment was made that the jury in the case would be forthwith dis missed as the defendant had committed suicide. ' Last night McGhee was locked in his cell securely. Prisoner Hill, who was his cell mate, was awakened, this morning at 3 o'clock" by groans, followed by gurgling, choking sounds. Hill saw by the dim light from the corridor that McGhee was lying cn the floor. The light was not suffi cient to betray the wound, gap ing from ear to ear, or the blood that had dyed the floor of the prison. Hill left his bunk and went to the prostrate man, think ing that McGhee was ill. With horror Hill sprang from the scene before him. McGhee was dead, but the blood still trickled from the gash that had severed the jugular vein. An investigation revealed the fact that McGhee had killed himself by cutting his.head almost ';' from his body. The weapon which the desperate man used was a piece of shoe spring which the prisoner had torn fronVtho sole of his shoe. Though7 the iron was blunt, it had fearfully exe cuted its mission;; The flesh was torn and ragged but Ihe wound was long and deep and the man doubtless used- herculean strength in dealing the blow. Rome, Ga.. Special, 22d, to AC lanta Journal. Three Brothers, Survivors pt the'Battle , of th,e Wilderness. . Mr. J C Sykes, of St. John's, Cabarrus county, is here to visit his brother, Policeman Sykes. 1 The Sykes are warriors. Police man Sykes, J C Sykes and a younger brother,. John Sykes, who lives'in Mecklenburg, were all in the same company in the Vattle of tbeWilderness in 1364. Policeman Sykes and J C Sykes were froun4ed, each receiving one bullet. John Sykes, who wascolor-bearer, was shot five times. These three survfyors of the battl1 df the Wilder ess are antong the best mon of Cablrrus and Mecklenburg. Charlotte Observer. Mr. Lee T Blair, of Greens boro, has been elected to fill the vacancy in the Greensboro graded school aused by the resignation of Mr. Walter Thompson, who comes here. WOMAN STABBED .TO DEATH. . . - . A Mysterious Murder in a Pitching Drinkiug Room. Pittsburg, July 23 One of the.mbst mysterious murders in the city's'history was committed tonight in a drinking room in the rear of the Traction Hotel. The victim is Agnes King, of 139 Craword street. The mur derer, who escaped, is unknown.' The story is that the woman and man had been drinking together since" Monday at the different sa loons in the neighborhood and the carousal ended in a quarrel this afternoon, which was re sumed tonight when the couple met on High street." The woman went into the hotel bar and took a seat in the rear room. The man followed her and asked her if she would keep up the bluff This question wasrepoated three times and each time answered in the negative. Quick as aflash the man pulled a dirk and made a lunge at the woman, cutting her under the ear. A second siasn severed tne jugular vein. 11 Then the murderer stepped out a side door and escaped. At midnight he was still-at large The victim died while in the'pa trol wagon on the way to the hospital. The only witness of the murder was a woman who happened to be in the room when tne coupie entered, one says the whole affair was enacted so quickly she can give ho descrip tion of the murderer. ' Failed to. Employ a Doctor Are Found (Julltv, of Criminal Negligence. Spokane, Wash., July 23. The 1 coroner's jury that investigated the death of small children of Mr. and Mrs. Gdo. Graham, of this city, reported tnat death was caused by diphtheria and the parents are "guilty of crim inal negligence for failing to em ploy or accept skilled medical assistance.'' The jury "recom mended that a State law cover ing such cases ana exacting a penalty be enactefl. pMr. . and Mrs. Graham are J members of a society known as the Church of God" and do not believe in medicine, though sur gery is permitted. When their children became sick they vvere anointed by an did of the Church. Later doctor wasJ called and was allowed to lance the chilcfren's throats but not to give themmedicine. Three died and one re,cdvered Whether the p&rents will be prosecuted lias iot been determined. Died in Charlftte. Th fourteen months old child of Mr, and Mrs. George ivfcress died at their home in Charlotte this morning after a lingering illness of nearly three months. The little body will be brought to Concord on this evening's train and laid to rest in St. jjonns cemeiery lu-wwiruw. Do doubt within the past ten days you have seen some strong assertions above our name .abeut Men's Trousers. This talk we are able to back I yes every wore of it. In four - years' business in I Concord we have never had such values and may I not have them-again t drop every day. 'Tis that comes- only occasionally. You can buy two i pairs for almost the price Men's Trousers, made manner, nneiy nnisnea, pure worsted-, made to 'iney are mostly small choice for 1111 ' Trousers that are ordinarily sold for 3. (X) now priced .. Some jobs in Pants that ordinarily sell for 1.25 and 1.50, some slightly damaged, all sj: sizes, c:j at Uoc and There was never a better opportunity to buy any - kind of Trouserf desired 1 H. L. Parks & Co. uuuuiiUiiUJiiiuliiiUiiWUuaiiiiuiiuaMiiiiiiuuiiiiUiiiiiiiiiiL'iiiiiiiiiiii muux. OBysraepsDsi (Emip People once tnought that tue only way to cure indigestion was la stop eating. The trouble with such treatment is, tkatto 8 top eating lJ to BtoD liTine. KoDOL Dyspepsia Cuiib has changed the whole method of treating this complaint. It contains all the natural digestive fluids and digests all you eat without aid from the stomach, so you can eat an t.h annfl fond van want and be cured of vour trouble at the 6ame time. f have been troubled with indigestion aad dyspepsia for several years and often 6atdown to eatiut had to give it up after eating only two bites. I used two bottles of Kodol DysrarsiA Cukb and am alright , to-day. Can now eat anything I want. W. L. Easton, Audubon, Iowa.H It can't Eielp hut do you good ftepored by E. O. DeWltt & Co.. Chicago. Tho tl. bottle contains SH times the 50c. tlHU When you suffer from biliousness or constipation, use the famous little llvef pUla known as DeWitt'e Little EARLY RISERS. They never gripo. &nTTYmTmTT7rnTTiTTTwmTTTnnnTwnnnTfnTTnnnnTTnTTrnnftmnnT7nTTT?nTTmj 1 Ths North Carolina Stats Norcal and Isisslriil CSIlee h: 3 LITERARY , . CLASSICAL 8CIENTIFIO COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL PEDIGOGIOAL MUSIOAtj Session opensJSejrtembcr 18th. Expenses iuo to 140; for non residents of the State Faculty of 33 members. , Trac-ice and Observation School connected with the College. Correspondence in vited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. To secure board in the dormitories allifree-tuition applications should be made before July 5th.nFor.catalogue and other information address PRESIDENT CHARLES D. McIVER. Greensboro.'N. C. SlIIIIIHIHlUlliUMI.1"""" 3 A Great 3 In Men's Trousers soon, as such phuris do not one of these trade chances 3 31 31 3i 3) 3f 3i 31 a? 31 of one. 31 3i up in the best possible ivory buttons, sell for $5.00. ii" i. sizes, your g 2.00 i tjr V, . . . for so little money! 31 ! .it IT Jo a DIoooto what yCa Caft Saying' 1 ' 31 -4 (fa 3 mi 3J 31 u via j a 3 a a a 1 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a h a