in wiintfi-iT-rrr-j wwn.Mftrai ami m w Da ly Standard. JOHN D. BARF?IER, Edkori i! 'i i itor OFFICERS OfcUUri lnjlLDIj. 1 , TrtE STANDARD, is rublished every .ty tfcnday oepteli and delivuetfby callers. RATtt Of Subscription 54.00 2.00 1.00 35c Six mouths Tliree ntfntfis One month Single copy 5c. Th Weekly Standard is an 8-column 4-pK iuer. t has a larger circulation in Cabarrus . fcan diy othsr jtaper. Price fi a year in advance Termfor regular ad vertisement made known jn application. Address all communicates lo . ' Tilt! STANITAyi), Concord, X. C TELEPHONE NO. 7 Concord, N. C. July 28. 1902, Our Ticket .For Chief Justice, of Supreme Court Walter Clark of 'Raleigh. For Associate Justices HG Conner of Wilson and Platt D Walker of Charlotte. For Corporation'Commissioner E C Beddingeield of Wake. "For Supt. of Public Instruction .J Y Joynek. Since the defeat of Mr. . Fitz simmons there is nothing left for him to do but open a bar room. Graver Cleveland makes no reply to what Mr. Bryan saj s about him. The former can be a. Democrat better than the latter clti define one with all his splendid vocubulary. Breakers ot tho Lhw. Julius People was before Esq. C A Pitts today for an assault and upon conviction was sent to the roads for 3o days. Will Srnarr, colored, was also ibefora tho same court ior -disposing of. crops' without legal . notice. "Last Saturday Whit Fisher and Calvin Reed were bound over to court for carrying concealed 'weapons. This evening Oscar Stella will be tried for giving a chain gang negro, Charles Graham, a file . -with which to escape. AJso Wilkes Honeycutt and Jesse Fag -gart will be tried for escaping from the chain gang. llev. C B Miller's UnfaTorable Experi euce. . Several weeks ago Rev. C B Miller was in Concord and re- oeived an injury to his right leg in getting out of a carriage. In- flamation set in and his condition ,was quite threatening. He has not been able to fill his pulpit since. We are glad to note that he is now improving again and t we hope the worst is over. A Kaging, Roaring Flood. Washed down artelegwipl line vbich Ohas. 3Ellls, of Lisbon, J.a, had to repai$.. 'Staatifng waist dep in fry' water," he writes, ave me a terrible cold andougfc. It grew worse daily Finally the best aoctorsn Oak land, Neb Sioux City and Oia- ha said I hacLCfjfosumption and m.t Inf. T I , v, T 1 using Dr. King's&ew Discovery and' whs. wholly cured by six bo:tI." Posit ivelv guaranteed ior Cougbs, Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles by P B Fetzer, Druggist. Price 50c The Mystery of Prayer. k is sometimes urged' that prayer i mtsterious. 15o id JN3ryhing,f e stoy think about it. Matter is a mystery. jjiobody knOWS Wliati matter IS. fForce is a mystery. Nobody kuotv's whatforco is. Gravita tion is a mystery. Jtfobo'cry knots' what gj-avitatieh No body knows what takes place when we drop a lump of sugar into a cup of coffee. v Whether the change is mechanical or chetnica, the very wisest of men are not able to say. We. knO'v just 6ne thing, that bydropping sugar into tha coffee, the coffee is sweetened. For most, of us, that is enough. We know that by dropping" a prayer into a day, I we sweeten the day. How this is brought about, .we do not know. Who has sight so keen and strong that it. can follow the flight, of song or the flight of prayer? Why should we not be as .reasonable and practical in our.religion as we are at .the dinner table? Dr. Charles E. Jefferson. Fell Into a Steam Boiler. ' Dyersburg, Tenn., July 26. Will Young and Dan McAuliffe met a terrible death while re pairing a steam pipe at a mill ,o-day. The scaffolding on which they wrere working gave way and they fell into one of the boilers and were literally cooked, the tlesh dropping from them in large patches when they were pulled out. Mrs. I'lltc'iilid'n Condition Alarming Asheville, July 27. Mrs. J C Pritchard, who last Wednesday grew suddenly ill, was this after noon brought from her home near Marshall to the' Barker Memorial Hospital on tho Van derbilt estate at Biltmore. The condition of Mrs. Pritchard, who is the wife of Senator Pritchard, is such as to give cause for alarm and it will be necessary for her to undergo a-n operation to-mor; row morning. Unless there is early change for the .better in Mrs. Pritchard's condition there will have to be postponement of the date for . the opening of the Republ'can State campaign, as it had been arranged for the Sena tor to make the opening speech in the eastern part of the State during the first week in August. "Some people are like rivers -too sluggish to leave their bed."L 'The breakers are jrery detri mental to seashore ments." ' encagc- "Lip service is sweeter than honey when kissing your girl." druggist CATARRH in Ely's Cream Bate. pYl lvesRelfoatOnce f It cleanses, soothes anljieals the disced Catarrh and drives a- ;V ,S quickly. It is ab.orbed. COLD h HEAD Heals and protects the Membrane, restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size 50c.; Trial rize 10c, at druggisis or by mail. Ely Brothers, 5a Warren St , NewYorV. 11 JtZ Btk..H a sif'- VV.T.w ::l There hfje been u Tv . times whet tmies hen .tffe wjl 1 t. A... Ix.asts h.fve leen more niercifu . than btiman beitf9, and spare the Woman cast to them in the arena. It is astonish ing how little sympathy woirnji hav for women. In the hjme the mistress eees the maid with the signs of suffering she recognizes so well , but she dqe3 not lighten the sick, girl's load by a touch of her linger. In the store the forewoman sees the pallor and exhaustion which mark womanly weakness, but alio w8 nothing for them. It is work or quit. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well, by curing the womanly diseases which undermine the health and sap the strength. "Favorite Pre scription" establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weak ness. "When I fir it commenced unit? Dr. Pierce's medicines," write Mrs. Georire A. Stronar. of I Gantevoort, Saratoga Co., N. Y. I vru mfTer- bearing-down paina, weak aud tired fealing all the time. I draraad around in that wav for two yeara, then I began taking ybur medicine. After taking the firit bottle I began to feel better. I took four botlea of Dr. Pierce's Favor he Prescription, two of ' Golden Medical Dis covery,' one vial of the ' Pleaaant Pellets,' also used one bottle of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Now I feel like a aew person. I can't thank you enough for your kind advice and the good your Medicine baa done me." "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well; Ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the most desirable laxative for delicate women. Retributive Justice. If .any human being ever re ceived just deserts in this world that person is Mrs. Putnam Bradley Strong, nee Lady Fran ces Hope, nee Miss May Yohe. She secured a divorce from Lord Hope, who from all reports made her a model husband, in order to become tho wifo of Strong. Now Strong has left her and simulta neously with his departure it is discovered that tier' jewells variously estimated in value from "0,000 to $150,000 have van ished. Now the abandoned wile declares she will sue for a di vorce and after one is secured she will probably go gunning for another victim But up to the present hour justico has had an even inning with May Yohe. Salisbury Sun. Seven Years in Red. . "Will wonders-ever cease?' inquire the friends of Mrs. L Pease, of Lawrence Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration aud general debility; but, ''Three bottles of Electric Bitters en abled me to walk," she writes, "and in three months I felt like a new person." Women suffer- ring from Headache, Backache, Nervousness, sleeplessness, Me lancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed by Fetzer's" drug store. Only 50 cents. Reduced Rates. On account of the following occasions the Southern Railway will make reduced rates: Confederate Veterans Reunion, Greensboro, N. C, Aug. 20. Tickets to be sold Aug.18 to 20 ivith final limit 25 rouud trip $1.4 Rire for the Sunday School Cbfivention, Morgamon District W. N. C. A. - if ti r -ii i.. 4u. ij. oouierenOT, nanctte, i C, July 24 to 27. tickets to be sol23 and 24 with final Mmit 28. Fare for rountl trip $105. Summer School for SuiTday School I'eachers andaf Jperin tendents. Black Mouutai, X. C, Aug. 3 to 10. Tickets to be sold Aug. 1, 2 and 3 with tinal limit 12. Fare 4.60. JWrm eay-'w " " " '" " 11 Mr. $ison F or 11,0 S("jat0 rouCUri, July 19tb, 1902. TinliTizp'S OF Cacauuus: Yteldftis to 'solicitations of many friends frt)tn all sections of jhtfsoi!fuiy, an5 filing that evety good cinn snouail maue so nfe sacrifice for his Country, have consented to becomo-m candidate for the nomination of State Senator for this district. My business record" and faith fulness to the Democratic party, I hope speak sufficiently for me without outlining a policy, here, as to what you may expect of me should you honor me wilh ths responsible trust. Now that I have consented to this race,, I trust my friends will not fail to attend the primaries to insure my nomination. Respectfully, John P. Allison. Vacation Days. . Vacation time is here and the, children arefairty living out. of doors. The're could be no healthier place for them. You need only to guard against the accidents incidental to most open air sports. No .remedy equals DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for qukkly stopping pain or remov ing danger of serious conse quences. For cuts, scalds 'and wounds. "I used DeWitt'p Witch Hazel Salve for sores cuts and bruises," says L B Johnson, Swift, Tex. "It is the best remedy on the. market." Sure cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. Gib son's Drug Store. Electro Therapeutic AND X-Ray Institute. Phone No. 131. Hours : i ? tto f a m' ( 1 to 4 p. m. Litaker lSuildiug, Opposite St. Cloud Hotel j Concord,5N. C. The operating rooms are equip ped, with the most complete X-Ray and Electro-Therapeutic and Hot Air apparatus. Special attention given to the treatment of Chronic Disoases. J. S. Lafferty, M. D., 6-6m Manager. Mont AmcenaFemale Seminary. Classical and English diploma courses, embracinj? all the usual colleg iate branches. Elective courtas. Sa. perior Music and Art Departments. ,$105 will pay tho entire year's ex- pense, including tuition, Ixrnrd room, laundry, fuel, light and physrehn's at tendance. Musio or Art $30 additional a year. 1( or catalogue address: J. II. C. FISHER, President, 9-19. Mt. Pleasant, N. C. Roanoke College, SALEM, VA. Courses for Degree.; also Commer cial Course. German, French, and Spanish taught. Ible Faculty. Li brary, 22,000 volumes; working labora tory: good moral influences; sixchurch ep, no bar-rooms. Healthful "mount ain location. Very moderate ex penses. Students from many states and counties. North Carolina well rep resented. 50th year begins Sept. 17. : Catalogue, with yiews, free. Address JULIVLD. DREHE 8. President. Dr. W H. Wakefield, CHARLOTTE, N. O., limits his practice to diseases of Eye, EarNose and Throat. The Doctor will be in Concord at the St. !loud on Thursday June 26th. M, L. UR0VN & Bro LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES. Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel, Omnibuses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds fur nished promptly and at reason able prices. Horses and mules always on hand for sale. Breed ers of thorough): red Polani China Hogs. THE RACKET STORE. Whether you have a notion of going on $ vacation or staying at uoiie we have Nations that will make you comfortable just the san . - Unrated Talcum Powder tit 5 ce ut percao. bot quality, abso lutely purp, lochias. Colgate's finest quality at 18 cents. Tbei-e T'oder lire fill put up in tin cans with tdftiu; tops. Towler Puft 10c Urittan Puff Box- rv- Pow'er.per box 5o 1 .f K.ttflca lV- tract Witch iiazel rv. at Soo ftflig-y $ pt. homes Bay Unm at i pt. bottles Florida Water Satchet PowJerH. per package Atomizers TOILET .SOAPS From Tnrkf f4i Bath at 20 cents er dozen to liogers Gallets at at 42 cents per cake. - SHOE DRESSING. Papa Bro's., all Li qnid So Papa Bros., liquid and paste Griffins Parisian liouM 10o lOo Easy Bright Water, oroof linn id lv Kapid Transit, liquid and pat, tan color 8o Shoe Blaoking 1 to 5 cents per box. BRUSHES Shoe Daubers 5o Shoe Brushes, all pristle, 20 aud 25o. BRUSHES Wlmk- Brushes 10o Hair " 10 to 45o Tooth ' 3 to 23o Shavinsr " 5 and 10c COMBS. Horn, Rubber and Celluloid Dress Combs at 5 to 25o Horn Fine Tooth 4 and 5o Childs Celluloid end- Rub. ber at 3 and 5o Horn Barber Jim Crow . .5c r0 r and 10c lOandtSo loo Celluloid 3ide, per pair Tuck " Pompadour Bamboo Satchell 25 to !)3o 18 inch Black fcJjlk Mitta 48o 12 inch White Silk Lace Milts 78 HOSE Ladic Fancy c.I OTP, pluiu black solid striped t alWer lace effects 10 to C8c Men's solid and fuuey colonid Socks at , 10 and lflc SHIRTS. The best line of while and tVrt colored rfeglirae Shirts at 48 sent3 on tha met. Good Balbrls'ran Under shirts at 25c Elastio Seam Drawers worth G5c or 48 i ptr pair. . ' Lndien' ami infants Vt-srs at 5 to 15o 118 81 25 ones for 1.00. $1.68 ones for 1.25. $1.98 " " 1.50. Jg3.CS ' 2 00. BOX PAPJbR We have the best and largest assostment in Concord, prices from 5o to 1.25. Note Paper from 2o per quire (in 5 quire packages) to 10c per quire. - Fine uream and azure Paper, square and long, plain or ruled, at 2c per iound. Envelopes to match 10c ptr package. Fountain Pens, gold fitted Our Special (je recorder Wn Franklin 1. Tablets " l to It) We have these well as sorted for pen or Pencil. Eelopes, 25 to package, 2 to 10c per package. Respectfully, Mi Lifi -r Ski I Tift' 7 sV COf 35 2"o lOo 88o o

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