0 A. ' a ykim IIP ::CL o ! . - . . 4 0-t V r I Phice: $4.00 per year. -- - J ' "ONCOIID, N. h SATURDAY.. AUG. 9, 1902. SlLE COPY 5 CENTS "Farmers Called fo Meet. To tfie farmers of North Car olina : -At the JaaVary meeting of the North Carolina Farmers State Association a fesdlution was adopted that the innua meeting of the Association be held the third Tuesday ia Ai m m gust.. Commissioner S Li Patter son, who is a member of the Executive Committee of the As sbciation informs us that he wil be away, engaged in Institute work at that time, and the fol lowing wetk will be in attend ance at the meeting of Cotton States Association "of Commis sioners of Agriculture,- in Nash- vilip. Tenn. Therefore, it is thought best to hold the annual meeting of the State Farmers Association on Wednesday, Sep tember 4, in the Auditorium of the Agricultural Building in this f.itv of Raleiirli. beginning at j u . . . eleven o'clock a. m. It is hoped that every county in the State will be represented at that meet ing. We hope to secure reduced rates over the different rail ways for the occasion. "Vi'hen this association first met in September 1901, to take in consideration the colon -seed, situation, and devise plans by which a better price, could be ob- j tained for them, and by rcsolu tion declared that under exist ing conditions cotton-seed should Saf select delegates to attend the State meeting. Ihis Association of top much importance to the farmers of the State for its meetings to tbe neglected by them. Letthem show their iifterest in the work, and their determination to suc ceed by attending these meetings in large numbers. The Secre tary will gladly furnish constitu tions and membership rolls to any one desiring them. Remem ber this Association is in the in terest of all classes of farmers, whether, cotton, tobacco, grain or truck farmers, therefore all ure cordially invited and urged to attend. Respectfully, T B Paiikeii, Sec. Hillsboro, N. C. R H Speight, Pres. I'lilliani Case (.'owes to Charlotte. Asheville, N. C, Aug. 8. The jury in the case or Lawrence Pulliam, indicted for embezzle ment was discharged tonight, having failed to iach an agree ment. The jury s;ood 11 for conviction and oue for acquittal. The case will be tried in Char- otte at the December term of court. Killed ro in Self Defense. A Scotland Neck special of the 8th to the Charlotte Observer '.fthe and NamtSInmld uot be Changed. 4 Editor Standard: On close m vestigation amongst car loading business citizens and all classes iti found that there is a reat outpouring of public sentiment by all in favor of and in antici pation of a great exchange day for Concord and Cabarrus coun ty. It is so applicable to the needs of our people, that it is easily made arsat social and business day for Coctcord. Tho name and date of this enterprise was set by consultation and en dorsed by moie than SO of our best business ci-tizens. And now to change the' commencement day from Thursday to Monday is not at all suitable and to change ''Exchange" day to Ca barrus" day is a -grout mistake. No other name is so appropriate nd so far reaching as exchange day. It should not be changed except by an organized .body of authority aud open for discus sion. This is very much farmers' day and by ronsulta tion the time was set after they had housed their fodder and duriur moon light nights for their convenience. Many Citii:ns. Ready to W ear Unde rskirts- Nothing is more servicable than a colored Under skirt. During such, hot, dry dusty wheather white skirts soil so easily, while the dust is readily shaken out of the colored petticoat. When passing stop and .see thenew styles and colors, as we have just received a new lo . a not be sold for less than 25 cents Wednesday night at Mr. W A Dortch's tobacco barns, a few nor husVipl for rash, nor ex , , miles from town, some trouble changed for cotton-seed meal for less than 1,333 pounds of meal for one ton of seed, it de menstrated the power of concert of action ; for by that resoljtion it established a price that re sulted in .untold benefit to the cotton farmers. of the South. While some derided the 'action of the convention, and said that it was composed of men who did not know what they wer.e doing, others hadconfidence in their judgement and .stood by the action of tjjie a'ssociation. The farmers who refused to take part in the meetings, and con- eneral Fuuston 111. tinued to sell their cotton-seed Denver, Aug. 8. Brigadier as fast as ginned, received from General Frederick Funston, 10 to 21 cents per bushel for commander of the Department them while those who abided by eft Colorado, is confined to his the action of theissociation, re- home by illness, having under ceived from 2a cents to 27 cents gorfb an operation, for fistula. per bushel for theirs. Tltis His condition is not at all alar n- very fact should give the farm- ing and his friends expect that ers of the State confidence in the hb will recover quickly association, .nd cause them to arose between him and some col ored laborers. Yesterday morn ing Mr. Charhjs VanLanding- ham, who was farming with Dortch, went to one of the col ored men, named Jim Thomas, to adjust the matter, when the difficulty was renewed and Van Landingham shot the negro, who has since died. VanLanding ham said he shot the man in self- defense, as he was drawing a re volver to shoot him (VanLand- ingham), and he thus saved him self. Proud of the Chemical Fire Wfttfon. Tho firemen are very much pleased with their little trial o the chemical wagon Thursday. They built up the shod as it was at the first experiment and filled it with barrels and other com bustible matter. Five gallons of oil were poured on and at the clock stroke a match was put to it. A team at Corl's livery stable was in about the condition that a team should always be kept for emergencies. It was hitched up and the wagon dashed for the scene of the fire. Tho hose was turned on aud the flames which had made fearful headway were knocked out in the shortest kind of order. It was the ''boys" own exper- iinent and it made them doubly proud of their beautiful wagon. take an active part in its work ings. For the purpose of a complete organization and thorough rep resentation at the State meeting, we suggest that township meet ings be held on Saturday, Aug. 23, at the usual place for hold ing township meetings, and that kcountvfmeetings be held Satur dav. August 30, at the Court of signals upon the first attempt House, at 12 o'clock, and then J is considered encouraging. Wiirless Telegraphy Between Washing- ton and Annapolis. Washington, Aug. 8. Commu- nication between Washington and Annapolis was established today, by wireless telegraphy under the auspices of the Navy Department. The distance from Washington to Annapolis is about 35 mile? and the exchange She Saved Her Beans. Last spring a neighbor gave a lady who lives in Gulledge town ship a few beans of a new and improved variety to plant. Soon after the seed were placed in the ground the proverbial old hen came along ond scratched the last one of them up and ate them The lady discovered the depre dation almost at once and, not to be outdone, btie killed thehen and ate her and recoVered the beans before thuy had damaged The bean; again plantedaud this time the came up and made a bountiful yield. Messenger and Intelli gence Black and colored mercerized Skirts, new styles. good value ' no,. Black Skirts, good quality, mercerized silk, with deep knee ruille covered with small rallies, only 1.25 Skirts, bettor quality, nicer madi 1. 48 The very best material is found in our 1.98 Skirts, which are made in the new styles and give satisfac tion in fit and price 1.98 H. L. Parks &l Comp'y. FURNI T For this season of the year our trade never was bet ter. Ihe reason is very plain. Concord is on a boom and the dear people must have Furniture, and if you will give us just a minute by the watch we will convince you that we. are equal to the demand. Car lots for spot cash is our way of buying. A liv ing profit our way of selling. No trouble to trade come and see. Bell & Harris Furniture Comp'y. been were WAKE (IP in one of our handsome White,, irpn Beds, on one of (un comfortable BSD SPRINQS and you'lHeei refreshed and ready for a hard. days work. I Rfid Rnom Furnitum. Cv" Master Colo Morris left for Chester, S. C, this morning to visit his rand parents. m.