J Sjjfi f il-l pT(fE: $4.00 peryear. UNCORD, N. U FRIDAY. AUG. i: 1902. SNGLK COPY 5 r-VTS -ST '4 THURSDAY'S AWFUL STORM. Concord Suffers Rain in Torrents With Odell's, Cannon's and the Lippard In ' Irretrievable Ruin-D. P. Bigfger's Horse Killed By Live 'Thursday evening as night ap proached thel.eavens displayed little to cause misgivings, though balmy weather was not promised. Soon, the rumbling thunder in the northeast became a little ominous and the sheet lightning became more threatening. Withal it was hoped that ro fear ot evil would be realized.- About 8 o'clock, the clouds loomed up more fearfully and quickly the rain, with considerable hail, sud denly dashed upon the town with terrific force, playing with sirong buildings as the child, would break its toys. Odell's Mills. Probably the first great dam age in the path was suffered at the Odell cotton mills. Here in Mill No. 4 a section of wall con stituting about half the north wall 18x20 was dashed in. The other section would probably have gone in but a stout post near caught it and held it. This section can be sprung back and held firmly. The falling wall ruined a slubber and greatly damaged another, beside the dust and grit were thrown all ,oveir. the room. The wind tore through one win dow on the opposite side. As much ajs 60 squares of roofing was torn off of this mill. No. 3 mill lost about IS squares of its roof. In Mttl No. 2 the wind raised 'the roof wijh.ite heavy sheeting rafters, bea'ms, etc., and - ttie operatives saw them quiver like blowing into fthe leaves of a book. Nearly ,all o it settled down however toits place. A few beams are, not properly adjusted 5nd some of tha machinery is temporarily still on account of it The, cost of repairs, to the building will be less by m far than the damage to twoJ slubbers and the immense quan tities of oos on which the water pojsvered in tftrreD. Mr. 41" M Burrage in Jheath Mr. J M Barrage seemedon thlline and the wind took hisj baf andfjlaksmitb shop snap ping the timbers as feebtb reeds and hurled them abftut Straogg esp4 all fi rj&dftufcses, cows, etc., to the number of som six head and not one was injured. 0The Lippard Mill. At the Lippard Mill the wind the Wonst Blow . . t t Hail and Thunder Strike Cotton Mills Suffer Severe Losses-St. Dayvault & Bro's Clothing FIooded-The Wire Treis Wrenched and Ruined. I t .1 r .. .1 i At the southwest end the north wall wars dashed in upon the spinning frames and passed out at the end, making a clear gap of all the end. Strange to say the corner was left with about an equal opening on each side. A gap of some 30 feet of the rafters hung suspended between the corner and the part on the side that stood firm. Only a small per cent of the machinery is ruined. The She alky House. Next in tho lino seems to bo the Mark Hitch or Shealey house now occupied by Mr. George E Fisher. A large, tall 'chimney top was broken off at he boxing on the back side of the house and crashed down upon the roof, breaking rafters and joists, tak ing more than a quarter section of the roof and bursting the ceiling, which did not quite come down. It hangs'seeming ready to fall to the floor. The house was deluged at this end with water. Mr. Claude Dry's smoke stack was partly blown down. Bbll& Harris Co. in the Line The Bell & Harris furniture store .was in the line and had some roof torn up and water poured in upon their goods. D P Dayvajjlt & Co,, Suffer. D P Dayvault & Co. suffered from floQds of waiter in the cloth ing. department. The tin roof on the back end wasrolled dp and hurjed over to the. south side. Some of the de partment force was present and quickly , carried the oodsto the uninjured part though they got wet as water could make them. St. Andrew Church. As if the Divine had forgotten His ownhe angry sorm caught St. Andrew's Luhteran church and dashed it into rljbbish and kindling wood. It is tb most uujjjictc wicii r,u.o there are no words to describefit i but ruinfutter ruin It is spread -. out orjsabout twice its foundatitn wift littletoremind one of any shape it ever naa. m Cannon Mills. The Cannon , Mill No. ,1, the weave room, had just had the roofing paber laid by the Char- caugni me roonng-on uie engine . lone ivooung v,o., wnu j Walter, wero wrecked, as was and lapper rooms and rooled it ready to pitch and gravel it. iQno Qf Warren Coleman's tene up aqd strewed it in bunches! This roofing wascleaued off clear 'ment housos it was unoccupied almost to the street. and the Hoods beneath are easily 1 .lt lh ,5m TTio , . . in Her History, Terror to the Timid. Andrews E. L. Church does Down Rich Home Greatly Damaged -fir. l.u. T n .!, conceived but the dnmage not so easily reckoned. j At No. 2 on the north wingj the giant force lifted the roof, ' including the throe inch sheet- . ing, the rafters and tho beams with their line shafts ar.d hang ers and hurled them over. Most of the wreck fell over the build ing and ou to the ground but parts hammered groat holes in the roof. The north end wall on the upper story was dashed in and even tho wall below was partly wrecked. A little carpen- tor shop, at the end was also wrecked. In the wrecked part there are some valuable machinery such as warpers and spoolers that were among the losses to reckoned. be In this department too the sprinkler pipes were broken off and the tank had to simply run dry through them while -the floors beneath, half knee deep let the water escape slowly through whatever opening the liquid could find. The damage to this mill like that of others is hard to estimate but will run far into the thousands. , , , The boiler room roof also was partly unroofed. Horse Killed. As the Miltonian Hotel bus was gotog to, the depot along Corbin street near the crossing of Spring street, a tree having blo'wn down, that carried the wires with.it, the horses came in contact with the abnormally charged wire. They both fell and lay trembling and helpless. Parties coming to the rescue und cutting the wires, one horse was saved but Jhe other was found (dead. It was the gentle, plendid bay horse belonging to Ml. Big gei the proprietor, andfalls as a severe los or him. The Oil Mill Did Nqt Escape Therff were matches of rfcofin"- qW the oil min Dtings torn ux riff great damage wa uone. Th mftl proper, the hull house and the ginqery suffered some damage. The ulteriu was pearly all blown off. Superin tendent BuchanOti say it will cost less than'200 tojpestore the damages. ' I . Mk&Ed Parnell Catches the Breeze. Mr Ed Parnell has just erect- a stable for livery purposes over between the Cannon and Buffalo mills. The wind caught lit and wrenched it evrjrelj but left t standing and redeemable. Noai this stands his cottage, which was forced off its pillars and pushed south about 3 feet, It is sharply wrenched MALI.RK Losses OF BUILDINGS", Several small buildings, chiefly barns, belonging to Mr. M C " lt L 1 UJ X-L I O Jiil Ulil 14 KJ ( tie Threo Mile Branch w;is bown dow1 Many smaner outhouses about (Jlhson,8 Mill ,vere overturned bat fortunately ho mill was uu- ,armed as was the furniture lac- tory. There the saw mill smoke ..(,.!. 1 U 1 ,1 I MitCU WitS UJIIJUSil UIOWU UUWU clS if to rotnind them of what might have been. The chaingaug tout was blown down. Trees Suffeku. Tho venerable oak in Mr. W A Smith's yard faired badly and displays great wounds from am-i putated limbs. Mr. W J Hill lost a highly prized oak in his yard, also the Urcat tall cedar that stood near , ih front niazo was brokp.n nif in , norse, nowever, inaue a streak tough splintery form about sixland coming suddenly in contact or eight feet above the ground. Judge Montgomery lost a brokfl- conriection and parted maple that he prized. 'company with both. The parcher A number of treesalong North' weDt t0 ,.smashes and &mither Union street lost some of their lnes''andthe horse went to the St. symmetrical beauty as if by tho cloudf whero he was persuaded hand of areckless trimmer: The to let up on runniug. head of spring street looked like ' the axeman had played havoc. Notice Children of the Conrcderacj. vf x? n t i ' I. Ml the children who wish Jo top to her beautiful residence '-. i apd several favorite trees. There are other losses of very much valued jtrees and some wreckage not considered beside some of the greater losses. There are a,good mauy fences Notes on the Storm. . : , , 4 winner, irom seveq acres alone Men that know how to build has taken about 2m busbels up large businesses are equaUo aa(j he expects to sell his entire emergencies The writer was1 crop at 30 cents a bushel. He struct with the prompt action of Jestimates his expenses per acre at Cant. J M Odell at having se- $.39 and his net profits at $12,- cured Mr. R A Brown by 5 o'clock this morning to make brick repairs and,having all his plans well matured for the gen eral direction, 6i the work. Whatever others might be de- biting in their minds he knew . . . . what hal Been dmageo! and.wS.s not hesitating about the quioirest possible way to bo prepared for mcfre bad weatpjr again. Mr. J B Sjgerrill ancJ Mr. J C LJ)paiil h&I a force of harjils earltvat work britjging orddl out of chaos. - Mr. J V Cannon is out of town but there were groups of hands at work on the Cannon mill ' olearitv? away for rebuilding at once. I Men seemed to spring forward to filt up the heaches made Vy tho stprm and business went on j at parly morn as though tiothitig had happened or as if so'tuthing 'had happened in spots. With all that the storm did do j there is left very much more that it did not. do but this one thing is worthy of mention.." We failed to hear of an individual that was the least hurt. This is the silver lining. The wildest guesses could bo made on the money losses by the storm. By far the greatest is that to goods Hoc dud in the Odell and the Cannon mills.. On?side jof thoSft probably iru might ,bo ample to cover the bill Kan Away With the t'.u rarclier. A rather ludicicu-; luilo run away occurred cu :-i.o b Lively to day (Fridny) j:..M Mr. John Smith's ground poa parchor was ldaded on Mr. A M AMmau's wagon and the horse 'jonc'inhd to take a spin. The Jim s became attached to the parcht r so that the traces seemed to be the at- !. i Liai.iuii uulwuuu uiu iiurhtj una 1 the wapon while the .roundpea ; Darcher .DhonGti OV(,r t,,K, inps Ui futU.t upm;a mv ...... i , . ith M Eli Overcash's wa-cn take partfin the ''Flower Festi val" will meet with Mrs. Allison very promptly at 3 o'clock Sat- urday afternoon Suc'e?frul Poixto RaiHincr. James W McGee, a farmer liv ing near Orrick, Mo., took a chance on potatoes this year and t crr a ( i useu aw acres in raising mem. (H.is ventuIe has Pved a great 572. Anderson Intelligencer. FREE TO OUK M2ADERS. Uotauir. IHood Halm fur (he Mood. If you suffer from ulcers, eczema, scrofula, blood ison, cancer, eating sores, itching kin, pimples, boils, bono pains, swellings, rheumatism, catarrh, or any bloo or frkin disease, w advise you 4o take Botamia Blood Bafm (B. B. IT) EialW re commended for old, obstinate, deep-seated cases. cu?s where all else fail heals every sore. maRes the olood pure and rich, gives-the skin the rich al3w of healm. PFUggf 8tf, $1 per large bottle. timple sent fre by writing plood Balm Go., Atlanta Cfa. Describe trore aud fre moilljjcal advice sent ia, fealed letter. Medicine sent ffLonce, prepaid. 9

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