41 mil 1 mi fiHIifiTW'F III 1P P M H 6 K4 JO? N W m ... Price: $3.00 per year. OSCORD.'N. U SATURDAY. AUG. 16, 1902. Single cop5 cnts t 1 THE LKiTMNG'S PLAY. (Jm nsboro House hi nick- Narrow Es cape of Inmates. 1 v A Greensborp dispatch of the 15th says: "During a heavy thunder storm here just before night lightning struck the residence of Mr. J M Bandy it? Carr street and almost demolished the ten room building, the dining room und kitchen, forming a wimr, alone escaping. The chimney was torn down, and the weather boarding all over the house is drawn out by the nails as if a giant charge oi gun powder had shaken it apart. Furniture in every room was broken or shat. tered and paper in one bureau drawer, was set afire. There are two large holes. In one room it goes from the plastering out ward as if made by 'a Cannon V,.,n ivy (Vin -itliriv rnnm thf St.rokft - , , spoms tn have come from the1 outside. The whole buildiug is a wreck, though standing as if i nothing had happened except for the breaks referred to and the toppled chimney. Mrs. Bandy and her daughter were m the house alone, and were stunned. Their escape from death is a marvel. Mrs. Bandy says that the full force of the electricity came down the chim ney in a great flash of tire, and that what seemed to be balls of tire played in all parts of the house that she could see. As soon as she could stir, the smell of burning paper caused her to go up stairs, and a bureau drawer which had been stricken half open had a pile of patterns burning." McKinley Memorial Faih. The promoters of the McKin ley memorial have abandoned hope of raising the amount orig inally fixed as the cost of the monument to be erected to the 'memory of the dead President. At firs't it was thought $1,250, 000 could be obtained in popular subscriptions. The'mony came slowly, however, then the amount to be raised was fixed at $1,000, 000. That was cut down to $650, 000, and it is probable the es timate will have to be cut down to $400,000. The subscriptions to date do not exceed $350,060. Cleveland O., Despatch, 13th. , Mrs. James Goodman Dead. Mrs. James Goodman died at Forest Hill Friday night at the age of 57 years. She was a member of drgan church and the remaiflte will be taken there Sunday fofeburiat by the side of relatives. She leaves a sorrowing husband and foujp children. Miss Irene Ridenhour and niece, little Miss Laura Riden hour, are visiting Mr. Will Ridenhour at Kings Mountain. Which is Better-to Carr the Child or the SphooU If good schools .cannot be brought to the chjldrcn of sparsely settled areas, cantfot the children bo taken i'o such schools? The experiment has been tried and it is found to be practicable to unite the weak schools of a scattered country settlement into one strong, well equipped, well-couducted central graded school by conveying the remote children to and from their homes at tha public expense, and that too at a total cost less than that of maintaining a number of isolated and inefficient small schools. New York has a stat- ute authorizing the consolidation and her two daughters, Misses of weak schools at tha discre-1 Lizzie and Roberta, barely es tion of the trustees of district Jcap'ed death. The bolt descended schools. Wisconsin has about 20 such '"consolidated" schools, and a somewhat similar statuto is pending in the Maryland Le L islature. For BO years Massa- chusetts has had a statute which authorizes local authorities to i .. u(.. i raise money 10 provide ior mo L pnn vpvnnro nf riui tils to and from ' J 1 - L the public schools.'.' "For 18 years," says the port of a rural district of Mas- sachusetts. "we have had the best attendance from the trans-! ported children. Wehave saved the town at least $600 a year, All the children attend well- equipped schoolhouses at the center. The schools are graded, and everybody is converted to the plan. There is no way to bring the country schools up but to consolidate them." Balti- more Sun. Farmers Meeting. The. North Carolina Farmers' State Association is called to meet in this city Wednesday, September 3rd. The Post has already published the call and,1161 01 .lce y vv urged the importance of the drick of that FlactV on the meeting. We venture to sug-!chae of alterin a bi11' re gest to our State cotemporarles ceived a preliminary hearing j i vesterdav morning before United always foremost in good works yviiuay wun & , . , rt00 States Commissioner D G Max- and m promoting a gobd cause . -to call attentions the meeting wel1' The evidence was that and urge .their farmer friends to Dawson had chanKod a2 silver , . j meet at the dates mentioned therein and select large delega tions to the State meeting. Mornin i re M-c r The Reformer Ueing Kefrme(I. The New York World tells the Lstory oi one Rev. Robert Robb who walked into a bar roomSpn dSy morning and bought and drzwfk a glassof ber, then went off ami had thjg barkeeper ar rested for violation, of the law. The minister iivited the bar keeper toan intef viu&v in whicB he beffime completely frapped. A detefHive waspiaced inhiding and 4ieard the defendent bribe the m?iri0er for 50 not to pear against him. Now the latter is bsing reformed in jail. M llocC Hill. C , Storm slricken! I , A.Rock Hill'sptfcial of the 15th to the Charlotte Observer says: Tver says: Rock Hill ree terrific During this week has boeu visited by th rain and electric storjus. The first occurred last Sunday after noon, at which time Mr. Wm, : Mitchell' and Mr. Prank Hull's homes were badly damaged. Both Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Hull being badly shocked. But he storm Sunday did not compare with the one that visited this place on Wednesday night. It was the severest rain aud elect ric storm this county has knowu in many years. A bolt of .lightning struck Mrs. M L Ball's home, through the front iluoof tho house. The house is very badly . damaged, and many of its con tents ruined. During the same storm Lawyer V J Cherry's house, in Oaklard. was struck, ; ' ; and although some of its occu- ' " . k.. .li.. e ..l . ,..1 panis were uuuiy hiiwubu, jjw 1 . dn,maro was done with the ex n - .ceptiouofa great many 'of the re-'shingles being torn from the roof Telephone messages report that a hail storm, in addition to the electric and rain storm, occurred near Catawba Junction, a point jnot far from this place, and that great damage was done to the crops. It is believed that 50 per 'cent, damago has been done the 1 crops on account of the terrible J storms. Last night another storm almost as violent as the one the night before occurred in this city, but as yet no damages have been reported. Counterfeiter in Liuibo. Avery G. Dawson, the young man who was brought hero from King's Mountain Thursday cenmcaie lO manu ii -auuvai rvl 11 that it was a 5 bill, it was a cj.umsy effort, however, and was in court as evidence against him. Several witnesses who were ex amined testified that Dawsoti hadtriecl to pass tho note off on them. After the evidence was all heard Commissioner Max well bound the prisoner over to tjpe i eaerai jouri. xa uemi of a $l,f!00 bond Dawsod went to jafl.-C!iarlott Observer' When You go Into a Drug: Stoit o get a bottle If Painkiller, examine it carefully to see if it il made by Ferry DaVis, and don't be persuaded to take some thing "tist as good" because it is a few cents cMeaper. There is Guly one Painkiller, Perry Davis'." Large bottles 25 and 5Cc. SEWS gULMStiS. John'nill a white man, a farm , r, . er, of Orautce county, about 0 n . . . , years old was killed recently b , t it 'tuokickof a horse at'the Mt. Lebanon crimp meeting. . I Mr. and Mrs. Uharies Fair ;woro killed in Paris on the 14th by their automobile. It is satd Mr. Fair was a reckless rider. Tfcey were preparing to return to America. Their bodies were embalmed -and will be -shipped home. Mrs. J II White, of Phila delphia, foiled an elopement bo twoou her husband and pretty Miss Bessie Raymond on the 15th. Sins came up with them on the Black Diamond express aud with the aid of passengers held thorn and turned them over :o the police. William Spillman, of Yadkin, in a drunken' carouse, after de stroying mueh'of his household ouu ii iiitiiiiu iitrv Will, . .... 14 ' . and child away attempted to goods arid frightening his wife commit suicide on Friday. Ho . . shot Ins whole chin away only i . . ..." and ran oacii ana tortn scream jing. Ue can hardly live and his j condition would not be inviting ; to life. , Our First Hale of New Cotton Jim Ellis, the faithful old time negro croppor for Capt. J M Odell, had a bale of cotton gin nod and he put it on the market today (Saturday the 10th.) It was ginned at the oil mill and weighed 335. It was bought by Mr, D P Dayvault at 9J cents a pound. Jim secures the watch offered by Mr. W C Correll. The Red Letter Continues in Value Giving. During thepast three days w'e'have sold a gvuat quantity of merchandise at .very low prices, yet on Lawn and all Thin Goods the price has been cut still deeper. There- is yet two months in which this class of goods can be wornso this is seasonable merchandise at unreasonable prices. All the 15 and 19 cent Lawns that we have offered fpr 10c have been moved to the 7c counter The lh cent Lawns to the 5c counter The cut price still holds good on Wrappers and Window Shades. A quantity of the quilt lining still remains at 2ic Great reduction in the Millinery Depart ment on trimmed Hats and shapes. H. L. Parks Tragedy Hy Jlou Lover. The news circle record, a ' tragedy near Mt. Any in whicit , Charles MidkifT beat Miss-Lorre, I . ., . i his former sweetheart,. with m- tent to kill hei giving her the chance to marry him or die. It appears that hef affections, had been won by another man," a drummer, .who took her to a picnicin a carriage. Midkiff way laid them as they were returning at night and under cover of a pistol forced her to get out of the carriage to -ride with him. Her drummer lover drove off aud later her screams wore hoard by others and she ws h'av! from being beaten to dvjath with "he pistol. When she was vod she told thef dr'.- M'ul --'Ory. Mid kill' lied. The smallest puiui-e i:. uor casket is too much ''-r u to le serve; yet the moM magtiiticent promise is not toe reat. for tno King of kings Spurgeon. to bestow. C II Subscribe for the Stand-vd If You Have Rheumatism 12M URIGSOL thp irrpnt tested and endorsed California I Homwlt will Onr you. It also cures Liver, Kianey ana Bladder diseases, caused by an excess ot uric acid. It never fails, and builds op the health and strength while using it. tlflcates. Price, $1 per bottle. For sals S by drureistt. If your druggist can not supply you it will be sent prepaid upon r receiDt of price. Address Bend Stamp lor DOO OI wonaenui cr- Hrlcsol Chemical Co., Los Angeles.GaK i or tnt Lamar & Rankin Drug Co., Atlanta, 6a. I Distributing Agsnts 7hc 5c t & C i