a Q O b r JOHN D. LARRIER. Editor and iioik-tor. UF1-ICL IS MOIHtSS IIU1LD1M!. litiC STANDARD is published every day suiitl, excited and delivered by earners. RATEOF SUBSCRIPTION. 0;vr SUM Kt:iu'))ths , 2.00 rtireeai.'iitlw' . 1-00 tOe i::cth 35c Single copy 5c. T! - Weekly Siaiulird is an h-colunin 4"Pafie aper. H Was a buRtr circulation in Cabarrus .mi) ." other paper. Pi ieefi a year in ati-ance. (rerms lor regular advertisements made known . .. it;, plication. Address all communications to TIIH STANlUKt, Concord, '. c. Ti l-KPirOMi NO 7i- -Concord, N. C., Aug. 20. J!)02. Our T-icket For Congress from 8th District Hon. Thro. P. kluttz oi Salisbury.' For Chief Justice of Supreme Court Walteu Ci.akk of Raleigh. For Associate J ustices H G Conner of Wilsou and Platt D Walker of Charlotte. "For Corporation Commissioner E C Beddingeiei.u. of Wake. IFor Supt. of Public Instruction J Y JOYNEI! of Guilford. or State Senator f rom Cabarrus Jno. P. Allison. From Mecklenburg II N. Phaku. For the House of Representatives I). -II. Hamilton. For Sheriff James F. Harris. ''or Clerk of Superior Court Jno. M. Cook. For Register of Deeds W. Reece Johnson. For Treasurer C. W. Swink. For Cotton Weigher Jno. W. Propst'. For Surveyor Q. E. Smith. For the Board of County Com missioners G.'T. Crowell, C. U. Gillon, L. C Ervin. President C M Schwab of the steel trust, has been the subject of remarks as to his peculiar malady , It is pronounced to be neurasthenia which is something of a nervous exhaustion. This should be explanation and arxjlogy enough for a good deal ' of peculiarity in any victim. ."Vleaus Something for Pritchard. The report that Senator i V'duml has been invited to iutt.'h withj the President on Thursday leads to the presump lio:f ihat the Senator will be --taken care of." It is surely not the elaborateness if the lunches at Oyster Bay nor the k"asu!c of conver;iati(u with T . t R j ; the chief executive that prompts ses, started wiinou uo o ... ... in,.iu. liberation, will be averted, and TlOiiT'-Tiu Vve Uiu,y eAp.i suui t-henr that Senator Pritchard iia bo ii -offered something" a ju.is;r v)r something equally as guo1. The Senator' chances this yoar iu his home State grow rv aav am ne must 1 Jlfc 1 1 X he d rovuu'vi for, of course. -Ch Thf. ishuuT of Torishima. one irlotl.e :ws w'Ohried y volcanic eruptionlNew Life Pills. Result all or tile 13tand 15th andj all if.fsflliicbitants, 150n num-l headaches, no chancy fo 'blues.' Jbcr, ?-rd all t1:? buildings, worlTry thenryourself. Only 25c at 150!n nura- (Testr . Ek,in. Enochville, N. C, AR. 19.- Mrs. Dm Fisher is sick and was thought to be taking fever, br.jof is hoped to be improving with- J of out anything serious. Hf.. II T7 V,.. -U ....tni-nnrl last week from his mountain trip and reports a fine time, and 1 1 from his appearance we think it 11 must oe true. iwr. uvercubiis, family'rftturned some days ago, but owing to the misfortuuo withj his horses he coukl not come as the family did. Mr. George Rodgers is build ing qui'.e a neat little homo near hero. He has a "covering" to day. Mr. S Deal dias gone to China Grove to schtfol and he is wished much success in his work. , Misses Ora Sloop and Emma Lipe are attending the reunion today at Mr. Martin Sloop's. Some of our people attended the P'wrr-Ridenhour marriage at Trinity Sunday evening. Miss Josie Lipe and "Uncle Jake" went to Concord yesterday, Miss Nora Rodgers is very busily 'engaged in the canning business. Shu sealed one hun dred and seventy cans yesterday rnd has plenty more today. I'd like to know what all this means' O yes, '"Glass" and "Hickories' are very handy. The bridges here are in a very dilapidated condition, though they are expected to be attended to soon. Mr. Mason Goodman, of No; 2, passed through yesterday en route to Crescent, where he will attend school. Mr. Jake Host- is remodeling his house. D. AH Were Bayed. "For years I suffered such un fold misery from Bronchitis," writes J H Johnson, of Brough ton, Ga., "that often I was un able to work. Then, when every thing else failed, I was wnolly cured by Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. My wife suffered intensely from As thma till it cured her, and all our experience goes to show it is the best Croup medicine in the world." A trial will convince you it's unrivafeo for Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bot tles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's drug store. Com moil SeUKe Action. The International Typograph ical Union, in convention at Cin cinnati, took action on Thursday which merits general and careful attention. The Uniou adopted a new law providing that a strike or lockout may be declared off by a majority vote of the Union in volved, while a three-fourths vote is required to declara a strike or lockout. The Uniou took this action on its own voli t;on, without solicitation. Print ers are intelligent men and they have acted wisely. They place impediment in the way of in dustrial war and op-su, the door wide to industrial peace. Use- 1 i ! 1 . "I 1 1 A J prolonged by the obstinate. The Typographical Union Shows the conciliator v spirit and common sense which are needed to pre-. vent useloHsstrife.-Philadelphiai ijeaer. JnslLook at irer. q Whence cam e that sprightly step, faultless kiu, rich, rosy complexion, miling face. She looks erood.-feels srood. Here's gans agiveltdigestion good, no Fetzer's drug store. ",,r Glass, A. iU-M.. j.n HrumbVy and ! imuio Vuncy Concord and Mamie t;henkf ... . . Salisbury are visiting at Mr. FMKogei's. T r fiUtTlOr TClI'lC. v!i() 1 s em - I , , f j ployed ot the ork furniture I ; factory, spent Sunday m tilass. i i There must be some lascmfition ,. ,, . - , uji mii - frequently visits. in this section. Miss Dora Riggius, of Con cord, and Misses Bessie and Nina Cook, of No. 4, are vishing a.t Rev. J L Dennis' today. . There will be a sociable at Mr.' T M Roger's on Friday night, August 22nd. Miss Anna Ritz, of Concord, is visiting -Misses Hattio and Jennie Wiuecol'f. Messrs. John Litaker and J N Dayvault spent Sunday night in Concord. ; We now have a barber shop at j Glass, and it seems to be very prosperous. 1 R. Look ricasuiit, Please. Photographer C C Harlan, of Eatou, 0., can do so now. though for years ho couldn't, because he suffered untold agony from the worst Form of indigestion. All" physicians and medicines failed to help him till he tried Electric Bitters, which worked such won ders for him that he declares they are a godsend to sufferers from dyspepsia 'and stomach troubles. Unrivaled jor diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kid neys, they buildup and give new life to the whole system. Try them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by P B Fetzer, druggist. Items from No, 11. Aug. 20. Some corn was dam aged by the high waters last week, i A nunrber of our people at tended a camp meeting at Ilar risburg last week. Protracted services will begin at White Hall on F'riday night, August 29. Mr. T V and W W Talbirt will leave Thursday for Matthews to attend a meeting of the Meek- leuburg and Cabarrus Baptist . . Mr. II C Faggartand son, Mr. J 3 Faggart, attended the veter erans reunion at Greeusboro. N. L lvery Healthy Boy likes to get himself 'ntO places Of .1 tt i : and sprains. Mother scolds and brings out the bottle of Perry Davos' Painkiller and rubs it on the injured spots with an energy and frequency depending on the seriousness of the case. There is nothing liko Painkiller to take ' out the soreness. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis', j Price 25c. and 50c. i Corn-Stalk 15 feet 5 inclic? J1:;A. Mr. VV K Lyles brought in a stalk of corn to the Standard office thU (Wednesday) morning that is far aboye the trivial things of earth. It measures 15 feet 5 inches in height. The ear is just half the height of the1 iitk abofe the round. Why Take Any chances vith some nevv and untried medicine for such serious troubles a diarrhoea, A-amps, dysentery, , when you should know that for over half a ceu- turyd'aTu killer na cur mil-'Xens9s. Students fro.m et, lions Of cases?Look out f0!nd counties. Xorth Carolina well rTu- imitatidlis there is only one. Due. geniftne, "Pery Davis'." n,,v,wJit """; , .f wIlile. fr.,ls. : ;, . . , out trolling aUoplnnsPgint, .on . . he St. Lawrence river, a large -'sturgeon suddenly jumped ito 1 their rdvilf aid nearly c;t;isiz3d it. I 1 he boat, being an exVeniow , . 1'P'ht one, 'without ribs, cracked under the wetght ok the oi.v tish. which floundered frpm no,, end j of the craft to the otheV. Mr. Russell, in trying to kill the tish I wah one of the oars, ;.:c:donta!ly broke a hole through 'the skill and it began to fill rapidly with water. Their only salvation then was to reach shore before the bpat should go down. The had noth ing with which to bail out the water, but Miss Plumb,' alive to the desperate situation, removed one of her. shoes and bailed out the skiff, while Mr. Russell pulled for the shore. . They reached shallow water before their boat sank. The sturgeon measured 4 feet, 6 inches, in length and weighed 44 pounds. Utica, N. Y., Dispatch. FOR OVER SIXTY EARS Mrs. Winelow's Sootiiinjc Hyrur has been used for over sixty years by mil lions of mothers for their children wline teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, Hoftens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieye the poor little sufftrer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Be sure and usk for ''Mrs. Win sIowb Soothing Svrup." au? take im other kind Wanted To do your Job Printing. Latest types, best sta tioner, reasonable prices Come and seo us or 'phone 71. Electro Therapeutic AND X-Ray Institute. Phone No. 131. Hours : 8 to 32 a. m. 1 to 4 p. m. Litaker KniMiug, Opposite St. Cloill Hotel Concord.'.N. C. The operating rooms are equip- jped with the most complete and Hot Air apparatus. Special attention given to the treatment of Chronic Diseases. J. S. Lafferty, M. D., 6-0m . Manajrer m.mmt.mEemmmL-tmmmims' M AR0L1NA ENGLISH JAND CLASSICAL SCHOOL . Mt. Pleasant, N'C. . THE NEXT SESSION OF THIS INSTITU TION BEGINS SEPTEMBER I6TH, 1902 An experienced Faculty ami commodious, well equipped buildings. The course of study is thorough. Methods of the best charm-tor and discipline firm. Rates of tuition and board very reasonable rarents bavins sons to educate are asked ti confer with us as early as possible. Circular of information sent on re-quest. Addre either of the undersigned Kev. L. K. Busby, P. I)., Geo. F. McAu.isThd, A. E., Principals. t Mt. PU.sant, X. C, August i, iC2. Roanoke College SALEM. VA. Coufses for Degree,-; alo Commer cial Course. Gerii.Hu, French and Sjmnish taught Ibl Fcutty ti brary, 22.y vclnns; wor Uboni tory: Kond mnri inllu..uces; sixchurch ef.no barrooms. IWthfnl . Z . aiu iocut'on. Very moderate ex- i : ucilib otin. i tuieu. oucn year besris Sept. 17 JULJ. D. DEEHER. President. 1 ,11X1 CI fl f' "Hi It JQttJ 5 17 Tim 11 l"l a I i n www ia if jM n 'Hjmfi a Bin mL-m ft . TV W ft SJU u IK w 0 f . m vim HaF Good heavy bleach ed cotton Towels at He. Linen Towels a 10 to 48c each. Large bath Towels ific earth. Linen Toweling at SJ, 10 and 12c yard. Tut key lied Table Da mask 58 in. wide at 27Ac. Full Bleached Limn Damask 58 in. wide at tfjfcij&sfe 48c. 72 inch do 43c. yd. Doylies and Napkins at 2io per set up. '.'Ayj ' Full sized Counterpanes, hemmed, at 85 cents up. Ecrue Lace Cur tiiins, 3 yds Ions, at G8j per pah. Better Curtains at 1.08. Lace Pillow SbaniH at, 48 cents per pair, lice assortment of Em broibered Mushu Scarfs at 35 Cents. Doylies 10 vnts up. Tablecovers o8c up. 9.) V Embroidery Hoops'at 5 cents. Filo and Twisted Em broidery Silk at i3o pr skein. Tou pay 4 and 5o in other stores. NEW LOT OF UMBRELLAS with yood assortment of handles at 8o tud 1.2-5- Special Bargains m Solid Jo1d. Sflver aa.l I' aitod Rings k&frttt! Laaies Plain Kixis 88c to ;Sf 1 38. Set llinuf 10c to 3.0). w-" Bibiesand Misses limga at 2")C Oents Set Kings at 4Sc. Uelt Brooches at 15 to 1)8 cents. Aluminum PluitPfl fStSi' and - Solid Silver Curb Bracelets at " 25 cents up. GentsCufT Buttons!; 15 to 25o. Studs at 15 rth 2 Dickens Watch Chains 4sc. worth 1 2). Silk Watch Chains 10 to 25 cents. Collar Buttons 5 cents doL'U up. 10 cent Cir lloldeis f 5 et-ntt. RESTE CTFULLY.