I 1 O o 1 TT Htanaar JOHN D. CARRIER, Kiiitor an I Proprietor. l. JIIOUi.'LS UlILDLM.. One month . . 3C .Single copy 5c. Vi e Weekly St.md.ir is an H-co!umn4-paj: apt h lias a larner circulation in Catiarrus hiu ussy other paper. 1'rice 1 a yt-r itfadvanc. . Terms f- regular IvuitiseincMits made known 0I1 app'ii j(V"ti. . Address all communications to TIIK fSTANDAKI), Concoi tl, C. TELEPHONE NO.. OoycoUD, N. C., Aug? 21, 1902. Our Ticket. For Congress from bth District Hoy. Theo. F. Kluttz of Salisbury.. For Chief Justice of Supreme Court Walteu Ci.ki: of' Raleigh. For Associate Justices II G Conn ei i of Wilson and Peatt D Walker of Charlotte. For Corporation Commhsioncr E C Bedding ei e ED . of Yv'ak.e. For Supt. of Public Inslrm-tion JA" JOYNEK of Guilford. J or Stal o Senator, f ror;; Caba rrus ; Jno. P. Allison. From. Mecklenburg ' II N. Piiahk. I of Repre.-vcjiat ivi C. II. Hamilton-. For ShprifT J AMES F. HaKUIS. Foi ( rk of Superior Court Jxo. M. Cook. i'.i Hi i:i:'er (.if D.H'ds V , Reece Johnson. For Treasurer C. W. Swink. For Cotton Weigher Jno. W. Pnoi'ST. For Surveyor Q. E. Smith. i he Board of County Com missioners A CiiOW'ELL, C. O. Gillon, L. C Euvj.n. For G. Tito Memphis Morning Isevvs has 1 t f o Jowin g signiScan t item : '"The new constitution of Ala bama has eliminated he uegro s;s a voting facAor from the poli tics of thai State and the Ala ivm R-mblicar..'-, who have,so 1 n - g h o v 1 ed f o r n eg ro su ff rage a .1 political domination have really indorsed the action of tl;e J.)tMiiocratic party and pone it o:e ii'Ufr by :hso excluding fclje i tgr' from liiiiubl'cin pri- ii. . , Thus proving conclu- si ;;, him Ue hi;; Ion ' they Ct: gar ok n iat all iney waniea oi i the beginning was to , and- since he can no ... of service as a voter ,: him off. as a worn-out ,. :oiiwin: resolution has bit n Ktsseti by the Republican Statu executive committee of Alaba;r;a: " 'R.--,-.'.vi:d, Tat only those sliali be tvienized or permitted to "liK'cinate iu the State and p''i conft.ntas and be at meetiLig.s ho are uly quiftied vof Icr the new constiii tion of " "Thi is an effort toui"M up f white Repuiil!4iin party in laburaa. rhe Aiepublican md- fcIS figu. hat there are many Democrats io would vote the Republican t I because of be lief in ths policies enunciated in Da .H i H I. - II (Til I'fl J I l J c ii J THE STANDARD, published every dayOred ITl.t 0t Ol'tllO COAyiC! ol , l'rt," and adS as IVrds CO ed . c-8 coio ftJJ(l jt recced and delivery earners. tho p.ty theyn bfi enablftl t! fruit "Jam for the mllffuii . JoUj r ' u remedy for" DiaVrW' Jt mil Rates Of Sucrip" i. , . , . . 4, ! i tit lot'irious 4: id Jue fivtill. An- ;" v , , -. ;OutN, . .... 54.oo make large .cams among t..' ; ll(.r writor ,ltlritutes t& unsaai relieve the poor httlo surer iaA.fc. F-:$ iinths . 2.8ii WiitO people of Uabatna.j' j beauty 8f the PcVonshiro fass to the , fc-lj. Hol t.v druift-iHU m evy ?r! Tin: iiK.uths l.OOf rr ,, ... 4 fiicr that Ihov arc cfVat fruit raters ' oi the wor.4. T wenty-i. e e(-,u lot- the platform wore it frt for the act that they fear negro polir.i-: al rule. With the negflpo que' - lion Uminater the Republicans: , ii..,f h,. HnHr.cjh; o '- prisinff in thf awd it Seems to 1 1 n . o- apily almost a well here.. Sinc e the Republicau party.can't win Republic litre is reaiiy uviinug sui-i it u ni-Pttv woir V'Im,f;ton a i 4 , ! Printing. .Latest types, best sta--IO 11 P10tt UtU!f-f is narat voly am the home .. ryfreasonttbl,rioes Come t the best way is to : ;attror KhoulU ahynys have a it ee- . J - Uloiiie of fruit on the table. This is . uu wto U!5 ux PluJll ' with the negr satisfied that 7'-fcut loose from him aud cease to bo tempted to get down in the dirt for his vote, but to build up a 'party in the State that wi 1 commend itself to such as might prefer the Republican party bu. for.the odium of having to ap- pease his desire for a prominence in political affairs to which his attainments do not entitle liim. We do not understand why somo of our. best men arc Republicans but we can understand why some who might prefer the 'party ytit afliliate with the Democratic party as long as he ignorant uegro vole must be relied on for w'nhing political victories. If the constitutional amendment is i give, us two parties which may (U vj(lij Jjl0 lJf- re,il0Clin on 1 pnuciples of right and policies of government it. is surely very 'desirable from every standpoint and its effoctrs " seem 'to tend that way. OUK "tt t il lillS LSHTUTi:. We congratulate Superintend ent i.oger in m curing a corps of instrctor.:-, for the Institute that have made ii more than usually successful. , We are hardly ii. sympathy with the law that com pels poorly )iid teachers to at teud iusiutes at their own ex- ense of time and necessary out lay, but doubtless ttiey will go home infused with now progress iveness. We tould not atteud as well as was desirable but we are glad to know that in every department new light was th; o vVi;'oa the teacher's pathway. We trust that it has been a week of pleasure and profit to the teachers that wjil be reflected in the juveniles whoac they trair. It is doubtless gratifying too to tho instructors that they haye had a splendid attendance and appro ciatk o hearers Theyo were 80 onrolled in the department for the whites and 1) in the depart ment for the coxored. The fact was brought out at at faie late reunion at Greens boro that there are yet 40,000 Confedni'ate soldiers in the Old North State. The man that stood the war can stand much. .Mortifying Indiscretion. DrtAlid rewSledd, Professor of Latin in Eatery College Ox ford, Cfu,., having written Tuag azine article in which he stated that Southern people regard the negro as little higher than the beast and treats him accordingly has been so severely criticised by the press that he has sent his resignation to the Board of Di- rectors. Our Church Paper. i A BEAUTIFUL SKIN. How Yon JIny Secure Thl nviaI An enynt sc.-t U-larrs that e' fclmt i.t?y nog t the be of all mid counsels all who desire lili them '"a fair ouuutenance t follow thcH- I fllliplo. J AnMrk,usg may vorv vaslly aiil i thoni.seivof This .! to iM-uut?, nays supposed to be exjwnsive and If made l.y errfiiin recjjies will t found A lieu fruity sirup, however, may be inade frgui evaporated 'fruit and wine omitted. It netd not then be denied to eiiildren. and with the wine the ex tra expense vanished. The tart variety of evaporate? cher ricsykidsa delicious juice. They should be well washed, so;iked ver night, ntfMTied pently until all thf goo!no- is extracted, then the fruit Btruinud out and the juice sweetoiied. Tamarinds may be used in the same way, the pit only rejected, and give, a delightful flavor peculiar to themselves. With these and juices of other evaporated fruits as foundation any surplus from canned or preserved fruit should be added, and also oranges, with white and tough parts removed, should be cut In bit" and stirred in. French prunes are also very good. They should be soaked in witter over night, polled, the pit removed, the meat tut in bits and added. The whole should now be brought to the boil and stewed gently until evenly sweetened. The amount of sugar must be determined by tast- ing. . .. I'.y watching the market a ripe pine apple may be bought for 10 or 15 cents and is always a delicious addition. After peeling it may either be shredded or cut in bits. How to Travel. , An experienced traveler says that nui.st of the fatigue of a long Journey Is quite unnecessary and comes from an unconscious effort to carry the train instead of letting the train carry us that is, in resisting the motion instead of relaxing and ykiuing to it. He ad vines always resting the feet oa the i-;i;l of the seat in front, if such is pro vided, as to keep the foot off the floor lessons the vibration that is convoyed to .the body and prevents just that ie':eh strain. A bag will do as well for fVotsteol if nothing else is to be had. The body while 'atting in a car should be as completely relaxed as possible. Until one attempts this relaxation in a mi! way car it is not discovered how tense is the c!Iort to resist the motion, all of w'hieh is- in direct accordance with modern physical culture, which has discovered that true repose goes further than mere nonaction. An excellent way 1h to wash them with soap and v,-,irm water in which a little salt of !:aon has been mixed. Tho groat dlfliculty In the way of get ting the ground pjrlion of the globe to look white is the grease, which sets closely ia the toughness and which does not seem tj bo thoroughly remov ed by soap and water alone or even with the help of soda. After the globes have been carefully washed in the manner recommended, do not dry then with a cloth. b4t. after letting the tap rn 0:1 them for awhile put them In some place where the water can drain off. . How to Make Onions Inoffensive. If one likes raw onions, rut sutlers roin a bulling station after eating them, tills objection to their use can be removed by covering the ported and sliced onions with cold water for a half hour before using. Take up on a plate and with the back of a silver spoon press to get out of. the rank flavor. Ice and garnish with curled parsley, which, if eaten after lhe onion, will take away much of the odor from the breath. A swa'dow ti' vinegar is also efticaolous in subduing the odor. Ilotv to Cool; C"!jtti3 With Peppers. A dolIclor,disli for luncheon or sup per is- made of Ween peppers and clams. Put a tablespoon ftil o butter in tl pan and cjk In it fflr five min- ites a green pepffer cl.ed fine. Then a4tl the hard parts of fVenty clams chopped tine avA cook them four min utes. Put in a third of a cupful of the clam juice andhe soft parts oijtthe claius and cook three minntes longer. Season with salt and paprika and serve on toast. Take Heed or &iy Double Tax. All. tax payers who have not made their returns by the twenty- fifth of August for 1902, will be charged with double tax- M. MqGillon, FOR oVfeR SIXTY EAJIS 7'rs. Winslow's bootarsr Mtu ha to ivied for over ptstv ytnr by nr.'. hoi-. cf mothers fui thoir oi.i'rei. v. tCttiih wifu pcJ-?t waiew. H ! tin. F.e sure &nd it- i.'Mrh. ft in , fc.Vh Svulh'. V.iv' V-t ui j ovVar 'va f - - T , ; WaitedTo df your Job Electro Therapeutic . j: and X-Ray Institute. Phono .No. 1151. . Hours : ? tt0 f a' m' ' . I 1 to 4 p. m- Litakcr I!iiildiu, Ojijinsite St. Clou' Hotel Oonoord.EX. C. The operating1 rooms are equip ped with the most complete X-Ray and Electro-Therapeutic and Hot Air apparatus. Special attention given to the treatment of Chronic Diseases. J. S. Lafferty, M. D., G-6m Manager. CAROLIMA ENGLISH jAND CLASSICAL SCHOOL Mt. Pleasant,. N.;C. . i THE NEXT SESSION OF THIS INSTITU TION BEGINS SEPTEMBER I6TH, 1302 t An experienced Faculty and commodious, well equipped l)uildius. E The course of stuly is thorough. ' S ivieitioils ot the best character am :iracier ami tiiscipane e irtl very reasonable. R educate are askeu to at .possible. Eh fifin. Rates of tuition ami bo; Parents having sons to j confer with us as early as possible Circular of information sunt on retpiesl. Attdress either of the undersigned KRV. L. 15. BUSHY, I). I)., i ICO. I' MC A M.I.ST 'k', A. II., Principals. m Mt. Pleasant, N. C, August f, jyos. Roanoke College. SALEM. VA. ; Courses for D'-gvec ; ulo Cummer-' einl CjOurse. Geram.-i, Trench, and j Spiuithh taught. Lt,lo F'icult.7. Li-; brai.v, 2- 000 voiiuijh; working 11 --oratory: g. ill 10 or lt illlliieT)i'"S; r-l' chu.'oh- tt, no bar-rooms. Healthful monnt. ain ioontion. Very moderate ex penses Students from mtn.v stites t'tid couu'.ies. North On r.iaa, we.U rep resented, rulth ver bcgi:. Scjji IT. Catalogue, witn y iws, tree. Address JULIUS D. DREflEli. Prcsideiit. Dr W H. Wakefield CHARLOTTE, N. C, limits his practice to diseases of iiye, Oar.Nase 2rt,J Throat. TLt Doctor will by in Concord at Cloud on Thursday June LXith. fvi, l. Brown & bac LIVERY. FEEJ5 AND SAL STABLES. .Just in rear of fei. Cloud Hotel. Omnibuses' meet all uassengoi trains. Outfits of all kinds fur nished promptly and at reason able prices. Horses and mules ahvay on hand for sale. Breed ers of thorough!; red Poland China H(m. Concord- - National Bank . paid $54,000 in dividends j mce lfvpenou doors Julyt too3F ub surplus ana unenviaeu tund is LhCOO. rhe losses Horn bad loans in its entire hiOory are 35.00. It has never sued any on9 or been sued. Its officers are : J M Odcll, president; 1) B Coltrane, cashier; L D Coltrane, assistant cashier; J M Uendrix, bookkeeper. Board of Directors VH Lilly, W R Odell, Jno. P -Allison, J S Harris, Elam King'! J M Odeil and D B Coltratie H I1? i in j : r; An : Willi? bIJ, Good Ueavy bleach-, ed cotton Toels at V. Linen Towels a 10 to 4So each. Larse btith 'J we I s 1 C) 2 each. Linfn TowtMinatSi, 10 and 12o yard, Tnrkeylied Table Da mask 58 in. wido at 2TAo. . Full. Bleached Linia Daaiask 5S iu. wide at 48c. 72 inch do 4SvJ. .yii. .Doylies and Napkins at 2i2 psr set up. mi , Full s'zed CouDterpfliies, f .. v. : licmtned, at y5 cents up. '' r!.'"''!! "CTT "Z'' ' -v!.j'ivlJ: " r ' r?: " ? ' ' r'y. rne Lace Cur-tai.-.s, 3 yds Jons, at GSj per pnii1. Uetter CartniiH at l.fJS. Laco . Pillow Sin' ins at cents per pair, . f vrr".-('. ;'r4ittA''"''K1l i . .v -OC M 1 . mMpnM it' : .rt;-, .. ..,- a vji'..':t.i, a -'Wiij.'-l-..j...v, Nice assortcietjt of Em. i hroibiroi tUntlm Scurfs i at ;i) cents. f-'oylioH 10 e-ids '.') Talilecovees :tsc up', -1-.'li1--(.i-aY-r j Hoops ut 5 centn. Eiio i iii Twisted Em. broidery Silk at So por . skein. Yon pay 4 ar. J Ho ih other stores. NEW KOIVOF UMBRELLA!.; VtjtL good !ls.' rl PHllt i x tundloj hi '.roc und 1 2i. 1 r Special ra--i;ns kf-e. Uer4-! rJof iwugs .t 4 Belt lirooohes at l'i to t)S cents Alnminwn.rhiited and S.rii Silver Curb Jtucelets at 2? cents, up. (reritsCutr Jhittorat ir, to 2-j. btmls lo worth 2 . Dickens Watch Chuiiis 4Sj, worth 1.2). Wbtjh Chains 10 to 2o cents. Collar iittons 5 coats do '.en u;. 10 cant Calf lloljoxb for 5entf. RESTECTFULLY. J. BOSTIAN. 9 'isfel? -"'; v ii "u Solid Jfhflm "old, Silver and 1' a.teu ltmgs Ladies Plain Itius to 1 :s. Ket Pdnr Kit to P.0J. w J'tbi.'s ;.nd Idisses ul AT 7 T t .1 Li Ch'm. of County Board. o O

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