- IS ! 5 Pi T- ViN'COttlVN. C. TUESDAY. SEPT. 2, 1002. Ringlu rniY 5 cents ' r- 1 I50L1), HAD KUIiliEftt. -- y ;- . . 5 1 f K 0 Ifilltd. u.ul 2i faVfilv It jtu- ih! - IWi Tram LeavtsTrck Curve auS (iocs lovyi ft Ktnhankuietit. Birmingham, Ala , Sept. 1. On rounding curwi ou a high eVtbankinent sear Beny,"Ala;, at 9:80 o'clock tils morning, tfie engine and four cars of ai exwursidn train on tho Southern Railway leaped from the track and rolled over and over do&n the incline, smashing the coaches into kindling wood and causing the instant death of 30 persons and the' injury of bl others. Physicians sa.y at least 29 of the injured canno't live. .With the exception of H M.Dudley, traki master of the Southern Railway, and Engineer J W Crook, living at Birmingham, and, Roscoe Shelby, of Columbus. Miss., ajl ' of the 'dead and injured are negroes who had taken advan tage of excursion rates from points in Mississippi to Birming ham. The dead. Whites, H M Hud ley, train master, Southern Rail way; 'J W Crook, engineer, Birmingham; Roscoe Shelby, Columbus, Miss.; negroes, Jim Smith, Isola; Lillie Martin, child, Columbus, Miss.; Charley Carp, Columbus, Miss.; Hizel Patterson, West Point, Miss."; Ed. Clarke Co'umbus, Miss.; Nute Green, Columbus; Willie Thompson, Columbus; 20 dead whose bodies .have not been identified. Twenty-nine exur sionists are thought to be fatally 'injured and 52 others 'sustained injuries of more or less serious nature. Mrs. Mario Cox, white, injured and bacic.sprained. When the wreck occurred the train was running at the rate of 30 miles an hour and just started around a curve on top of a C0 foot embankment. e Without . -warning the tender of the engine suddenly left the track, jerking ' theengine and tlie first four curs with it. There were ten cars to the excursion train, but the fourth broke loose from the fifth and with he heavy engine plunged d6vvn the stgep .incline. The cars, which were packed wifch passengers, turned com pletely over several times and wa crushed like egg shells, killing and crippling the inmates. Persons who Wuye returned from the, scene of the wreck sty it is indescribable.. The dead bodies of the eroes we' sityered in every direction and the moans anu appeals for help Cum:uu!or AIi.s frf Funds jo liety ftuild Ciuifertpnrte Home. Minneapolis, Qipt. 1 Gelier;!l Ell I!s Tiikcs C!o11ift:,V .Moi1', (iintar, I'liibrellii mid Food. Watcfc, Torrance, commayrter-iii- hi f of ih Grand rnivof the Rej ublic, has j.-su -d ait appeal addressed to kho Graml Army Veterans, fishing them 4ocon tribute fund' to aid in the erec tion of a home for ex Confeder ate Veterans, now being built at Mission Creek, Ala. The apjeal is a .lengthy one and in it the chief pays a Uigh tribute to tle bravery of tl) men who wore thfe gray. He cites tho fact that it has been impossible lo secure thcfaid of the national Congress.' clothing in this matter and the only way in whicH the home can be built is by the veterans of the North and S&utb and of other patriotic citizens of the republic. .He be lieves, he says, thatsuch action ou tho part of the G": A. R. will demonstrate more strongly than anything else that all, sectional Avcry bold, bad robbery was peryetrated Sunfay night or early.Sunday inorning at Mr. M O fiherri'l's oi Mill .s root. I MT 1 L.I 1 1i M i Mr Tom Sherrtil and his isi- Ijng frionds Messrs. William and Ji.. -jJownum were sleeping m one j'oom. The thief entered' by the dining roohi window and almost emptied tho room in which these young men 4pt. Mr. EJ. Sherrill who vftis sleep- j ing in another room, but had his . best suit of clothes in this room, found himself minus 20 worth Wiljiam Dowuum was short 10 in cash aud John Downmn was out. of a watch,. The dining room was relieved of ()no ()f Hl(J ,ieW(Jst m nfJ 1M0St servicoaWe buead, pies, e'tc. A guitar and j i , i ' a i i our window display at . 'We have antjciuakM the school girls' jhumIs anil are prepanul to ilioet their di'inamls. For this season we liave .alreail; placcl in stock some of the s.eason's new goods so that the young ladies will have something choice to select from: feeling as a result of the great civil war fias passed'away. , MOSiE I'EIEE' ACTn'ITY. umbrtlia were also taken. The eff&rts thus far 'to trace the goods and detect the thief have been unavaiiing. Excursion to Norfolk. The Southern Railway's annu al excursion from Charlotte to Nqrfolk will be run September Breaks Out Saturday Skht in Awftil. tho 0th- having Charlotte 6:25-p. l'robablj 200 People m and Concord at 7:05 p. m.f faiy f jr tho round trip from here $3.75. Two days'and one njght will be spent in Norfolk. 04-wlt. (iruudeur Killed. The volcano of Monte Pelee broke out again last Saturday night and probably together with the tidal wave killed 200 people. The detonations were terrific, probably the loudest of all that have occurred and the illumina tions surpassed the most elabo rate pyrotechnics. Columns of flame shot out and-exploded myr iads of balls of golden fire. The" scene whs awe-inspiring and to many overwhelmingly terrifying. --' Killed on the Greensboro Yard. Ivory Alston, a negro man of 23 years, .was struck by an en gine on the yard, at Greensboro on Monday 'and killed instantly.' His body was terribly mutilated being, severed at the waist and both feet werecut -off. A Fine Faculty. There are seven teachers in tho Faculty of 'Bingha m School near Mebane. They are kind and Justy to the boys and are faithful in their work. frci the wou tided was'heart- T reeling. As sofn Us the accident was reported 4o the offials of the road, wrecking tius, carrying phjfsjpiarji, wep hurried fiom Columbus.Miss.. and Birming ham, and everything possible is being done to alleviate the sufferings of the injured. The dead bodies have been propr.red for burial. Two Jieproes Lynched In Florida. TwoV nefcroes, ftanney Price and Bob Scruggs, were lynchefl at Newberry, Pla., pn .Monday for the murder of Mr. W F Brun- son. There were about 300 men wlu) fook tfioin from th. officers ar.4i aft2 a confession ot the deed strung them up and riddled them with bullefs. . CairMake Half a-MIllion Dollars. Some one is going to jiatent and put on sale a simple inyen ticn to close the ears of sick peo ple and light sleepers against outside noifies, and relieve hun dreds of thousands of persons. from great suffering, and make half-a-million of'dollars and, we hope, give one-fifth or, at least, one-tenth of tfiat sum to the American ' Humane Education Society for this humane sugges tion. The importance of some inven tion tojirect the sTck from out side noise is now being vastly increased fry the growing use of automobiles, which may at any momt?nti in an ordinarily quiet stret, lrak asleep tipon which life or death may hang. . Gr;o. 5 Antjrlt,. Also 'thii prtitty new shades in Suitings for Coat Suits? only . A walking skirt is now essentia) in every girls wardrobe. In 'this instance -also we are pre pared and eaij give yon the very best material in suitable colors at . For the little girls see our line .of-PEROALSinall colors. 65c 50 v 98( C o Sure Two Men Hob a Train on the L. k X. Two masked nit -it robbed the Durham lvlan Suicit!. Mr. D Simpson, the manajrei" of kie storo of II facial all it (expres ines.aengi.u- ou the Louis-, Sun, of Durham, committed sui- j ville and Nashville train 1: wcf? Another Car of Star Leader, Iron King and Elmo Stoves - and if you want', a Range nothing like the Liberty. Pictures not by, the car, neither by the dozen, but by thejiundred, justan. If you want to see the hand somest. line ever shown in Concord now is .your timc and the prices -wolj, they are distressingly low. , Everything- bought before the advance and our eus- ... tomers reap the benefits. Call and see us. Bell Harris. Furniture Gomp j.' JlvOOD'S " TRADE KRK 3 I !. To The Farmer W 1 - -f ' 'ft ;. it fi I 4 . .ml i f . clde Monday moraing by, tailing ! Franklin and Nasuvjlle on Mon laudanum. flevas found in hi room unconscious and strenuous efforts vrero ia to savo him hnr tn nn avail. Hts 22 vearsurot about 8500. When tae li KJ . 'N-' V T . old and Ame trom RockP1'. isfov. 1 up at Nashville the men He leftf ither, mother and broth-' ecj(;aiJud. ers and sisters No- c&uso is known for thara act. , Subscribe for the Standard day ev(uift. They forced the messenger wuh drawn guns to oi)en the safe, out of which they a in M you desire to securo .'-tiu'is j r.'il )o'. crops to purchase the i higher cra-Ic ; ''vlv. I ?? Tiiis vou Xa:: ; '? .' pur- J y V )'' "r- 'Ti-.u'.i Hark J y Brr.r-.i ' . f I arm SecJs. WWood-s Fait Cu.r.Uz -' l11 t)J a hunt VtaetaMj and Farm H Sscis for f-ali l:.tti;r.5, cd K Wh-at, Cats, I-'o , Carley, Vetcher., (ir.iis and Clover Swc!s, etc. Write for Full Cat.:1oirue ami prices of an y Seed s i-ed. T. W. WOOD & SONS QpHcmpn . Pirhmnnd. Vfl. , . . . J.... ..-ii n.ar- Selling the first bale of new cot ton l.Uis year I will give as a premium an size Elgin or 8 .r-ii t-if.i . taiuia:n vaccn, seven :ev.'e: ! ti!Oveii)ftir. cut ox nrinsion hnl.-u-e ... . . . . k j wheel and br evet hair spring. j iVarrauttd a good time hooper in every respect. Fitted v. ou Open Facy crew-!?aek nfld tioz-M S'lvof-dro Du-t PrrtCafc Tfie vrtitcl'cai; be son at my store at any time. W.:.C. Correll, Le.kiliui: Jewelffr. . .Dr. H. C'Herring U)i:vri3T) Is uuw 01 tl grufcJa- lioji' hi tnt' L.;iat-er Building.