7 -vr Ml Psion: $4.10 per year. (J&COKD, N. CJ. THURSDAY. SEPT. J, 19D2. Sing li? ropy 5 ct.nts si . - ' " " "IT i. . - r" ' " " I u m m sir fffli. IJ'OJ-LLV ftAK STIKKS H IS CUl-ItlAC-E. , Mr. Craft His FaithM Sorret IMcclive li!,-l Tiutl Oili'-Tjf JiMrt-?rcs!,!ont i;.(;.j 'itlt Injuries in (he i- 'u-c -0' Horse Killed. By' a narrow- margin afid. al- a.; a miroculous deliverance tiio Untied States is today nut in mou ruing over the 4os of it president and ho now noun KiHi f his most trusted personal f rinds. i. William Craig5, of tho secret etvice, who was killed outig)rt in a, collision bo '.ween a trolley car aud the car tic.e in 'which the President, Gov. Crano, Private Secretary Oartelyou, Mr. Craig and David J Pratt were riding throughthe ' Mrsets'of Pittsfieid Mass., on Yednesday the 3rd. The President's lip was cut and o hUjtained some facial bruises though nothing serious. Mr. Cra'g fell dirgctly on the Jrack and was instantly killed and horribly cfushed. The driver, Mr. Pratt, was "picked up uncon scious and was very seriously hurt though it is believed he witt recover. Mr. Cartelyou was in- ' j. r.jd in the back and head. Cv. Cranq escaped unhurt. One of the four hordes was kiiled outright and the others started to run away .but wera seized aud secured. The streets were thronged with people to See and greet the President and the acoident oc curred in view of a great throng. The'team wason br crossing tl: ) track atidthe car was coming rapidly loci wh'en the danger was seen there were f fan tic efforts to stop the car but the lcoterman could not stop in time and it struck -trie carriage, ploughing through it, scattering the people and demolishing the Carriage. m The, President was to have made a speech at Lenox but he excused himself by telling of the sad accident The conductor and moterman Avdre put under arrest nd gave bale. The President will not change his program on "account of the mishap but heralds were sent forward asking the people not to cneer. Mr. Daniels Improving. In response3 to the many in- quiries relative to the condition of Mr.Tpsephus Daniels, editor of the Ngws and Observer, who, v.-itbJofhus, Jr., i. Virginia , recuperating, we are giftd to tate that a le r receid J roii, him yesterdaje states at h is improving rapftily and that he hop to return to Raleigh net treek. His-Aany friends wish or him a full restoopn to wealth andoan early return ewj afTd Observer of 4th. CONCOIUi MAX IN THE WEST. Tells of His Trvril-I.'kes the West and Western Ways. Yellow Stone Park, Aug. 27 To the Editor of The Standard. Ds-Mi. Sir: I will give your roadf-rs a short sketch of my trip, touching only 1n some of the higher places. I After passing through the 4beauttful mountains of Western rforth Carolina tfnd Eastern Ten nessco, taking a run through the hourt of tlyi Blue Grass sectiu of Kentucky the 3nt of August? tinds me in St. Louis. Tl i ma la the most thrifty and prosperous city of the South West Ttith a population of over half a million? la this city everything seams wide open and thu kick of moral ity is yery noticablu. Saloons and tmall shop.? are open all day Sunday: It is" estimated that more money is'now being spent J . in tt. Louis for building and improvements than any other city in the United States. Union station here is the largest in the United States, costing 7, 500, COO and having sixty-four trades. The World's Pair buildings rre progressing rapidly hun dreds of teams, steam sh6vels, etc., being at work. Crossing the great river supposed to di vide the east from tlio west wTe pass through a fine farming land whe're corn "almost grows wild. Kansas City is a prosperous city of 200,000 inhabitants and a great cattle center. I found the stock yards quite interesting and saw five cattle bring from $100 to $125 each. Eastern Kansas is fina farming lands widely dif ferent from thp western half where there is nothing but bare plains where the buffalo roamed less than 40 years ago. For hundreds of miles we see nothing but prairie dog houses and the hotvinds make it almdst un bearable, For miles and miles there are no trees, no rocks, nothing but waste lands. . After a long and tiresome ride I land in Denver, that beautiful city at the foot of the hills of the Rocltfe Denver has one of the finest parks, comprising 500 acres, that I ever saw. The next stop is Colorado Springs aud MaCaton situated at the fot of Pikes Peak. These i.amps The officials are work two cities are. quite wealty ss' ng on clues, wh!ch give indica- well as befn very famous wa- tering places. SaTt Lake City is quite injer- j esting in conncectfon wKh the, AS , im J n vvniiaKw., wjiu iuis. history of the Mormons and I qv 4jeen cdUor Brighamroung. The great salt of the winsto Sentinel, fcas Lae is vender. Frfm Salt ci0sed his connection with that Lake California the country j paper,, tte business management is almost one dry desert. j having chared handl. He ba u . ,! labored energetically for his sec- Sacramentom tAe heart o expected thefratgrowftgdgtOBtStfbutis t his pen wm SOon be again a slow town in a business way. 1 at the work for the North Caro Sanfrancisco is a$fine city, ' iiua, doing good service. News of course, is cosmopolitan in its and Observer. ways. The decorating and illu-I ruinations for the Knights of Pythias was grand, coming next to the Pan American. Down the coast is. a beautiful country aud rich lands to T.s Angelos. Los Angeles is- hi thf- Twttf i lie orange sect ion. Tli.1 V !t here are trrand Tlu'k most de lightful season is in th-.; winter. I'nm wonderfully plf.od with the north west. Seattle is more like lightning than nay cvty I have peon, being yery thrifty and everbody iias pltnty atul spends a great deal. This is a very interesting city of 125,000 population. The finest tinlber in the world is found ic thiS sectiou anri the pxport ic onormgus. i am having a fine trip.x Yours Trulyrf H. L. Paeks. k, ,T"T Mr. D F. Ciinnon Remalus. The condition of Mr. D F Can- non rem am s practically un changed. Having endured a sergical operation Tuesday, the removal of gallstones, he could not be expected te be doing bet ter. Wo hope a few, days more will show Jiim on the road to recovery. Tretty Masquerade Hall. Mr. and Mrs. il K Black gave a masquerade ball at their cozy bome'on No"rtU Spring street on W3dnesday night in honor of m their young lady friend Miss Sallie Jordon, of Wilson, N. C. There wore 20 couples. The young men came in mosques and looking the images of the gentry of jre olden days and the young ladies made themselves charm ingly someone else by weariifg long trails and powdered hair. The greetings were conventional. The happy group engaged in various parlor games and in dulged in munching refresh ments and jollity till thehour for breaking from the pleasant g irroundings nad come? ABherille Postofllce Itobbed. Asheville, . C, Sept. 3. Experienced safe crackers enter tered the post office here last night, and blew open the safe with nitro glycerine, securing one-hundred and thirty dollars i?n casn aXd seven hundred tiuns of resufts, which will solve the robberies in this section for the past thre years. " n T-TT" .... , he Last Call on W rss- i ?ers "and White ' WAIST .'"After otir heavy s'llTlilnerssMlinft there yet retnaii;s r number of Wrappers and Wbite Shirt Vaiss thaf aijst be sold. We do not cartto (virryver 'any mv.v cUandisctvhatever and to this endwe've fixed the ibices: Alf75e (J8c and .2h ready-made wrapiiers will b elided out at The 50e Wrappers at half price, only 1.25 and 1.50 Shirt Waists in white, special 9So. The 98c White Shirt Waists only AO Sure Another'Car of Star Leader.Jron King and Elmo Stoves . and if you want a itange nothing like the Liberty. Pictures. not by the car, neither by the dozen, but by the hundred, just in. If you want to see the hand somest line ever jdiown in and the prices woll, they are distressingly low. Everything bought before the advance and our "cus tomers reap the benefits:' Call and see us: Bell & Harris. Furniture Comp'j, WOOD'S "TR.DE MARK .ire tht: be.st tliat v.u a olitained fi'..; from weed srelH and impur ities and of wtron trtnuiuating fj'iiditifH. It is very important if vfni desires to secure noud stands and jrood crops to purchase the hiufnt prade Su-da o!'.iinahle. This vou can alv.ays do by pur--1u-mh'.' Wood's "Jrzi? Hark ' Brand " f Farm Seed. Wood's Fall Catalogue tells all about Vegetable and Farm Seeds for Fall Planting Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, BarlOy, Vetches, Grass and Clover Seeds, etc. Write for Fall Catalogs and prices of any Ses desirea." f.W.Wt)QDONS Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. T1S r. T.T ,1 I.N UUUUKf k JL . . S .r 50;;. roe yd Ait. Concord. now is your time, To The Farmer Selling the first bale ot new cot ton this year I will as a premium an 18 size Elgin or Waltham Watch, seven jewel movement, cat expansion balance? wheel and brlirvet hair ?vririir IVarranted a good time keeper in every respect. Fitted in an Open Fficecrew-IJftck iftl J3c;l Silverware Xust Proof Casf? The watch can be seen at my store at any time. W. C. Correll, Leading; Jewelet. Dr. H. C.Herring. (DEN f 1ST) Is now on the ground tid&r in the Litaker Building. Sm. Mike! f H '4 4 1 i r