!Y. ' " VOL, 3. QH INA GROVE; f: -p; J AN UARY 27th, I 910. r-i"-V. LOCAL NEWS UATTERS. Sbart lUms ConcerBlng oar; People aid : ' TnelrOBiflgSr- ; ,c.' The annual statement of the Rowan County Building and Loan Association, MoL. Ritchie, presi dent and W. 0. Sifferd, secretary treasurer, appears in this issue of the Record This is a valuable enterprise to the' county, is wisely - J. qy Furgeson, of Salisbury, spent i Sunday ' afternoon with friends in otir little town. i Mrs. Clara Shore, who travels in the interest of the Oxford Or- phan Home, spent Tuesday night and Wednesday here looking after the masonic friends. The children of the 8th grade, Prof. Rickard instructor, enjoyed themselves . very much Monday in and HAfelv managed and . deserve! I . : . ? ' o . . ; l evuillUK- - vbuut pron the heart jr support and patronage their room at the academy. 1 nmtA Anrionraffincr. - ; - I ' . .. , . . ' - I hnrir. whn hni heAn nandincr ev . -. -J . i . 1 " J J . T " W. G. Patterson is , being kept firal davs with Miss Gora 8ifferd.' returned at home owing to illness . White Powlass, who Has been ill with the grippe for a week or more, is improving. Mrs. Fanny Hearns, who has . bsen visitiug her son-in-law, W. J, Swink, returned this week to her home iu AlCemarle. James Casper had' th misfor tune to lose the ei.d of his finger, Monday in a uhtizzc,r" at his shop. Y W. T. K.uttz, was down from Salisbury, yesterday on business. . Mrs. Nancy . Albright, wid ow of the late T. A. Albright, was in Salisbury Wednesday. She has qualified as administra tor upon the estate of her husband and has a notice in this week's Watcmman and Record, Mr. and Mrs, Frank PatteFson, to her home Sunday evening. miss Irenes b , many friends were glad to see her back in her old home town. Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Eddleman spent Tuesday in Salisbury. , B, B. Miller, made a short trip to Albemarle Monday. J. L. Bostian went down to Charlotta Monday to see Mrs. Bostian, who has been in the sanatorium for about two weekB. He reports her as somewhat improved The public school pupils of the 8th and 9th grades are planning an entertainment which will take place within a few weeks. A small entrance fee will be charg ed. Blaokwelder & Ritchie will probably move into the old Ed- China Grove, visiticg Frank Patterson.7 There will be a missionary ral ly at the Baptist church to-night at 7 :30 o'clook. Several pastors of the Sonth Yadkin Baptist As sociation will be present and ad dress the. meeting. The public is cordially invited. , H, L. Bostian is busy operat ing the saw mill on J; P, Ketch- ie's place near town. Rev. D. I. Off man was in Sal isbury a Vshort while yesterday morning. Owing to pastor Brown's iridis position, Rev. H. E. H. sloop preached at Lutheran Chapel last Sunday. C. E. Miller, the surveyor, has completed laying off the lots for T. L, Ross in the southern pait of the town. It is understood that Mr. Ross will have a lot sale at an early day. These lots will measure 50x170 feet. ' George Hill, who hveB north of China Grove about a mile and a half, is recovering from a severe case of pneumonia. Rev. C. I. Morgan, of Chestnut Hill, was in China Grove Wed nesday. Rev. Morgan is editor of the Rowan County Lutheran and was looking after the en ter cets of the paper. The residence recently begun by Mrs. G. A. Bostian, in the southern part of the town, has been completed and is now occu pied. She intended to build two, but has only completed one as yet. i in the accommodate of Kannapolis, spent Sunday in dleman stand recently vacated by Mrs. I. ITemoleton & Yost. Some provement will be made on building at once to the new occupants. J. H. Ragan, of Salisbury, is spending a few day's at. Midway assisting Rev. D.I. Offman in his printing. . G. R. Miller tok a short trip to Hickory this week. of Concord, were up this way hunting quail Wednesday. We made a mistake last week in stating th&t Mrs. Polly Weav- er, wno ceieorated ner oirtnaay January 17th, was 71 years old. This was her 74th birthday. There were 181 persons present on the accasion, 27 presents were re oeived and therejwas food enough to feed the crowd a second time. we understand that heiias oan siderable number of patients and that he is reputed to have cured, (or they got well in spite of his treatment,) a number of typhoid patfents during the summer. He oonflnes his servioes principally to massage and gives no medicine whatever. Pastor Galled. r At the; congregational - meeting held in St. Mark's Lutheran Church Sunday morning, it was unanimously deoided to extend a call to Rev V. .C. Ridenhour, of KnoxvUleg Tenn. Some time ago Rev. Ridenhour was here and preached a trial sermon which pleased the congregation very much. It is hoped that he will accept, but there is no certainty of his doing so as yet . Word from him is awaited with great interest . Party Given at ths Home of J. W. Felker. On Saturday night, January 21st, at the home of Mr . and Mrs. J. W. Felker, a nice sociable party- was given by Misses Georgia and Iva. Those who were present were Misses Madie Cook, Mary Xitaker, Nannie Granham, Erne Ethel Sstzer, Ivy Weaver, Man dena Bostian, Fannie Bame, Lil lie Honbarger, Melie Weddington, Beisia Smith, Virgie Bessie Wag oner, Esther Fisher, - Mrs. Stokes echler, Mrs. M. M. Smith, Mrs. Pearl Wagoner, Mr. and Mrs. Britse, Will Phillips, Floyd Bar ger, Lewis . Robert - Honbarger, Vick Freeze, Sam Hams, Rasho Miller, Henderson Barnhardt Rich Fink, White , Albright, Frankie Weddington, Frank Rick ard, Henry Rose, John Bostian, Ralnh Tucker. Duck Smith. Fred a. Fisher, Chas. Smith, John Bsme, Rob Eagle and J, W. Cook. J v All the guests present seemed THIRD BGBBERY MHIHJl YEAR. . Patterson-Yoiios ' lietcantile ; Gompaay's s Store tnterelfBesaaiKlglit; 1 For the third - time v within 61 weeks the store; fj the Patterson- Yotmg Mercantile ; Company, of this place, has oeen entered by thieves atd a quantity of gooda carried off. The ; latest effort of the thieves -ytoolplace srtmetime Tuesday night Entrance to the building was secured by breaking out a glass in the back door and the rest was'easy. Y' The g ods carried off amiQted - to about $160 . worth of meij's clothing, ladies olbak iuitsrsilk waists and about $7.00 id-"cash There is absolutely no clue to the guilty parties,; but th si; authorities in all the nearby cities have beed noti fied of the occurrence, given a de scription or the3 goods and re quested to bevbn the lookout. This is about 9750 worth of mer chandise this , company haB un willingly , contributed to thieves during a year, a rather heavy toll. Some of the former thieves have been captured and given sentences on the chain gang and it is to be hoped that these will be caught. To have gotten taway with such an amount of goods there must have been several connected with the robbery. Salisbury news iteus. Big aBd title Eients That Hippto In oar :r$Y: Neighboring Town, y f ' ? 1; Dr. John Whitehead is having an artesian well sunk on his lot, It has a bore of two inohes, a ca pacity of five gallons -per minute and will be 100 feet deep. V M iss Leona Murphy,entertained her Sunday School diss at her j l There is to be a SDecial meeting 4... . w of the North.CarohnaJClassia in Faith Reformed. Church - to ' con sider the following " items : - The resignation of RevJ,"Y; Yearick,; pastor of East Rowan charge , An overture to detach UrBinns and St. Luke's congregation from the East Rowan charge and constitute the said congregations" a charge; A request to change the . time of the next abnual meeting of Clas sis irom Tuesday,' May 2, 1911, to Y0T1K6 HAS BE6UN. store Monday night .and . those present had a, very- enjoyable Wednesday. May 8, 1911, at 8 time- . ' ' ' - o'clock ; A call from the Gilead Postmaster W, H. Hobson has charge toRevTDjBgan 0. Cox ; " To received orders to move tha post- receive S. J. Kirk under the care offioe frcm" the present quarters of Classis as a student of the Gos- to the governmentbuilding when pel ministry. , - ' . completed which, it is thought, Tha Yonnir Paonles' Society of will be about Aprlst. ; St. John's ; Lutheran Chnrch. Pink A. Stevenson, a prominent were pleasantly entertained at the SGHENK CASE WITH JURY. a Preaching at Salem. The congregation of Salem Lutheran Church, in Locke Town ship, have invited Rev. O. W. Aderholdt, of Tom Brook,,Va., to deliver a sermon on the fifth Sun day, January 29th, and he haB ac cepted the invitation. So services can be expected at that. time- Rev. Aderholdt will also preach at Grace Lutherm in the evening of the same day. The services will be held at 11 o'clock a. m. & Salem and 2 p. m. at Grace. AM are cordially invited to come out and hear him. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. P. Beaver, mi a m i a I oi juDeneezer, spent xuesaay mgnt neighborssay was here, at the home of Adam Cor- was only fifteen rell on Main Street. Mrs. I. F Patterson left Thurs day for Newton on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Clspp. un Saturday sne expects to go Asheville to spend several months with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. M. Stevens. While, away she may also visit another daughter, Mrs. H. N. Miller, in Columbus, Ohio. Young Lady Dies of Neglect. , Miss Nannie Holshouser.daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Basin- ger, died from what some of the neglect, She years of age, seemed to be suffering from ty phoid'pneumonia and the' case was put in the hands of a man by the name pi Fisher, Fisher, it seems is practicing in lower Rowan tender the title of a faith healer or Jin osteopath, and, of course, had the child and parents believe his skill was sufficient. The parents, it seems, trusted to his ability, failed to call in a Entire Amount Raised. With surprising promptness small company of Charlotte' most constructive citizens last night raised the remaining $45. 400 necessary to complete the al lotment of $300 000 necessary to insure the early start upon the work of building the interurban. When the final announcement of success rang throughout the cor ridor of the building, there was a wild demonstration, conserva tive citizens leaping to their feet to give unequivocal expression to their joy and to the justification of their patriotism in their old home town. It was a grand occa sion, fitting to the task which was consummated when the nec essary subscription to the stock in the enterprise was secured. - The meeting was presided over by President Clarence Kuester of the Greater Charlotte Clu, who again handled the proposition after the style of a master. The first matter discussed waB that of the freight contracts and interro gations by S B. Sargent tendirg to bring out an expression wheth er the interurban would be in strumental in bringing to North Carolina a basic freight center so that better freight rates might be obtained occuoied considerable ttention at the early moments of tbt meeting, his questions being answered by C. G. Creighton and W. S. Leo, Charlotte Observer, After Struggling- A Whole Oat Judge Orders Its Discharge. Wheeline. W. Va. Jan. 25 After . wrestling for four hcus and a quarter during an af ter noonahd night session, with the evidence in the case of Mrs. Lau ra Farnsworth" Shenck, charged with poisoningh8? husband,. John 0. Shenck,. thejury was nnable to reach an asrsement..'and at 10 v; ' wi -. - - - - o'clock tonight; Judge Jordan r- , j jwa: r.rrrw-. f 'ih ft, i n r y sent to their 4&otel, to I e locked up for the night. The jury will resume consideration of a verdict oolored shoe maker of East Coun cil Street, suffered a stroke of - - paralysis Wednesday morning and is now under the' care of phy- sicians. lie is a leader witn ms race and has many friends who hope he will soon recover, F." J. Murcoch is arranging to open au automobile supply sore in the vacant store room under th5 Meroney Theatre. - The store room recently vacat ed by the Salisbury Dry Goods Company, ia being prepared for use as a hardware store. - The Church Workers Conven tion of the central district, Rev. M. M. Noacker, president, opeLS . -n . r 0 . 1 aT. 1 in tne iaitn, Keiormea onuron here to-night. The complete pro gram was published in last week's Record. Michael Miller, and old soldier and a splendid citizen of Long's ferry neighborhood, died Wednes day at the home of his son. The funeral took place yesterday. Mr. Miller was a splendid citizen and., well known thocghout the county. He was about- 93 years old: ;--n - . -4k jucs: Small Start Makes big tiding, Wi Ropi. ; ; Now Is the Time to get Bssy. pY ; Although here ii no great long list - at - the i beginning in this contest, we are 'of the 'opinion that it' wiir be one of the most interesting ones .that- we havej ever conducted. -They are not all in yet by a good many,. but those below who, have consented to be candidates for our splendid prize, are wide awake,' capable and de . termined folk, hence; as stated above,we expect to see some thing 4oing far beyond tha ordi nary. Some of these have beebv,; anxions to get into ..the.f ray and . it has - only been by persuasion that they were willing to wait for . the word to &et busy. Some are old time rabers and know how to turn ithe trick, but the others' are just as slick and are not going to be caught happing. -Every man in the list' below is out to " win and if he fails it will not be ' be cause he did. not make a real strong effort. They are all good fellows and we. wish there were buggies enough tor go to all of them, but this ' is impossible so we will have to be content with giving the prize to the one getting" the largest number of votes. - " Buggies, net one cent better than the one we shall give to the winner of this contest, "are being sold for $110 and $125. It will be a substantial vehicle in every a m m m m a m ft lilt Mt I . . uase or Mrs. scnenx, unargea nnn r-oi- particular, with a : removable top' sonln? Hnshand. Uai Go to InnTodaT. and the beet kind of solid rubber home of Miss Laura Dunham, Tuesday night. ' The Baraca classes of Salisbury and Spencer wiirhold their first quarterly session in the Chestnut Hill, Mbthedist Churoh Sunday night at 7:15 o'clock. An inter esting ptbgrmm has heen arrang ed for the occasion." -. - END OF TRIAL IN SI6HT. . Wlfeeling, W. Va., Jan. 23. The end. of the trial of Laura Famsworth Sohenk, on a charge of administering lead pois: n and arsenic to. her husband, Jch j O . Schenk, is .now in sight, argn ments having been begun this af ternoon at 3:15 and it is expected that the caBd of the accused will be in the hands of the jury no later than Wedneydaynoou. Apparently the greatest blow, sustained by th4 defense was struck today when on motion of Prosecuting Attorney Handlan, the evidence of Mrs Jane Hedges tires. The very kind of a vehicle the most progressive and prosper ous people in the county would buy or use. ' Should the winner find that he does "not want it, he will have no trouble in disposing of it at the price named above, consequently it might be consid ered just so much actual cash in band to the winner. No man is beyond working for money, they all do it, and no man who needs a good buggy should let a little false pride keep him from getting out and working for such an ex cellent prize as this. Every man on the list below is fully worthy to: succeed and wilL greatly appreciate any i assistance rendered, so, if you have a favor- was ruled out. It was Chis ; wit-1 ite in the race, give him a help- at 9 o'clock Thursday" morning. though it is possible informal co isideration will be continued duriue the nisht. In the evet.t W w of an agreement being reschecfl, LaVt night while John F. Lud- wick, accompanied by E. O. Heins, was driving his automo bile down West Innes Street, it got beyond his control, crossed the park twice,, then turned in at W. H. Woodson's gate, broke a nwTfifonoToHon however, it would not bo reported J panel of fentfe and broke off a until the convening of court to morrow mornioe. Predictions of disagreement a.e general, though some followers of the case beleive a verdict finally will be reached large stone post.; Tb.6 machine was not greatly injured and the occupants escaped uninjured. Lonnie Julian, who- has b9en Albert Schenk had said he would I'la.ia nrt alnna nnf.nmail f.rt Tl the family of John O. Schenk's wife.'r The defense played its trump card in Mrs . Hedges, re lying upon her evidence to prove their contention that members of the Schenk family had conspired against the woman who is fighting. for her liberty. The evidence given by Mrs.' Hedges was ruled out on the grounds that no overt aboard one of the big battleships c nggestive 0f a conspiracy has regular practitioner and the child M. Thompson is spending died as a result, but begged to the I ci -t ! i a. a. 1 . il: : 1 j F, several days in Columbia S. attending court this week. cr., Hamp Stirewalt has gone . to Charlotte to study music in Elizabeth College. Up to this time he has been going down once a week for lessons. Rev. C. A. Brown : and. tittle "daughter, Ruth, have been quite indisposed. since Sunday. Both are suffering irom severe colds. At last report they are somewhat improved. very last that something be done to sava her. This is a very dis tressing incident and the people thereabouts, we are informed 4 are very justly incensed ovd? , t ie matter. The funeral over the remains was held Wednesday, the inter ment being in the grave yard at Rock Grove Church, Rev. H; A Trexler officiating. We , have not learned whether Dr. Fisher has taken .out license to practice as a physician, but Church Competed. ; The Mooresville Enterprise, of this week, says : : St. Mark's Evangelical Luther an church, of Mooresville, Rev. J. L. Morgan, postor, just com pleted, has attracted considerable attention in other localities for its beauty and simplicity. A committee of Lutherans of Spen m n m mm cer, spent last saonatn here, re viewing the church and its ap pomtment and have decided to adopt the plans for the erection of the new churoh to be built at that place. . The party was composed ! of the following gentlemen: W. Herion, Samuel Huffine, Marvin Crowell, Phillip Crouse, Charles Lentz and E. P. Deal and their pastor,- . Rev. Reuben - Goodman, who was, visiting here, One of t he. party stated that he liked . Mooresville and her progressive people to well that he would come again, probably : to become a resident here. A Few Lines of 'Stuff." One ticking clock in a clock store will in time set all the other pendulums swinging; a deg trot ting across the Quebec bridge paused its fall ; a pulsating loco motive on an eastern road started a dead engine into motion, wreck ing a round house. Materialists declare that thought is but a re adjustment of braiu cells. There ore, is not mental suggestion merely the mutual vibration of brain cells set in motion like the pendulum, the shaking br'dge and the engine, and not a weird psyohio influence from another world? There is plenty of humor in fhe idea of mental suggestion Charlotte .Thompson, the play wright, usns it in Li'lian Russell's play, In Searoh of a Sinner," in which she has the heroine win the hero by the strenuous thinking of herself; and her canny Scotch maid, w henever the twain get of the Atlantic fleet as an elec trician, has been on a short visit home and will return to duty with the fleet at Norfolk: this week. The small house corner of Lee and Franklin Streets, a landmark of old Salisbury, has been torn away to- make room for the big Geiser warehouse to be erected there. At a mooting of the members of the Old Hickory Clul;, Tues day nizht. the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: J. F. McCubbins, presi dent; S. F. Lord, .vice president ; P.r B. Beard, second vice presi dent; Fred L. Palmer, "secretary and treasurer : -governing board. R. Linn Bernhardt, "Frank Lloyd, B. B. Miller and E. H. Harrison. The club expects to move into new quarters when the Grubb and it has member ship fee from $10 to $25. be9n attributed to Albert S-jhenk or other relatives. The State immediately after the exclusion of MrB. ; Hedges testimony, announced that they would rest their case, taking counsel for defense and every one else by surprise, as it had been anticipated that a' number of witnesses would be put on in rebuttal. The State apparently scored again when instructions to the jury were , offered. The State offered ten instructions all of which were given. The defense offered thirty-four, nineteen of which were stricken, out. FUYS JIARION BUTLf.R. North building is complete, decided to increase its An undertaker of Keokuk, Iowa, into trouble, and the playwright has written Mayr A- L. Smcot, has thrown them into plenty of humorous situations, they escape by taking refuge in thinking "Ail is well; all . is right." "Don't Worry" clubs preach the doc trine. The idea seems plausible, but a visual demonstration is the souroe - oi muon laugnter, a that a half-sister of the late Charles A . Frank was living there and made9 some otherx inquiries. The letter was turned over to Undertaker Geo. W. Wright Who made answer to the inquiries. He has received a letter from authorities there and is expectiug wise man put it in a proverb, ff a communication from his people. wishes were horses beggars would ride." Miss Thompson put it in a play and made - it come true. That's whySt is funny. W. D Trantham," a brother, of Dr. H. T. Trantham, died at is home in Camden, S. C., Tuesday morning. .YXT. ', He Never sot His Money Our old friend, Clint NJBrbwn, returned , from Winston-Salem back. . Sutherland's Eagle Eye- yesterday 'morning, having been Salve -cured his eyes , and he did attending the mid-winter session not want it. Painless and harm- of the Press Association. Jle says leas. 25o. at all dealers. . i he had a great time. ;- Jeff Davis Denounces th Former Carslfia Senator. Washington, Jan. 25. "Former United States Seuator'Marin But ler . of North Carolina was de nounced on the floor of the Sen ate by Senator Jeff Davis of Ar kansas today. The denunciation was adminis tered in connection with . an amenamenc so tne maian appro ation bill offered by Senator Owen of Oklahoma, providing for the payment of the fees of attorneys for the Colville reser vation Indians in the collection of a claim of $1,500,000. Making a point of order against the amendment Mr. Davis said: 'I am advised that ex Senator Marion Butler is interested in this matter. I have seen. ex-Sena tor Butler hovering around here ana l wans . to say when 1 see that gentleman here I - at once form ' a suspicion that'there is somethiu dead in Denmark. He haB secured more claims than any other' man within my Jcnowledge and the fact that he has an inter est in a claim is in itself enough to put the senate on its .guardV to show your friendship and do -a good turn ; to- a brother, who im making a worthy 'effort to help himself. If yoo can't do any thmglmore, come to Ths Watch man office, or send, the money for a year's : subscription . and give, your favorite your votesi This would help all concerned, the contestant, 'the editor and the subscriber. The latter would not only get his money's - worth, but would have the satisfaction of having done something to assist a friend. Any. one who, wishes to join ia invited to do so.. Fill oat the nominating coupon and bring, or send it in, get a receipt book and get busy. Any. further informa tion desired may be had by - in quiring at The Watchmax office in person or by letter. Following is a list of the con testants and the vote as it stands upon going to press today : Clarence Morgan, No. 1, Gold Hill, N. C... 5,250 W. L Trexler. No. 8, Salisbury, N.C. 5,ooa J. R. Holshouser, No. 8, Salia bury, N. 0 1,000 C. A. Campbell, No. 1. Gold Hill, N. C. ... . . .. .. i,ooa L. C. McCombs, No. 8, Salisbury, N. O 1,000 PaulT. Goodman, Nov 1, Gold Hill, N. C.. . ........ ..1,000 Mrs. G. M. Lyerly. ' Richmond. Va., ...... 1,000 C. A. W, Kluttz, Granite Quarry N. C. ; 1,000 George H. Lyerly, No. 6, Salis bury, n. c. . .. .. ... . :. l.ooo GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES. Cs GO a as . to s O D O O 5 o a n as a o W as "9 2 o . - - PS O ' - H i-i . a so V m O - ; . xk m ' . X - - 2 5 ft . St m . 03 . m . "Sb S o o S o8S GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES. -. r- . .- ,. r, w... ..r , - , ..ami mlf i i'V ni.ni.ri. uriiaUt-'-J' J--:.. am ,:- mm. 'jr' . -'V v.. -in. A1 'i : - 'Y-: