wmm Hi m smim liiMit t . mLMmmimm mmjmm mm mm 3. 7 II i s-:.:'j A; i -Sir UCJU. KEWS UtTfERS. rt itsst Concerning otf and S3 w Tlelr Doings; : ; : 11. M. Gilloo, of Oonbord. i9 Tisitiog his son, L. M. Qillon for a tow aays ."-a. H. j Slddleoiaa wa8' ia Salis- bury the other 4y. .vE. W. Bdvrardi; J W. Cook, S; Mr. Hurley, W. M. . Biohard aud : R. L. Deal went to Saliibnry in !'an aotomobile Saturday evening vf6r a ihort trip. v v -Another attempt to break into ' the store ofhe Patteripn-Yonng . Company was made Tuesday niht, just a week': since the last robbery. The wire soreen ws torn from a wiudow and a glass was out but, but - no entry . was made: ,. Nothing has been heard ' from the former robbers. . John Upright and Charley Ly-' ' erly have just oompletsd the erec tion of a splendid building for a blaoksmith shop and woe dworkr ing establiahuieat in ' Landisi They are now placing their toblB, -tc, preparatory to doing repair ' work cf all kinds." Qeo. Lipe, while out riding horseback Tuesday uight, had an unusual ecperiencn As he was riding along, without any appar ent cause4 or warning, biB horse fell and broke its neck. Vance Miller, was in Salisbury last Friday. John I. Kirk, of rente No. 2 Albemarle, Stanly County, speut a few days in Qhiua Grove, last J. L. Bostian was m Salisbury Tuesday afternoon. - Whit D. Graham of Mt. Ulla cried the sale at thtf late home , of Jaoob 8 Lipe, at Landis yester day and to-day. j Qaite a number of people at , tended the Lipe sale at Landis yesterday aad the articles sold brought good prices. The new roller mill of the Lan" dis Milling Company is about comnlet9 and the machinery is now being installed O. B. Roberts has 1 us t com pleted a fine large barn in Landis The eieht-months-old son of Henry Hill died Tuesday and the funeral was held at Grace churcn . , Wednesday morning, Rev r R. B Bowers omciating. The inter ment was made at the church. The child died from the effects of pneumonia.)! - Mrs. S. A. Blackwelder, of the Saw neighborhood, was in town yesterday. Miss Mahnda File and Miss Lilly Honbarrier spent Saturday night and Sunday in Spencer visiting relatives. Geo. Hal, who lives-about a mile and a half northwest of China Grove, is quite y ill with nnenmoma. Although he is erv sick his friends hope lor his early xeoovery . Jacob J. Barfinger, of Landis, fell off a load of wood about a . week aso. hurt his back and shoulders and. has been confined to his bed ever since. No bones eem to have been broken and Mr. Barringer is improvipg some A. M. Hanna is making a trip throncrh Westeren Carolina this week. Mrs. H. C. McKnight, of Greenville. S . U.. it here on a visit to her father-in-law. M. E. McKnight. Rev. B. L. Ritchie, of Virginia, will preaoh in St Mark's ohurch Sunday morning and bold com munion service. Rev. Ritchie is at present visiting at his old home at Mt. Pleaiant. Rev. Ritchie's parents celebrated their golden weddiog Tuesday. E. W. Edwards and family anent Sunday visiting Mr. Ed ward's sister, at Cooletmee. Thomas and Charley Hurley, of Bisooe, N. C spent Saturday and Sunday in China Grove with their brother, A, A. Hurley " Holshouser & Sifford are going to have an auction sale Saturday and Saturday a week to reduce stock Miss Effie Goodman spent Saturday-evening and Sunday in Landis with her siBter, Mrs. Chas, -Lyerly. Misses Maud) and Hattie Cow an spent Sunday in Landis with Mrs . James Beaver. B. L.. Umberger, of Concord. . spent a few hours here Wednesday evening. . - : v Mrs. Elijah Miller is visiting at Rev. 0. A. Brown's. J Rev. and Mrs. F. J . M. Brown, , of Oooleemee, are visiting at Rev. ! 0. A. Brown's today. x , Miss Lala Brown spent Sunday at home with her parents. Rev. ana mrs u. a. orowu. - vMitiB Marv Bostian- snent Sun a with her narents. Mr. and lira. B A. Bostian. , Earnhardt,- carrier on 8.y has lust returned from a visit to ' his sist9rs,!Me8- i dames Carter, as Polkton, N, C. l Chas. M Dayvault, a merchant of Plant City, Fla., , spent a few days this week "visiting his broth er, Jas. N. Dayvault. He will be here for a week yet; - - 7 Mrs. RWl-.Giajr; and children and sister; Miss Elizabeth Bostian spent Satnrday and ; Sunday tin Charlotte with their mother. Mrsv G. A. Bostian. who is in the sana torium. '' --' Mrs. McL. Ritchie -and chil dren and sister, Miss Brown Ritobie, spent Saturday evening and Sunday in Concord visiting Waiter Ritchie and family. Mrs. G. A, Bostian is still in. the sanatorium in Charlotte. She was not so well Saturday, but has improved some since; G. W. Kimball, one of bur pro gressive barbers, has just metall ed a handsome new outfit and his shop now presents quite a pleas ing appearance. ' 7 vF. W. Bost has gon9 to spend the remainder of the. week down in Cabarrus County ;, visiting his brother, Henry Boss, and' sister, Mrs. Powlass. L. AV Lents is in charge of Mr. Bost's store during his absence, v The China Grove Telephone Go. has secured a new switchboard and will imrrove the service. Messrs. Blackwelder and Ritchie will move next week, but the cen tral office of this telephone com pany will remain at the present quarters and P. L. Ketchie will be in charge. Mr Ketchie will also erndect a restanrant in connec tion with.the service. Holshouaer & Sifford are pre paring to improve their outfit and. will soon have in a nice new ten foot show case.' 1 J. R. Sloop now. has the lumber on the ground tor nis new resi dence to be -erected on North Main Street. Miss Lola .Roseman, of -Kanna- noils, has oust returned trom a visit to blisses Hattie and Genola Rti89mond of South Rowan. Misses Hattie and Genola Rose mond were in China throve y ester day on thir return from Spartan burg, S. 0., where they were vis- icing some 01 Tuir Hunuux-uxiuiuB RHEUM ACIDE for rheumatism, a North Carolina product, man ufactured by North Carolians, is advertised in The Watchman and Rkoobd . It s on sale in Salis bury, Spencer and China' Grove. Tbe Tborstfai Aftsrnoon Clob Had a De ligbtful Eienlng With Mrs. Swlak. The regular meeting of the Tbnrsdav Afternoon Club was held m the beautiful home of Mrs Wr J. Swink, Thursday afternoon w - - - January 26th. Those present were Mesdames ifi . J. . Uray, A M Hanna. McL. Ritchie, W. 0 Sifferd. DeWitt 0. Swaringen, F. M. Thompson and 0. J. Young Mrs. Swink had as guests- of hon or, Mrs. F. E. Cornher and daughter, Miss Zelia. Conversation, embroidering and music waslhe order of the - after noon. - The club was especially indebt ed to Miss Corriher for a Bplendid musica program. Mrs. Swink, assisted by ber little daughters, Frances and Louise, served an elegant three course luncheon. Too quickly came the hour of departure and all were loath to leave this hos pitable home. Death Qf Efios Secbler. died Wednesday morning from the effects of paleay and heart trouble. He leaves a wife, five sous, and. a daughter: Henry, living in San Fraociacoj Cal.j Jhn, Calvin, and JameB of China Grove, and Goerge, of Paxton, Ind , andJ.Mies Jennie, living at home. The funeral .was held vesterday morning at 11 o'clock from Mt. Zion Reformed Church,' Rv . M. M. Noaokrr ornciatine. The interment was in Green Lawn Cemetery. Mr. Sechler was an old confederate veteran and a splendid citizen. Marriage. . ; - Geo H. Hill, son of Geo. Hill, who lives a mile or so to the north of China Grove, and Miss Fannie I Buokwell, both if China Grove, were married at the home of the gromes -father, yesterday after noon. Rev, C. A. Brown offici ating. Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey ; Is a nouse-noid worn in every state in tne union as we'l as in several foreign countries. For 1 Grinne. Coczbs. Colds. Asthma - ' and throat troubles it is the best ; Sold every. where: Look for the , I Bell on the Bottle. J. M. route No. sausburyIhews iteus. RI? snji Mtifi EiehtS Ihlt HlDiM 111 our ' : Malffhhflflns TOWO. Bismarok Canns. Eta . wno nas been making his home at .Grat- toes,, va,, lor several monins, b spending a few days in the . oity. Mr. Capps intends.' to - locate in Li J BCD DU1 g--S9vn.Mg-;, Postmaster General Hitchcock haa designated the First National and the Peoples National banks as depositories for the postal say ings bahkV'fundB;:tfe;fc- Romulus J. - Thompson - and Miss Kilton Holt, of Spencer, were mariied in Raleigh Satur day night. V Miss Holt - was at tending ;tf f business college - in Raleigh and Mrr Thompson paid her a visit and made - arrange ments for the r marriage r wh ion was quite a suprise to' .their riends. They will made tneir home m: spencer wnere -jur. Thompson is m businessr J . Wv Peeler, of Rockwall, I has ust returned home from a business trip through Virginia. - Dr. 0. M,' Poole, returned from Raleigh Wednesday - morning, where he had been to attend a meeting of the anti-tuberculoBis society. r A committee, composed of members from the North Caro lina and TennesBe Synods of the Lutheran Ohurob, met in St. John's Uhurch, Salisbury, Tues day, decided, to hold the annual Normal Sunday School, at Lenoir College, Hickory, July 25 27. . A regular program was outlined andwhen completed will be pub lished. Stokes, the tailor, who has been coiihned in jail nere tor a v eek or more, has siven bond and was liberated. He has re tained Clement & Clement to look after his interest upon the meeting of the February term of Rowan Superior court, . W. A. Brandon, was in Landis yesterday to attend the Lipe sale. H. E. Hodge, of Faith went to Ooncord yesterday. ki W. Winecoff, is attending court in Concord for a few days. J.O. White & Company. Ji -White &. .Company,: of Salisbury, who have been building wagons and buggies and doing re pair work here for several years, found" it necessary owing to in creased business and the high class of work dona; to find larger and better equipped quarters, for he"- conduct of their business. With this end in view a lot was purchased on VV est Fisher Street, a large three story byick building' eroded thereon and the interior is so arranged as to expedite and facilitate the manufacture and re pair of vehicles of every descrip tion. In addition to this the building is equipped with the nec essary webd-working machinery, blacksmith shop,paint shop, up- holstering and covering depart ments. The building and equip ment is substantial, complete, convenient in every particular to turn out a large volume of high class work such as is done by the best factories anywhere. This is a strong firm and one the town is justly proud of.' They have jus; gotten into these splendid new Quarters and are ready to accom modate all comers in a qaicK and satisfactory manner. They em ploy high-class workmen and see to it that nothing but a good Job is given any one.- Th$y build undertakers wagons, hose and fire wagons, the strong Rowan road wagons, nign grade oaggies, wud or without rubber tires, and do repairing of very kind. Give them a call when in the city J . O. White Jr., is now in charge of the plant and 'will tako pleasure in showing stock and the different epartmeuts to any who may call. Corpse Cams to Life. Glasgow, Ky., Feb. 1 Stretch ing out her hands towards .those who had asBtnbld about her cof finMrs. Jane Pitcock, an octdge narian, caused a panic at her fun eral at Camaliet, "Monroe county, yesterday afternoon, according to reports reaching here today. The funeral sermdn had Ueeja preach ed and the lia of the . coffin was removed ' tQ permit friends and relatives to take a last look at what they believed a corpse. It was then that Airs, fitcock re gained 7 consciousness.. She re mamed alive for several hours. her death following last night Several physicians' examined the body and'pronounced- MrB. Pit- cock dead before" the body was placed in the ! coffin. ' For Sale : Ooe blaok mare four years old. Any ..one wishing to bay will call on J. C Keever at the Meikodiit parsonage in Ohina Grove, ayym. CU YLERlAN mm CAPTUBED V---: :r: 1 He Was Rendered Dscosscioss Wften Hi Jumped FfosrTrtio AtXlsgs-UouDtaio. SpartanburgrS.Cl;vlFeb;Ii;-- Telamon: Smith ,Cuylerr:Vthe wealthy cotton' brokei . and promi- ent societyman of Atlanta JGa. wha. with f 22.UUU worth of Rook Island Tbonds' in his . possession, jumped ifrom the sduthbonDd Southern Railway trau, wou nsa at Kings Mountain, N?" C . i S atur- day night last and. Juniped from another train at B&sie, N. O.v Monday, -was apprehended last night at Tooecane ;! N; ".0M" near 7k!: "Wa w 0. Kontz of Afcianta Cuyler'ff jit- toruey, and pnetiU uLf,. u. wn- kins of Glevelend oountv. MM; U.. fchn Utfeer assistin tr in . the chase 1 at the request of Jttdga;Kcntz, There has been, at no f: time " since the mans strange lacttons' begun any charge of misondnot, only his peculiar actiohsjsitd the vpos : session of the . bonds felfing the officers to detain himji$ suspi cious character, '"i -r:-; " Following his lean from the movins train at Kinti'lioun iiain Cuy ler was arrested anjailed L "as a suspicious characters . He offer ed his S22.U0O in bonds jib seen- ritv and was released from ousto riv. hAintr allowed tov retain nos j I O , - r session of the bonds. - He left Kings Mountain ; declaring - that he was being pursued : y deteo-. tivesv and drove through Jhe coun try to Shelby, where, he boarded another train for RuthSrfordton. Upon arriving at Rather ford ton, niB Dru:st s receivea in jumping from the train afKings Moun tain were giving him so much pain that he was forced to enter a hospital ; for : medicajf treatment Again he was takninto custody oy officers, of the law, , but was later released on advice ' of the . ... . ? 1 oounty attorney, s. - Golog After It RI&M. Senator Brown, has presented the following very important and needful m&asure to jthe Senate which is intitled : i.f'A Act to Prohibit the Sale or! Handling of Intoxicating Liqueisby any Club or' Association.' It leads: - . The Geueral Alseinbly - of iNortn uaronna aoenao: , i ; Sed: 1-Th'ajtOfati club, association or person who shall directly or indirectly keep or maintain by itself or himself or by association with others, or who shall in any manner aid, as sist or abet in keeping or main taining a club room or ; other place where intoxicating " liquors are received or kept to bV drunk or for barter or sale or distribu tion or for division pf use among members of a club -or association by any means whatever, or wbeie the members are allowed to keep intoxicating liquors in lockers or storage divider of any kind, sbaU be guilty of a misdemeanor. That this, act shall be in force on and after July 1st, 1911' To Increase Paj of Legislators. A bill by Senator Graham to amend the Constitution of North Carolina, provides that Sec' 23, Article 2, be stricken out and the following inserted in v lieu thereof: . Seo. 28. The members of the Legislature of the term for which they are elected, shall receive as compensation for their services the sum of five hundred dollars ($500). They shall be entitled to receive ten cents per mne- Doin while goiDg to the seat of. govern ment and when returnig home, the distance to be computed by the nearest line or route of travel. The compensation of the .pre siding officers of the General' As sembly shall be ten ($10) dollars per day and mileage. Should ; an extra session of . the General As sembly be called, the members shall receive one hundred ($100) dollars, and the presiding officers a like rate of compensation, as provided above for each day of the session. v - "That this amendment be sub mitted at the next r general elec tion to the qualified voters of the State, etc. ROQKWBLL. Jan. 28. As Uncle Bill has not appeared in the columns of The Watchman in so long.it will be ' a dnrprise to the readers to get the news of onr town onoe again. ': AH indications are that Rock well will e incorporated in a few weeks . ' The writer, noticed that several of . the citizens haye . aK read y purchased search 1 ights ; to search in v every . nook . and corner -to l find; the guilty night marauders . We hope that: in the future our citisens will strive -to help buildup bur town and se cure a good school for the place has long needed luda toiiool, ei- ; school at Crescent has closed. The' , Barringer Manufacturing t)o. has started again on full, time we are glad to jiotec u ' Arthpr " Shbei C .who had been clerking in-: Salisbury.' has :r6- turned 2 home and will run tie farm this lummer,:: -;. i The ' company store ' at r this place will be closed, out at cost as the stockholders tfsh. to go .out of husihess.:;;2r;:- :."Aqy. 'one : having wood . to1 saw would do well to see - Crawford aHoUhouser as he . is prepared to coommodate the people, and, after being given a few mmutes notice u.w"wu UJ".1U '" ,ine wmer nowoea few weeks ago a piece conce a - colored boy who was beaten on Saturday I night and. referring to-ovr deputy sheriff and .' magistrate. The writer wishes to say - that a the present . time Rockwell does - not have a justice ' of the peace the recently elected hasn't been sworn in. and the old justice's ' time has. expired. v We don't v know who did the beating, but who ever did jt should jiot have done it . The writer hai been informed that the negro had been making threats that be was going to do " serious damage to., certain Tpersohs: in Rockwell, and that - he - had . been iyCng. aronnd the 1 atores . several nights for some purpose. We be liete in colored people having their rights, ' but let them keep their place and attend to their ! own bssiness and such occurances as this would probably not hap- As the old year 1910 hat passed away and gone forever, and the many deeds of kindness and the many things that we did during the year is all recorded, and the many , great events that happend during the past year have all gone lo make op tho history of this great nation, in the h6W year that we are- just starting in, ,.let us-all try to - make good use of every moment of time, because yeater day is gone forever, today is short and -tomorrow may nevercome.. Sd get busy. " . Usolk "Bill. . For Sale. Sewing-machines, Sin ger or wnite, cheap at calls- ry Pawn hop.-; Qor Voting Contest. ' The boys are beginning to gfct busy. If you are going to get in the game don't dalay the matter longer. Now is the time. Any one who- wishes to join is invited to do so. Fill out the nominating' coupon and bring, or send it m, get a receipt book and get busy. Any further informa tion desired may be. had by in quiring at The Watchman office in person or by letter i Following is a list of the con testants and the vote as it stands upon going to press today:. M L- Trexler. No. 8, Salisbury, N.C...... 10,500 Clarence Morgan, No. 1, Gold Hill.N.C... ........ 5,250 L. G. McCombs, No. 8, Salisbury, N; O...... ; ..... 8,000 J. F Coppley, No. 4, Salisbury , 2,500 0. A. W, Kluttz, Granite Quarry, N. 0.............. .... 2,500 H. O. Sloop, China Grove. 2.500 Paul T. Goodman, No. 1, Gold Hill, N. C.V.... 1,000 Mrs. G. M. Lyerly. Richmond ' Va.f ..... 1,000 George H. Lyerly, No. 6, Salis bury, N. 0............. 1,000 Geo. B. Kesler, No. 6, Sal-, isbury, Old Veteran . . . . . . 1,000 J. D. Thomas, No, 6, Sal isbury . . . .... ............ r.ooo X R. Holshouser, No, 8, Salis bury, N.C... .......J. 1.000, 0. A. Campbell, No. 1. Gold Hill, N. 0.. .... . ; 1,000 GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES. to o o CO 1-1 ' . a cs rrt D .. - : 2 ja x - . o - - - o"ji . to 0 a " . ca rx, . : . rO cS ' ' ts-' -2DS-' .Co a : o o : . On '."- ' ' t CD O s 0 a-' : o a , o a a- - s .. a S P5 9 ' -.' H -Q ' . M - 0 GOOD. FOR 1000 VOTE 3,. poially so since the Tortured fri5,Year by a cure-defy ing stomach trouble that baffled, tiie doctor, and- re-' a is ted all remedies he : tried John W . IModdlers, t of ;; Moldersville, Mich ) seemed'doomed ." He had to Bell his farm and give, up work. His - neighbors said," Mhe cant live much longer.- ' Whatever -I ate distressed me," - h wrote, ! ."till. I-. tried : Electric Bitters, which; worked suoh . wonders -for me that I can now. eat' things II could not" take for years. Its surely ja. grand ..remedy, for ..stom ach .trouble. ., Just as . good for the" liver and kidneys. . Every bottle guaranteed Only, 0O0 at all druggiits.';;;:;"rv Remember Wien Yon suit made to want a - nobby order, fit ' and quality guaranteed that it canjbe had at: the Salisbury .'Pawn Shop, Special Prices oq Watcbes- The Saiis-- buryPawn. Shop ; will sell all high grade: unredeemed; watches at prices td'move them. If you need a watch get1 my -prices. Salisbury Pawn Shop. : . ;. T; Will' buy, standing on tlie stump, those large old White Qa trees tf ynrs- Call and get prices - GRAY VENEER AND - PANEL CO. China Grove, - N. : C Sneclai Prices on all trunks and suit cases aB tansoury. rawn oaop Tusa tM'a method to inf orm the public that I am now able to do all kinds of commercial, card; tag, and figure and rule" work. : : 'i .- :. '. My plant is well equipped and I solicit your patron aj?e. , China Grove," N. C. fee :-St 2 Gray Veneer & Panel Co 101 SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES That are properly fitted not only give perfect vis z ion but comfort. Why not enjoy the blessings of youth by wearing a pair of our scientifically fitted glasses. We can satisfactorily fit any . eye that can be fitted the more difficult, the better. We make a specialty of fitting eyes thatother people' . have failed to fit. Give us a trial, we will do yQU : good. - . . . . , ' : Y ' We duplicate all broken lenses. Nothing made in lenses ttiat we cannot duplicate. It makes no dif ference where it comes from, bring it o us and we will duplicate same. W. IH1 . ; The-Optometrist That is Not, Being Led,. 128 11 Main St., 5 '. - TYPEWRITERS AT SPECIAL PRICES.: 4 MACHINES FUOM $12.50 UP. N - I have just been- taking inventory and am cleaning up odda and ends. This Is, your opportunity . ii 'v China Groveevery day' except Thursday, Thursdays at Katihap polis,-v -'y .j ' Mr l-81y V : .:f rig of jEktorriaSo Is Security ; for ypxuc loved v (flaes. Ethical phy sicians - say Gow ans is'the Best. It Ii positively v Gurcs all ins arising ; ironi in ilammation or Con gestion such as Pneu monia, Group, Golds. 'Have given Gowana Preparation a thorough test. ' It is tha 'BEST preparation on the market for. the telief of Paenmonia, Crovp, Colda, Coughs. JAS. P. SMITH, M.D., rAugasla, Georgia BUY T0-0AY HAVE IT III THE HOME r : All DrHi. - $lv SOo. 25o. 0WAN MEDICAL C0 OURKAM. W. C. ' IT CURES Rhramallaiu And Blood DU Tbt fsase. of rheumatism U exottw -uric, arid la ibe blood . To cure raeumatiam fbU ncld must Oo . explll from the ynf Kbt-uin-KiBoi an Internal dtaeaw an rr Hiir an Ioim-oi-remedy -. Rubbing witrt oils .tud liotfuots may eatm tb pain, huv tuey nil more -ure rbeuniatuiui tbnn' ' palut t cbaoge tlie fiber of rotten wood: -Core Rkeaiuatlitar to' swjr c rMt.v ; : ' Stiwice .ba discovered a perfect land" - ' 'Complete cure called ttbeumaclde Tettted - In huodreda of casea. 1t baa effected marvel . . oua cure Bheumaclde remoTea tbe eauaeJ Bets at the JolntH fr.m tbe-inside, aweepa "v tbe potsooa out of the syaiem. tones up the . - stomach, regulates the bowela and kidneys' . . ' Sold by druggl8ta"at 5oc and $1 ; In tabk't fonn at 25c . and 50c by mall. Booklet fr.t. Bobbltt Chemical Co . Baltimore. Md. . Vi -Cet of tbe Jolnfa troni tbe luaWe IT CUBES For ealV by DeWitt Cnina Grove, N. O. - O. Swaringen, f-; :': - Salisbury,, n. C. .... - - - i mm

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