J -.v r. I !j , f ",n 7. 111 spite bf . theragriculturai'statis- ticians the corn; crop 0nol Uncle . Sam 'gr, greatest: -Figvied "on. a can basis of dollars and cents eyenit musrgive place 'to the -.country V one, -.greatest and mpst - !essentiai.jproduct. Tltat i&rthet . - . w m watvu cW onust, the baby crop .for 1910 will De worm the -- enormous sum of ; $4,887,000,00(1,' Even figured on tne oasis ot former . valttions, now acknowledged to be too low, the figure would amount to nearly , Nor are these figures fanciful or pasea .on sentimental values. They represent as nearly as possible the economic value to the United States, based on potential produc- tive capacity, of -the 2,250,00 ba- - uies wnica it is estimated will con stitute this year's crop." Accord ing to tne latest figures the value of each newcomer is $362 a pound, or $2,172, , for the average six pound youngster, - giving a total vaiue ot nearly $5,000,000,000, or sicany mree times tnat of the corn crop. ; ;-- - . i Detailed information concerning the baby crop, its distribution, variation in different localities and the like, while naturally not so complete as similar data cover ing the corn crop, is far more in ' terestihg." As miffht be exneftterL XT. -ry t , - Z . iew xorK, oeeause of its greater population, produced the greatest numoer of babies of any one state Jast year, with 200,865, or nearly one tenth ot tne total. It was not, however, the leading state if the increase in babies to each 1,000 of tne population be taken into ac count. Figured on this basis, North Dakoota heads the list with 36.5 births," closely followed by '33.7 and Texas with 32.9. At the 'other end of teh list come Maine .'with 17.6, and New Hampshire, vith 18. But in spite of the low ratio for te New England States, - the figures show that the propor tionate increase over the" preced- - ing decade was greater there than in any other group of states. In general terms however, the figures indicate that the West is the best territory-for babies, just as rt is the biggest corn producer. No hard and fast rule can be laid ! down, because of the seemingly . unexplainable discrepancies which occur, as, for instance, in th6 case of West Virginia jnd Virginia. The excess of the birth rate over the death rate in the former is 28.4 per 1,000 population, while in the latter it is only 7. ' J Perhaps the most anomalous fea ture concerning the baby, crop is that while it .continues to increase, the size of . the average family decreasing. In 18870 the number : of persons constituting an aver-; age family. was 5.1 persons. In 1880 it had decreased to 5 j in 1890 to 4.9 and in JL900, to 4.7. HoWj then, doe's the baby crop con tinue to increase T . ; . Undeniably, Uncle Sam is con serving his baby" crop. The birth rates in Italy, Hungary and Aus tria, for example, are air higher than in this counrty, butlthe ex cess of births oyer deaths is far lower tittle more than one half, indeed, of the figures here. In a word, Uncle Sam is saving his ba bies, and the manner in which he is doing it is one of the most remark able stories of progress ever written. - There is, of course, no Federal Secretary of Infants, such as the Secretary of Agriculture, who ad vises farmersln thousands of pam plets yearly concernnig the best methods to pursue in raising crops. But all over the country, in labor atories and universities, thousands j of physicians are carrying on the fight in behalf of the baby crop. Experiments on animals formTthe- rbasis of all this advance, for since the discovery of anaesthetic and aseptic surgery, results have been obtained which otherwise, would ... have been impossible,. Already many diseases have been conquer- ed by the means which a genera tion ago were the terror of moth- every-icnineteen thaii ccr.rre ildrtaUiy rom tiuaauseSng cuutiren, nnaer n rears .Joit -tiri enormous, andhe diseasmnked 1 ' third as a cause'oi deathH6f& .yoTjnjgrycxJty lmen; U. than 28,000 persons5diftd f n inaigabLesUeft-rthe rcil .r. .- ' . .. u:.-J. ..-,-. . TLree Uerroej I avannah; &5:,Apr 1 going at, very t1"". grand-prize; race cc- : r:. yatmali early toniL r - bije 'inhlchwere'-' . i -ML2 T?. A'TT.tt niTt ! A OTTO TAHf Antt ncifinnn frithe -rbiggea. improvement now rearing a; building by NEGRO WAS IN. PULmAN. Suit THE MALINGEBER IS SHEW& Railroad for $25,000 Remarkable Things Pebbte do to Sham III Damages--laims .Presence of - .-.t-;-v:-. z . - - . . - J- Hegrom Sleeper Made Her Ex- - - TICSS JOT Q FUtpOSe .1 xiwvuua. , The malinger ia ona wlift'r,.Tn. xoou. iiujri900,irjspitelx lefstrheTct'AmallnesrorJ, 107504, orabouf one fift'orwhSpvy they would have" beendn tha 480 hen killing two cows,t basis. Out of more than' 9.000 000 f chine turned ovnr. hftnv"iTtiTiMTi Tw. ""ttW. u ? aDout Nyes- Nyes was sent to a Eos- SnrLS d Marshall arrested diptheria has now fallen from . at Pce station tonight to third to twentieth place as a cause remaui until the result , of the in: ot death. juries to the nesroea htp bnvn Similar figures mieht ; be nvAn TIiav oil v,,- u j S?-" Ped wmaie. The Vicksburg, Miss, March 29. illness for a'nnrbose. ThennrnoM 01 vxmiiiK i,utr Aiauama -Of .v icks- may je any one of the following : . le : track line ourg railroad j did not obey the To get food and shelter in a hos- ain-cappir Jmi.Crow law, .and that a negro pil, : to escape , niilitary duty, to ih itvras neces- wa8,Pe);iet1 to occupy a be oreaic a contract, to stay at home feet long a yhite sleePmS carr Miss Pearl from school, toescipe punishment ' " -c" a Qrris has brought suit for $25,- for a crime, toget out of work, to fSj against the company.. JVCss coUect insurance, to collect dam- .,-fdge 1860 feet Morris states tfiat i . aj. duties.' - ' " " Ma Tbere was once a hosnital narA- w - . e i c - York and that the company sold w JS e SfW,.- 'ThiH V'MLf;: ' ' three neero men tiketc :r A1U" a - ru" " w. juieaia air en - : yxuxco&iuiiax t aeaabeat. : had a tira change of ihn&rine of the 8age "?n the train and permitted mysterW. complaint," the only Southern from Wlnl'sap" north of he ne&r(es to use the same Pull- symptom of which was high tern- ims city, to -i;urmid wiU involve river.1 an v, xucixiugius, yenow lever and h. , , - . - , - in xt -i . , - i iiRfi ins nppn nnrnnasort anri u' xuauv omers wmen O&Ra rairno-oHl w the baby crop, but which now aslbeinff tried out, was wrecked. a icauii, oi miormation gained by n the. south I- wucin xne piaintin f 7 uw(5uv.w wmcn two million af 1aTTiij $n:i"- "K"fc:.4u...uie...ijeeping-car.'andr tne ioK;, . elude; besides theJiguig of tbe piainul avers Sfle.was.fnghtened traordinary- appetite, and' slept tunnel, the bdiiiSfe the bridal that BSe became extremely nerv- wellr The , high fever was what ana tne ne&yy, grading neees&a ! suuerea inereirom. experiments on animals, are rob- HELP DB. COOK PROVE CLAIM. I the erection of rhsiidsom new : ' - i imn bed of their terrors. ' . ' ! : nassenWf-. KIDNAPED llY!AR.nT.n nipt tongue Tt ia fnai - a. -x : - :;7--'-..-- v--.-- 1 r "--""v Dnuamgj . -. T - T: -against ane. tnemoiheter. ; eenerat- the :' thermometer,7"- this instrument is usually a pretty safe guide in most -instances. If a boy has no' objective symptom, the case is gus picious. The : following case of malingering - is . too good to have been reported : by any other than Mark Twain: - - -' VA. boy. awoke one morning very ill. . Hsi groans alarmed the household. ... Tht doctor was sent for and came posthaste. - Well said the doctor, as he entered the sickroam, what is the tronble-lr - ' . 1 -A pain in my side.' said the Doy. " 'Any pain in the head!1- ".'Yes, sir.' ' 'Is the right hand stiff" -1 "'AHttle.' - ' . -v- . ' How about the right foot ! ' " That's stiff too" v:, "Z " 'The doctor winked 5 at the boy's mother.- -Y.- . V ".'Welt he said, "you're retty acK.- .Uut you 11 be able to go to school on Monday. - 3 Let me see, to- tTif ianMr Xvi "uw fiio,uw as ueen uuaran- w a uVt to spa the railwav r 1 or tne inction enonirh ht trxly oaiuraay, ana : .. antitoxin has resulted in the ed Towards Funds to Help bracks at Fifth streW: f Ue 5 ' S?01" - pident ; ofJ e ; mercury up to whateverl; " 'J8 ?aturay ! ' aid the isxpiorer Prove His Otaim to most important thnrnufarea nf tw wv Jfhe V.itv . " - H j , .weq?e?t of AWrities of noticat hedi .www.wj v iku w. - v v j vWidston. iNew rort, April 2.-On author- ne 'completion -of this notable nual saving of 3,000 lives in New Tork city alone. Proportionatelv for the whole country; the annual saving of fife is many times his number. Curiously enough, while diphtheria has undoubtedlv exist- ea ior tnousands of. venrs tiio Fav didn V 'feel' it was :Mday4: very hot j and he gave himself -Half an hour later the boy de- f,Ueyille, April 1- F'orencpi away b overdoing his specialty. himself healed and-he got tdny, alias Kale Vaughan " Some of these hospital malin- nP- pen: tiiey paeked him; off : to ity of Capt. B. F. Osborn, one of Pieee bf work wili Kult in better HoilHilv the most acive supporers of JDr. F. service for every ?poMti6aSbiiffi wantPd 'in rtnM rAw. Serers will undergo actual torture senool for: it was Friday, ; after A. Cooko, i was anonuncea today em system. At J f - .01; : uux v - wv w.au.ijhixuii ""t fiiu,wu nau uecu guar- ""g"i pcuger tram on net WDHe girt wa dret-kiii hfri by which it is . subdued is not anteed towards fund to helo Dr. main line of the Milled rwhfLj tLltt Jcnown. We cannot tell except bf rWP.. w.-. . k -.w. r-;.v-ariwr, ; tests on animals whether a vpn .TV, " U1 --Tr " cumo QKa " maaas-reaulfc of Va serum has much, little or no anti- e mnrole neavy grade , gomgftt of Lynch- message from Golds. toxin in it. The governments of A prominent AVestern man," hurg on account of te drop prac ton, it was learodtTthat the'wo the world, therefore; require that Captain Osborn said, had pledged tically to the river 'ar ddge to cross men was fomerly a notorfons mo wiugc uuwjii nsfc, yvnen tne n"uenc ci mis city. Uoth will every producer sahll test on ani- $100,000 of this sum 1 , ,' . . ... m - . . ' . . . Br i. uv i ueu UK ww.v.wMi vuio . mij v. lXJJjQ." will lS'fTSSt ve Captain Osborn said that he was hew Ime is conleteS: trams wfll beheld awaiting the arrival the menf The Lin correspondence with he explorer passthrough" Lchlmrg without Childs father from Goldston. - mH.iwi,. i ,t .1 -1 . . r. . . . ... : xiu mat ne expected tne doctOB4navmfir toiimJvn ment. The only, be nrodueeri-fnf mals. but must be teste1 nnnn home by the latter Dart of the 40 feet ter mtta wVI ; ly . facilitate the freight oh the mam them, and without such tests its present month. . w mie the;, experiments which Heavy Bain and Snow uiu uiscovery oi tms anti- Denver. Cn. Maw.i, SMTTw L. V. . " toxin were, of course, lone and L-: , L ' . . . T me outnern itauway. e exeeedinsr - - 1 i - - :ViU great- - . uienn on wew York. dSovlng of the h? -Ex-Go vernor Glenn, of North infirie and hence Carolina, is making some p A negro in a St.-Loni: - !mrrif i pretending to - be mkonsSous WAY: TO yHINDEE PROGRESS. actuaUy Withstood the - ammonia' -' :y test..'; This consists in makin & h a One' thinr that operates aVainst sleeper inhale'the fumes of strong- the" progress of a town, is for peo- er.aoma l - But thjs particular pie who have pr6perty that may colored: ffentleman:escanedniMT, . Z - ' TK the night. foUowing the test and aesired :w further an enterprise, has not been heard from sinee especially if . it be of a public" or By far Jhe' most important fnrm corporate . nature. to ask a srreat .J malingering is the simulation deal more r it thanjt is worthV ISr es" People who have property to seU eape capital punishment, f. - . r - r . - der. The following case! ' M.u!tv M, can get.tobutjGte makmer some practical Journal nf rta AmaiA. nr-ji. I want more than a faiV nriVe l!n. oenent every pomt on the lmes of temperance talk in the north, and Association, is mtertstingr . terprises are often blocked, or 4.1.. x ! m.' - I - Ward ATI MnPIaiinn. .4 JiT oviuc tuab tn uui so practical. , --jrr - vx tue i stopped aitogetner. : oeeause a comnlieed tC" snow and high winds are Tnx nf n,: Iim w Federal Pemtent! --sf--f achieved inats maS seeping the entire Rocky moun- rfvt WfWlrf the enlork worthj :hada J)ris WPi in which the study of tie effeof tain region north of Central New L iSV no saloons. Nobody else fought, was simulatmg insain4! 18 wanted 0n wluei various inoculations 1 on animals Mexico today; Telegraph service eeXn ofTlT ViT !! eartn tninKs so. The chances He called in an expertv They did tneni. Aff soon as the ownerof n has benefitted -the human race,par- has been serionslv nJLrZ f 8ecion of e east mde,of the city are that there will be more than .everything they could o find out theproperty finds but it is wanted, ticularly the child. Rous, at the Leral nourTTeSnW. 6 W now, just about in proportion to the true condition. The man was lie puts up! the price of it to an un. Pasteur Institute in P seYerai nours centarl Colorado em portion of the eitv nn if, s , . . accused of a serious m-im a and rti , . , . the nature of th; Trr wall all cut off from the outside i,,-.t.l- "..- . - 4Cse population; - w0 warden deeiHe.1 tb Wn and wr.;ur:Cr v i -neavy large city, in history-wasover hdatin..: now we have in , mind incidents wiw a venr yjweni CTSde. whieh i now tiV art MJ i . .-. -- wic 111 xiune. , ... poison was given off from the ba- Heay snow is reported at SdntA 'ZlZl grauiymg tne-ap- finally tne expert made the sug- Fnere property wanted tor pupiic a I - a - liaVUIjAC W Lilll IWII.k'T WIU I f W I y"W A AT 1 W w 1 s. m.-m a W. A A W " - . . A -- bouillon. This n v tit wirt - . . T". ro. w. fCM aicononc nq v,iii uc jj.iici:cu oix xrom tne t.artAi , . i tt! ;0 j ... . . A aDQve. a drop of 62 desreea uors. and it gestion that the case shonld he din. for corporate use was heM at such is hardly likely that any ever will cusse in the presence of the pri- J a price that the prospective pur be. Cities have not alwavs had oner and this was done. ' The ex- chasers refused to he held in na and has peculiar nrnnrtia " . xxuP Vi ucgrees remain as at present hnt'thft-nan. Starting,from-epHerstudieS,T The snow ex- senger station, located much Rehrina amor-imA tends all the wav to nantro- w-. ... - , . .. . . . I ' ttS m .oiuerica, out r 0us condition-, and T Vnnw BUCfl Wy ana ine property " . " "-j er and m tne western Dart-of the the a n,Op;.0 i, i t ! ' Al ""v." : w PTTPflt t mialtin owiaII 1 A. - I . ' T m 11 - -i . I ' . T -j-g - Muwi BUi ln-fiuiiig, j-rurango, leiiuride and citv will he mnnh ";-;T " iU,'u ?iner mountain cities of Colorado ient marketsa? toS aSLS - V become absolutely immune to he Tne storm ln Dellver took on al- poison and that thir hlnrwl -nrx I most the pronortlona of -mid. t,iji i i .. ' . only Contains this antidote fnr wintpr H?Mmi. ' - " T.f u"c ' "f6. en?agea. 111 view Jiis ; senatorial! . chances he mav live ' nwWo wherever it" is practiced. A fair iwwuu,uut tumauis tnis antidote in The last piers for the bridge are the American in the large city pre- ing that will do any good except to wou afterward be sold to private ujcu me nuaq juiu eiamine me uwuriuiuiui . u ic uizux xiaxx uj brain ; it will probably kill; him, what had previouslyfceen demand but he is a goner if we don't do it, ed for it. This kind ot spirit it i that way he will doubtless do so It is to be hoped, for Jiis own iiiiw iihi Mir t I iiiaiHii u I ill im m yT I I i . vaaa w auuiiL nun ' 11 7.ri.H jiii - . - . w . rr. e SiUe inat governor does not 700 if nrZTr and hinders -progress putting the great girders in place, throueh the same Vlpa toht nm t, iJS 1' i and ?M. ?, n .tht such large amounts that a little of Sight of Mother Drove Him Mad I, one-tfiird of the bridge hasTabe him to see New York a "dry Fhen he gave up and said: Hold should be charged for property. me Diooa serum transierred to an- Lexington TTv M.Mi, 4 - wu "u wu" vn ine town." North Carolina is utterlv u-' gemiemenfA liave Deen mak- : nthPF mmai riii 4. j. Lexington, iy., March 30.--L.,i- i t,: t . . " vaxuujia is uueny . , . - xt . infection by the most vimfent When Andrew Mulhn, a diphtheria bacili. When in a test man whose home is near Natural Worreunnel mav been ' f' ltaPeoPle Perhaps' the most - unique in- " hen. ,in Union tube small amounts of this protec- bridge, in Lee county, yesterday u e junnei may oe taxen curious views on States in which stance of malingering on record county .would take the: cholera tive strum are added to large caUed at the eastern Kentucky ?7 ? northern eni From large active business communities was the case of a PWladelphia re- dlB mployei of one amount of th. Vnir, 4, f . . iem JVentueKy. lower Lynchburg this bridge wiU -di. x- norter hn p t:!:!:- of the mercantile establisbments ho i.7 4rJ7.i"," asyium tor tneinsane here to sec M ' -JZiZu .tx ,i c? aex-ppeai. 'a jjjaKwucub-BJKJiii-auu ill - t ; i ouiqioit vxu.cj7 it . . t . - . - - - , . aojlUiU ALU. Hi C Jilt that the poison is completely nett- , . tralized so that it has no more del- his mther who is eterious effects than water. When snock produced by injected into animals this anti- ditidn and the fact that she was 3 bpre one day last week.: When . . . - : : -i i -i . . . ... - uv vu6 w vwiwj b uuia-iiinmii AiiTfi 'VoaIt HatnrAA. . - -0.v- v hmwui imuinna fAi hio Diah . ha van ia etenous effects than water. When proaucea oy ner tailing con- ble- railroad structures. r. " r ZL rJ7 A T ' n! to P iuvct nun Ainemarie ' i - i : htoxie serum was found to protect unable to recognize him unbal-k lue w Work of grading on the South- speciaUst says: . ; ,: . luciu agouwi jALicuuuu iur a num- ano a. ..v.,. l- r - . " - Dound oetween Aibemarip -nrt tho : oome points in tne case are ber of weeks. The serum was then . . . . . .. . . '.T. work otthis .character to be found t,i.- worthr of recafl. aa iUngtratin! went pn to state that the said . o 1 grounds for his. wish, he Teplied: Speaking "Why it just keeps a fellow run t: firm handles.' He ; then injected into a few children suf- S10n of hls vlsIt he bftcamQ ont the manner in which the intelU-Jooinpaiiy shipped on. an average m tha eoiintrv -: 9SA o mcn'om oTl i 4 .. ... . i . . . i . vuJ WMA. . . .wvu UX UaiflA. - XI A . . I 1 1 . 1 l rb:TVT work ana greater headway U be- S !.,b"t. tor of abont . n crates of eggs a to protect them, as in -the case of struggle. animals, from infection. Its xise a sham , " A x. -r " p"s .wiu proDaDiy De com sharp made than at any tone since by Jvme the lst. The largc Ne really: in- davST 1 a o aal I RATIO mnn- ovav lnilnliMiJ iV" 1 - tfi-.J"i - ' the gigantic task undertaken, fefa - s tcr became more anoVmore general" so . Anti-fat remedies ra fioid Excellent progress M bemgmadr La w .n.vi,., i,.u t,- formance 0rthis scribel ::-He a. 5W.?aw.l jtBay;;rt that at the present time 90 per needed bv the man who le Materials are being hauled by rnent, WtVn l ""y picked up while creating s6me ex- Pays weU when proper attention cent of all cases of diphtheria Ze tram to tl southernfend the cm of. thf iffiLS Is given the industry. But Y-e are treated with it, with an annual nope cam. w;it v.-. 4i.-u - eomplete the track between Albe- phia street corners.' He asserted started out to - Bar that ifa savings in Europe and America of . l ljTfZJ . marie andjthe r ver before active that he was 1,000,000 years ftItlitW m- SDmetlimg OTer-t000.iTefc- parents means- healthier babies, , . .BUOIX as w" u"e 18 com- work can begin : on - the great that he had had nothing, to eat for I miiit & iWn MftwiiiriU bridge .-Stanly Enterprise 4 o ers. ... -.i :i.;;. .- -;-' :.c Just how results obtained along these lines have benefited the baby crop may be" shown by a concrete illustration. Thirty years, ago, according to figures collected by the census bureau, diptheria caused one death out of about In other fields work has been and it is for this reason that aii pleted.' and is being carried on along sim- over the country research is be- It is confidently expected that ilar lines. By means of experi- ing carried on looking toward the all f tW vnrt vill hA Anniniar ments, on animals .greater and mastering of diseases not alone in time for the trains by Octobe greater mastery is being obtained peculiar to infancy but aecting all 1 . -; . , . - over diseases .wich would other 'ages:' 4 ' ' ist. ; . : - - - Tx xl.-- : ' ' ' . - .' -f'. xxi jxicicasijji, uau,y cxrup- in, Oil auuxueii to preiUCt an annual S1U.- t . . T. nno K ,ls- ,Vn-.u iU?-".3 fl00'000.!)0 baby -erop for this Iinprovemente at Fort CasweH ComWL ' 90 years, that he was the last of; the actors, that they were all kill ed by the song-and-dance men- killed wit - canon and the leaves Negroes Are Now on Strike. Louisville, Ky., March 31. of the trees, had turned red with Eleven hundred negro , men, wo men j and qhildren employed in their blood. 'My home,' he said, 'is in a cave in a-mountain on the planet -Tx . i.t x . Compaiiyfietemeries here Mract .i.WSrSr2fiS an increase of one-half he brings me food everv day. . At cent per pound, for night XI sleep, under the sea in a protection ot cniKlri' J-But here is bought and sold for so much a power plant and an ordnance 8t?mmg. The strikers were dsor coral .grotto, while mermaids sing again an anlogy my; be .drawn bushel, while babies areiparticu- shop, wfll . madeCwitiiin rthe derly;to "such an extent .this me Inllabies; . that . woo the jiynever - deai m tor - money con- next rew mpntns joe apprpprn morning -that the - police were! or W'god.' - Me kept up this Uiderations, as only to member tion for tb work haTine already t.r? lllpd t, tto farraSe or somethmg like it for a tnat if it were.not for. the baby Den stcurea ana ne plans and ,ifl"""-:: K .7; day or two; then his identity was between the baby crop and . theily never - deal in for - money con- next fer months the approuri it a question of a single crop. It is tne future which counts and I crop all te i agricultural .products speciflcation havinpT ben v6m- . .mmmtp-J disclosed and he -watf dischareed makes the necessity of considering and the output of mifls, mines and pleted by Superintendent of Con - wearly two thousand tobacco from the hospital? - f ciwiimg crops paramounx. ; im iaexones- womar.Dot worth : a ""w" t.i vungiw o Dnei workers are now.on a etrifee and School boys are sTeat malinger tlflTMrTmAnf!. If Xt.-. : -11 x . I. i . ::".; . -y. - uuier wiuKuuw are mpecteu. provement in the general health of cent. Baltimore Sun. i I quartermaster the othjsr; towns for consumption.; There, quht to be mahufactur ing. enterprises " enought ; light tier? to employ a sufficient num Lber: of people- to use the lare amonnt of chickens, egrj, butter ethat aroBhippe( to; places thajb khare gotton ahead of rus in the way of making tnings: - - . tx .The time has come when it is the; duty of all "good citizens to stand behind the JAmeieam courts hare - helxi ' that a': little ?cuin' . is justible h'enthe home ; team losesl. . ; S; - ZW but since they are not ; generally : Thet progressive cian be- - - -KU - V.4 1 : : , i -V- 31 : r. y '' i j is" lieves in advertising. 1 '3--.-?Cr7- 3 AB I .tVAJA.-

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