: ; . ti ..: ' - -'. ' --s -- r .. ; , ' - : ; . tJt J i- -i--..MMMMMMMMMMMMr'---;---:v .y-vr-r 4 fltK RhigAwTtonttn leirttdn lata P,m, V ' V I B$iM 43 ' ' 1 'I H i I ill i . Mr. and Mrs. M ? Hanna gave s no ixTi their pepnew,Ma8ter Cecil Uraham, on bury, spent Tuesday and Wednes- dayhere, with her daughter, Mrs; W. 0; Sifferd; v W nWnh. : oi Wednesday, April ;27, in - honor invitations were-eent out. Unfor tunately many were unable to accept;. the' invitations, but still 25 or 80 were present and enjoyed ... k:',, A. Prof. Fred H. ostianv princi P.al Albemarle grad&d ; school , themselves playing ; croquet and cam home Siondav night,, school other games "so. dear to childhood, having oWslastFriday; The afternoon was spent in a ' Mr, and Mrs.:; McL. Ritchie and most pleasant manner. , Refresh-J childnn spent Saturday and.Son- ment s sucn at. ice cream, case day With her : people at Riohfield and candy was served, returning Monday. Miss Daisy The beautiful residence was Ritchie : accompanied them here decorated in pink roses which to spend several WIeT with her gave a pleasant appearahee; The sisters. V- V - K v -. - 8 and hostess seemed to :f n joy 'v',"" 'W"' '': the occasion and enter into the Mr. and Mrs. If N: Patterson Y - rt j Z pleasures as readily as the young Mill HVV'V i; .fl.UKUVw&, JKIgnDfO I Eileni ofyKannapolis, spent Tues-1 eo . day night here with hft mdther, Mrs. M. L. Patterson. - , - . ' Mrs . M. h: Patterson and son, All were highly elated and wish Vthat many more such occa sions may come . Herbert here Thursday . Bethany, 111,; to spend some time . , -V viBitingMrs.HPatterson'sbrother A telegram was. received by and other . relatives' inithat sec- Martin Blackwelder, near Landis, tjn- , . , : - . . last Sunday that his son, , Parks, ". s. ' " . ,, of Rome, Ga., was dead.; V James Hamp Stirewalt, of Mt.-Pleas- Blackwelder, a brother, left on antspent Saturday night and tram, No; 5 to attend he funer- Sunday here with his parents, aJ wtioh took place in Rome. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Stirewalt. ' Mr; Black welderv was reared at Mrs. Dolph Ketohie is number- the old- homestead - near Landis ed among the seribpsly sick -, this and was well known to many of week.. ' our readftrs. - He. was a carpenter Little Miss Irene Bostian spent by trad and a number of years nu.ina ago movea 50 nome, via., aiser uuatiuuw 1 1 partof last week in with her sister. Mies ;Viola Bos tian; ' Mrs.WalterBrown and daugh ter spent Tuesday with Mrs , ChaB. D. Bostian. marrying Miss M. -Pethel, I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . S. G. Pethel, t Landis, where he has tinoe resided. . He leaves to: morn his death an aged father and m.other, and four brothers : Will Misses Ada and Lizzie Barger I and Frank, of Rome, Ga. John, spent Saturday .and Sunday in J jf Konuapolis.andJamesat home; Spencervisiting their brothers. Miss.Lurline Graham left Wed neBday morning for Asheville to attend the commencement exer cises of the Asheville Farm School. She has two brothers. DerSnot and Ewart, attending school at that nlace. Ewart "fin- there ' sisters, Bettie; Mrs. Daa Efird, Salisbury ; Mollie, Mrs. Tom Johnson; Athens, Ga. ; Ma- ie, Mrs. Will Walters, Kannapb- tis. VYbat 8oy Ever tired Thit Woojdo't go tod ; See the Glrpos UnloadedAir Eir.v .' seotlal .f Xfi drejis how. "There jis nothing' that recalls a man's boyhood days! more vividly than the circusr Y It is "a t?ite say ing that many fathers arn mighty glad that the' taking of their chil dren givesn' excuse, to attend'ffll ihe circuses tna?itityf but there are a lot of the men who are not ashamed of the fact that they are merely boys grownup, and go to the circuses beoause they enjoy thenii v The bder of the the animals and Jsawdust bripgfT back the days when, knowing the oircus was comipg they. 4 would get up before'd ayl ight, an4 not to see the nig vans unloaded frpni the trains for circuses.did not travel by railway those T da't; but to i(alk out in the country a few miles to meet th'e caravans, which traveled overland; "from town-1 town . To walk into town beside the elephant wastthe great est fun imaginable. There was not Vb much to the average circus then aB there is to-day; but ihere was pjenty for all to see, and the boy who was not permitted to at least- hang' around the show grounds was indeed 4n bad luck." ' Theichildren will be delighted with the miniatore menagerie, with boy trainerp, ' drivers and caretakers. v . - Let the -boys and girls! tell their parents that Howe's London Shows will be here Monday, May 2nd. The Watchman: and R at 6 o'clock Saturday evening; May 7tEvyIiotIit)pe to win a prize should - now be busy and ia busyriintU- tfie last hour. vTljere is lot of un worked territory in this'and adjoining counties and success will com tp" him who igets a mbveonvThere is. plenty chance foriewfnian ef enat this late day, getting, into the cbntesP aiid : winninflr.:; 7An hundred'dollar buggy is not picked up every day so 1 easily aa tuiH. ib wuuiu uo uueau lor one-u mra. aLeara .ann niit inevery hour' from how till the cIosq of tne conffest.- Just 4itun,' it wu uiu. tajvo uuiy 00 new su pscrji perd 10 ine-xwo-.pa persto be at the head; -These can begceninlaftew das losanytrtdr kihd of a canvasserAopp6rtunity is awaiting: some' one. - Calvin Peeler, route 8, Salisbury , John Harkey, old veteran i:Baroer oWlSl x,a. 4irs. vmna , wove ' --::- fxth'y ?'&d. EmmA Rogers, : rural 5, eity.. 4f&&&W$tmt 0 L Basinger; rural 2 Richfield KGMMm Harm an Cinonk t : ft h n (lmva -x -' ta- 28,10a votes ?,86vote1i 6,22&6jte Jiidd Moss, rtew jbondon r Geo B Xesler, rural 6 Paul J Lyerly, Granite QWry '-. '.: :nm'M'oH ( xienry Dostiau, vuina urove; - ' i : y 1 ;vAOvAf VQtes Miss Ada Eagle, rural 8, eity . . : 4; ;:'-.v -l,226;ybte G O Moss, rural 2, JJew London, :N :fWj&:fttey& , H E Russell; Chestnut Hill, cty ' '':1KM 300 votes Jas W Freeman; East Sp4ncer;N O yKjP': '- '100 votes Rev K A Uypodman, sub-station JNo city j4 v ! ? , 100 votes J Unnsoal. Wbo Caa Beit It? C.J. Deal informs' us that he ate sweet potatoes last week that Lwere raised in 1908. -.They were overlpoKed in the celler last fall, the new crop put in, and last wpek they were taken out and some of them were good yet. This is re- marganie lor a sweet potato, wno car bdai it? Death Near China Gsm. Mrs. .Mary Ann Beaver, wife of Meeting Of Thursday Af .erOOOB Clob.' isheshis course this spring and R. Frank Beaver, died of dropsy, Mrs. E. E. Gray was hostess will graduate. at her home near China Grove, to the Thursday Afternoon Club. Mrs. J R. Brown spert Tuesday April 24, 1910, at the age of 58 Tnis was one of the most enjoya- in Salisbury. years, 6 months and 15 days. - ble meetings of the Club and tho " , T Q1 rn1 In August 1871, she was naar- young matron proved herself an Mr landMrs.Xeon Sloop, Cal- ried to ,Robert Franklin Beaver: Meal hostess . v vin Sloop and Messrs.,4Gus and r union ten children were After roll.call ind other buai. uinoy Wertz of Salisbury spent borD, fivftllon8 and five danghter8f preliminaries, Mrs. Gray was Sunday with Esq. r. A. Bloop. of whom afe liying Iq early a8giated by Mrgr c j Yong Mrs. G. A. Bostian spent Sun- life she was confirmed a member in serving a sahrd couse, coffee and day in Concord. ot St, Enoch E.L, church,' later aid bon-bons. Mrs Dora Bost has gone to the bQ moved her membership to The Club adjoufhed 'to meet bedside of her -grandfather. Wm. L.utneran coapei is, cnurcn, Bgalo 1D tw0 weeks. Bever. near Orean church, who om which she was buried the is very.sick at this writing. d7 following her death, after Rally and PiCnlC. auicaoie services oy ner pastor. -Messrs. C.J. Young and son Rey c. A Brown, in the presence There wlU b a Union Rally Wilkie, spent Friday, Saturday of a goodiy number cf friends and and picnic held at the Cress' and;Srtnday in Forest City, hav- relative8f who had gathered to pay Boho1 hon8e on Ascension Day, ing gone tliereatoattend.the fun. the laBt Bad tribute of respect to May 5, 1910. eral of Charles Orowrfl. her mortal remains'on earth. Af- -Those having it in charge prom Mrs. James Jones and her sister ter which her body was tenderly is.d eomething good for those who tuw Mi pW nf Fit.h. are uid rfe in Ttmbl LfrwA cemfl- aend. There will be a game of iiioo tuaiura wvwf w - - j u visitihg their nncje, J. R. Brown, tery to. await the reeurrection Vi m vi n cr arriToft ViTnnii1n.v. morn . . Mrs C.'J. Young spent Sunday She leaves t, mourn her death in Kannapolis with her sister, nw wuu.u.j. Mr.. C. B, Lowe. - five grand-children one brother, Bingham Fink, of Faith, and a We are glad to seeUhiriesiaes i h(JB o friendB and relatives. TT. i I. on our streets again . ; ne recent- SALISBURY .norjDAY ball in the afternoon and an Ex hibition at night. Everybody is Store Robbed. - -The store of Jihe. Patterson Young Company, was broken into "Blessed are the dead who die Wednesday night and goods in the Lord." X. gaid to be valned at-several hnn- - - dred dollars and, about eighteen LANDIS LOCALS. dollars in cash, was taken . The Mr. and Mrs. M. Rndisill, of UoodB t.a'eu 'include suits and Cherrysille, arrived here iaBfe cases, oTercoais, waiones anc ly had a serious ..spell of sickness and we are glad of his reeovery. W. E. J)ealt of Saiw, was in town Wednesday. Work has begun oh the side walks, a force of hands having Saturday to visit their dangh- nng8- No clne to the robbers commonced woik Tuesday upder ter, Mrs. W. A. Hall. Mr. Rude- ba8 been obtained but the officers the management of Mr. Heilig. sell returned home Monday of a11 n. near-by towns have been . a xr a evening. Mrs. Rndisill win notinea or tne roooery and are on on business. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sechler has bten. robbed within -the past spent Sunday with Mrs . Sechler's Is Imltitlnn RpnPitel stster, Mrs. u. w. uorriner. few weeks. I will again say to the public Whit Wilhelm and wife spent that a series of Gorper meetings last Sunday with Mrs. Wilhelm's will begin on next Sunday morn- aunt, Mrs. J. L: Fisner. ing in the Methodist Church, and j. p. Fi'sher.and wife, of Con- that all persons regardless of cord visited his father's, J. church affiliations, or whether Fisher, last Sunday. affiliating with any church are ot , Mra j t, lyUw . ENOCHYILLE NEIGHBORHOOD ITEMS. invited to attend, worship, work and eniov these meetings, with as. ; : ' .; The objeot of these' meetings is a revival of Holy Ghost religion. ited their daughter, -Mrs. Mao Wm'. Blackwelder,- aged about 80 years, died , here Tuesday, at the residence of his daughter. Mrs. S, O. Leaser. His remains were burried at Concordia Church Wed nesday, about 2 oclqck. He leaves a number of children to mourn bis departure. i Locke Karriker's -child is dan- toFVar naar Trintir nhnr.rh'J in gerously SHSt, . i ' . n a.1 I a--j.- Mrs. M. :G.' Corriher" has been ,auarru wuu,t iu oaiuiuajr risht Bick but is better- now. night. - Jas. Rice, of Landis, was at A; wr . m i" A J i l : l T 1v 1 1 rpnJW a it. Amrn -lihii flnnl.tinn i. . AOlU8, WUU WHO , IHUCJJ I U JJVal -A UOOIIOJT 7 r. indisposed last week, is able, to be of the church, m Abraham, and no out ftgajn doubt, in prehistoric times, the We are glad to note that Mrs. revival bat been the ''essential J; 0. Deaton is improving some. means of arousing the ;;' church Mrs , S . J. Elliott and children, Mr. . Setzer; of . Hickory, passed through this section, Monday. Rev. Geo. H. Cox was jri. Salis bury Tuesday. " " from a lethargy, such as we Vee of Concord, visited friends' and Confederate Dinner 00 Jlaf 10. about us to day. relatives in Landis last Week.;Mr. The Confederate eterans I pray and trust that ; every ilThiSXnA& - - " Roan county are reolueited to church in the community will returned home Sunday. , meet at the Salisbury Graded be benefitted by and through, this Mrs. J. C . Deatin has beevery School Building, on Tuesday May 'meeting; -iSliWv - , lutn, Memorial uay. ; Crosses I Earnestly - desire the craven ; Mr. Bradshaw's little daughter will be distributed and there wil and ivmoatbT of all'Dravine.Deo- had her finger : badly" mashed in be the usual dinner for the veter -pie and the sympathy of ah,; . . the machinery at the cofcton laill ans. ."--'lyWti. - 'Vflrv fraternallv, "ir " Wednesday. . Dr. Ramsaur .was , Mas. John S. Hendkbson. April 27, 1910; N J. J.Eis; Icalled and dressed the wound, wes. Kobt. Jb. Hoke Chap; U. D C - vJehn DA Fisher, rural 8, city Xj j isnerr rurai o, oicy . ,.WF.S Heiligirural 8, city ,.C M Lyerly, rural 4, pity f r Lee M Ketohie, rural 4, city M L Eury, rural 4, city J .. Edgar Rice, rural 6, city Marcus Lyerly, rural 6, city David T. Peeler, rural 6, city ' Sam Hamilton, rural6, cityj: V A B Petrea, rural 7, city T L Ghunn, rurai7, city Thomas E Webb, rural 8, city T G Cress, rural 8, city . - S L Collette, rural 8, city . ' v John A Sloop, China Crove , T J Waller, Barber 1 David L Gorrell, rural 1, China Grove DH Simpson, rural 2, V James M Ketohie, No 2 China Grove Archie Ritchie, rural 8, R F Pool, Craven W R Bean, rural 1, Craven Mrs John Canady, "Cleveland R S Gales, rural 1; " . G A Fisher, Crescent Mrs L W Lingle, Crescent T G Myers, Gold Hill W H Martin, 44 Eli E Eagle rural 1, Gold Hill .WO Hof&naiy rural 1, Gold Hill G A Barringer, rural 2, " V V C Lentz, rural 2, Gold Hill '-. V R T Honeycutt, rura 1 8, Gold Hill V S T Troutman, rural 8, . W T Peeler, Granite Quarry v Alfred Kluttz, Landis J F Tdrner, rural lrMt Ulla ':: -. I, L Fesperman, Rockwell Alexander Holshouser, Rockwell) S ' ' , George Misenheimer, Rockwell - , . ' George H Boger, rural l, Rockwell t J 0 Foutz, rural 1, Rockwell-. '. .w. John W Linker, rural 1, Rockwell H 8 Barger, Woodleaf ' ' ( ' J S Blackwelder, rural 8, Mobresville, N C ' O M Cress. Mt. Pleasant. K G GA Koontz, rural 1, Mocks ville, N C S C Beck; Jubilee, - N C. '"V 100 votes 100q'tes 100 votes 100 votea 100'votes 100 votes .V 600 votes 100 votes 100 votes ; 100 votes ; .100 votes 100 votes lOQvjDtes 100 votes - 100 votes .100 votes 1C0 voles 100 votes 100 votes ' 100 votes 100 votes ,100 votes 100 votes 100 votes 100 votes -100 votes 100 votes 100 votes 300 votes 100 votes 400 voteB 100 votes 100 votes 100 votes 100 votes 100 votes 100 votes 100 votes , 100 votes V 100 votes 100 votes 100 votes 100 votes 100 votes 100'votes 100 votes 100 votes 100 votes MAY 2ND, jii (I t v ntn hm nn i nn ri : U n n nun if ntm nr. 1 "nTlTn ;w aiiiiuiKur auu iiduui u v uuii ' uuuu ) Sewing Machine, Good Books, PocIi-- 0 MliBnlaioiltHe"! J x1?q w is; the opportunity, of alife time-to earn a firsts M -; .'clasShiffhiarrade. rnhhftr'tirH hncrcv dnTincr : the snare v ; (lbur: & OrSI a first-lass t e wincr -macnine. dr;f 0 w ) 0 , rubber tire butrflry during the spare () 'for Jess time and; effort, a book for vonr ; eveninflr's 0 V Y euicriamuiBui, a gooa pocjei. &niiet one oi'rUie vajiu-, : ()Tablecharts4which.we will giveaway, i Or, if one may? ( ) ( 1 wien, no Qr;sne may secure a Dook and a kniie,, or a x 1 . )1Maorxmf : of p eaph Thei arrangement f orthese() i Mt1pria aMdi q yurenem isgiyen iu. : . - n . Ui:5ut oneTof thmminatiriff;fiohhoria rTintftd blnw: and' W 0 bring in&r Bendincr it to the olHtie of the W atohmaitI'' 0 0- Or,Tne Kowan - Reoobd However, candidates can be () 8 8 ),.:one year. ' 0 TJtiE UNRIVALED TENTED INSTITUTION- OF THE .... wukl.ij. . s'v;;;. '"' The Paragon of Radiant Romantic Realism Reached. ! A Collossal Aggregation of Sensational Features. Col. Howe's Herd of MusiciL Elephants Inoluding DUCHESS the Largest Blephani in.the World.' THE MARVBLOIi3 EDDY Fifcltf 1LY : The. Acrobatio and Aerial Sensation. The Marvelous. Exponents of J . ' Athletic Art . ' 'r ' SUQIMATOS -Imperial YEDDO JAPANESE Troupe of ATHLETE i WALLET, England's Champion BARE BACK RIDER. 500 PEOPLE '250 HORSES 20. CLOWNS THE KING QF BEASTSaHHIS FAMILY THE 3-BABIES B0RR IN nFNAhFPII. IIII V IKTH IQW THE ABOVE PICTURE IS A PAItV " iWWVf- ftCENC WITH THIS SHOW. inn Collection of The Most Complete Expensive, Costly I- U U AX vNrn Captivity iThree Bands'of Music, 20 European'Ndvelties 100 FEATURE ACTS VI V . :l v Unlike Anything Seen t Here Before. BABY Camels, Elephants, Lions; .Monkeys 4 5i? ie 0 nprninated at any . time; after, the contest jopensuntll ( I annbuncement is made": to the contrary. Only .one u (1 nominating Vcoupon is,inecessary' to nominate a candi n ciater ana only one .will b.e accepted or counted. , fV'.x'The contest is now fully open and all who " intend x". j' ' -L f ; 1.1. . : At n .. 1- " 1 ' -.w 111 1 1 1 1 iivr,iiiMiT 1 r ir t.iihttimmi vhb nT t noii TPiunn a anon in , . get very busy ana stay. mat way juntili the very last ( ote is countcdiXs stated 2 in, the rules below, the' ivnt.fta Swill Hft .isariP.irl tn nll.wKrt lu'Vinc aanrf -'itT- rtairl : V p subscriptions to either" the -Watchmait or The Kowv w an Keookcl And let us remark right here, this; con U. test is Just as much fof The Kecobd as it via for the : Watchman". The-good people of China Grove -and vi cinity, therefore. ' with ail other sections of the coun f ty, are inviteol to take part in the contest, your assist- (), Jance and interest-is greatly appreciated. Every vote ,() will be kept "on file until tne close of the contest, so if hr- Oany one bhonid be, dissatisfied with v the count. ' a re- A w t i.1 : . i a i - i. .-.Wv- ' uuuub eau uo uau uiiucr iu euper vision ; Ol tne canur ; ( -dates and all mistakes, if any, will e fully corrected, : and the prizes i awarded accorainily; " , ' r" - t - v Rule 1. Partakers in the contest must be subscribers t6 THs :n "Caeolina Watchman or Rowan Rboosd, or a member - of the (( : subscriber's immediate family I - : . , ''-.1 ' . it ,f liule 5J, ine contest is open, to any respectable white " citi : zen in Kowan -man, woman, boy or girl, except no member of Thb Watchman's or Recobd's force, in any capacity, or any7 member of their familieswill be allowed to participate. Rule 8v Voting coupons willr be issued only to - those who . obtain and pay cash for subscriptions to either The Carolina ..Watchman, of Salisbury, or fCira ' Rowan JBbooW), of China :;6r6ve.r v , ,v . . - . . - Rule 4. Iive votes will be given for every cent pai4 in on -sabscription.ezoepV follows .y :- n- ' "500 paid on 'subscription. 250 votes. ' ; , . V For one year's subscription to both papers at, $1.00, 1,600 votes.'' This rule means what it says.r ' t . Nqw, subscription to Thb Watchman or Rxoobd, one' year, y t NeW subscription to The Watohman and Recobd, $1.00, 2000 votes: ; ' v ... 0 N. B,- A new subscription does not- include changing - the X " -rmm,m W VMU AHUil WW MUWUUOA. - . - Rule 5. Coupons will be issued to'all who pay on subscrip tion. These coupons are to be denosited at the WATrFruAi of fice, in Salisbury.' within 15 days after they are issued.- and ( airor uaviug wwu towu caanoc oe transierrea. 'v - -Rule 6. A statement- of the standing of the contestants will be published in every issue of each paper until the Close of the contest.'.;-,,- ,' - , . ., . i;, ''Rule 7." The contest opening Monday, January 17th,i will will olose at 6 p. m., Saturday, May 7tht 1910. " ' -Rule 8. The person having the largest number of votes to A- 'hiB credit at the close of the contest, will receive the buggy 0W (This buggy will be a first-class, rubber tire, top vehicle. It, Js new. being built at the shop of J. O. White fe. Co.,tnd is U guaranteed to be a neat, substantial and meritorious article in owj ioopoviu; xu.i. iruiur promises to give it ciose attention and will see tnat it will be something for its owner to be proud of.) , . s ' , -. - ' Rule .-The person., having the next largest number of votes at-tho clbse of the contest' will' be awarded the sewing xmachioe-.;-V'.. .i.A-A' . ; '--,;-. i-'':-. ' v (This nachine will fie one of the NewjHome Sewing Machine ; Cb Ja make,5 durable and first-class in every respect . It will be on exhibition at Thb Watchman office ) r) ; Rulel0.i We have a number of good, books, pocket knives ..'And P.hart;a n.nr) mnrta vhfnK mil 1 ho .mJUai)-. nn.v:AAiM In alV wno - receive ,5,000 or more votes, as per the following 11 acneauie r - 0 ' - 5,000 Votes a good pocket knife. ' ' u,vaaj -ao getter ( ao - , - ? ; t A000 do : good book. , - . ?!'"10,XXX) do', one of our charts. . ' " 10,000 do subscription to either Thb Watcaman or Thx Rxcobd one year. . ;-" .' 1 1,000 votes a knife and book . 012,000 votes subscription to both Watcaman and The Rec obd one year. '. : - v . r 12,000 vntes, a better knife and book,; ! ' , : 15,000 V ' knife and chart. - - 16,000 abetter knife andlchart, etomaking any com bination of prizes wantedr agreebly to the number of votes given on each jwparatg article. Outside the the two main prizes any person caa secure as mahv of the minor nrizea. mentioned - in this rule, " as they may J urnish votes for, -hence, no one-who makes any reasonable-effort to secure votes, twill go unrewarded. . . . - . t Role li -rNo trickery or under-hand methods will be toler ateds. Any one guilty of improper methods will Vbe debarred f f bmf urther participation, and no prize will be awarded to -Bucli personr ; . , ' r' - . ' V.. : . . .. . lxtliei information write or call oh the above J named papers. . . " .: too . , - GreatestActsyi. hkC" : ; THE GRBATLAVOYBEngland'sest qiown.'r - - - K feigneS. ;. t . V& See at 10 Oclcck in the .'morning the ABig Spectaeular, Ff ee. 8treet rV'-':."' r , -:- f ' ' --' 1 - , . -i , : y See at 10 OVslcck in the mornjDg ,the Big Speotacular Free 8tn 2 PERFORMAKCES DAILY 2. - " A ftamMtn i 9 T ' U VvlUvVU. V ' . The Nominating. Coupon. Good fop 100 Votes. V . I, the undersigned,- a reader of THE ROWAN RECOUD or CAROLINA WATCMMAW suggest the name of '.:. . Write the name of your candidate here. o 1 KightatS Only.one of these coupons will be counted.: Vi'-,,;- r ft v. ( .' -V- - ' ---s'