i-'..vV'; 1 V. r- 7 .j , ,.v SNA. --Wm- HSTKWABT;i:;Ed; and Prop, 1 bt. D; r. OFFM AN , manager. ; YjiBSBBD EVERY FBIJDAY sfl -"A Watchman an 1 Record, one year two v, papers per week, ttsh in advance, $1,00 C per year, six '; Chixa GaoVEj N. C.v J ui.y 29,'i9l0 ;'' ;v-K' i he Real Nee. .'.-.' ' ' . Jn , nei o uousi'fioM,, especially li communities wlief --' negroes form a . large-portion of-the" hmuihi iiut. it! frv ; : queutly happens that tlie viu;ih' I ; ; the head of the fa ni 1 1C being Hot, on y ,vM Dreau winner. iut also me Uiscipu I; ' narlan, aiid In that cn parity;-oo wca "sfoiis she j master-as subject ,tb .her ,wfll This . afleast was the assumption of he 6l . OTed woman . who was a party to a lit - tte scene enav ted in the, otlice of a 3 us tlce of the peace. -. - ;;' -. A man- had , been arrested ". on. the charge of beating and eruallv misus- ; tag his wife After' heaHu J theciiarge "2gamst the prisoner the.-jusMee - luhtfHl to we nrsc witness. - s -Maaam. ne saw; "if this ninn wert jour husband and had slvei "ym a beating would you call in the police? - v The woman addressed., a veritable amazon In size and; aggressiveness. turned a' smiling countenance : toward the justice and answered: "Ne-. jedge. If he was naah husban' n he treated , me Iakhe did Ms wife Ah wouldn't call no p'lieeman. - No. eah; Ah'd call de undertaker." Youth's Companion. Flexibility of English. English Is riot only, as Richard Jef ferles asserted, the most expressive and ' flexible of tongues, but also, in Swinburne's opinion, the most ." musi cal . He proclaimed the lines Music that" crentlier on the feplrit lies Tban tired eyelids upon tired eyes to be Unmatched for melody in any language. And few would venture to contradict suchamaster of Tnusic and tongues. But surely r French ranks next on the - roll of languages. . For clearness of diction It Is unrivaled, and, thanks to its abundance of vow els (close on one for every consonant) It flowes rhythmically from the tongueT Against Westley's dictum, that French is to German as a bagpipe to an or gan. may be cit'd a 'saying of another famous divine. Dr. Dolllnger. "L'Alle- mand n'est pas une langue, mats ceux qui parlent ce jargon se comprennent entre eaux" German is not a . lan guage, but those who speak this jar gon understand one another). London Chronicle. . . Facts About Giants. That very few; of the giants who have ' v;t lived have been healthy or "well;, formed recent-' researches prove Jbeyohd a doubt. - All . we know about j Goliath Is that he was. very tall, but In the second book of Kings we read about another giant, ' who had more jfingem than jin ordinaryhuman being. and. according ; to ' modern scientists. this 7nvari:il!y a token Of; degen eracy. Marcel Donnal saw at Milan a giant who was so tall that his body tilled, two bods at night, "but Whose legs ..were so weak that he could hard ly stnnd upright. William Evans, the ticantle ixjrter of Charles I., bad little strength.-and t'roci well's porter, an- tl:er fiaut. ended his days in a luna tic j:sy!uni. Finally. 0'Hrie,n. the Irish flaut. has. been described as "atf enor- Xnous siiTj child who grew up " too fast." Anethsr Fake. '"Did ycu see the lightn:ns calcu lator In the sideshow?" asked the old farmer in the wide straw hat. "By heck, yes," drawled the other furalite. "and he was the biggest fake In the show." . "How was that?" . "Why. thar was a thunderstorm go ing on while I. was-in the tent and ."When 1 asked him if he could calculate ..Where the lightning was going to strike tie just gave me the laugh. "-Chicago Hews. An Ominous Symptom.' . ' "A good wife is heaven's greatest gift to raan and the rarest gem the arth holds," remarked Mr. Jarphly the other morning." "She Is his joy, his 'inspiration and his very ,oul. i Through her he learns to reach the ; pure aud true, and her loving hands lead hhn softly over the rough places. She is" - "Jeremiah," said Mrs. Jarphly sol emnly "Jeremiah, what wsckeuness have you been up tc now?" Doubled n Value. A aitssourian wno bought some Texas l;,nd and wanted to unload It a rrospective buyer that it had "dducfeti in value since I bought it." "But.7 said the other, "you offered to sell it I o me for the same price you paid; ' Flow has it doubled in value?" "Well, you see, I gave twice as much as it.was worth." Kansas City Star. Exchange of Compliments. Maud- My mamma says she can re member when - your mamma kept a -grocer's shop. Marie My. mamma says she can re member how much your mamma owes 'her for groceries. ; . Ths Danger. 1 "It Is always dangerous to try to get something for nothing," remarked the - wise guy. .- " .', . ' "Yes, you might get what you de serve," added ths simple mug, Phil-, adelphia Record. Life. Life I3 a burden Imposed upon you ' by God. What you make of it. that It ' will be to you. ,Take It up bravely, bear It ' joyfully. Jay - it down trium 1 phantly. Gall Hamilton, s; i .Thi Cblisir.g Froprietor.' -. ."Wou'i you: i!t ;;.sb give me ftlTDr der" tleadcd the perwHrent firummfet, - -."CertalH: relfllc-d ihe crusty 'pro prietor. v;..t oi:!r Llppincptt's. Hearew often sinltes in mercy, even '' -when f he -X Low- U severest. Baillle. ;xi Hep Good py. iij-j She was one of : t hose v cry gushing, J '.M. I J V. - ' - ' . IT J . A- "uewstjaper ota;es; and she had been admitted into the. sanctum of ' the man- aglug editor" of , the paper bn'. which Bomer Darenport waV cartoonist,' re? dtes the Saturday Evening. Post.. ,Mr. Davenport : was In the 'room at the time.' . When the time came for her de parture she first grasped the hand, of the,, managing editor, saying. Goodby, Mr. Nliesgoodbyr --J Then.- turning to the assistant man aging", editor, 'she also shoptj him vef 'fuslvely by the band. ' exciaiming. Goodby.: M r. Bhs. goodby i ' Davenoort " came " next. There ' was poijt. goodby!" she T cried --.wtth'--all the delicate shading of a tragedy. -queen. v There was "silence for a moment aft er she" had gone. Then Davenport found: his voice. "Where' is she go- ingj" he asked. 1 1 :rr.; V "Up to Ninety-third street." replied the assistant managing- editor. Suffering cats!" drawled . Daven- port "What should have happened if she had been going to On' Hundred and -Twenty-fifth street? She Handed It Back. A noted doctor believes in training children to reason for themselves. and this policy he Hcarries out with his own child, a little girl of eight, and hetells a story in connection witn her witn great glee. - I . " ''', ' "My dear." he' said to her. "1 saw something today' that I hope I shall never be pained to hear of you doing. "What was that, papa?" the daugh ter asked. . "1 saw little Mary Goodgirl stick her tongue out at a man today." The child, evidently thinking that It was an occasion to tell of the faults of the other girl,, said: "Papa, I saw Mary" The doctor interrupted and told the child she must not gossip and if she knew anything-that was not nice about anybody" she must keep it to herself. The child looked at her father and then said quickly : ' - "Well. papa, why did you , tell me about -Mary V" The physician was so surprised he could not answer. Philadelphia Times. .....His Only Blemish. When the pious looking lady entered the London' birdshop and stated her need, of a talking parrot the proprietor "reckoned 'e'd got the werry thing the lady wanted." "Course, ma'am." he said, "you don't want a wulgar bird. This "ere oner now, was brought oVer by a missionary. Talks like a reg'lar 'ymn book, "e does. I wouldn't let '1m go if I didn't think' you'd-give 1m a re spectable 'ome. Thirty-five shillings that bird, ma'am." "You'll soon know!" screeched Pol ly. "You'll soon know!" "Dear me! How quaint!" gushed the lady, and 35 shillings changed hands. "What does he. mean by 'you'll soon know.' I wonder V" "It's 'is ouly blemish." ma'am,' smiled the birdshop man. . "E's got it, into 'is 'ead that every . one's won derful anxious to And out wot a mis sionary sez when 'e 'its 'is thumb with a "'aminer." , ' What She Missed. Six-year-Oiii Ruth was very unhappy because oue of her many wants had been denied. Her papa was giving her a lecture and said. "You have every thing that most little girls have, and I dou't think there is another little girl in town has more than you." "Oh, yes." said Ruth. . "Alice has." "What hs she that you have not?' said papa. " , - "Well. I guess she had a ride to Tier grandma's funeral." Exchange. The Serpent's Venom. a puysician wnne tat&ing witn a group of friends remarked: "It is com mon to hear people speak about poi sonous serpents. . Serpents are never poisonous: they are venomous. A poison cannot be taken Internally with out bad effects: a venom can.. Venoms to be effective have to be injected di rectly into the circulation, and this is the 'manner in which the snake kills. Their venom taken internally is In nocuous." . The Weapon He Needed. An excited citizen burst frantically nto the police station. My; life's In danger!" he cried. "I've just received a threatening letter from the JBlack Hand.-and I want a permit to carry a weapon. "All right, sir." replied the captain. "I'll give you a permit to carry a fan that's the weaion you need; some thing that will keep you cool." Chi cago News. An Odd Apology. This is the classic apo:.gy' of a cele brated statesman of thi- last genera tion: "Mr. Speaker, in the heat of de bate! stated that he right honorable gentleman opposite was a dishonest and unprinripled adventurer. . I have now. in a calmer moment, to state that I am sorry for it." , ; . V " The Elevator Man's Joke. Hobbs I guess the elevator Is out of order. What is that sign nn the, door? Dobbs The elevato: man must be' a bit of a wag. It says. 'Please pardon jme for not risuig." Boston "Transcript. Hedging. Clergyman-Will you take this wo man .until death? Prospective Bride groom Isn'tthere any minimum sen tence? New York Press. . ' "' " The envious man pines In plenty, like Tantalus up to the chin in water and yet thirsty T. Adams, v - - . Ail Skli Diseases r- Yield readily to treatmes t with' Dr JBell's Antisentic Jalvor, We guarantee it. 25 i a b x. cld overy where. " 1 Dr. H. Hendrijx DENTIST. :i China Grove every day except Thursday; Thursdays at Kaunap olis. . ' . Mr 18-ly- She was one othdsvgushlng; Yorkshire Men's pingr. ; A orksWre. man and a. Lancashire mast-: were cony eraing... together the other da. .' The . Lancashire . man said to therirlrshtoe man.: 'tWell,- Billdo you .know the best rway to find.a. xork shire man's lost fingers Trr,:- rjNO', says' B1U.. :tv BO111 yonwhat happened at our' place; the other-day.'; - Yorkshire Dan had i two fZ bis fingers cut. uff a .steam ; sa w; and tney got los' among ..thea sa wdust; and two of 'my mates' were jdowu on ;theirhahds, and knees looking for them "when the fore man came np and asked ; what they ! wore nolnc: " flYi. at thorn sM- - . - ' '. " 'We are looking for Dap's fingers.' Oh.: come out of the road.' said the foreman. .'That's not the way. to find a xorkshlre man's fingers. at the same time taking a shilling out of his pocket and throwing it among, the, sawdust. when the two fingers at'.once popped up after It ; . ' rV." : v,, ; - .'. " Therer said the foreman. 'That's the way to' find a Yorkshire man's lost fingers.' '.Pearson's. . : . -Providing For His Quests. . .. "" Two men stopped at the store of a haberdasher ,Jwbo displayed in his' showcase a Job lot of- collars . at - 5 cents apiece. One of them bought two dozen, in sizes ranging from 15 to IVfo. Ills friend politely controlled his sur prise at, discovering that the , broker wore five Cent collars and Inqulredonly about, the elastic neck. The purchaser said: -. ' .ili ""';.-:.;; -", "We live In the suburbs.- Friends' who visit us and . remain . overnight unexpectedly . wantt clean' collars the next morriingr It v depletes" my own stock too far to keep furnishing these I " can't always supply a comfortable size either. Of course the collars nevr er come back. Since I discovered, the Bcheme of five, cent collars I can pick up anybody, take him home with , me and inform uim that he need not bring any luggage, because one of my wife's beneficences Includes 'five cent tooth brushes for the wayfarer." New York Sun. -- - . ; A Martyr to Art "Which tooth?" inquired the man of forceps grimly. "Any one you like," responded the victim calmly, "so long as it's a front one?' -." -' "But" began the astounded dentist. "Hurry up!" thundered the visitor. With bleeding heart - the . operator hitched his forceps on to a bit of ab solutely sound iyry, dragged his pa tient three times around , the room and 1 - 5Hey. presto!" smiled the dentist. "It's out! But will you be so good as to tell tne Why on earth you wanted a -sound tooth extracted?" "By all meanth." responded the pa tient. "You thee, I'm an actor, and 1 have to-take a part where the thpeak er lithpth. At firtbt I couldn't mathter li, but now I'm thure it'll be a thiinply thcreaming thuctheth!" Th Ever" Active Brain. The question. "Does the. brain ever rest?" would seem to be answerable only v in the -negative. - Unconscious cerebration appears to be a necessary concomitant of the powers Of. Intellect, and during sleep, whether we remem ber, it or not. we are always dream ing. . Of course, during waking time we are perpetually - thinking, thinking. thinking not always logically and de liberately. but. all the same, thinking. Dream Is the thought of the sleep time, when reason is out of the game, and the fancy, or Imagination, has the reins, with nothing to hold her back. i"We take many a trip under' her guid ance that we are unable to recall when she has resigned the reins Into the hands of reason. Awake or asleep, we are always busy. The mind never rests. New York American. , The Turkish Soldier's Fatalism. The lethargy of mind which Is the mental habit of the, Turkish soldier the personal expression-of fatalism Is a most valuable quality in its way. for it means that its possessor is always cool and collected, grumbles little and has marvelous endurance! It is alien to all forms of panic. Just as It is alien to a conspicuous-elanir If the Turkish soldier never goes very fast he never goes very slow. Except by . the best trained or most dashing troops he Is bad to beat. London Spectator. He Chose Quickly. "Gerald." she said, facing him with heightened color and. putting her bands behind her. "yoo will have to choose between me andyour old pipe." -C Not an instant did- Gerald hesitate. "The old pipe goes, dear." he said. throwing it away. "I was thinking of buying a new one anyhow.!' Chicago Tribune. j '. , - Look Up. - We dig and toil, we worry and fret, and allthe while close over us bends the infinite wonder and beauty of na ture, saying: "Look up. my child! Feel my smile and be. glad!" G. S. Mer rlam. .-: " V--- Very Different. . Mrs. Bronson My husband is plain spoken. Recalls a spade a snade. Mrs. Woodson So does mine, but I must de cline to repeat what he calls the 'axsn mower. Boston , Globe: " ' , " - - Caustic. - The GIrl-Whafs -your opinion of women who imitate men?. The Man They're idlofs. The Girl Then the imitation ,1s successful. Cleveland Leader. " Peevishness covers with Its dark fog even the most distant horizon. Ricb ter. Succeed when evervthiMf ela fan.. In ; nervous prostration - and female B weaienesses - they . are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY-LIVER AND - STOMACH TROUBLE . It Is the v best medicine' ever snM t over a druggist's counter. - B7- EttauetU and DaAftc rJ,fJ Ezrai said t be f armeVs i'wif eT wteh you wouldnY leio'your elbers on ?-- aiia's: sneerea the farmer . "eettlii fastIderotts.v ainX:you? ;'Mebby4ry6u'U be warnhT'ine next to teepny knife outen tny mouth - an' tellin me,not; to But mv gmuiuw ep4 nts! eibers .x)n;th. table, an' so did my father, an; by heck, I'm goln' to lean oh . It as hrd an as long as I flun please, so therert;t? ; Whereupon' he leaned- hard so. hard that . the - ancient table-: suddenly eol-J lapsea ana 'sprawled out Itsi legs and went dwnwitn a frightful ' crash' of crockery;: ;; "Well, you've gone an' done ltfndwr screamed the old lady. :."That's a pret ty mess, - ain't . It?. Ef you'd had' th sense of a chipmunk you'd have know-!. feason i didnt want you to lean on th' . table: wuz causer th legs wuz rickety. An: I guess a little etiquette wouldn't hurt, you none anyway. Ezra Doblittle. to -say nothln of 'savin' : $2 wuth b family crockery.". - L v; ' And the disgusted farmer stumbled out frOm- the scene of wreckage, and chased a harmless tramp three Jmiles dowu the road . with ; an ax handle. Cleveland Plain Deale?.- " . . - - " ri'5";" HandicappeciC "f ; -v " Englishmen use their bands compara tively little in conversation, but French men nse them, a good.-deaL Quaintly enough, Parisians ' have a very keen: -sense of the exaggerated way "in which tne. southern Frenchman and the Ital ian help on what ' they - have to , say y with- their, hands, and this - accounts ror the following story: : r Ah Italian railway thief was caught redhanded In the train, handcuffed and brought to Paris. As he was walking out of the Gafe de Lyon between two detectives a friend met him. .- - "Hellor.. he said. "Where have you been this long time, and how are you?" The prisoner- looked at him pathet ically and shook his head. - : -. "Whafs the matterr said his friend. Have you been. stricken dumb?.- The prisoner raised his : handcuffed hands. "Very nearly," he said. Lon don M. A.' P. ' " ;'- ; . Room and Board For Single Gentleman "So, Belinda, I hear you and Doc have parted company.. Couldn't you get along?" - .. .- " v "No'um; least I couldn't. D'ye know that low down nigger just ma'led me fo'-my money?" - . . ' "Nor I said. -"Yas'm. He saw alJ them things in my palor, sllber butter dishes and crayon portraits that you and the othe white ladles' gl' me,, and be Just thought he was goln' to set in there -and smoke while I washed and Tned, And I had a', big burial Insurance, too, and he inowed that So I jes' natch ully tu'ned him out." "Yes." I said. But I thought I saw him gojng in your ' back gate -last week. "-.'."; -: ) "Oh, to be sure! He's round," but he's jes boa'din with me now." Ladies' Home Journal. ' Beginning of th Germ Theory. .; Agostino BassL a ' country doctor In the north :of .Italy, early . In the last century, was the starter of the germ theory of disease.' At that' tlme "ape culiar . disease was killing the silk worms. bringing ruin T to the whole silk country of Italy. Bassi, by the micro scope, discovered the germ' which is the cause! of the disease. The germ later was named Botritls bassiaha, Basal believed and stated that human diseases were also caused by germs. Bassi's work was sneered at, and pooh poohed by his fellow men and physi cians, and be failed to make a lasting Impression,' t hereby losing great glory for Italia. New . York Press. V : The. Orkney Islands. "The member from the Orkneys" is the only man. in the British house of commons who can say be sits for 200 islands. ' Only sixty of the islands are inhabited, but the , constituency em braces more than 60,000 people. The Orkneys were ; once;, given . by. Norway to England as security for. a queen's dower and never redeemed.. In the Islands the voters must go to the polls by boats, and In some cases' the distance to be traveled Is eight miles. - I First Aid. ' : ' "Now," said the professor, "suppose you had been , called to see a patient with hysterics some one, for instance. "Who had started laughing and f on nd it impossible to stop what is the first thing you would do?' . . : ' "Amputate his funny bone." prompt ly' replied the new student. Houston Post -'; : :: '.'.: : :'; .:: rr-'--l:. Did Her Best. . ' - :;:-;: ''We're always careful about these contiguous diseases," said Mrs. Lap aUngK "When Johnny had got well of the measles we- bonght' some' sulphur candles and disconcerted the house from top to bottom. Chicago Tribune. An Advantage. "So ypu prefer servants who speak English imperfectly?" " rT? ,' "Yes," replied' the housewife.;. "If I don't understand what they say . I am not obliged to dismiss them so fre quently." Exchange. 1 ; i ' - v Suspicion." - Once : give - your !jnind to suspicion and there Is sure to be food enough for It. In the stillest night the air Is filled with sounds for the.. wakeful ear that is resolved to listen. - .: ,:sv The Common Complaint. 7 - " Probably this " expression Is used oftener by people than any other: "Ev erything is blamed on me." Atchison Olobe. - .. ':: ; ';XSV-' '. KILL THE COUCH: AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH AK3 ALL THROAT AND LCXG TROUBLES. GUAHANTEJ2D SAXISFACTOUTi OZt ZXOKZiY JSSSnauasSo. REFOro CHUBCHESRev Mil- . sides In Cen trai: America; airowh wren ' nt"n : f u nntturtTnn ta Itm sn- , parent needa - it selects a smaii tree ,l with horizontal branches growing close ; together. ; A crossJwo of the branches J Tit. lays sricksT "fastened .together -with tpngh fiber until a .platform about six feet long by two feet wide has been constructed'; "On the end of this plat--f orm nearest, the-tree trunk It. then h builds a: huge dome shaped nest a foot or. so. high; with thick sides." of .uiter woven thorns;'' A' covered passageway ;is 'then made from the rest to the end of the platform In! ascrooked'a man -ner as possible. Across, the -outer, end . as. well as at short Intervals aiong the .Inside of this tunnel are placed enn :nlng little: fences of "thorns with just "space : enough for the owners to ; pass through. On going out this Opening is closed by t he owner-by placing thorns across the gateway and thus the safe ty of the" eggs': or young Is assured. Harper's ;. Week ly, C -v-yX-., . 'X : ' . .. .; , ' ' - Rndlftat'MsrirTWa ; On? evenjug.a few years ago Brander Matt hews a nd .Francis Wllsbn were dining toget herat the Players club'of New ;York. when the former made the suggestion that they write a letter to MarterTwaln! "But." objected Mr. Wil- r sbn. "we don'i know where r he is.- for it - was 'at ' a. .time w hen Mr. Clemens was a way xra ve ling somewhere.' "Oh," said Professor -f M att hews, "that , does not make-any difference. It is sure to find him. VI think be Is some, place In .Europe,, so we had better vput ' on a five cent stamp." ' So the two sat down and composed a letter, which they'ad- dressed toj'Mark Twain. God Knows Where," r' -. ;- ' - . v V :'-:iL Within three " weeks they received a reply from Mr. Clemens which ; said briefly. 'He did." The letter had been sent by ' the New York postofiice to Harper '& ; Bros., thence to Chatto & Wlndus of London. thene to a", bank In Vienna and from the bank to the small town" In Austria In which Mark Twain happened to be staying. Book man. - .. r j " . X'':i'' - He Got Badly Left. i Experiences of a correspondent of a vNuremberg paper go to- shew that .the German adulteration laws are drastic. He says: "A French friencH sent me four bottle of burgundy. After pay ing the duty, i -was informed that all wine coming from . abroad has to be analyzed. As ; my consignment Includ ed two kinds of wine a double analysis was necessary, and for' this I 'paid a fee of $9.24: As the end of a week I received first a certificate attesting that ' my Wine was pure and, second, the case' In which the bottles were sent. I was also Informed that two bottles had been required to form the basis of each .analysis and that . consequently there Was no wine left. I am natural ly grateful to the state for the precau tions taken to guard my health, but 1 cannot help thinking I am entitled to the empty bottles. Surely these were not also analyzed." v Got His keceipi y- ' He had. run np a small' bill at the village store' and went to ,pay it. first -asking - for ,.a recelpt.' The proprietor grumbled' and . complained, 'it wastod, small to give a receipt for. It would do : just as well; he said, to cross . the account Noff and so drew a diagonal pencil line across the book. "Does that settle, it V asked the cus tomer. -. ' "Sure." ; : ; ' . ' - : . '. '.' An ye'H nlver be askln' for It ag'inr' "Certainly not." ; fFalth, thin," said the other coolie, "an I'll kape me money in me pocket." "Bnt I can rub that out." said the storekeeper. ; -; ;, -, -' "I- thought so," said - the customer dryly. -."Maybe ye'H be givin me a re ceipt nowj Here's yer-money." -' One of ths Natives. ' A. gentleman was onCe showing a countryman round a zoo. when they came to a cage containing a kanga roo .. "What is that?" inquired the coun tryman.v . :. ' "Oh." replied the gentleman, "that is a native of Australia!" ; . 1; - . Immediately the countryman ' threw up hialjarms in horror, exclaimlngH "Goodness gracious. 'my sister married one of. them !" London Telegraph. v Training For a Crash. "That man is always anxious to get into the spot light," said the observant citizen... "Yes." replied Senator Sorghum, "but he doesn't discriminate: One of - these days he's going to stand In front of a locomotive headlight ' and not realize his mistake till he is run over." Wash ington Star. . ' . ' v -. ' " ' " -' ' .-t Labouchere's Sarcasm. . .. Of Gladstone Henry 1 Laboncbere once remarked. "I do notjQbject to Mr. Gladstone' occasionally. havlng an ace up his sleeve, bnt J -do wish be would not always say that Providence pat It there." ;y '.-:;f -- Father, Knows. She Did -you say anything to papa about your being too young? , He Yes. But be said when I once 'began to pay your bills I should age rapidly enough.' New York Journal.' . . - . - , ' Knew What His Few Days Meant. - Quackly By the - bye, have you got $10 about you that youijdon't need for a few days? ; Sma'ckly 1 have." but 1 might need It some time. Exchange.. - -. Want of care does us more damage ban. want of knowledge. Franklin.' 1 Succeed when, everything else fails. In. nervous prostration and : female weaknesses they are i the . supreme' remedy, s thousands have testified." FOR KIDNCYjLrVCR AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the .best medicine ever sold ' : :' : over a droggist'a counter. - ' - CHURCtf OIRECtOaY Reformed CHUBCHESRevi- Mil Sacdaj' sohooi - every; Sntydkj. at IjJPreschiug service every 1st and Sf d ;Sundaysatl.m.i'-v Jnnior.cateQhetical aiidjmiieidn aryjBaryioearjr 5aturdayjafter octmi at is80 -p. -m. -4, 'r:?&. -i - , t : -- , - '. ; St Paul's Reformed JJhdfch SaDday . ' ichool ej&ry ii ay at 9:30; a, ...no.:.';;: - :f '"X-v - Preachine' services . "every 2nd and 4th Suodays at 1 1 armf ; , . China f Grove, Seryioes ied in rthe Town Hall : ? Sunday scliool evry S anday at 8 " py m::.-:-':-- Prescniug seryioeevf?ry lt; a hd- 3rd and - 4th Sdnday nights t - Landis:, Preaching service 2ad SandSyi uighfealK)ganath sou day at 4; so p.-m. China Grovb CracuiT v MT E Church, South, h RevJ?;J; ;:;' J . JEads, pastor in charge.-';;, " S vlstSrStinday t Xia si'm 'U China Grove . i 8 p. m , -Harris Chapel 7:30 p.;m:v Laifdijs. . v-: v2nd - Monday," 1 1 a m hina Grove, r 7 :30 p. in China Grove. 3rd " Sunday,' IT a. - m.", Harris Chapel 4 p. m .. Laudis : 7 :80 China G rc ve. v.-' '.- - 4th ': Sunday, 11 a m, China Grove,' 7 :80 p m China Grove.'; ': St, Mark's Lutheran Church : Sanday scbooh9':45 a. vtu' Mprm ing worship 11 a . m. E vening worship 7 :80. . ;-' Xf;-a - St. Mark's ; Sunday school 9 :45 Sunday" morning.''-- Service San day evening at 6 tSCX. : " t - Lutheran Chapel., Be v. C. A. Bmwn, pastor, '5-.': - .-;!:V - Preaching every 2nd- and ' 4th Sunday at 11 A.- M - Snuday school wuy Sunday at 9 :45 A.M. ;. ;-. - - Cbntbr - Grovb. Bev, C. A? Brown, pastor.'; ; ; -. ' " ' Preaching -every iBt and .3rd Sundays at 11 A. M. -T; -., "Baptist Chdrch. Bevt' Ivey, pastor. Services oh lst. ; Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m,, 3rd Sunday at 11 o clock a. m. - -v.- FREEDOM. Here In the forest now-, ." -- u , - As on that old July. . . - k When first our. fathers took- the. vow, The bluebird, . Etamed with earth and slTr Bhouts from a blowing- wmgrx ' i In green Aerial freedom, wild and hlsK And now. &a then, the bobolink -Out on the "Uncertain brtok , ; V V ' 'Of the swaying: maple swlnss. ' ' .. ixMBing his song, out link by golden link. While over the ; wood his. proclamation . rings. - : -1 v-,- -:U. A daring boast that would unklngdom . kings! ' j .' ; . Even so the wild birds sang' on bough and - wall ' " - . . That day the bell of Independence hall ' Thundered upon the world the word of ' man, -' - . . ;..: The word God uttered when" the world be- gaji . . ' . .. .. That day. when liberty began to "be And mighty hopes were 'out on land and eea. . . . - But Freedom calls her conscripts now, mm then; . .- .;- ' It le an endless battle to be free.' As the- old dangers lessen Xrom the skies Kew dangers rise. -- .' - - . - Down the long centuries' eternally ? Again, again, will rise Thermopylae; Again, again,, a new Leonldas -Must hold for God the imperiled pass. ' ; As the long ages run " . - - . New Lexington will rise' on Lexington L And many a valorous. Warren rail .-' Uponthe Imperiled walL' ' " . "" . Man Is the conscript of an endless quest, A long divine adventure without rest. -A holy war, a battle yet unwon - ' "-When- he shall climb beyond 'the burnt -..-; - out: sun. . -'s . ' .,,;;.--" . -, Each hard earned freedom -withers' t a Freedom forever la beyond beyond! , -" Edwin Markham In Independent. I use this method to inform the public that I am now aple to do all kinds of commercial card,-tag. and figure and rule Mv plant Js well equipped for doing good, neat printing, and I solicit your patronage.- . China Grove, N. O. : - Just The Thi flllflli Lookinp; - A grain drill that is easy to set and .a drill that will , drill the quantity you set it to drill. If yoii hav your drill set Ip drill a bushel of wheat it i& read peas or any bthei small; in e New Empire is the only drill made that will do this, not to set i to drill any quantity of Dornot' be misled but buy a New. - We -have another article you can not aljord to he without v" z j if you have cows, jtis' a Sharpies Tubular Cream Seperator.' ? ; l ine on iv isuspeuuea luouiar- 00 wi separator iaue, 1111s , in Isures the easiest jiinniue, the cleanest skimming and i the ! most durable separator made;; - . -ion can ges.cne aooye articles ana line from asewing machine needle to. books, from the ;. - t. v iVf -' "f : '; : Jxi Uitti fthSXitt m Price ef Ow ITCTiOUNAlATOHMAH aiid Thk RowAR;BECOBbare the name of ;thel.two' editions of our sem " weekly Vnewsp per. , ; B' th "papers' arftpriniedt5:ho VHitchTnan : office and, so farai tb'e':news is c;opcernedj'".they arln iseued at a" semi-weekly. 'One .paper givn, the news from "Friday to Tnet day and tie" other. givitg it from Tbe8- dayto Friday. V They fi-re entirely; d iff ern tV-veicb; gi vi hg a? ): lie w s o f i of in tere st up to the hour of g it g to press, but no more. - The ia vantage in this Arrangement tf' the reader ls jut the . same.as a itv ; aemi-weeklywhen compared wV h : a weekly; The qpantity aud qVal ity of pews is greater , and betie is f orDlBhed oftener and freh. and it;is rprepared especially f.r our readers. This jatte'r item in 6f considerable importance to those who wish accurate aud rejt able inforiaatiotiu Tbe disadvan tsge in taking .'. only one of thf-p? papers lies i a the fact that -tin: reader 'will get wily about ha I f of the nevrs and very often t he very piece of news which he is in terested in and wants to see will be found'in the paper he does n t take;;"''.-; v -.." -- ; '. ' The man who takes a semi-week, ly. and gets oply one copy ai.d misses one i becomes dissatisfied, he knows he is missing somethh g : and generally finds time to kick; Knowing - this to be true, and, knowing that, he who does not "ta k e both copies (of ourV semi-weekly, The Cabo'lina Watchman and The . Rowan - Ricobd, " will find himself in the same condition w therefore urge all who can to thk both' papers.' The price is only $1 00 ner year and thesnbscriberN will. get more iiews than, can ' o secured elsewhere for the samo moueyJ- - - ::. , ' . ' TThis combination arrangem' t of Th; Watchman and Record r as made for , the . pnrp f of ac commodating, those who- want.' a semi-weekly. . ; Any one, tryiiig -these papers as ipdicated will find that they : secure ..all the new s fresher and in a, more readable ; form than can be gotten eKsewh ro fc'r the same money." . ! , . f:;;Call and get free' sample copie.s. ; & f 5 it - rit orjfsa Istie Who has triedDr. Bell's Pine- Tar-Honey for ccugns, colds, giip , r any throat or bronchial ,rcubl. Ctft a bottle to-day ; ; Look for the bell on the 1 ottle. , Will buy, standing, on the stump, these large old White : Oslk trees of yours. r ; - Call ani et prices J GR VENEKR j Q - -China Grove, N. Cr ; , all Y0URJLATCA Lys J Will , pay 5 cents per pound for fat calves (during April and May. : I I have for ssle, a 6 year .old mule guaranteed to work Cany where A bargain at $20000 H. J- Eddleman . China Grove, N d : tig You Have ... .. . a wheel to take o1ff or(pijt o'rf grain one to four.-husholsl Empire- and be in the lead. The disc separators are back auysuiog eisejin ins- aBraware a steam engine, ereo ; to school'' Gray RDeepfraoe WANTED 1 - '-C- - -a i f . V-r 1 --s?-" - r V4