j v S S iA' . : , -el : if ' VOL; 3. A " 7 - V, ; CHINAtGROVE, N. C, 1JANUARY 5TH, 1912. - X : " ' , Z : : i ' : z u - i ' - ' NO. 61 .A - r', : ' ': 'S I-IS' 2 J , - . .. " ! - -i r t'"-. u ; 'S7 a -srl I v 1 K V 7k vv - I VS Vi;: (Tl lr-- lmlM WMfKir cLb : ftLb; VF '-1 dL 5 v" -4: LOCAL MEWS UATFERS. v Short Items Concerning our People tod Jht Doings. ' - ' Miss Bona Ch.VPropstof near Union E- L; Cb arch; u - ipending - a week or more with Rev, C' A. " Brown ahd (ffamity daring ; the holiday seaiosr. , , ' Mr. and Mrs. P, O. Carpenter of Newton, were the goetti of Mrs. F. E. Gorriher Wednes day and Thursday.? Mrs. K Car piuter was on her .way to Florida toTisitrelatiyes.fi:;'i . , . T Miss Eadora Bost, of near 'Rockwell, has been visiting friends hera this week. She has a vacation of several months which she is spending "with her mother, Mrs. ErleoBost.-- Mr. and .Qlri, . M. D. Jame9 left Sauday for; their home in Chester, S. C. l f '-LL1" '- " Will.. Holshou3jr returns to his work at Greeasboco to-mor-low afrer sp'uding the holiday -with his parents, Mr. and; Mr. j ' L. Holshoaier Miss. , Lailine Graham - spent 1 Monday and Mocday night, in . Kaunapohs visiting friends, -R. ,VW; Gray was in Salisbary on business yestei da. Mr. and. Mrs, H M; Hnndrx Went down to Concord yesterday morning for a short trip, l i Misi Jalia Koon, who has beet. Yisiting her father in .Texas, ro .turned yesterday. Mis Dora Bostian and-Mias Mary Siff srd went to Salisbury yesterday ,to ytiit relatives . . ' The. many friends of Rev. D. I. Off man will regret to learn that he is qaite ill with pneumonia. They all hopa for his early res toration to health w -We learn he ia improving some. ' Mrs.; D. D, Alexander, who hag been ill fora week or more, is now much better. The old Sechler houses resently mc ved iack- are now being re psure& for use. v pawaicctWatkins. of Salisbury , yisited his mother here yesterday. Albert Miller was a visitor her yesterday. . v j ,r. n a :. ited j. jr. Ji,nra ana -lamiiy iait Thursday. ' ' s ' ' Mi NannpfciA Rftmaanr. who ..... u. u h.ra . during the holidays, left Tuesday to resume her studies at the State Normal and Industrial College, Greensboro. Aliases Edna Brown. Christine Miiior Ad PtirAftit hv Wtnn.4(AHt" pifl.nt tn r- ... . nma thair rintiaa in M inf. . a . Mike Ramsaur returned to the State Uuivereity at" Chapel Hill, Wednesday morning to resume Jiis studies. Mr. Ramsaur exoects to eradnate this vear. T. f TTrtlahnnaor nrhrt rt(on fc ' ly resigned as .policeman, has been re-appointed and accepted.! He is now holding down the job is heretofore Capt. J. W. Ocok is- wearing Vhe smile that won't cme off The stork visited his dwelling Sunday night, and left a fiue boy as a new year's gift. Miss Brietz . Thorns left this mornicg for Oakland, Mias,, to resume her duties as instructor in voice culture, -Mrs. A. W. Hal man, of St. Matthews, S.C, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. Biser, returned home yesterday evening. Miss Effie Moose spent yester day with Mr . and Mrs.. F . W. Bost.:- MrsV Sopha Graham, mother of Mrs: "A M. Hanna, is quite ill nowMrs Graham is a most esti- maoje womau auu uao .many friends who '..wish her an early re-covery.-"-:- v - - ' Calvin Sloop and sister,' Miss M ary Sloop, '. visitsd their sister, Mrs; J, vF. MoGraw. in Moores Tille',' on New Year'a day. Misses Omar "Cluttx and Grace Coggms, of Salisbury visited here Monday. They left Salisbury at 8 p. m,, and baring secured I walking permits, reached here, by 5 p. m. - They returned on No 12, having 'had- a., very, pleasant trip. . - - .v. C A Safnt and A O .Wilhelm, who are now fn Florida, very kindly remembered their pastor, Rv 0 A sBrown and family by sending ; orate of the finest quality of oranges to them for Christmas. ' . f - ' Miss Mary Bostian- entertained -a number of . her . friends last Thursday.'- Among those present were Misses Lala Brown, Edna Brown, Ruth .Brown,' Rosa . G. Propst, Elmer Riokard and Mas ter Herman Brown. V ' On Thursday !: evening of la9t week Mieies Lala and Edna Br. wa served tea to a few of their friends after w hich tkey were en (ained with musio, etc. W H Humber, of Lee county, e here yisiting his son-in-law, E EGray. . JL Shullenberger, of Land is, was . in Salisbury a short while yeBterday. - Deputy Sheriff Mike Kimball was in Salisbury yesterday. "A"Van Pelt was a Salisbury visitor yesterday. Wednesday ie was in Greensboro. Miss Maggie Parks,! daughter of W 1 C Parks,; went down to Charlotte yesterday after visiting borne folks for a week or more, Paul M Shullenberger and Frank Cress returned to Catawba College Tuesday after visiting relatives here during the holidays. J M Eddleman, who has been kept in his room for several days, is now able to be out. Mrs M J Freeman, of Julian, N C, accompanied by Mrs 0 C Teague, of Gr&ensbore,-N OiJar rived here on Thursday to Srisit Mrs Freeman's sister, Mrs D I Offman. Miss Grade Felksr EntettafBS. Little Miss Gracie .Felker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. VY. Jtf elKer, nad a very pleasant jNew xear s pany Oiolook to 40. There were twentv Dresent. They first . ... w Dlayed games, then marched I a xl 1 J 1 3 1QU) IQ Daiior aua uau mviBic. xne cmiaren sang three or four songs, then they marched into the dinning room to eat. The room was nicely decorated, on the table were caRes, candies, nuts, I raisins, oranges ana oiaer i . . . j xi delicacies were served. I - Kh rftn.ftivprl manv nrftsents I - y tr ana cerramiy um eujuy to be a Very pleasant hostess, and enjoyed the time spent- with the children. Ihey all seemea to enjoy me party very mucn. I IDInn Ph Ullns Uiilar CntaHainn ' " .".. Jmisb unrutme miner, aaugnier of Ifilijan Miller, gave a very Dieasaut social function and sumptuous New Year s. dinner Monday to a number of her friends and acpuamtances. All who were so fortunate as to be present are unanimous in their praise of the occasion , and the charming hospitality of their hoBtess. Among those present were tne iouowing: Muses Browne Ritchie, Ruth Thorn, Anna Rose, Mary Rose, Zeha Cornher .arid Edna Brown, of China Grove, and Mi ses Mary Harris, Lottie Harris, Lizzie Baker and Hope Baker, neighbors MessersPayaet Goode, Johnson, ot Spencer, Locke McKenzie, Will Summereett and Burt Arey,1 of Salisbury, Mike Ramsaur aud Bacil Bostian of China Grovo, Dr o. Edwards and Mr. Liske l o Landis, Sam and Frank Baker, neighbors . y " "Precedent s the moss-grown rock over whiob progress stumbles in its onward course,' Healtho- logist, v WANT THE SEMINARY.' Chfna 8ro?e People are Wide Xwake' and V - 'tifakingw Erforrfortrr4 The enterprise and pro gressiveness of the people pf ; China Grove is second to no - ni-'-'j.a : town in .the " State, andj be- .Mra. W-?? 2wf lieving China Grove to be the late eun???t P J?, most logical' place in thisi0? ch?rc,n51OT?02d' section of the State ao, re,w builds the Mont , Amoena Seminary, every reasonable effort to that v end js being made. " ' There was a mass meeting of the citizens of China Grove and vicinity Wednesday night for the purpose of dis-" cussing the ways and ; means for securing and ' building a suitable seminary for -the North Carolina Lutheran Synod for this section of the State . A number of - promi nent citizens were present an organization was gone in to. Rev. W. H. Riser was made . president and i. ;M Thompson, aecretary. r A committee of five was ap pointed to solicit subscrip tions and report to a later meeting. Among the con-j tributions so far offered are three' different sites consists ing of ten acres each. - Another rreeting wag held yesterday morning which was well attended . Chris'mas Exercise at Lutheran E. L. Cborcb, Pastor Receiies Purse. The children and choir of Lutheran Chapel -E. L. Church, China Grove, N. C, rendered the Christmas service "Yuletide Greetings" on Christmas day at 2 o'clock in the afternoon to a very large and appreciative audi- ence, , the large spacious church being filled to its ut- most capacity The children acquited themselves admirably in the rendering of the recitations' and exercises. Ihe music i was of -a-lMgh' order; r and -iuf the rendering of the same the j i . . j, i i j large jauaience was ueiu spellbound to the. end ot the service. The offering for the orphans in the orphan home at Salem, Va., amounted to $12.50. There were 284 treats con sisting of a libelal quantity of candy, oranges, and ap pies delivered to the Sunday school. As is the custom of the Lutheran Chapel people on these anniversary occasions, they did not forget their pastor. Besides the regular Sunday school treat, they presented him a handsome sum of money as a Christmas gift. Not being satisfied with what they had already done in the way of a cash present, on Wednesday following, up wards of fifty of the members of the congregation called at the parsonage a short while before noon and spread a most sumptous repast, and every one present ate to their heart's, content and yet much remained to be taken up. After the sumptuous meal, when we thought all was over, they began giving us a regular old fashion pounding with potatoes, corn, canned fruit, sugar, coffee, postum, rice, sausage, steak, baking powder, fresh meat, etc . Constantly, since the season of hog killing came in we have been supplied with sausage and fresh meat. For all these tangible tokens of appreciation we are truly grateiui. i ney en a - j n - mi . r courage us ana. unite more closely the pleasant relation and friendship that exists be tween pastor ahd:people, " May the Lord abundantly bless these dear good people; and our labors among thpm C. A. B. Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans, 4 Fighting Bob', to an admiring nation, died suddenly Wednesday late at his home in Washington city. ;1 Acute indigestion ended the career of one of tte most popular officers in the navy, He las ill less than two hours . . .ut"ui about eight weBks, -died Tuesday! , nightand .Jthe funeral over her remains .was held yesterday vrorhing: at 1Q o'clock. 1 She was an" aunt of F. W. Boet of this place. r ' Geo. A " Casper,? av wellto- do farmer of Rowan j county, Idied at his homS in Pxoyi- Mence township at, 7 o'clock Wednesday unight after-an illr ess ' bt about ?!a - month. The deceased leaves 'a wrife and eight child reu. .He-.was a brother of J Mji Casper of Salisbury.- . The funeral! service tooK placejlroin. Saintj explosives in Saisbnry. : MatthewJsuUlmrcM:T of and the burial iWflUhe in the tr hceednesdayigt, church ceraeteirMW ; V6W UeDde?Pe purpose i of the meeting wasto J. D, McCpmbsfRoc ohiid'er the establishment of a well, fathernlaj? rot J.. large femalei college in this Uy. HolshouserueIon4 flie iheransinndnouiid a morning, January tlstv: from r.. , . - . - ... the effects of consumption! cl and hope to, make ,it one He was 64 yearslO months ne male collBges he and 2 days old; The funeral state. To do this they are look was held at . thf Keformed iug for a good location. Salie church, Tuesday ' morning, bury is cons idered bV. many an Revs. J. L. Yearik and B. ideal location for such . a , school, Heller ofilciatingVfthe ihter-j and this city is makine some ment being in the cemetery MeesrsrWill, Joelandmub bard 4 McCombsC-and two shouser' of thisjlplace, and eighteen grand cUldren; Mr. McCombs WasS ;- splendid citizen and his passing: is a source of7' much; Regret to 'a.1 large circl'eof On Sunday, December, 24, 1911, about jtwo o'clock, Sloan A. Overcash and Miss Ocie D Shullenbarrier, in company with a few friends, drove to Mt. Moriah parson age and were united in mar- riage by their pastor, Rev. ..." - , - ' - - - L. 1. Uiiman. Mr. uver-t btanie tiinn auu otners. A com cash is the son of James mittee was appointed to raise a Overcash and is a young man of Sterling worth, whilst the I Shullenbarrier, a nd is a ypung lady of many accom plishmects. We wish them much joy and a life of pros perity. r On December 21, 1911, at the home of -the bride's pastor's for the past few days. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. George Shuping and family Ross, of Landis, N. ,C, WiK -,aitaA rnALL QOT p;,K liam C Correli and Miss l!e,d Iroodm Riah' Cora Ross were, we; trust; fie,d la8t Saturday and Sunday, happily married. Miss Mary Ellen, Jay and Ne.iie Sifford Ross with Lester Turn9r, visited at Eli D. A. Sifford's last Miss Cettie Freeze .with! Ross Thursday. Daugherty were the wafters. n , , , .. . : -rru h.QmnniT tttoo rcr-frA d. U. Hag is and family visited by Rev. D. I. Offman, in the presence of a select number of friends A sumptuous dinner was served un tne next aay caBtor viglted at Radlft Castor's Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Corre lasV Sunday nlght. parents of the groom served :, - J a dinnerr in honor of the Harvey Sifford visited at Kan event, to thirty guests at napolia hst Friday and Saturday. IUC11 LlUXllO UCW UOUU1B. v V. - 1-k y-k mm o tinnii I nniia ' 'I , . The ' marriage of Mips Jennie. Sechler,. daughter of f !! ata' H;nrH Spnhloi anH I tV a vJr- ' w R AN Turner, a- nrominent itiTPTi nf (Dhina firnw. rnnlr nlflA at the iWrflonaffVnf Mt.. Zion Reformed Church Sun day ; evening. Rev. M. M. Noaeker omciating. v 1 hese good peopie have a large circle of friends who wish them much joy and success in their new relations. J Miss Sadie i Williamson; of Greensboro, : and Wheeler Whitlock. of Salisbury, were married at the home of the pride's parents in Greensboro, Wednesday, evening at 8:30 y i iwiifti vuij a ion iiicuuc and relatives were present to witness the ceremony,- which was utjnui HJcu uy rev, meis ton Clark, pastor of the First? I Presbyterian ; church. . The SALISBURY NEWS ITEUS. Things of laterest 6alaared for cnr Ens? 'Record Readers Bev. Wm ' - Hill Hardin, who has recently been appointed Arch deacon of .- the Convocation of Charlotte; in the ? place of ' Bev Edwin' A i Oibome, arrived in the city today. - : , v v. " v. j'-The city aldermen ;, held-T their regular - semi-montbly O meeting Tuesday night, Mayor -F. M Tbompaoo, presidiDg. rt f ha ' fol lowing - businessy of . importance waa transacted : Dr.- M. Raz- -rtnointA milt meal ininanlnr -fi.r tVia rtitw V" FJ Raglaad was ftlio appointed milk - . . JT . rn -vrrr - r Q?uni h7-ihi oonty comms- ners. . The license tax , for handjing fire crackers; raised fni $25 to $500 which will piac- ticahy prohibit the sale of these offe - s which will doubtless bring natter will not be . decided ustil the N,rth Carolina Lutheran January 16 The following men bbly endorsed the;movemfint in shorty enthusiastic addreases . At the , mass meeting ivWedneiday night and ' promised 'to do all' in their, power to further the cause: Dr.M t M. Kinard, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church,: W. B. rathan; chairman 6T thirfe'Bf ing, Rev. O A. G. Thomas, pas tor of the First Baptist r church, A. L. Smoot, ex-roiayor of Salis bury, Dr. Byron Clark, pastor! of the First Preibyteriaa church, T. j. Jerome, John S. Henderson, Etq., Rev. J. W Moore, paster of the First Methodist church, O. W. Spencer, Judge B. B. Miller, subscription fund and select the site for the college and report to synod when it mets at China Grove. PARKS' ACADEMY. Jan. 4 1 Fannie, Maggie, Ulidys and John , Frick, of Salii- b"y, have been visiting at A. A. M"' EUen Siff:)rd 8 last Fn; day and Baturday. Luia Castor, daughter of JameB TU- or- Ma nanrrra. i u. a . vt a. d v wa go Awauiau visited at Jjhn Shunina's last Friday night. - George Sifford, who has been w 8 ' r wu J forking ft High; Point, spent last week with his father,, Eli D A Siff rd.- . Johu Park, is wearing all kinds of smiles . It's a boy, arrived December 27tb. : ' Edgar Ritchie a d Miss Beulah Ho'shouser were married Decem ber 24th, at the home of the Dr,ae' tt8T- r" nsner, oi Faith, officiating. - All wish ti.em a long and happy life., W. A. Basiuger; of Salisbury, TjBUed , a( A. Am Castor's last 1 couple left foKew :Y6rk on f luwr unuai inu. wxir. auu Mrs. Whitlosk will reside. in Salisbury after their return.' - ROWANUCADEMr. - Dec. 30. About,. f everybody around' in this section enjoyed Christmas . aB . they didn't mind he'mndi-, There'was quite a Wt. of" vislt- ing in this-Jiftighborhood; durin. the holidays. .vl will name a few' of ttem,k; Mr nd r Mrs, John Frick ahd family - visited at ; G F Frick s Sunday n:ght. snd Monday. ; Mr and Mrs E' L Peeler, Mite Eula Peeler and two sisters, An nie Lee acd Sadie, visited! at L A Peeler's last Tuesday night - Mr.aadMrs G F Frick, -Dar id Lyer 1 y and ? John Wallf r visited at M F' Cauble'a last ' Sundat ' Also Luther Cauble; and family Geo Brown and family; CharliV Walton' and family and flvev Lyfcrjey, of Granite Quarry,-. vis ited at. MF Caublrs;last Sundap night and Monday; alsoi'John O. Cauble and family. The nighi and day was greatly enj ?yed b v all'- ; -7-- ' ' ., ' Mr and Mrs Benjamin , Ellei and little daughter, Ruth visitsd. at O LVFricks last Sunday ". n igh and Monday, , ;.S.- Carrie and Pearle Uauble visit ed their friends, Missss Cora and Beulah'Lyeriy, of Granite Qaarr'y last Thursday ' night. ' They re port having had a vfry nice time ,i - . . ' ; " ... ' The school at Riwan Aci demy Lwhich is being eucceastully taniht- by Misses Eltha Lingle and- Vida Trexl er - C will begin - Monday January 1... . ' '" - ' - ' : ' " ; " ' Rev 1 A iPeeler p eac h ed j'a vepy intreVtihg sermon ia? Stl "Luke'f Ref or med..;c ho rc h. las t VV ed n 3s day nlghtS yL: : ''-L-S . -The Christmas ".flXMcisaa; whtch took place aV S j Luke's Reformed church ou last Monday. -Dt-cem ber 25t"h,twas of mnchntfereat 2 ' -Bn rtie 8 P ee ler, d e pot g en t ' s t AI beuijrle, is visiting home folks F'L-Aj-frirgaTOrtjigiareirtei his relatives on Christmas day. MiiEes Lou,.Wyatt and Flora Goodman were welcpm. y s.tors at M F Ciuble's last Wednesday. P L Aguer hai-tha misfortune to lose a cow lasiMpnday night . Oneda. Weluesday and Thursday. Dllis Norman cf High Point haa been visiting at Eh D. A. Sifford's for the past week.. Curtis Boaver and family visit ed st Wesley Bime'g, near Ehe- neezr church, last Saturday and Sunday. V ' . Daniel Jackon wbc purchased a tract of land from Robert Josey, has ben clearing some on it. As ho went to work one aoornii-g be noticed jhe big end ot a pinn leg pealed a little aud looking av it saw that snm one had written c u it with a lead penbi) the following j-. i.rv i - - - woras: "un move mis i g un til you see further. A - are se me." Th log was cut near the line of the estate tf JMilo Brcwu. Mr. Jackson woald be pleased to know who me is, : Ou bonday evening, at 8 o'ebek, Dtjiembr 2i,h, Mia Maggie Deal and Le -Ovfrcah .... . ... . - were marria at tne uomn or t he brde's parent-, Mr at d Mrs Ed mend Deal? Rmv T L Nobles , pas tor of th R)ck Grove, M E church, officiating. . L, a short bile a beauti.fuKwedding supper was set and a grand time was en- yed. Uu M onday the happy young couple drove to the horns of the groom's parents, Mr and Mrs M A Overcasbj where a bau tiful infir dint er was givsii luey win make their home with M A Overcash". They are splen ata youcR enpie and have tt.f D'jgt wisues ot a large circle of friends. ; : '. Hapi y. "FubUc .health is the feu dal! u on which reposes the ha p- piMss of a people and the power r,t o :nnr Tt. x-i Ki a, wuunu usibu; uau, tne nrst Iduty of aliatbnl'LVrd Bbioc'nV7ft? field; .25,000 tXTA YOTES. CQStasttsts Look M YQOUtirah Tiai- , ; - ? Is Saning SliorT, t - ' -he biggest honus' offer nf "the cutest is offered 1 to the coites '-- tauts this week who wih to fnit: little extra effort. ' This offwris good ?ne for those in the lead, for those who wish to get iu the , lead, or for those "who have tbt least number of votes.' This offer v is 25 00J extra votes for . eyry $20.00 brought ir r vauHscri po ¬ tions 'to The WatchmaSv and , Uecjbj). " This- msans' with Jhe regular vote given, 45,000 voos -ior aoh $20 00 paid ot subscript -y.-:a tious,- Hera is the shanfie-ofj-.the-; contest, an offer that -ought to, be 2:' taken advantage of., and new 'ia-s the time to GET BUSY. - . I .; - Contests of this kind often;, d- w velop - nme.' peculiarities. One has jwat closed iuStatesville that' " was one cf the biggest events thit ' v? ias taken place there for - som9 f. ,- time; 'Numbers of the Very besl vV r you'Vg ladies of the place entored:- adf a man passed through tbaaV ' ' town, day or aight. he. was seen ' by several of th-m, aud he . sub; V scnled. fH3 had it to do. They ! made it so warm for him that heH was glad lo g t off by . subscrib- ; -i n g rTh is 5 is mentioned merely , S: to give those who seem' a-; little 1 bac k ward au id)aof how so tne ' ' . . seek success. .. . . J S.- - yy;- , There is nq.;,one;.so far ahead .; nor has any one so eli J workf d t the 9 mni unity .that the one with theleast number of votes canoot start nowaxd win. - Numbers of subscribers have ooms in the f fice and paid up,' having ; mt noj ' i'fce while in town who won Id v sVi for their subscription.-.-. "Should a ; v person put in the time from 110 , fill the close of the contest ithot- . aughly canvassing th. town and . ;; rn rar routes, they could, net . fail to win the first prize . and . would etrit for an xpen'dlture of '1 Jmi than one tf nth jof its value ) If V thhre'ss a pe-sou io. the town?ol' " C3uuty wanting a real high' grada piano for a ; song, , a ,very -little ,'v sng at that, now'is they chinca of a life time to eet it. : n ' ThisspecUf 5l0Cd..tKQQt: effer ' ' iy'; for every $0 00 fiaid en subasrip- 'X-L''S----:': .tirii'cIot;es:t-:2'"'ftt;?.JaiB.uir 9thi fyL-'-'L S'S : L ;.TfiiestattlWif heretofore..-; All have., put 4tt,' v auite a number Cf votea; but' there has been u- Jhange in tneit relatiTe'poeitiors.t ,; :Vt V Xl 'S Lis! of Contesiiits ; ; -; 7. SAIJtBOBT. ' : tS;M do Margerita .Harris '.S.y:'''Y' r do Jessse ' Proctor,wvr;i ' SkL do Pearle Wiley L--y'S': do Roxie Earnhardt, ; ; do Jessie Witherspoou. . . v do Eloise McNeal . 1 i. . ; v ; do Nellie KeslerV.;. .v. . ' da May Cathrell.. ;'..... : do Blanche Charles.... . . : do Maggie Julian, . . . .. .'s .'; dj Tiia . Ffsper ro an.. ... do Daisy Trexler. .... . . .. do ft! ary. Ruf ty .. ........ do Grace CoggiDS .. . . . . " do R-ita B. IIcwhII. . . . Mr M S Vamer.... . do A S Morgan . ....... . . - Babbcb. do Mary H Barber...,. .. ' Rockwell. O do Lnu Sifford . . do Lncv Pjspflrman..i . . do R G E rn 1 a r d t . ... . - RlCHFIKLD. ' do Delia Wyatt.. ...... . Mrs C L Basinger Clkyelasd. Miss Winiiie Harris......;. . Gold Hill. , !. !5iss'Lucile'ahrer. do Ida Mtrano.' . . . . . . . do Hinua Jenkins.". do do do Maui Earnhardt . , .-I Landis. Eth';r FishftT . ... . . .V - Chtna Obdve. " . Anna Res".. . . . Lewis M Holshouser.- Chesoknt. Electa Lingle.. .. 7. .. Mrs do A dal c f health .rr grf f blocked because, sonie men hara; hir wish-bre whpr tbetr.back ion ouht to le.M Healtholcg t. ' ' ' ' S ' ; . - Coaotj Boa-fl nf Edocatioa Heats. Esq. P. A.. Sloop was ia Salisbury Monday to -attend the regular, meeting of the Board of County, Education, tie reports that, the ,treas urei's books were examined and found to be in excellent condition., .Tlieeecond ap portionment, ; of - the school 1UUU8 4 Tl' nT W"VC" 1 amounted to $1.75 pcapita. funds was r made which 1 on v,..-.' .... on the ceiieuV of 19X0., L ... . --t X:. 0 :-:ys- x-ms&0&mm ;L -it M - v .

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