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Uncle Pat Bechler has taken another vacation. He is now building a chimuey for J. N. Piaster near Eacchsville. Templeton & Yost are gettiDg in a lot of fall and winter goods . Messrs Will Barger, Smith aud Miller, of Faith, visited at Jihn R.rown'a Sunday. Mr. aud Mrs. Barger had hesn here several I days. and returned home bunday. V MissMay Yost, of St. Kark's ... Lutheran church neighborhood, r1 was a visitor ot M. O. Stirewalt's Wednesday. J. L . Bostian is making prepar ations to install a hydraulic ram to pump water to his house -and livery stable. T. A. P. Roseman is looking after the work, Mrs. J. C. Mason and Miss Tur f ner, of Salisbury, were China , , 0rove visitors Saturday . Miss Beulah Vernon, of Mocks ville was a visitor here Wednes day. H. J. Eddleman was a Salis bury visitor Wednesday. John Herman, of Raleigh, who was here some years ago to put up the power cables, was a visitor here Tuesday . The millinery opening of MiBses Sifferd & Yost, Friday and Satur day, was well attended and the display quite attractive. Mrs. R. A. Brown of Concord, is visiting Mrs. I. F. Patterson . Dr R L Cowan, of Salisbury, at one time a resident here, has been spending several days in town thiB week. He returned home yester day afternoon. P B Goble spent a part of yes terday in Concord. , I H H Peacock was a Salisbury Visitor yesterday. Rev W A Porry and wife of Der- wood, Md , spent part of Monday and all of Tuesday with Rev 0 H Pence near town. Mrs Porry was a former parishioner of Rev Pence's and Rev Porry is his suc cessor in the pastorate. Rev J N Summerell, D D, pas tor of the Presbyterian church in Newborn, was in town Tuesday and spent a few days witn Rev W H Riser. Rev Sommerell was re turning from a visit to his broth er, Dr Elisha M Summerell, of Mill Bridge. Rei. Pence to be Installed. Rev. Ci H. Pence will be in stalled in Mt. Moriah Church two miles vest of town on Sunday morning, the service to begin at 10:80vo'clock. Rev. M. L. Pence a brother of Henry, Lincoln Countywill conduct she service. A similar service will be held at St. Mark's church five miles north of town at 3 o'clock. Everybody invited. Many Driven F rom Home Every year, in many parts of the country, thousands are driven from their homas by coughs and lung diseases. Friends and bus iness are left behind for other climates, but this is costly and not always sure. A better way i 1 1 ; i i . . ne way oi muitituaeB is to UBe Dr. King's New Discovery and cure yourself at home. Stay right there, with your friends, and take this safe mediome. Throat and lung troubles find, quick relief J I lit. T . ... . ana aeaisu returns, xcs nerp in ooaghs, colds, grip, croup, whoon ing-cougb and sore lungs make it a positive blessing. 50o and $1.00 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by an aruggisis, PuPULAR COUPLE WED. Miss Thorn and Dr. 6rlffln Were Happitj . Married Wednesday Evening. In St. Mark's Church Wed nesday evening, September 25, at 7:30 o'clock Mips Louise Brietz Thom was married to Dr. Ernest M. Griffin, of Farmington, Dayiej. 'County, Kev. W. ii. Riser, the bride's pastor, officiating, using the Lutheran service. A choir composed of ' , Miss6s Ada Stifewalt, Francis Wbrthara, Lurline Giaham, Browne Ritchie, Mary Sifferd, Edna Brown and Sarah Ritchie, and Met dames Sifferd and Riser sang Lohengrin's Bridal Chorus. Mrs. B. O. Edwards presided at the piano. Misses Nannette Ramsaur and Evelyn Thom, gowned in white voil over blue, 'were ribbon girls. Xittle Miss Mary Elizabeth Gillon, of Concord, a niece of the bride, dressed in pure white lingerie was bearer of the service. The bridegroom accompan ied by his best man, W. H. Spaush, of' Winston-Salem, entered the church- and was met at the altar by the bride on the arm of her father, J. A. Thom, who gave her away. The bride was gowned in chiffon over Duchess satin trimmed in princess lace and pearls, and wore a cameo broch whichvwas an heirloom of her mother's. Miss Ruth Thom was maid of honor, and was gowned in chiffon over blue satin. Whitson Cooper and Roy Kimball were ushers. The party left the church tOithe strains of Mendelsohn's wedding march. After the ceremony a res ception was tendered at the residence of the bride to quite a number of relatives and intimate friends. The color scheme of the reception room was white. That of the dining room being white and green, white wisteria and ivy beiag used. The color scheme of the punch room was green and yellow, golden rod and southern smilax pre vailing. Deligatful refresh ments consisting of a salad course ana ice cream ana cafce. The popularity of Miss Thom was evinced in more ways than one. The church was well filled with mends and well wishers, and the number and beauty of the presents received evinced the esteem in which she was held. The couple left in automo bile ami I a shower of rice for Salisbury, from this point they went to Farmington where they will make their hou:e in the fucure. The following parties from out of town were present: Af r. and Mrs, P. R. Misen- h e i m e r. of Misenheimer Springs: Mrs. Baxter Gillon and daughter, Mary Eliza beth, Concord; Miss Buelah Vernon, Mocksviile; Mrs. R. A.' Brown, Concord: Miss Ruth Misenheimer, Concord; Henlen Misenheimer, Carl Cook and Fred Foil, Mt. Pleasant. Ball 6ame Saturday. There was a fine game of ball on the Kannapolis dia mond last Saturday between the Kannapolis and China Grove teams. Kannapolis won by the score of four to three. It is probable that the same teams will play in China Grove next Saturday and a fine game is expected. Chas. Smith will be on the mound. The flen Who Succeed as heads- of large enterprises are men of great enargy. Success to day, demands health. To ail is to fail. It's utter folly for a man to endure a weak, run down, half alive condition when Electric Bit ters will put him right on his feet in short order. "Four bottles did me more real good than any other medicine I ever took," writes Chas. B. Allen, Sylvania, Ga. "After years of suffering with rheumatism, liver trouble, stomach disorders, and deranged kidneys. I am again, thanks to Electric Bitters, sound and well." Try them. Only 50 oentB at all .druggists. . maw m ma " v. . -b Uncle Sam "Honestly, What dency or MARRIAGES It was announced Saturday ! that Miss Annie Martin of this city was married on July 25 in Greensboro to E. W, Cole of Pitts burg, Pa. Leaving Salisbury on that dats with Mr. Cole who was visiting here, Miss Martin started to Mount Airy to see some rela tives. The couple, however, stop ped in Greensboro long enough to get the license and find a minister, at whose house they were married. They then went to Mount Pleasant and spent a few days. " The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George R. .Martin of this city. The couple left Sunday night for Pittsburg, where they will spend a few weeks, after which Mr. Cole intends to go to Florida where he will go into business. J. L. Safrit of this city and Miss Annie Wagner of Gold Hill, were married Mondav eyening at 7 o'olock by Rev. W. B. Duttera, at his home. The couple went to Richmond and other points in Vir ginia on a bridal trip. The marriage of Miss Ethel K., daughter of Mr. and Mrs Fred A. Setzer, of China Grove, and Lewis H. Barger, of Spencer, was solem nized at Lutheran Chapel par sonage Saturday evening, Rv, C. A. Brown officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Barger are well known in China Grove and have a ' host of friends who wish them a long and bappy life. They will make their home in Spencer. A very pretty and interesting marriage took place at the home of Mrs. C. S. Patterson, superin tendent of the county home, Thurr- day night, September 19th, when her daughter, Miss Miriam, be came the bride of Robert V. Trol- linger, son of Mr. and Mrs. B..W. Trollinger, The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's mother and Rev. G. A. Stamper, of the South Main Street M. E. Church, officiated, being assisted by Rev. W. H. Causey, of Faith. After the ceremony the couple drove Jo Salisbury and took the train for Newton where they will visit relatives , of the groom. They will make their home with the bride's mother. The marriage of Miss Laura, daughter of Mrs Laura Tysor, and H W Link, both of Spencer, took place Tuesday night at the heme of the bride's mother, Rev J W Moore, of the Salisbury Methodist church officiating. Immediately after the ceremony the couple left for Cincinnati where they will spend two weeks. They will make their home in Spencer. El ma Beaver, daughter of David Beaver of the Organ , churoh neighborhood, and Hedrick Plum mer . of Csncord. ware quietly married at Mt pleasant Sunday afternoon. They will mafe e their home in Concord. , ' Are You Running for, the Presi- for Revenge?" - From the New York Herald. Mrs. Miller, the .mcithar-in-law - of Charles Crowibll died in Salis bury Monday night. The funeral was held from the house Tnesdav afternoon, Rev. M. M. Kinard of ficiating. The interment was in Chestnut Hill Cemetery. Mathias Sharp; of Boone Town ship, Davidson County, died Tues day night and tne, funeral was held weanesaay,. mi, &narp was vo. years old and was a well, known and substantiai tiz,en .'" 1 The infant of Mr. and Mrs . C . B. Simeson, who live across the river in Davidson countv. died Wednesday night and the funeral took place at Smith's Grove yes terday afternoon. Mrs. Julia A. Rice, after a long illness, died at her home on Chestnut Hill last Friday morn ing at 6:30 o'clock. She was 51 years of age and leaves a husband and five children. The funeral services were conducted Saturday morning at 11 o clock by Rev. G. A. Stamper at Evans church, near the old Abner Hall place, this county, and the remains were inferred in the Elmore ceme tery. Little Zeda' the three-year-old daughter of Mr. add Mrs. J. H. Sapp, died Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock after a long illness. The funeral was conducted Sunday afternoon at four o'clock by Rev. J. W. Moore. The physicians were puzzled somewhat over the cause of the child's death and held a post mortem examination which re vealed that she was afflicted with tumors, probably curable a year or more ago if her condition had been known. The little year and a-half-old child of Mr, Mrs. and Ralph Hess died last Wednesday and the funeral was held Thursday, the interment being in the Chestnut Hill cemetery. Fred J. Trexler, a resident of North Long Street, aged 35, died last Friday from the effects of consumption. The funeral was held Saturday evening, Rev. J. M. McEeuzie officiating, aud the in terment was at Calvary Baptist churoh near Ellis X roads, Frank lin township. Roy. C. Haines, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Haines, died last Tuesday night of last week, after a short illness. Funeral servises were held at the home on North Lee street last Wednesday afternoon and the remains were taken to Charlotte for "interment. The funeral was conducted by Rev. J, W. Moore, of the First Mothodist 5hurch . Uncle Ezra Says "It don't take more'n a gill uv effort to git folks into a peck of trouble" and a little "neglect of constipation, biliousness, indigos tio'n or other liver derangement will do the same. If ailing, take Dr. King's - New Life Pills for quick results. Easy, safe, -sure, and only 25 cents at all druggists. THE FASTEST HUSTLER GETS THE MOTORO YCLE. ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OF HISS THOM; Uesdimes BO.Edwarfl$;SfiiK and Miss Mary Rose ChaffeHosts ' . . of Oe!IgDlfni;So6lal:fHnctiensrJ- Thursay afternoon ;6f la&t week MteBO; 3d wards, ''pi LadisSientertairiedt'ai Ithe attEaetiydliomepf her mother: Mr? F. E.; Cbmher, m hohbr of Miss Brietomv .The time was pleasantly spent 'in merry.cohversation,- music and an interesting contest. Miss Mary V Miller ' won thle prize, a white hand bag, " and presented it to the honor guest. A- handsome crochet ed yoke was also presented to honor guest by the hostess. Punch was served during the game, 'followed by block cream and nabiscoes. A thoroughly enjoyable after noon was thus spent with this ever . popular hostess. Those present were: MesS dames R. W. Gray, A. M. Hanna, F. M. Thompson, W . J. Swink, and C. J. Young; Misses Brietz and Ruth Thom, Browne Ritchie, Lurline Gra ham, Mary -Miller Emma Ritchie and Ada. Stire wait. - Mrs. W. J. Swink and Missl Mary Rose entertained most charmingly last Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Brietz Thom. The occasion was a 'miscellaneous shower" which was prettily arranged, and carried out after a spirit ed'game of progressive hearts dice had '; been thoroughly en foy ed pn tne ( spacious piaz za. ' 4 It was . bea utif ully d eco ratiBd with goldenr.6dr' white net, and. potted plants. Small tables .were arranged here and there at which the guests were" seated .upon -arrival". Ice cream and cake were serv ed after the game. After whifeh the merry throng was wnere a taoie naa oeen ar- ranged with a parasol sus pended over it, decorated with many beautiful, useful and dainty gifts. A contest, guessing the contents of the packages was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. B. O. Edwards came but winner of the prize and very graciously presented it to the honor gusst, as also did Mrs. Fred Shepherd, who had previously won the hejarts dice prize. Those present thoroughly enjoyed the pretty- social affair and were reluctant to take their departure. The following guests were present: Mes dames Jenkins, F. M. Thomp son, W. C. Sifferd, A. M. Hanna. D. C. Swaringer, J. H. Keller, Fred Shepherd, B. O. Edwards and W. H. Riser; Misses Brietz and Ruth Thom, Browne Ritchie, Lur line Graham i Fanny Worth am, Mary Rankin, Mary MiK ler, Ada Stirewalt and May Miller. Peculiarly Afflicted. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Deal was peculiarly afflicted the other day. She had been playing in some oats during the after noon, and that nighi was restless, itching and little spots appeared on her face, hands and body. She grew worse and seemed in great pain, so she was taken to a doctor who prescribed for her relief, but was puzzled as to the cause of the child's affli ction. The next day Mr. Deal was mixing the oats with other., feed stuff and soon broke out in a similar man rer. ThiB suggested a clue and the oats were examined and were found to pe infect ed with a small mite of some kind that would bite or sting causing a spot or small pim ple to appear thereafter. Ai rested fir Riding Bycicle oa Sidewalk. Chief of the China Grove police force, Capt. L. M. Holshouser, ar rested a man Wednesday for rid ing a bicycle on the sidewalk. There is an ordinance against this and those violating the law will have to take the consequence. The trial came off before Mayor J. L. Sifferd who taxed the de fendant with a fine and the cost. rOorMotor Cicls Contest. ' - Thst Watchman - and Record's motorcyole contest "is one of .the 'most practioll and, Valaable ones cfroni: every view poin t. . :A: 1200 motorcycle jf not wanted could be sold for its - iace value, or if used thee is. no cheaper, quicker or more . agreeable r method of travel known.-. The .owner of. a motor cycle? can enjoy the; scenery for hundreds of miles around and spend his nights at home. He can go any wnere on snors notice, train or no train; stay - as long at he pleases, stop where he pleases ar.d get more real joy, out of such a machine than a good healthy man can possibly get in uy other way. Then there is the prifitabLelside of it.. Of what value is it to 'phone for a doctor and then spend a half day to go a few miles for a remedy: A motorcycle going forty miles an hour will ' make your lony trips short ones, mak'e it possible to meet your engagements' promptly and be of service in hundreds of vays that will present themselves to the owner, of one. . We propose to give away, abso lutely tree, one of the 4est ma chines of this kind on the maiket. Oar contest ia open to any ona itiy where 1 n enter, all that 19 wcessary'.ia i fill iu the.nomina r.t ti carlf which ' is good for t.000 v t , and send it in to Thb 'Watchman Office. Salisbu ry, N. Q , and your name will be us in th pot, you will be fur nished with r ceipt bcoks, etc I and then .the game will be up to you, with pur help arid the help of your friends! " , i ; ; Qaito a ' number on young men have' signified their intention of joining this interesting contest aud, now is the time -to do si, for it is.a.true taying, the early bird gets the wprm. - Such bhanoeB as this are very rare, in fact there are young men in Rowan.who may never own a . motorcyole unless. they take advantage of such an j -opportunity-. ; It-takes a little time, grit and determination,' but, no more than the average man is possessed of . Try your hand, you have an equal opportunity to win. Don't delay, do it to-day. - 1 Pro?. Peeler Takes a 6oarii8. Prof. H. J. Peeler, now princi pal of the Ohestnut Hill public school at Salisbury, was introdu ced to the mysteries of the Jr. O U. A. M., Wednesday night. Of course the goat was a little tron bleaome, the read rough, the night dark and the brother among strangers, but he kept his shoes tied and whether ths sole of his 'foot clove to the roof of his mouth, he stayed with the goat and proved himself worthy .of membeiship, so his application was accepted and he is now a f ull fledgei member. The Juniors are glad to have the professor and he is no doubt pleased to be a num ber of this noble order. The Do-As-Yju Pleasa Club Meet. Miss Browne Ritchie delightful ly entertained the "Do A a You Please Club" last Friday evening from 7 till 10, in honor of her cousin, Miss Burma Ritchie, of Richfield, who was spending the week here with her. As embroidery is the club's main fealare the time passed away in a hurry for they were all busy with this kind of work. Delicious refreshments were served, and then the club adjourn ed to meet next time with Miss Ruth Thom. Mr. Kimmans Returns. V. A. Kimmons, fcvho went to Kansas Oity, M),, to be with his son, Clement W. Kimmon3, who is quite ill, returned Wednesday morning. Mr. Kimmons thi iks his son is improving and hopes that he will soon be well. The doctors do not say just what Mr. Kimmons' trouble is, but hopes to bring him around all right. Some time ago, while working with a force in the construction of a bridge, Mr. Kimmons was hit in the head with a hammer and was incapacitated tor a time ani now oomplains of pains in his head. Mr. and Mrs. House, Hail Preparing to Keep Mr. and Mrs. E! A. Hall who have juBt moved here and will go to' house keeping in the house re cently vacated by Mrs. M. J. Gra ham, went down to Concord yes terday to purchase furniture and furnishings for their new home.. Mr. and Mrs. Hall s little daugh ter, who has been, ill for several weeks, with fever, is now on the mend. These are splendid people and China Grove is glad to have them located here. Mr, Hall has an important position with the Patterson Manufacturing Co, hav ing succeeded B. W. Edwards. SALISBURY HEWS ITEUS. & 5 vi Thlags of Interest Salhered for onr Bisj - .v Recra Reisers. Mrs. W. B; Hatcher, ho was visiting hW sister at Dunn, had her visit cut short, by an accident which caused 'her. considerable pain and the loss ojf the use of her left arm for some timd.': She fell over a trunk tray in; her ttoom, and her left arm was badly sprain ed , . . . '. v' ''-''' r Geo, v. Reid, Jr the littie ion tf Geosge,W. Reid of Misenheim- ( er, is being treated at the White-.t. h jad-Stokes 'sanatorium for tuber culosis of the bone. :The. Utile fellow stepped on a nail some months ago and as a result ' it be , came neoeisary. to amputate his foot. This was done, and now: tu berculosis hasset in. " ' ' V The employes of the Norths Car olina Public Service Company in its offices'at Greensboro and Sal isbury will play "the third of a se ries of games of ball at Spencer. Each team has won one game. The visitors will be given a ban quet at Fair Park Saturday night by the Salisbury boys v " - ! W, E. Perry, one of r the field agents of the Southern 'Railway in its,farm demonstration . work, : whose headquarters; are in Greens boro, spent Wednesday iu z fialis buryi and explained hia -work to a nuitnber of citfseni inthe office pf the Saliibury Industrial r Clab. Any farmers of Rowan who desire : such help as the Sonftiern off era ' through this department can se cure it by applying to j the : State Agricultural Department at Ral- eigh.v V ..: .: - .V: ,": :4iv.i4-Av,r-.v',,"' '- . , Xke'friehds of Colonel Roose- velt are preparing to give him a big crowd when he stops'in Salis bury,. October 1, . His schedule ; pntsfenrherrat IlloWrrtrbV ten minutes. . - 'V ' Mrs. Duttera, wife of Rev. W. 6 Duttera, fell from a trunk and broke an rm near Jhe wrist while trying to rid her room of mosqui toes. The pests have been more numerous in Salisbury during the past week than for sometime and all kinds of means and measures have been taken by individuals to get relief . , A business deal of interest m Spencer was . closed Wednesday ' when Cook Brothers of Salisbury purchased the shoe repair outfit" and machinery of T. L. Lyton of Spencer. The shop in Spencer will be continued under the man agement of H. T. Cook, of the firm, while Mr. Lyton takes a po sition with the factory in Salis bury. This will mean an improv ed service in Spencer by reason of the long experience of Cook Bros,, and due to the fact that they have a complete line of machinery which will be utilized in doing the work. - There is to be a Sunday School Rally at the Methddist Church, Richfield Sunday. It is to be an inter-denominational affair and a very interesting program has been arranged for the occasion. Rev. C. P. Fisher, of Faith, is on the program for an address. How's THIS? ' We offer One Hundred Dollarr Regard for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'a Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENNEY & CO., To ledo, O. . , - - We, tht undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfect ly honorable in all business trans actions and financially able to car ry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COM MERCE, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Fills for stipatinoooV. T For Sale, -A sorrel mare, five yean . old and a filly colt six months old. - Call on A-. M. Barnhardt. China Grove, N. C, 8tpd, ..V i. it- i 4 .-7- M.T- jr.-.