- - - . V v-jTs ; , ' ''A lite - ' . " "-. J , r - , . ..... TT HIS "MIND DP IN THE CLOUDS Professor I magi nedf Appeal Was From Fido, and the Situation Becamef ; Embarrassing. A great lover of animals, Professor Dryasdust was much given to having his pet dog Bitting beside him at meal times eating tidbits from his own lit the' plate. . ; ' ' '; . The other evening he was at a dinner party nd his partner was a very great lady, who was proud of her title. But the professor paid , absolutely no attention to her. His mind had switched off on to some abstruse point and he was lost to the world over the problem. ' The duchess did not approve of this, and presently, to attract his attention, she pulled him gently by the sleeve. Then the professor woke up. Grab bing a half-picked chicken bone from his plate, - he thrust it under her startled nose. "Don't bother Just now, Fido!" he said curtly. "Here, take this and go and eat it on the mat, like a good dog gie!" Height of .Assurance. A man was charged with stealing a horse, and after a long trial, the jury acquitted him: Later in the day the man came ' back and asked the judge for a warrant against the lawyer who had successfully defended him. "What's the charge?" inquired the judge. "Why, your honor," replied, the man, "you see, I didn't have the money to pay him his fee, so he took the horse I stole."-Lipplncott's Magazine. H. A. Waring, 13 Fairy St., Orange burg, S. C, writes, "I was confined to bed. My friends thought I would die of consumption. Three of the best doc tors In South Carolina attended me without results. Had fallen off in weight from 147 to 115. Tee Bee .Remedy saved my life. Ask your drug gist for Tee Bee Remedy, price 1, or six bottles will be sent you charges paid for $5.00. Address Tee Bee Rem edy Co., Box 766, Charlotte, N. C. Adv. Part of the Truth. "Robert, dear, how do you suppose these dozens and dozens of empty bottles ever got into our cellar? "Why, I don't know, my dear. I never bought an empty bottle in my life." Fun. Ab a summer tbnic there is no medicine that quite compares with OXIDINE. It not only builds up the system, but taken reg ularly, prevents Malaria. Regular or Taste less formula at Druggists. Adv. The more justice some people get the less they are inclined to boast of it. FOLEY KIDNEY PUIS Are Richest in Curative Qualities FOR BACKACHE. RHEUMATISM, KIDNEYS AND BLADDER Stiff Joints Sprains,Bruises are relieved at once by an applica tion of Sloan's Liniment. Don't rubKjust lay on lightly. " Sloan's liniment has done more good than anything I have ever tried lor stiff joints. 1 got my hand hurt so badly that I had to stop work right in the busiest tim of the year. I thought at first that I would have to have my hand taken off, but I got a bottle of Sloan's Liniment and cured my hand." WuroiT Wiiilks, Morns, Ala. Good for Broken Sinews G. G. Jpras, Baldwin, I I., writes : "I used Sloan's Liniment for broken sinews above the knee cap caused by fall and to my great satisfaction was able to resume work in less than three weeks after the accident." SLOAMS HfflMEMT Fine for Sprain Mb. Henry A. Voehl, 84 Somerset St., Plainfield, N. J., writes : "A. friend sprained, his ankle so badly that it went black. He laughed when I told him that I would have him out in a week. I applied Sloan's Liniment and in four days he was working and said Sloan's was a right good Lini ment." Price 25c. 50c, and $1.00 Sloan's Book on horses, cattle, - sheep and poultry sent free. Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble act surely but gently on the liver. Stop after dinner dis tresscure indigestion. improve the complexion, brighten the eyea SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bear Signature WANTED OLD LETTERS WRITTEN BY , FANljOUS PJEOPW I will par high prices for these old letters. I donl want copies. I want Vettersof Pwsidems, Generals Authors.and others. Write and teU me wliat von nave WALTER R. BENJAMIN 22$ FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK CITl c3 Bort Conh Syrup. . Taataa Good. Um 1 51 -v In Um. Sold bPtacirlat. ' 11 Boston, Mufc,J- 3 Jgf , U.S.A. PjjL B X .t?' X wm itti r I l -:' llPILLS. Fames' Educational and Co-Operative Union of America Matters Especial Moment to the Progressive Agriculturist ' The world loveth a cheerful for giver. Where you feel thorns look for the roses. The fool and his auto are soon fragmented. ' The surest way to Increase the price of cotton is to grow less of it. Everybody likes to be praised now and then even the hired man. v One's sentiments &nd one's con victions are two entirely different things.. ; The road to worthy fame is hot or dinarily strewn with large material profits. A. man who has thasand to propose may not have the rocks with which to marry. We sometimes work so hard that we fail tp. find out for whom we are working. The farmer's sign of prosperity is the cream can ' rampant on a two horse light wagon. There is" ho better measure of the worth of a man than the uplift he gives to humanity. Did you ever see a man who needed an alarm clock to tell him when to quit work? . If some farmers had the regulation of the weather there would prob ably be no winter's cold nor short days. If a man would lead a contented life, he must keep on the best of terms with his stomach, his conscience and his wife. If a man lives on the farm and his ambition Is to fill some other calling than husbandry he lacks the main spring of contentment. If some of the men who have more money than brains had to get along with less of either they would no doubt prefer to do with less brains. Many of us do not learn the secret of right living until it is too late to count for much still a single day rightly lived is better than a lifetime of error. FEW WAYS OF CO-OPERATION Lack of Spirit Is Result of Woeful Scarcity of Leaders to Furnish Cementing Force. Co-operation means T11 help you tt you will help me." It means, too, that men will play the game together for the Joint fruits of a common victory. This is far short of the spirit of com plete brotherhood. The latter means Til do nothing which injures those about me collectively or individually, but will do all for the common weal that my 6wn family interests will per mit, and all this without arrangement with my neighbors or regard to their attitude or action..' It will be long before the great mass of men is-capable of full fraternity, but co-operation is feasible now, says the Farm News. i Their lack of co-operation is a fre quent topic among farmers. They rec ognize the need and often the condi tion are prime for a Joint effort in some form which would lead directly to' others. But nothing comes of it because no one takes the initiative. There is woeful lack of leaders who would come out and furnish the ce menting force. At this season there are three ways especially in which co-operation ceuld be begun with all . round benefit; in fertilizer purchase, the threshing ring and the marketing of grain. Any man who will lead his neighbors through the introductory steps will perform a distinct service. NEW LAWS THAT WOULD AID Enactment of National Statute That Would Recognize and Define Co-Operation Is Needed. A national law, recognizing and de fining the. true principle of co-operation, is needed. An act providing for the incorporation of co-operative com panies on a non-stock-dividend basis, establishing the principle of control by equal vote of the members with out respect to the number of shares each holds, would, in the opinion of many, greatly aid the movement. Such a national act is particularly needed in. the case of co-operation for finan cial credit, which organization must perform some of the functions that have been neglected by the country banks, says the Country Gentleman. The prime need is to safeguard th co-operative enterprise from the pro moter. Wisconsin has passed a law de signed to make co-operation easier. Other states are considering such measures. In some states the divi sion of profits upon any but a stock basis i3 without sanction of law, and in case a settlement should be forced in a co-operative organization in these states the true principle of co-operation -could not prevail. A national law would be desirable, since most of the operations of co-operative enterprises are interstate in scope and would be a' long time before we could hope tb have uniform state laws. The great est good of a national law would be the recognition of the principle of real co-operation. ; Dangers of Credit If you are hard up and really intend to get along, pay cash for all the little things you buy and run no store bills. It is better tg hire money in big sums and know how you stand, than to get rusted. Lightning Labors Nothing is difficult' when you put your heart into it The straight and narrow path doe n't look good to' the rounder. . ' . ; - If your appetite is notiwhatjt should be perhaps Malaria is- develophyr. It affect the whole system. ; OXIDINE will clear away ;the germs, .rid you of Malaria', ud generally improve your condition. , Adrl ' And it might be well to take a course In physical training before you .start, out to show a man the error: of his ways. ' .? . DOBS YOUR HEAD ACHET , ; Try Hicks' CAPUDINE. It's liquid pleas ant to take effects Immediate (rood to prevent Sick Headaches and Nervous Headaches also. Yonr money back If not satisfied. 10c, 26c and 60c. at medicine stores. Adv. Too High. "There is nothing higher than a king in a monarchical country." "What? Not even an ace?" Regular practicing physicians recommend and prescribe OXIDINE for Malaria, be cause it is a proven remedy by years of ex perience. Keep a bottle in the medicine chest and administer at first sign , of Chills and Fever. Adv. Unconscious Verity. "Was the Indian scalping story of Tom's thrilling?" "Thrilling? It was hair-raising!" Bad Luck. r "They oughtn't to .call tat railroad special the Comet." "Why not?" "Because comets nearly always have their trains telescoped." A Household Remedy Which works from outside. CHES TOL (Chest Ointment) will relieve Quickly croup, coughs,, colds, pneu monia and all affections of chest and throat. Use freely and RUB! t RUB! RUB! Now sold by all medicine deal ers. Should be in every home. Burwell & Dunn Co., Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C. Adv. Liquid Measure. It was the time of the singing les son at the local council school, and the teacher was explaining to the young hopefuls that if a "treble," and "alto," a "tenor and a "bass" sung to gether, their united efforts would con stitute a quartet. ' - There seemed no trouble about that, and the teacher thought the class was getting on very nicely. "Now, Jimmy, leave off pinching your brother's' leg and listen to me," said she. "If a bass and tenor sang together, what would you call that?" Jimmy was the son of the local milkman, and a bright lad withal. STls answer was not long in coming. "Please, miss," said he, "that would be a 'pintette. " Accelerated Brain Activity. In the early days of Wisconsin, two of the most prominent lawyers of the state were George B. Smith and L. S. Sloan, the latter of whom had a habit of injecting into his remarks to the court the expression, "Your honor, I have an idea." A certain case had been dragging, along through a hot summer day when Sloan sprang to his feet, with his remark, "Your honor, I have an idea." Smith immediately bounded up, as sumed an impressive attitude, and in great solemnity said: "May it' please the court, I move that a writ of habeas corpus be is sued by this court Immediately to take the learned gentleman's idea out of solitary confinement." Popular Maga zine. TEMPORARY- POSSESSION. Willie It's all right, gran'pa, I'm just keeping this mud puddle for the feller wot owns It. A DOCTOR'S TRIALS. He Sometimes Gets Sick Like Other People. Even doing good to people Is hard work if you have too much of it to do. An overworked Ohio doctor tells his experience: "About three years ago as the result of doing two men's, work, attending a large practice and looking after, the details of another business, my health broke down completely, and I was' little better than .a physical wreck. "I suffered from indigestion and con stipation, loss of weight and appetite, bloating and pain after meals, loss of memory and lack of nerve force for continued mental application. i "I became irritable, easily1 angered and despondent without cause. vThe heart's action became irregular and weak, with frequent attacks of palpi tation during the ' first, hour or two after retiring. "Some Grape-Nuts and cut bananas came for my lunch one daj and pleased me particularly , with the re sult. I got more, satisfaction from it than from anything I, had eaten for months, and pn further investigation and use, adopted Grape-"Nuts for my morning and evening meals, served usually with cream and a sprinkle of salt or sugar. ' .. "My improvement was rapid and permanent, .in weight as well as in physical and mental endurance. In a word, I am filled with the Joy of liv ing again, and continue the daily use of Grape-Nuts for breakfast and often lor the evening .meal,- ,, y ".The little pamphlet The .Road to Wellville found in pkgs., is Invari ably saved and handed to some needy patient along with the Indicated rem edy." ' . , ' . ., :. . y "There's a reason." Name given by Postum Co, Battle Creek, ijch. . ;: ,V ... . .. : f - Ever read tbe abovv ltterf A aw one appear from time to time. -They are -ireaalne, trve, mmO. 4uU ot Iranuus. interest. . Adv. T J c 2. rso a SELECTING THE RIGHT PLAN Cooperative Society Shoulcl Bit Estab ; lishetf in1 Every; County for Pur- : ' pose of Selling .Cotton: r . - - 'Farmers generally , are considered such, poor judges of leaders, either in politics, or matters that would lead, to their own betterment, or rather poli tics advocated that business men give scant consideration of the farmers' view. It not being considered dependa ble, . but certainly If the farmer "ever reaches the benefit of protection in his interest he will have to show some consistent ability of selecting the right plan Or policy, absolutely without re spect to , the .many schemes put for ward by different persons in their own Interest or personal delusion. The present method of sale and de livery of cotton from, the farm where It was grown to the mill- that manu factures It Into cloth Is a fact, not. a theory, and is the result of years of practice and expert experience, and that it is more or less unfavorable - to the ' farmers' interest and in soma ways to the manufacturer the result of neglect and lack of intelligent co operation on the part -of both and neither can forsake the plan in prac tice until a better one is in use; ac cording to all practice of trade it is up to the farmer to establish that sys tem tb deal direct with the mill, his consumer and until he. does he has no right to rail and abuse the only; sys tem he has of reaching the consumer, writes W. C. Moore ot Greenville, S. C, in the Texas Co-Operator. This is the attitude taken by the English spin ner, and when the American farmer establishes a system of sales that will 'guarantee the" delivery of the cotton to the English spinner with certainty, and proper class, he will find .the Eng lishmen more than glad to break with their cotton .system, and buy direct from him; In fact, they have repeated ly attempted to do, to their loss. Now, Mr. Farmer, if you have the backbone of your ancestors, do some thing, something that will be worth while, something that will pay you in dollars and cents, establish a Co-Operative sosiety with a branch In every county to sell cotton with every farm er and tenant a member of his coun ty society, model it after the Roche dale plan, and ' make it ' as sound as any bank, which you can do, and you can get all the money you want, and the same money that your local buy- r ers get to buy of you with: now make your sales direct to the mills through your society that can pay you just as much ae any local' buyer every day market, and refund to each member from three to five dollars per bale in cash extra at the end of the season, simply, saved from the waste of the present method in practice. One of the very first steps to take is to call your county together and elect your' board of three trustees and put them under bond, then ask your farmers to become members, whether in P. E. & C. U. or not, if he has cot ton to sell you want him to sell with you, working out your finances just like each English store or local so ciety does, then federate through state headquarters, and your society in the hands of Intelligent, honest men, can sell your cotton, buy it from .you and sell it for a profit, to the mill. This society should have noth ing whatever to do with the holding and storing of cotton, leaving that entirely in the hands of the individual farmer, controlled by his contract. CO-OPERATION IS REAL NEED Trust and Confidence Between Mem bers of Company Are Vital in Neighborhood Movements. Neighbors co-operate best. Trusv and confidence between the members are vital. In Europe the credit socie ties are usually neighborhood affairs, and out of these companies have grown all manner of neighborhood en terprises, says the Country Gentle man. This is true in the south, where the Farmers' Co-operative Union, is pushing many things other than mere buying and selling. It Is not neces sary that a co-operative company comprise the whole neighborhood, but it is doubtful whether it will succeed in many cases where it has to reach into several neighborhoods for its membership. In some cases where the co-operation in question is thoroughly organized, and where the transactions involve but few bargains a year, as In selling hogs in Denmark, it is pos sible to extend the membership over a wide area, corresponding to one of our counties. There are bars to. true co-operation in many states. Communities of mix ed nationalities, of many small indus tries, and other sections where neigh borly confidence is lacking, cannot be successfully organized until the idea of community co-operation is impress ed upon them. Neighborhood jealous ies are fatal to co-operation. - Be Economical Don't let any man laugh. yu put of being really ..economical Have the : sand to. say, "I know my financial con dition better than you d6.and I feel that f.tjiust draw the iine where- I have' Say it kindly, but mean every word 'wf 1t. Pride .-has sunk many -a farm ship.rn - ' : "Whistle Is Needed : v !"-'--. "' - ! 7 ' i'' y ; "There is something wrong when the" ' boys don't , whistle around the house and barn'- Have you noticed any such a failure at your home? If you have, isn't it: time you'd better do little whistling Voiir self? . . Best Skim Milk.' " . Band - separator skim milk Is of greater value than skim milk obtained by any other method. It gives better satisfaction because the milk is uni form in every way. - . . Time for Foals. . The work mares that, raise: colts should foal before the 'hard work of spring arrives,, or in the autumn, un less there is then a lot of snecial work iv-- - The natural tendency of .people' in' this -busy age. to demand of the di gestive organs "more than nature in tended they should perform, frequent ly results in throwing 'the entire di gestive system into disorder. When the stomach falls to freely digest and distribute that which is eaten, the Jbowels become clogged with ; a .mass of waste and refuse which ferments and - generates poisonous ' gases - that" are ' gradually .forced ; into -;the blood, causing distress and ioften serious lit , Dr. W. B. Caldwell says that If the bowels are kept-regular there' i will be much less sickness, and prescribes a combination of simple- laxative herbs with pepsin that is most effective In Telieving any. congestion of matter in the bowelsJ This compound can - be bought in any drug: store" under the .name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and costs only 60 cents a bottle. It is mild in its ; action, pleasant .to- the taste and positive in effect, a dose at night bringing relief next morning, naturally and . without griping or oth er discomfort- A bottle ot Dr. Cald weirs Syrup Pepsin in the house will save many times its cost . in doctor bills. . Your name and address on a postal to Dr. W. B. Caldviell,-203 West St., Montlcello) I1L, will bring a free trial -bottle by. return mail; Adv. . GREAT OPPORTUNITY. "Hi, Eddie! Come an' help me se lect a cent's worth of candy, an' 111 let you stand by and watch me eat it." ITCHING, BURNING ECZEMA 317 S. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Md. "My trouble was caused by 'a severe sprained ankle; the bruised blood not having been drawn off caused a skin affection which the doctors (Pro nounced, eczema. It first started with an itching and burning, with very dry skin. Constant scratching, especially during the night finally broke the skin, and during the day the watery fluid that came from it would dry and peel off like fish scales. My stocking would stick to my ankle as if it were glued. I also had it on my fingers. "I was treated without getting any benefit. I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment as directed and then ap plied the Cuticura Ointment and bound the ankle with a soft bandage, .after bathing it with Cuticura Soap. They cured me in about two months. (Signed) T. W. Henderson, Dec. 2, 1L Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston.' Adv. : 8teamboat Memories. London Opinion, commenting on the recent celebration of the centen ary of the steamboat, remarks that it is interesting to note that-the Brit ish admirality of that period rejected the invention with the declaration that "a paddle wheel steamboat could be of no use in navigation' and that a Dr. Lardner, a pundit of that day, who proved "that no steam vessel could ever cross the Atlantic, lived long enough to bolt to America in a steamer along with another " man's wife!" Out of Fashion. "I see where fluffy skirts saved a girl from drowning in the Chicago river recently. The old styles were the best styles after all." ' "Huh, she probably tried to drown herself because she had to wear the uuffiies." . Imnnrtnnt trt Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of C ASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Signature of CLyfSi In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletchers Castofia A high priced box at the opera seems less expensive to some people than the cheapest church pew, As a summer tonic there is no medicine that quite compares with OXIDINE. It not only builds np the system, but taken retc ularlv," prevents Malaria. Regular or Taste less formula at Druggists. Adv. Most people would rather take' ad vice 'from strangers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces innamni- t ion, allays pain, cures wina cone, zoc a ooiue Acrr. ;. "A man will "never reach the top who is too lazy to move until he Is pusnea DR. CALDWELL'S GUIDE i -" , J There's Health Brief Extracts From Strong ' TESTIMONIALS " ! Mr.C.T. BsrWalc. P.M.. at DaaviQ tor aur m. writes, My aeiee toiteni for mny years witk aric aeid rhenmstiwa, . . i. . She took six bottlet of Milam with the hssptest rewiila, I regard her a, bdaf entirely relierei. Mr. R. L. Wsllsce, of CWUcm. WertV. write. I fc Ixen a rufferer from Catarrh for twenty years when I deaded to take Milam. I bought rkree bottles sad am aow ea my foarthTo My eatarrk i entirely goae and Ikm mot fel se well sat years. ;, . - .. - ; " ' C H. Wniiame. Saleamaa f or aactt-PsaVedy VCo.. Hnat-, sagtoa. W. Va.. eayw Y csa luev your money. Iy face is entirely weH. Am fmiskiaf my math bottle ot Mdam and think after 26 years of acscma am cared. ; - Rev D. P. Tate, a MetWiet Minieter. ef DatrWDe. Val. 'writes: I took rix bottl of your Milantwhiek yrored of mst . amlaUa Ksaefst aa,.V fx .'-.V.'. " 'AX: V f ' (L flsgXYoun onucsisT Wickson I have been working night and day for the last month. Dickson -Because why ? Wickson -In-order to get enough money ahead to pay for a week's rest in the country this summer. ' . The Farmer's Search. - While plowing, a Crawford county farmer near Helper had the misfor tune to lose a,small part from his cul tivator "in the plowed ground. " Soon a neighbor " came by. "Lost some thing?" he asked. Soon another came by and asked the same question. And then another. Pretty soon a man he didn't like anyhow approached. VLost something?" he asked. The farmer looked up in supreme disgust. "Oh, no; just digging worms 4 for my pet buzzard," he ; replied. Kansas - City Star. .Serious Lack.' An old Englishwoman, who was ex tremely stout, "was making vain - ef fortst to enter the rear door of "ah omnibus. The, driver - leaned over good-naturedly, and cried: "Try sideways, mother, try . side ways:" - . The old woman looked up breath lessly, and replied: "Why, bless ye, James, I ain't got no sideways!" Youth's. Companion. AFTER THE DOCTOR FIT,ET. ' Even -the moat stubborn cases of malaria yield to Elixir Babek. "In the summer of 1896. I contracted the disease known as Malaria. After & year's fruitless treatment by a promin ent Washing-ton physician, I was en tirely cured by your Elixir Babelc" Brasie O'Hapan, Troop E. 6th U. S. Cav. It is equally Rood for bilious disorders. Elixir Babek. 60 cents, all druarsrists. or Klocxewskl & Co.. Washington, D.C. Adv. . At a Distance. "She certainly tries to obey , her mother's injunction not- to let the young men get too near." "Why, I saw a young man with his arm around her last night." "I know, but she had a faraway look In her eyes." Burdueo Liver Powder. - -Nature's remedy for' biliousness, constipation, indigestion and all stom ach diseases. A vegetable prepara tion, better than calomel and will not salivate. In screw top cans at 25o each. Burwell & Dunn Co., Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C. Adv. For the Sake of Variety. Customer This, I suppose, is a fold ing bed. ' Merchant No, sir;, we call this an unfolding bed. I'll show you. (Un folds it) , A frreat majority of summer ills are due to Malaria in suppressed form. Las situde and headaches are but two symp toms. OXIDINE eradicates the Malaria germ and tones up the entire system. Adv. Of. Course. "Her husband is a self-made man." "She's sure to insist on alterations." Boston Transcript. AMD, BUILD UP THE STSTE 1Vto tha Olrt Mta.nda.rd .UKUVHH TASTKLifi mm. I. TtiNirL Ton know wha.fc von a.ra taxing. Tbo rormala, Is plainly printed on erery buttle, thowlna It Is simply Quinine and Iron In a. tasteless form, and the most effectual form. 'or giovo people and children, GO ceDts. Adv. At the Opera. "That singer has a powerful voice." "I should say so. I can't hear my self speak when he's singing." For SUMMER HEADACHES Hicks' CAPUDINE is the best remedy no matter what causes them whether from the heat, sitting in draughts, fever ish condition, etc. 10c., 25c and 60c per bottle at medicine stores. Adv. The fountain of beauty is the heart, and every generous thought illustrates the walls of your chamber.-Smiles. -'': SHOES MM J3.BO M.00 M-50 UID 5.00 FOR MEN AND WOMEN " f to. L. Dttualmm $2JtO. M2.&0 , bmamumm mam mmlr wOl momtttwmtv mmt inlra mw mrmlnmry.mnmmm, mmmm mm WXJoocUs makes and sells more $34X),$3fO & $4.00 shoes than any other manufacturer fat the world. ; f.- THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER SO YEARS- v The workmanahip which has made W. L Douclas shoea famous the. worU v ever is maintained inv every pair. .-" . . ' ,", X . Ask toot dealer tar show too W. L. Doturlas latest fashions' for fall and winter wear, notice the short vamps which make the foot look smaller, points in ' shoe particularly desired by young- men. Also the conservative Styles which . , have made W. L Doug-las shoes a household word everywhere. , . .' : ' . If you could visit W. L Douglas large factories at Brockton; Mass, anal ses"'.,' for yourself how carefully W. L. Dougias shoes' are made, you4 would then wa' ' derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better held their shape and wear longer than any other make for the price.' :.'' Fatt Color Eflt. , CAUTION. To protect yon aaaiast inferior sboea, ,W.L.Donslaa atampa his name oa th. botc tom. Lok for the staaop. Bawara of ankstfoitee. Vf. L. Dontlaa sbeM are sola ia 7S mttmmm mmA Jum Jubn MMi N. RuHtf wUmtoo tivA-'tlMav ara wiiluB vuul I each. ' II your dealer cuMt sopphr yoa. write diract by nsaiL Shoe seat ryvbera. deUvary MILAM Nwdsie,iw!il M UOBWEeW SOS AUBATrVBTOMat urn sick TWELVE YEARS Want Other Women to Know tto; She Wmj Finally rt f Restored 1q Health; ; Lcanal tMovS--I tMnlk a woman naturally dislikes to make her troubles Known xo uepuoac but complete restor ation tohealth mean so much to me that I cannot keep from. telling mine for the ' sake of other suffer ing; women, t - "I had been sick, about twelve years;' t. and had eleven doc-: tors. I had drajp crine down pains. pains at monthly periooXliilictia spells, and was getting worse all the time.- I would hardly get oyer one spell when I would be sick again. No tongue can tell' What I suffered from crampsv and at v limes'I could hardly. walk. .The doctors said I might die at one of those times, but I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ' bleCkjmpound andgot better right away, your valuable medicine is worth, more than mountains of gold to suffering wo- . men. "Mrs. Beetha Muff, 503 N. 4th Street, Louisiana Mo. -' ' '.; !'! " ; Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabla Com-, pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and to-day holds the record of being the , most successful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands of . yoluntary.: testimonials pn file ". in the "Pinkharq laboratory at Lynn,MaBS., seem to prove this fact. . '-' zh:h&;:-irx ';'.-: If yen want special advice write tp lydia . Pinkham Medicine KM (eenfl dential) Lynn, ULass. ..Tour letter will . be opened read and answered by 4 woman and. held In strict confldenoe. i 63 POPE BROWN H0KESTIADtta Df PULASKI COUNTY, GEORGIA Out of the 6,ooo-acre Pope Brown plantation sub-divided into 142 farms ojEfered, there remains 63 left for sale. . 63. elegantly; sit uated improved farms that offer a compe- ' tence to the first 63 men -who know when to take advantage of the accepted time. Every' farm situated on public road and contains dwelling, barn, wood and water. No ponds or swamp land. Size from 10 to 175 acres respectively .putting them in reach of alL High school and church centrally located. Two large public gins, saw mUV gristmill, repair shop, stores and artesian wells located at Browndale. The Hawkins rillo and Western has been completed and Browndale is now a- nice, thriving town with six passenger trains, daily. L0t3 are being sold and new enterprises going up. THINK OF IT LANDS FROM $20 TO $100 PER ACRE AT SUCH LIBERAL TERMS. One-fourth cash, bal ance one to fivq year, to suit purchaser. "There is 00 better ptaee to farm than In Geonrfa No better land in Georgia than at- Browndale." YOU ARE BUYING DIRECT FROM OWNERS. NO MIDDLE- MAN. FREE BOOKLET SENT ON REQUEST. SOUTHERN TRUST CO.. HawkiaiDe, Georgia WRITE OR COME TODAY- BETTER COME A FULL 50c BOX OF I Dr. Coonley's FAMOUS ORANGE LILT The standard REMEDY for over SS years a for Leucorrhoea, Profuse or Irregular and i Painful Periods, Falllngr of the Womb, In- i flammatton, Consjestion, and Ulceration of the Womb and Ovaries. Send for it to-day Address The COONLEY MEDICINE CO. a 306 Cass Street Detroit. Micbisan f its HAIR BALSAM. Clsaan aod the hast ctowfh. ZTever VaUs to Beator Gryi Sai to Its Toottafol Colas. I wevents nair railing.- sop, sna n.oo t uratmma. KODAKS and High Grade Finishing. . Hail orders siren Spe cial Attention. ' Prices reasonable. Service prompt. Send for Price List. LIUIULD'S ABI BTOEX. CHASXKSTOS, SG. 0 Opinm, Whiskey and Ung HabHa treats ed at home or at Sanitaiinm. Book on air ficroa sakixasich. audita, fisoau nRnDCY TBBATBD. GJtralcki. Unur I ueIt ngUaUy remore rtrel lins and aborf breath' in a days and entire relief in tf-46 days, trial treatment W. N. U, CHARLOTTE, NO. 43-1,912. tarn sw it, to factory for cataloc bowins howtoofor harsa FMRMS BROWNDAI Is: I J? ill Our Testimonials are From People, of . Intelligence and High Standing ' Mr. Green Waiiame, ManagCT Cryetal lee ana Power CtL,' DenriHe. Va.. Ex-Ckief of Police, write : For tns yaec fira years, following an attack of eryaipili my foot and ankle fa ! amea for scrcral montk, at the same time every year. Last ; year, wkea tke symptoms legaa to ayaear. I took asms of your .' Milam and waa entirely relieved1. No rctura of tke troubls since, Mr. W. :E. Gngga. See'y tt Treaa. WeetWke ElentorCaV. former Caakier Bank of DanriUe. write! About tea years aavs',; my eyeeigbt begaa to faiL - . . . I eonaoited eereral rpeciaL. ' ittt witk na relief until aaont two yeara ago. waa advicd notb ' lug clje could be done. . . . eonaented te take Milam aid. . wot tkink it could kurt me. About rin weeks aotieed tmyrevn. ancnt wkick ass beea steady evsr since. . Now read r aeirasasara at aigkt witk ordinary sjlssars t "-. Na trouble ; fa t"--'-g to my duties as cxeoutrrs of a large eoryoration. - 5 I G DotHcG S5-nc:ulb Cu:rcnt:c J ; 1 I, Sr ..rr. 7 1 t