3 9 fi jr. i i J V Ebb HouAn Bccoiu) PUBLISHED BTEBY FEIDJLY, V7sB.il .3TEV7ART, rT. .Ed. and Prop Batered as seeond-elass matter Jan weV- 1S.1SC9, aMhe post olSee at China wots, H u. unaer tne aet ox Jiiaren v 1ST. - " x . 1 8TJBS0PTPTION PRICE. . - f Wasnhman and Record, one year .two papers per week eash in adranee , 100 per year; six montns, duo. OitmaiorE, N.O., Oct. 25, 19i2 II is oo more personal to say a man is a thief than it is to say he is a gentleman. It it a question of veracity. The blind tigers of the commu nity hTe got to ekido and if the oounty democracy wants to swing to their tails it is welcome to the job. , .". ,. .. ;: . :.; In making up your mind how to rote don't forget the court house scandal. Don't forget the Demo cratic commissioners are now fur nishing the granite for this build ing and that the party they rep resent is responsible for their con duct and for the laws permitting them to thus fleeoe the people and spit on their rights. We do not think much of Sena tor O' Gorman's endorsement of Got . Wilson's mingling with the Knights of Oolambos. He is tb.ui guilty of toadying to Catholtos, not one of whom would gire him a pleasant look, if tney naa any hope of re-electing their servant Taft. But of course they do not eare whether it be Taft or Wilson if theroan set the president of the United States to serve their purpose, or let them do as they please . Old Taft has shown them enough special favors to do this great oountry for all time to come Thst oourt house desl is a stenoh in.ihe nostrels of all deoent people. Every week some fresh evidence, oomes forth that leadi one to believe the entire scheme t&hsve been one to filch dollars from the tax-payers of the coun ty. The Democratic commission ers, without one word of protest on the part of any democratic can didate now canvassing the county, hare deliberately violated every tenent ot Democracy scoffed at the rights of the people and are growing fat at the flesh pots.' Yet with this terrible stenoh con stantly before us men have been going over the oounty . making ''good old time Democratic speech es" with no promises of any im provement in conditions. Can the degradation of popular, deoent government be greater? Ths Watchman hastens to compliment Judge B. B. Miller of the county court, for ordering warrants for those who have paid the federal tax and are conduct ing so-called social olubs, but in reality blind tigers, in our midst. Here is honing the Judge will be able to accomplish some real hen etittothe community, although he has a single handed fight. If there is a county offioer in sympa thy with him we are unable to name that man, in fact the sher iff and solicitor have been so sloth ful in the performance of their d uties, except when there was a fee in sight, and intimate., with the m .a - m 9 fa. is xeeners oi tnese - aives, it wouia not be surprising' to hear of them aotually opposing the move. We understand the warrants have not as yet been served and that some delsy may be expected. Recently M. O. Quinn, of the B ilisbury board of alderman, of fered a resolution requiring all the social olubs of the city to give a bond - guaranteeing that they would not violate the law, - This resolution was tabled by a Vote of seven to one, Jlr.Quinn being the only one voting for it. This means all but one of our alder men are willing for the blind ti gen to violate the law , notwith standing they took an oath to set that it was. enforced. Two of these men who object to the obser vance of law are candidates for offioe on the Democratic Oounty ticket. -They are J. O. Kesler, 'who wants to be county treasurer, wants to handle the county's xaney, but does not regard a sa erd oath nor is he willing that , this should be a lawful oommuni ' tv. Vis this Democracy? He is on the Democratic tioket. The other is H; O ., Trott, who wants to be shairman of the board of oounty commissioners. What ' kind of treatment have the peo- fttft received: at the hands .of the present chairman of county com suiesioners? Will a man who does not regard his oath and ob jects to the enforcement of law do any better? - pan ; thepeople vof Itosr an afford "so trust tfieir affairs in such hands? YEMlUTE, CQI'T RISERRATE. Sen Scsslblt listrcsttsi fir Gni Hultk v, Cwiii tli Ceil Vutitr.' v , Oool weather is here.-' Gold weather ii coining. , . the advent of oold weather always marks the' run tu tus puvmuuuw U1U xo. It also marks a general inoreaie in the number of o&tes of the pon- tagibus diseases measlest ' soarlet fever, ? diphtheria, " colds, ete Whyf Because from no on peo pie begin to olbse their doors and windows, and stagnant air diseases get in their work. When people are oloselv' bound in, in poorly ventilated rooms, the foul air low- ers our vitality, and this, together with dose association: makes dis- ease transmission easy. ; Wbat i the remedy f. It Js easjr ; enough to locate the remedy. The reme- dy is simply a continuation of the in4i.tin wo Kw . r iu.' -t- -it dwu UTioE oui m ins uubu ik u .mar inn- Rnk hn. Mn We get it in the winter? In winter we have to live in houses to be sure, but we don't -have to sacrifice all J our fresh air, however. Hera are two valuable suggestions for in- oreasmg tne fresn air in our bOUSeS. If stoves are used, a jaoket oi shisld of galvanized iron or some otnermesax snouia surroima we stove. An opening in the floor will admit air which wiil,pais up around the stove and out at the top of the shield, thus furnish ig a lot of warm, fresh air. This is better then window ventilation as the fresh air is heated as it en ters the room. Bat if your room has no stove it surely has windows, and if it 1 1 . .ti 1 ... a uas, nere a sjm simpler met.oa u. torn of the window sill, on the in- side of the room, plaoe a thin board six er eight inches wide and as long as the window, is wide; fasten this board ap on edge on the window sill, as near the inside of the window jamb, and as far coast of the Louisiana snd Mis back from the window itself as lissippi. At Grant Isle, on the possible; then raise, the window southern shore of Louisiana, : are six or eight inches. The in com- pens containing as many as 9,000 ingcool air will strike against the terrapins, and the big turtles, are board and be deflated upwaid aud hunted with, dogs in the surround no "cold drafts" will be not ioed; mg swamp prairie. The only ol jsotion to this method . The terrapin is fed regularly of getting a little of the mush with, meat, and the onere chopping needed fresh air is that it .shuts of the meat ax on the block near off some light- To overcome this 1 ge a piece of heavy glass and use it in place of this board. If desired, the glass or board t may 1 be placed with the ton edae inline olined toward the inside oi the in room. This works better than by having it set straight up. At any ;event, do something, Get fresh air at any prioe, even if youhave to break, window, or two. Bulletin. Socialisa Awcilsii. "No God! No Master I" read the banners borne by the Indus trial Workers of the World dur ing their recent strike demonstra tions at Lawrence; Mass. Their whole conduot within recent months has emphasised their spe cial character as members of an organisation which not only seeks tne utter destruction or ail capi talism, as the less militant forms of Socialism do, but which also regards any means as legitimate to that end, The avowed purposes of their leadert are not to se cure any particular concession for employes, except incidentslly, what they design is one well-timed strike after another until the em ployer shall come into possession I of what remains. Physioal and moral violence are their weapons. J To th extent of their very limited but as yet increasing power, they are destructive revolutionaries cf the most abandoned kind . Such I at least, are the leaders. The rank and file are ignorant people, . war mamiy soutnern European or tnef ri. I -""I?, uer May we never witness h a speotacle in the South . As for as eve can sea ahead, thnra ie "no prospects that we shalLOhar- lntta nheaPVAF , Jaat as sureVas we succeed inP ffettini? f oreiirn imf0ratfn -1 ed our way, as is now being urged on all sides the same conditions win prevail nere. unless we make prsparations to control aucb a class, we had as weUprepare f or as 9 " tt the inevitable. It is alwjays a case of rule or be Uuled, and-uuless we, (the Native fr Southern people,) - lTSr 7.. v' P to do so we may vexpeot the uil we tried Buoklen's Arnica h "lwlofcloni new arrivals to .do : the rulinfr. SUve.smd 'cured him. with one S. Corn who is erecting a fine In ma&y a political and commsr box.l' Cum , burns, Jtfoils, skin granite residence in Charlotte was cial senee. ?UtJ- 55 at homeflundav. - Vsuraa. ScIhC: f.:t tHI!:j Ii Esit; the United Sialas Matfne-Hospi- tal Serviw, pqaipped with the Tat killing apparatus invented by an Auitraliin chemiit, is being uied in the rat killing campaign in Boston vHarbor-r : The t,Bratton, ties up along, side the sugar and banana boats Irpm J3outh Antrh- oa and the Wesi tndies and pours into them the gases whioh. exter minate every rat in their holds, ; The method v invented by the Auttralian, and originally Jntend- I edfor fighting fires in the holds of vessels, consists of , drawing out the gases which ascend through the tunnels of a steamship t from the fires, r modify them ' slightly ana tneu pour vuem anso sue noia of the vessel under treatment, r These gasei contain no oxygen and gradually drive all the air out 1 sf tha teasel's hold. The rats die The rats die atmii .nil: in nfla y ior muas tjwrewai ana - r -T' r-i " fire, the latter is extinnuished for the same reason.; A picture of the rat-killing apparatus in nse ap pears in the November Populsrl Mechanics Magsiine. J AnilWIll HI81S ttt MIM I till. I fPnitnmntBi. f.lu Atti A an I tisk Df Wichita .Kan.: has invsn- tsd AQ artificial root, by means of Which an entire hew set of sound to.ki, M,n kA ni.na in m a. t.nm whicn nataral teeth and MA.v oroTB that this oonvehtion ia of ; prootioal value, be recently took w . ' ; with him to the convention of the National Dental Assioiation in Washington, a Wichita attorney, who has a number of these artifi cial roots in his jaws. How the roots are placed in the jtw i expUiotd in ihe ..Teciber PopllUr Mwhtnic, Mllgilio. u - v TflTljli HlltlSf ll tit Slltl. Terrapin farming is one of the industries peculiar to the lower 'he pen will bring them.raoing to Lthat end of the pen like chickeni to a f eed of oorn. From the No- vember Popular Mechanics Mas;a- $QQ Rmrl. SlOQ The readers of thi. naneV will naner be-pleased to learn that there is at least onedreaded disease that JjS'S J Hairs Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now knowu to the I medical fraternity. Catarrh be- ug . ouu.u auonsi a tesie, re- Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternallv. aotintf direct It noon the blood and mucous surfaces of the! frVStem. therahv rlMtmvinir tha I fonndationvof th rii.A.. -r, I giving the patient strength by I puilding up the constitution and I assisting nature -in doing its rn JnPKS'taTe ,0 muoh faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Doi- lars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials AddressF. J. CHENEY A CO., , Sold by Druggists, 75 u Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Rev. Dr. F. J Mai let t, reotor of St. Luke's Episcopal Church of ty, who has been attending Convocation of Charlotte at Winston - Salem, went to North rwiixesooro yesterday, where he !.? one or nis popular lec nrei lu he opera house, Tonight I will lecture at Rural Hall. John B. Smith has sold a lot on Churoh street to J. B. Hudson for I A . W. Wineooff has sold home place on Bouth Mam Tt street to isusne JTuiier for 6,- nflA , inhn a .nH Jama. f a?lli gold lot 014 treet to John McOanless fo $7,200. ed N' McOubbins has sold td Rimer's Convention at Raleigh, N. : Bernhardt, house and lot, on 0., August 27. 2&nd 9th, 1012. 80,1111 Fo,Jn. tree, known as ths in 9Ml J,ranw fDBB P109 Ior .-Vv-j'w L I Saves Leg Of Boy. . . J us It seemed that my 14-vear o!d boy would have to lose his leg, ou w uyor a tax or tour account of ah nglyv nicer, caused (dollar per annum on the female bd Dula ' F- Ho w- Oct. lO.--The free sohool will commence here Uondsy, r October 2ist, ' ' John Earnhardt has moved baok to Faith in B. C. McOombs resi denee. . I - -MrsJ; Vr Fisher and; Uttle daughter has gone to 8aranahf a;, to spend a f month - or vimore' visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Oill and family. 7; Miitef Ainnieard Bstell BUiott, daughters of Fraak Elliott of J above Salisbury, are visiting their M. Peeler Saturday and Sunday. J. W. Fink has gone to Palmers ville, N. O;. to help L. M. Lud wick in his. business there . A. Hi and"J.4Wj Eller were in Faith this week with, their porta- I ' press naung s&noKs, straw l r . ' , . . wsoux,uawica. neyaiagooa, - Fine housekeeper at Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie's, October 15th, 1912. Lawson Ludwick, of Palmers- ville. Has run no on a short trin tn Vkith n ' MA k n'-ftipnnd ' 'Mr and Mrs Pinknev Ludwick and look afser his (property up here. : Milas 8tirewait ia hanling in a iremendons 6ig pile of cro on the lot behind his livery . stable from his different farms aud will have a big corn shaokiug soon. D. 8. Lents has taken a big con traot of sawing in Montgomery Oonnty, H. 0. Ervin Lingle has just bought a lot f rocs Albert Brown and is hanling lumber on the gronLd now to bnild a nice residence near Bin htm yj.,. . . . Milas Stirswalt is erecting a hew corn crib. He had a big corn hocking this week.' W, L. Ludwick is here shionine a lot of his produce to Palmers ville, where he runs a strs . Home people. with-.means say they want us to find them a new gold vein down in. North Carolina and they will sink a shaft on it right away. A pew place that hsi never been worked: r. JoHq Fnok; .Qranitf Quarry, came over to Faith after a porta ble rn mill last week ; that was II built tor him by William Foil William Btirawalt also came af ter his portable corn mill that Foil built for him. Robert Stirewalt and six year old daughter, the acrobats of Faith have gone to a fair in South Carolina where they have been engage to performin front of the nis wees aunng tne fair. They are the sime peonle who acted in Spencer Labor Day. They have a great many ealls to gn to drentt Pees and they Ple,e the big crowds wherever 'bey go. Ane harvesthome sermon that annually held, here was con- docted by Rev. Causey . Snn- day. .Thw was. also communion The Utar was surround- l - - :t ,--. - hy he Prod?ots of the farm Dd WftS 4,1 beautiful to look upon. A large number of people always attend these meetings every year. Lswson McCombs is still very low. " ' Oot. 21it. The free sohool started here today with a large number of pupils in attendance. A young blacksmith arrived at Mr. and Mrs. - Samuel Fraley's October 21st. A young granite cutter arrived at Mr. and Mrs, Murry Peeler's October 21st One man here on the granite WJ g" wnr aouars ana msy . . h. cenB P8' T regularly and be mlM nonef for the company-he tTJ " . T He understands ne Dusiness. We notice the resolutions adopt- by North Carolina State Far- Th Watohmait, of October 9 I on we nrst page and sixtn column. Resolution No 1 strikes just rig&t, only t did not go Wfarpugh. They ought to and two dollarrper annum on the COi of the fasvseniress means serloos trouble aheabV if not removed, t so i does less of ippgtite. -It means lack of vitality loss of stretigth, and Lerve weakoesi. - If appetite i fails, take Electric Bitter quick ly to overcome the voaue by -ton ing up the ; stomsbb and curing the indigestion. Michael He sh 3imer of Lincoln, Neb - had been lick over three yegri.vbtit six bottles of Electric Bitters put him right on nia ' feet agaiu Tey- have .- helped thousands They give pure -blood, strong nerves; good digeition. Only 50 1 cents at all druggists. - Groceries Sh OC8 and IP aiBrtS'- Medicne, " -GO -TO - tie invites you to call ana pur chase your supplies from him'. He carries a large and complete' line and . OCULO IT FOn LEOOr So it is to your interest to see him before buying; Hehas received hie 1918 Galena dare and presents eaoh customer with one. p a e ! . t t t t tin SSSSSS ti This libeia offer enables you to enjoy the advantages The moon venience of attending other dentists' services. Filling th GOLD, 8ILVER, PLATINUM and PORCELAIN 500 to G laOO Thorough 7ork Guaranteed Oar work is always so thorough and bo absolutely satisfactory that we guar antee it for L5 years, and it will last much longer. Gotno and let Reference: Our Work PMDLflClELPlHIDA 4 JNortn Main street, . former location 01 Lir. 6R0WITS BUSINESS COLLEGE e&n flye you start, lit life that It would b Impossible tor you to fet-f any other way. W prepare young people, to enter buzlneM.at good salaries. - ' . t .' , You can doubt tour earnlii power by mastering our courses. ' The best Is worth traveling hundneds of nilles for., . r , Write us TODAY for beautiful Illustrated catalog. It is free, and sending for It plades you under no obligation. Address BROWrTS BUSINESS COLLEGE 800 Pins St.', ST. LOUIS, MO. SBSfBBaBBSsssHBesBMsssaBsanasBsesaszsa' ;i AMBITION TALlS "r&. mnnvnl IfTTIP Wlttt FOB 5Tw PAST ACT Paid m Bgnyi its isiiiM -- H.ri.. R..J'. "Ambition TeltsZ- w all e( inspitmUon tor tnrt mrkar. w &f-Mi.. Sraat reading for varylxxiy who lias th rir tWf Jj;. ' think. IbeM ttaou arUcla. In book iorm.ps puUtotnl eovarsa inspiring kl.oci psiui Ua&mi prapid 25c. coin or Ump. ! BUSINESS BOOK COMPANY A SuSrPhi.St. . . JST.LOU13.KfO. BSSBBSMBSBBSSBSSSSSMI ! SI SfgJg.V.rjg I ' i Itraight -Sliead It is wonderful what can b? done in time oy a man who works persistently along the right lines. -It's deviating from the course, getting off the track, leiting down a little at times, that is fatal to pro gresa. Not so with the - 4 Baiak of Chilis &ioVe. It has gona persistently forward, accorded courteous ' treatment to depositors whether large or small, been consistent and conservative in its policy of loins, looking always to the safety of its patrons, carried the best of insurance for th i protection of moneys on hand. Its resources at the regular serai-'? annual meeting reached a total of over $102,000,00 . ;with deposits of over $86,000.00, and have built o ur surplus to $3,000.00. All of these ; niarjlingv'he highest point yet reached in the history of thebank.i Oondidering pur Progreas, our7Strtbour Success in manaementwe feel justified insdlicitvl ing your patronage. '-y'. '; I rj vve pay per cent on 'l posit, and issue them from - we welcome your account :.: A. M. Hanna - Pres. Y J, D. Norwood -Vice-Pres. .W. C. Sifterd S mi J. O. White & 6, . Bnild. Illl lies agd See that the next one you : . -.-. t ... , f Buy has their name on it, ; FACTORY, 212 E. FISHES STREET, 'Phone 143. Salisbury, N. C. . : TEETH FIXED Loiv Priceo and Eaoy Tepnib $5-SET-$5 Call and let 11s sliow JOU samples of 6or work. uo matio our enacnination of dhd Wachovia Bank. PAirJLEGS DEHTIGTO, inc.. ' " :.v , - - ' 1 L ""''' .T - - rase? J' -t ' H :j. OOUPSM ptCS . i9fit - spa iavii';. -wl tra J eSBa yrota sixn iiTioqa noJC net ra iot ? "ses9 ;OTco Tlx tcj Wipedotatono: TTf'i -eSpej Areiqn - Aiasitjotriii'3 -inr to -otp peSpp'. ;ta tir ""O enQ p ime Uertincates of ;De $1.00 up. ! 0 .8 - .Cashier. For OO o : .- of good -teeth without -. ?. : .. ; r, n CROWN and. BRIDGE WORK i ILL VDHI BT MKLKS BETHflB Through our wide ei perience, skill and set-' entific equipment we can positively- '.es&ure absence of pain .'- - Lady Atforiiriif K. Y. Crawley. . - v-r.j V I SSSSBBBBBBBSBSBSBBSSSSBS TODAY mo CD . 3 I 1 i ,1 1 "A : t '4 -A i 1 X -0 1 3 -HI" - v T V : 1