i r Kit'. i Vr. IS' Local Train Schedule. Arrival of passennop trains f at China Qrovei ; (Only trains that stop here are given.) 19 r8w.'&fcnmuff",-:4:35 8 III 0 44f.r Washington ? . 7 :05 a 01 W 36 f ' t Was! iugt -n . . . 11:37 -m 0 46 for Greatsb . . 4:10 p-BI ft) 12 for Richmond 7'I9 M Southbound. 10 45-for B:56 i-nt to NO il-for AMadta. 39 a-m A if V ' . - 1 - ' ..' ' 3 -0 pro 8 '15 p-ra 10 35 for Atlanta LOCAL HEWS MATTERS. Ihirt Items Coicernng our People and Their Qin ? Misses Ruth ahtl Orline Cline, who have been at tending school at Albemarle earner home yesterday to spend the holidays. Worth Miller, who has " been down in FJorHa for : several weeks, fias come home for the. holiday s. F. fl. Bostian, of Jackson .ville, Ala., is visiting Jiis J father, J. L. Bostian. L. E Ritchie and family left Tuesday morning for High Point. Mrs; A. W. Winecoff, of Salisbury, cams down yester day morning to - attend the marriage of Miss Lurline Graham and PrOf. Rankin T. M. Rarasaur, who is at tending the University at Chapel Hill, is home for the holidays. ' C. Bernard Patterson, of Princeton University, is 'spending tht holidays at Mrs. M. D. James, of Ches ter, S. C, and Mrs. A. H Wertz, of Salisbury, are here visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Holshouser. P. B. Gobel went to Con cord yesterday on business. He rode his motorcycle. Misses Mary Bosnian and Edna Brown are expected to arrive in China Grove Satur day evening, Decemoer 21st, from Duke, where they have been teaching school since the first of October, to spend their Christmas vacation at home with their, parents. "Pat" SechlerV Christmas vacation starts today, if the weather will permit. - He has contracted to build a flue, put in a hearth and a chimney back for unknown parties in the Concordia neighborhood . P. B. Gobel and father, E E: Gray and "Spot" Watkins were in Salisbury Monday. Mr. Gobel's main business in Salisbury was to ride a motorcycle home.' McL. Ritchie is having five small tenant houses built on Union Hill . northeast of town just outside of the town. lift Efird Meets with Accident. Lufcher1 Efird, who liveB near her , got m quite early Tuesday morning and we;:t oat to make preoaration? tor killiug hecs. He WSJ gone for some time and mem berstf the family were getti: g unipy. Finally he a: peered for brikt8t, ait down hut did u t eat, and upon being asked, be stated hat he had ' la lien ver the woodpile." He grew worse but said nothing more, and the family are' at a ' loas - to uuerstand hie trouble. Wdifsay his throat was badly swolen but it was thoughtTbe was slightly improved. Famous Stage Beauties look with horror cii Skiu Erup tions, Blotches, Sores or Piuip'es They dott have them, nor will anyone, who: uses B'ckleuV Ar nica Salve .V It glorifies the face. Eemt or Salt Rheum vanishes bef ore it. It cures sore Hps, chapped" aands, chilblains! heals burnt, cuts and bruises . Un- hnaled for niles. Only 2oo at All Druggists. ' 6RAHAM-RANKU NUPTIALS. A BrilHant Church Wedding avd a Oelfght- s fol RecepifQn Last EieHiiig. ' 2 As previously noted, the I mars r age of Mies' Luritne . Graham, tie charming daughter of Mrs. M. JtGirabjk, of .this place, :: and Prcf . , Chaiies ' Wesley Rankin, O -Sal isbury'' took place in St. MSkls K;VU ' Church here last eteiilnt s x . o'clock, Rv. W. H Biser, the .past f offioiattug, he beautifull ' ceremony -r of the Lutheran Church being used. . The nbur.ch was beautifully de c rted in greejn and white ad white candles, presenting a most . pleasing appearance The audience was seated upon arrival by the ushers, Messrs. F. M . Thompson, W.-J. Swink, McL. Ritchie, . W. C. Sifferd, Fred. H. Bostian and Roy Kim ball. 8 V " The attendants, the dam4 of honor, Mrs, A. M. Hanna. dress ed in yellow satin with spangled drapery. and carrying white roses, was followed by the maid of bbnor, Miss Sophie Graham, sis ter of the bride, dressed in p'tik messaline drapped in pink chiffon aud carrying pink oiroations, cok their position in front of the altar, then followed the bride down che main isle on the arm of her uncle, A. M. Ha nn a as the groom with his best; man, Jesse Fisher, of Concord, ' entered: the side door, all meeting in .the chancel where the beautiful rand s i na pie ring 'ceremony tood place; during- which time the wedding tnar3h was beautifully J rendered by Mrs. B ,0. Edwards, of Laudis. This presented a beauti ful soflne with the bride as the center of attraction, she being at tired in a handsome gown of cream Duchess satin, trimmed with Spanish lace and pearls. She carried a white prayer book . asMl s'tbover b14tTeisHf hp valley. Her only ornamentation was a beautiful la vahiere set with pearls, the gift- of th groom. Hampton St'rewalt sang "Be cause" and the party retired to the residenoe of Mr. and Mrs. A. M Hanna, where a brilliant re ception was given in honor of the happy couple. The three stories of the Hanna home were decorated in green audi Christmas colors and one or theJ most complete aud delightful' re-! ontii ovar ffivun hare, tonk : place. The guests were met inwe wil give for two $1.00 sub the hall by Mesdames, W. J. Swink. F. M. Thompson, W. H Ris-r and Miss Msry Rose; and Messrs. F. M. Thompson and W. J. Swink, their cloaks, coats, wraps aud hats were taken in charge and a numbered check given in return, then they were introduced to the bride and groom who, with Mr. and Mrs. Hanna , Mi3B3ophie Graham and Mrs.O.T.. Rai.kin, of Barber, mother ot the) srroom, receiveu in Bne iron room Then followed an ellegant two course sapper, consisting ox cnicK en salad and turkey sandwiches. ioe cream aud cake, the guests be- ing served by Misses Evilin Thorn, Nauuette Rsmsaur, Lorothy rips tain and Vera Eddieman. From the dm u ing room the guests were invited iuto the Blue r.iom where Misses Biowne Ritchie and Ruth Thorn served a delicious and re freshing punch to all.. With this the reception was oyer and .the guests departed with many ex pressions of appreciation to the chaiming hosts and good wishes for the happy couple's future wel fare. , The couple If ft on No. 85; for Jacksonville, Fla where they will spend their honey moor, af ter which they will b at horns in Salisbury. w The out of town guests were as follows: From Salisbury, Dr. and Mrs R.; L . Ramsay, Mr. and Mtb. F. N. McGubb.us, Miss Luoile Elliot, Mary Brown. Rena Puok ett, Eleanor Wat sen, Grase Low rance. Ailene Hurler, and little Misses Catharine Windsor,' Mil dred Huff and Margarett 8ides, pupils of Mr. Rankin and here rb his guests. Whitehead Klutts. Esq , Prof. J A. Lietch, Jry Mrs. A. W. WinecDff . v Mrs, Q. T.RaK Viu and Lee Rankin, cf Barber, mother and brother of the groom ; Prof. E. J. Abernathy, or parp leen, and Miss Nell Herring nnd J. C. Fisher, of Concjrd;- Miss Etta Baker, of Lowell. :- IfOTORCYCLE COMtEST CLOSES.' P. B. fiohel 6efs ; first s Prtzi and 8. H : Trailer Comes JiJwewiL ;; At 2 o'clock - Monday afternoon 180 W ATCHMAJN.' ttUU : JXKWtw o motorcycle contest came to a. clscie, P; B?. Gabel, 'of China Grc ve, winning the first prise; Qt N. TrexUrof near , Rockwell, sec ond ; J. B Earn hardt, cf : Faith, third,- and Napoleon" trexler, of Morgan Township, rrurth.H The first.prize waa a Pope motorcycle, ffrur-horse power and ; a' splendid inaohine'in veryr particular.. It iHtailsac $200 '-andCrs a ? thing' of ! eauty, stroug, an easy-rider and a speedy vehicle. ; - The scoc d pr ze wae ', an , Ircquois, coaster brake bicycle It is light bdt su - Btautiai and will give good Service for a wheel of its kind. The third and fourth prizes were a thirty piece, blue-ware tea sets and quite pretty and useful for house-keepers ' '' The contest was conducted quietly, ', but much work was done and numbers were added to our subscription lisss; The contest ants conducted themselves in a rsplendid manner toward one an other and all other?, in faot the rivalry was of the most friendly kind and the contest closed with all in the best of 'humor. They, -were all fine young men, intelli gent and active, ? At thelbsethe vcte for the four leaders stood thus : v vP B. Gobel, G. N. Trexler, ' J. B. Earnhardt, 880,750, 183 730, 72.600, 48,250. Napoleonyrexler, Notice. i- S : THX;WiM add Rbcobd has a lot of lS. id Wpooket ; knives tbat retail CorjB5o and proposes to give ;one fora subscription for both papersor iKOO paidin advance on subscoriptiou : another lot' that re wilt be given for two $1.00 cash subscrip tions, or to any one who pays $2 .00 on his subscription ; a lot of the San Francisco earthquake bookr, that retailed for $1.50, that we will give for two $1 CO cash sub scriptions, or to any one who pays $2 00 on his subscription ; a lot of mips of North and South Caro lina, of the United States, the world and the Panama Canal Z ne, luclndiutr much statistics and valuable information on the bick, which retailed for $1.00, which ascriptions, or to any one paying $2 00 on his subscription; brand new bicycle, catalogue price $60, that we will give for $100 in sub scriptions: a splendid sewing ma chine, made by the Standard. Sew ing Machine Co., value $40.00, which we will give for $150.00 in subscriptiens ; and if there be any .f our subscribers who wish to take in the great spectacular pa rade and inauguration of Wood row Wilson in Washington, March 4tb, 1918, we will make the neces sary arrangements for a party to see it -and to see the numerous sights of the capital of our-great nation In fact, the editor of The Watchman being thoroughly familiar with the capital city would be glad to personally con duct a party of ten there and take them through Ihe numerous de partments, museums, the capitol, senate and house, Supreme C urt. up on the Washington menu ment, etc . We have other prizes in mind, scholarships, trips, etc, any of which are avai'able should there be any one who wishes to earn same byl a little work for our big papers, the Oldest, largest and widest circu lated in the county. . When yen want something, it matters not what, come at us and we will be 4 ready for a deal. In the mean time if you want the real thing, subscribe for The Watchman and Kxcvbd. c Foils A Foul Plot -When a shameful plot exists be tween liver and bowels to cause distress by refusing o act, take Dr. King's New Life -Pills, and end suoh abuse of - your system. They gently compel right - action of stoma oh, liver and bowel?, and I restore your health and all good eeliugs. 25 at All Druggists. r William Beaver, r and ; old veteraaHP thQt)rgan ChtircK neigliborl6died tsarl yes; terday morning?af ter a short illpess .with hfeart and kidney disease.. He wpuld have been 79 years old, the 9th of this : month. , He 'leaves a wifeone sonV;C William; E. Beaver, and k two daughters. Mts7 LW.5 B(feti; wholived it tHei family homestead. Mrs. H. A. Crusecf Gold Hill Township, and. . numerous othe relativjMto morn -his loss, tie - ws t the grand fath er of . Miss; Eudora Bost, who is makingher home in Chlna:GroveJ - The funeral look place-$ from Origah Church th.iimorning at;. 11 o'clock, RvfL A. Trexler, the pastor ofiiciatln g and the interment was in the cemetery there. Mr. ; Heaver was a splendid citizen, a hard work mg and eucqessf ul farmer. being ' well fixed in this world's goods, -a leading spirit in Organ Church and a consistent Christian: J; Mies Mattie Jenkins and David S. Hinton were mar ried at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Boone in Spencer, Wednesday, Rev. J. L.; Vip. ViDerman ofiieiatini?. Mrs. Boone is a sister of the bride and Mr. Hinton is of Ashe ville where they will make their home, y :;; The marriagefof Miss Daisy Barnhardt Parsons ami Forest W: Gray, of Greenville, tS!ISiin-.tSt. Xl&srprseopal ' r Chlircli f - j Wednesday evening, Rev. F. J. Malleti, the pastor, ofncia ting. Charles W. Alexander, a well-tc-do farmerof No. ,4 Township, Cal-arros County, "and Mrs. Hattie Day vault- of near Kani,apolis, the widow of the late . Paul Day vault, were happily united in the bonds of holy matrimony at tb home of the bride near Kan napo lis, at 2 o'clock on last Sunday afternoon, December 15th, 1912, R-v. O.-A Brown, pastor of the orid, officiating. This happy coup'e have many friends all of whom wish them a long aud hap py life. A Pleasant Affair to the School Children. The pupils and ieachers of the grammar and primary grades of the High School gave a de lightf ul Chritmas service this af ternoon about 2 o'clock, in the auditorium of the school building. The patents aud: friends of the school were invited and a number wars present. A nict) Christmas tree, loaded with presents givu each other by the pupils, was in evidence. It looked as if Santa Clans; had un loaded his : entire stosk of goods and tbey had been appropiiated for this occasion. As is u ual in such cases the. distribution was amid much merriment and hilari ty on thapart of the lii-tle ones. . Songs aud recitations appror ri ate to the ocsasion were rendered, showing much painstaking care in the instruction on the part of the instructresses. : A treat of oranges, apples and sweetmeats, nus, .etc. , furnished by the lady teachers, Misses Wor tham, Rankin, and Miller, ws enj"y d. The occasion .will long be re membered not ouly by the pupils but by visitors. ; - : The holiday spirit parmeated the entire exercises. Sjhool will not be epeHod again until Monday after New Year. i " ;v Chris mas -SA'ilMit Lutbef Chapel. . t The.re will be a Christmas ser vice entitled ''The Gift Supreme," rendered at Lutheran Chapel on Christmas day, by the' children L and young people of the Sunday p. m. '. ' ' After the services'there will be a treat of - fruits, nuts and candy given to the members of the Sun day School,; There will be'an offer ing for missions; Let every mem ber of the Sunday Sohool bring an offering - Evervboly welcome at these setvioei. MARR AGES SALISBURY AND iftWAM GOUfcWS; Items fiffntenst 6ithiriti for TIs Biiders W. A. Weant, an old Oonfedr erate veteran of of Moeksyille, was a Salisbury visitor yesterday. 7 O. E, C irrell.' who -has Amoved onto - N t.' 1, .KaQoa'pslis, wai: id Salisbury this week. ' . . :: - ' 'J- ; , Vf The public schools of Salisburvy 8penor, China Grove, and the tounty closed today for a week br mora ;giva ; the children ssd teachers a"d s rved rest. V. , ; -Rev. 0.-B . Heller, ''. pastor of Chestnut Hill and; Spenoer Presr Hyterian ; churcves; was well pound bd at the . manse in S neoer Tuesday :. night Rev. Heller thanked his visitors and ; asfurd them of his appreciation of their consideration. Rev L M Kersob ner made appropriate responca. ' The Salvation Army is wnrki'Vg hard to raio means for supplying the por of the city with a Christ mas dinner. ' The Me.thodist cnngrgitinntyof Salisbury and Spenc-r will have s uhion service t h First Meth odist Church in Salisbury, Christ mas morning at 11 oclock, Rpv W; R. Ware will do the preaching TJiion men of Spencer have do oided to establish a co-operative store in Spencer with branches in Salisbury and East Spencer. It is o1 aimed that they can thni liye more economically and can save more of their salari s if thy.want to. Stopkis being offered, at $10 oer share but no one man can have more than fifteen shares: v T . A . Ludw!dV, mansg "r-of the Salisbury Roller Mill s installing new maobinery and improving the plant considerably. Rev. John Grav, c f Bedford City Va., a former pastor of the Pr as by teriao church, was here and con ducted the prayer meeting -Wed nesday night. Rev. Gray ' has many friends here who were g'ad i to see hiui. - Whitehead ICluttz. Kpq . : who reoently purchased the old b'olnm Vlbarch Stret'"a?foinmg: ton meiaouiu parsonsge, win nva it remodelled. Christmas trees, and holly is to be seen on all sides ' About all the Salisbury Churches' will have Christmas tr-es . and special cer vices during the-hoUdays. W. J. Bryan passed through Salisbuay Thurtday night for Asheville. Mr. Bryan was ac companied by Josephcs Daniels, of the Raleigh News and Observer. A flat car got eff the track near Sbober'e ridge yesterday morning delaying the entrance into the city ot Western passeogar train No. 86 for an hour. Some of the pas senjt-ers walked up towm and the station . O. T Tiohner, who went to Hbt Springs, Ark . several weeks ago to take treatment for rheumatism, has returned much improved. Many df the bvs and girls who are attending school and colleges at ther places will be at home for the holidays in fact many have already reached home. Cliristoas Senlces. There will be. a Christmas tree and some appropriate exercises at St. Maik's E. L. church Tuesday, evening. There will be a Christmas treat for the members of the Sunday School and a Christmas service at Mt. Zion Christmas morniug. The public is cordially invited. Salisbury, N. 0. Deo. 18, 1912. Dear Santa Glaus: -I will tell you what I jwant for Christmas. I'm afraid to begin beoause I am afraid I want to much, well I'll begin . I want : a big doll, a fcuutaiu pen, sme nice story books, a bottle of blue ink, a locket, chain, bracelet, a iring, a little stove, a doll carriage, a doll bed, some chairs, a 4able, a little gold- watch .and a .nice Christmas dress. I have two sis ters and - five brothers. Please don't forget them. That's all from your litte friend, Kula McQuaoe. 1 H. P, Brown, of Salisbury, who has recently gone into, the poultry business won a silver, cup for the best display at the Winst?n-Sitem Poultry-snow last week. HaaIso won five other prizes. Mis mat; tie Millier, of Mt. .Ulla, won a cup ; u . - j : Lieal ana Mrs J . p. ; Try them. v. Every bettle is guar Deaton, of Landis, were also prise anteed to satisfy. Only 50 cents winners, Cbflstpis fiippje? v Jost f our days until Christ mas". Trade w itti-! Record ad vertisers. K S v-r-'v, From all appearances San fa Clans was not bnried Jn. the recent landslide '? for , Wilson, but will make his I rounds r as usual- Pu t tnatiperualiltl the. kids : stockings and Jfeee how much more . happy if will make-them than it would you. . , - , . . Don't spoil your Christmas and your family's by getting drunk. Stay sober and strive to make others- happy . and Christmas will be a happy sea son to you. ' - v . Boys, just four, days ; in which to "fall out" with the girls, otherwise you had bet ter . bH picking out1 those presents, r Joan R. Bro w n . j ha-ltir. offers assistance in ite Jailer tudertaking. , (jirls, be "awfully" nice to iTttt boys duriug the next few layt, buti ve him a chance to avoid th rush: Dou't let .iiiiTj get mad for he will be wautiug" to makesup this timtt next week .V UiscslliBions Ssowipri Hooor of Miss 6raii. - v? : A beautiful mifcellaneous shov? ef was giveu Miss Lurline Graham isst Saturday afternoon f r ' n thres tD -five - by Misses BrowwV Ritchie and Ruth -Thorn, at th home of the latter The g tines of Hearts dice was enthusiastically p!ay d. Miss Helen (Pattsrs owj cf Coocoid; ecming . out f ahead; was' given a v handsome, embroiderer' center piece. , s Th houcr" guest prise; a beautiful piece of ; hand embroidery) was peanted to Miss Graham. The Chrstuias idea' Wus in the rpfrvshmeTts. " " ' 'The duiiug room table was a beautiful soaae, with a haudsom osnWpiece, and red candies, sur rounded by holly wreathes. Pack ages of all kinds, were suspended from the' electrolier. The happy bride-to be, carried home with her many pretty tokens of the esteem in which she is held. Misses Thorn aud Ritchie proved themselves charm ng entertainers and a most delightful afternoon was spant. The following ladies were present: Mesdames Hall, Swink, Keller, Hanna, Shepherd, Sifferd, Thompson. Riser, Thorn. Kimball and B. O. Edwards of Landis; Miasea Lurline Graham, La la Brown, Nannette Ramaaur, Vra Eddieman, Fannie Wortham, Mary Rankin, Mary Rose, Brownb Ritchie, Ruth Thorn, Evelin Thorn, Lillian' Miller aud Helen Patterson, Virginia Hoke and Ben lab Kimball. Hit. Brown 6oes to 6ibsoaiille to Marry a Coopls. R v C. A. Brown will go to Giv-sonville by special request, next Tuesday, December 24 .h, to marry a popular yung lady of that towu, at 5 o'clock p. mx He will leave on No. 48 that evening Rev. Browu was castor, of tho Lutheran church atGibsonviUe about nine yeaira ago, and the young people have not forgot en him, as is evidenced in the fact that he if called back to perform a matrimonial service for one of the popular young ladies of the town. To Opeo Carreti The 8fnt Brothers, of Cleve land, have rented and made ar. racgementt to open the Correll woodworking, repair aud black smith shop here on January let, 1918. They guarantee their work and will appreciate a portion of your patronage. See their adver tisement in this paper. Could Shout For Joy. . "I want to thank yon from the bottom of my heart." wrotd O.'-fl. Rader, of Lewisburg, W. Va., for the wonderful double beontit I got from Electrio Bitters, in curing ma of both a severe cas of stomach trouble and of rheuma tism, from which I had been an almost helpless? sufferer for ten years. It suited my esse e though mtdi just for me." For dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice, and to rid the , system of kidney poisons that caus9 rheumatism. Electrio Bitters has no equal. , at All Drugjists. . Tuesday7 night the stofe of--: theJPa tterspn.1SiMk?ir'ffS cantileCo entered landlgltea- lof iht I M merchandrrriedi ' Dt : thrB:oef ue &a o ; the : idlnffiylBf the rthieves. When the store : waa opened Wednesday morning it wiev bot'eed that' the;-brace - hadv beehientered, and a, nambei . of v articles iremtved ly-THel thieves wentfeou th : nd pre . babie had 'more ; than ; they could carry jor four suits an? pants for two other suits were f found at G-oodnight's cross- -ing south bf. town!' " These; weretaken in 'charge - by - Deputy Sheriff Kimball and -were returned to the store.- In an: effort to, apprehend the thieves Mayor vVVright has Off -red a reward of j75.00 . for their capture. Among the articles are the following: 1 No. 36 slim coat, stock No. 3295, salt and pepper with g reen stripe, serge.lihingr; i 1 black thibet ; coat v,ahd ' pants, size. 37 stock No 513, 1 serge lining.- . The thieves made ntrancer by breaking out a glass in' tne aoor g me grocery f ae- v,s parttoentf ;:.Walter fe?AIexahderV nftwSgSj market' at ;XKannapolis: ;tvas also, orosen into ; ine same night, : probably by i same ixirties. " Here the- thieves' priced open, a rear door- and carrlwd off avj-jfle aud several tuna i ai iiuioo.-; ,. . . - . . . ( - ... - ;faith. . - . "' V Dec. !7JrAAt ? tlie redue? j onn rjrexion went aown to examine a new deposit of , granite and : brouh t, back-" some samples of paving blocks. He r pronounces! the. : deposit) one of the finest in the United States. - J. T. Wyatt spent Sunday ; night with J. M. Wyatt at Fulton Heights. L. A. Drake, of Charlotte, is out on the granite belt visiting relatives this week: We saw a flat car at every loading place the other day and the various granite ship pers were all busy" loading cars with curbing, ; door and window sills and. paying stones. When the people are all busy getting off granite r it means that a lot of money is coming into the settlement and that there is good times l in this neck of the u woods. All are looking forward to a . bright and hapi y Christmas. , J. T. Wyatt shipped a car load of street curbing today. - Peeler Brothers' saw mill is getting crowded with saw logs. ' , ' . . 'I ' ,: . .' E. A. Brown and Andy Casper killed hogs todayT Some of th e old ' soldiers t hjave been to Salisbury and -got their pension money . J. T. vVyatt wants short V option on veins ot gold ore for some capatilists. ; . Drives Off A Terror. The chief executioner of . death in the winter and spring . mouths., is pneumonia. Its advt uoa agsutt J are colds and crip. Ia any t; tack by one of these 'maladies no v time should be lost in taking the ; best medicine obtainable to drive ; it off. CounUess thocands have ; fouud this to be Dr. King's New Discovery. My hiosband bsliavet..' it has Heptbim from' having pnen- ' mo aia threa or four times,' writes, Mrs; George W. Place- Bawson ville, Vt., and for coughs, clds ani croup we have never found its -eqaal." " Guaranteed for all v. bronchial affections. - Price 60 cU and $1 00 . Trial bottle free All Druggists. , . ; -0 .V.iV ? ; '-JUS",' 1 ' : - ; - . -I- -.I-- ' H1 mi f : - VJ r Si t '-A . ?. : . .. t- 1 -n . ..' r:' - r 1 ' , nmt M i '.:.) . s -j j . ..v-. -. it. r'JV i

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