. -9 CHINA GROVE, N, C., JANUARY 7th, 1913. VOL. 5. 'V 4 .'i ' ..-ji . TV r , just, LOCAL NEWS The Flying Dutchman and the Wizzard of the Wind were Salisbury visitors Wednesday afternoon. H. Sam' Sechler went down to Kannapolis yesterday on a. short business trip. WhitX. Wilhelm is consid eralily afflicted at the present time with a carbuncle on his neck. - A. D. Sechler, Esq., spent Wednesday- at Kannapolis with his plug hat on and far ed sumptuously on fried chicken, etc. . Col. Plucky Freeze has been kept at home several days this week with the ear ache. C. R. Campbell, of Enoch ville, spsnt Tuesday night with John Weddiugton. Jas. N. Dayvault has been kept busy this week purchas ing a cow. Mrs, J. O. Templeton, of Amity, is visiting at A. D. Sechler's. ' Mrg. T. M. Winecoff and chilpren, of Salisbury, visit- )d at W. J . .b esperman's, rear churqh, this week. on the sick is f&he Grace porhood, has ipleted a new resi-. Jd moved into it. Fesperman, of the Grace ohurch neighborhood, 'was in town yesterday. a r,:wn i J mLa? knight with ;Mrs. Hols- hoaser's son, T. C. Peeler, who lives near Sumner. J. M. Eddleman had a fall oneday last week that laid him up for several days. He is now able to -be up and about? R. A. Smith, of the Fink and Yost school-house neigh borhood, was in town yester day. He went up to Salis bury at noon. A. E. Sloop, who lives in South Rowan, was in town yesterday on business. Mr. Sloop has several fine Berk shire hogs for sale and has an advertisement cone e r n i n g them in this paper. Read it. J. C. Castor, of Rock Grove neighborhood, was in town yesterday on business. Miss Mary Rankin spent Saturday . and Sunday with her parents, near Concord. S. A. Weddington. of De- rita, who has been visiting at F. W. Bost's, returned hone "Wednesday. Henry Bost, brother of F. W, Bost, of the Organ Church neighborhood, was in town yesterday. J. E, Cline is having the lumber placed on his lot on South Main Street for the new store building. Arch Deacon Harding, of Salisbury, was a visitor here Tuesday. Mrs, F. W. Bost has been kept in her room this week with la grippe. W. C Parks, a resident of the Grace Church neighbor hood, had a big chopping and sawing party yesterday. Harvey Lomax, a member of the Hookworm Club, has been accused of working thirty minutes in the Wat- kins broom factory. Of course he will be reported to the grievance committee who will investigate ana suggest, a penalty. .I C. C. Sechler. president of Uhe Hookworm Club, left Wednesday morning for the home of John and Gal. Freeze where a big chopping took place yesterday. Mr, Sechler is not accused of even. ins tending to take part in the chopping, butvit is rumored he has other notions in his head. J. M. Bostiati set out some cabbage plants yes-terday.- ' , . H. S. Bostian has just com pleted the cement work on Robt. W. Gray's new resi dence ' . H. C. Sloop was in town yesterday evening for a shorty while. M. L. File and family have moved to Rockwell. Jas. N, Dayvault was in Salisbury yesterday evening on business. . ;' . Mrs. J.V'F. MoGraw, ot Mooresville, came in yester day evening to visit her pa rents, Mr. and. Mrs. P. A. Sloop Esq. Rufus Yost and J. M. Bos tian put up a neat smoke" house for D. D. Alexander this week. Mrs. T. H. Kirk has been at home with the" chills for several days this week. An Elderli Lady Quite III. Mrs. Elizabeth Baarer, of near Laudis, who Has been visiting hsr daughter, Mrs. J. P. Horton, at &mity, is quite ill with pneumo . ma . Mrs. -Beaver is near I v i ov years old, and thera ! -very lttle hopa for her recovery Site BSDoJLjfeb3aiv ur;ignDornooa, a bod. an Mis Sim Beaver, ol near LirtcHi, a daughter, who have been attheir mother's beds'ide returned home Wednesday. The doctor in at tendance holds oat no hope of re covery. V Membus of the Ground Hog Committee are Somewhat Flabbergasted. The ground hog committee has not been ahle to get together on a report. Each one seems to have 1 i . i i. a pbt cneory aoout nis noguips conduct on Sunday, February 2d, and consequently, instead of a good, strong statement that would definitely fix tb) ground hog's status forever, we have a number of minority reportrs which seem to be mere conjectures. The chair man of the committee, Col. Lucky Freeze, has been kept at home for several days with a severe earache and had not given the matter the serious consideration it deserved. Dowie Bostian was too much con cerned about the groui.d hog found at the butcher shop to give atten tion to other matters ; but two of the committee, Me?iarn. Sechler and Kirk, had about agreed that the ground heg was kept at home with her young and tiid not find time to come out, and. lastly Jonas Kirk, announces that the said hog is a devoted Christian and thought it would be breaking the Sabbath to come out. . This report is quite unsatisfactory and of course the weather is accordingly unsettled. 'tew Cabbaged Chas. R. Campbell, one of the admirers of the bu 11 moose' and a hustling farmer of JSnocbville, has done somethr ag out of the or dinary about her- i, Saturday he was in town and brought along a lot of well-heade d cabbage which he grew on his jfarm during the last few monthB. This seems to be a new record fox c abbagd rais ing in this secti on. Surprise Your Frlnds. u or, .lour weeks regularly use Dr. King's Nei? Life Pills. They stimulate the life, improve digteg tiorj, remove impurities;, pimpfJes and eruptions disappear from yonr face and bodv and you feel bottr. U I iiegin at once Buy f kt all Drug j gists. J AS TO ROAD IMPROVEMENT. Rowan May do. Away WiMi Free Plan Now i.t Use Labor The Rowan County Commis sioners met in regular monthly session Monday and held a two day's session. A matter of gfeat importance to the taxpayers of the county was taken np Tuesday afternoon and discussed. It relates to the working of the pu blic roads of Rowan. The beard took under advissment and con sidered the question of drawing up a new road law or amendment o the present law. Some of the main features in tbe law consider ed was the levying of a special township tax. of from. 15 to 45 C3nts on the $100 valuation of property and 45 cents on each poll in each township to be appor tioned the full amount peid in' fox road improvement. This plan would eliminate the present plan of working the publio roads of the county by . free labor. It is proposed to copy, some of the features of the present splendid road law now in force in the neigh boring county of Cabarrus. A law is being drawn by the county attorney which will be sent to the legislature for ratification. Clarence Shuman Sentenced to Death. ; Clarence Shuman, a well known native of Salisbury who moved to Hot Springs, Arkansas some time ago, is under -sentence- of.' death for killing his wife tliera last July. He has beo tried and the supreme court has affirmed the death pen alty, of the lower court and the execution is to take place or about February 24feh. At? will be made to'bbtain a new u and should this &il the gore will be appealed to but neither Cl Any one wanting a nice lot of ground hog pigs are requested to call on or write to Chas. R. Camp bell, route 8, China Grove, N. C ., the only ground hog fancier in the State. Thoajfits on the Twenty-Third Psalm. The Lord is my Shepherd, why should I fear? He oareth for me with tbe kind est of care. I shonld not grow weary, despond ent, or faint ; The Lord is mv' Shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me in His green pas tures to lie; I should thank Him for this as the days go by. He leadoth me by the still waters always; To Him I should ever give hon or and prais. And when I am sin-sick, He maketh me whole; The Lord, in His mercy, re storeth my soul. In the paths of righteousness for His name's sake, He leadeth me, and no other should I take. Though I walk through the valley of the'shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for He giveth me breath ; In life, or in death, wherever I be, The Lord, in His goodnes3, is ever with me. Thy Church and the Bible forever should be, As Thv rod and Thy staff to comfort me. In the presence of enemies, a ta ble is spread ; He clothes me and gives me my daily bread. As long as I live, for "Christ I should toil; For, it is He that anointest my head with oil: With gifts of His love, every day, every hour, He fills my cup till it runneth over. . Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life, and in eternity; I will dwell forever in the house of the Lord, If I do His commands and obey His word. .By H. C. S China Grove, N. p. MARRIAGES Miss Ivy Fejktf' daughter of i Mr. and Mrs. H.i J.;;t Felker, of China Grove, and ;! John Seymona, of Coolaemee, .WarBi' married at Cooleemea Sundajf afternoon. The marriage 'of Miss Edith Eagle, daughter o Mr. and Mrs. John A. Eagle, I of the Harris Chapel neighborhood, and George Honbarger, sonof Thomas Hon brger, of China Grove, took place at the'pirsonage of the Methodist church, Saturdiyjnight, Rev. H. II, Robbins, offiqiiting. They are at present at., the home of the bride's parents', but may make their home in ChSua Grove. Paul Crawford Bernhardt and Miss Minnie 'Catharine Props! ware married Sunday, February 2, 1913, at the residence of Charlie Blackwejder, at 4 o'clock p. m in the presence df only a few in vited guests, Ref. C. A. Brown, pastor of the pride, officiating The bride is J In accomplished 1:3.-1 " . ' young lady, antt the groom is pop ular as is evidd rjced in the fact surveyor of Rd- that he is court wan. rneir injure nome win uu at the homestefI;pf the recently mi f I c 1 ill 1 deceased J . 0. Bernhardt, father of the groom, of St. Paul's I the neighborhood K;L. Church, near Palisbury, N C. ' These young 38t of friends all lem a lonsr. happy people have of whom wishj rlatilife. and prosperoa Presbyterian Charts Organized at Stony flint. . TaylorW' Jbytsrit' Prea- organized, at J Mecttiflrt J f L. L. to re ft, no mat- ittedly bad, He will b9 as sailed and his motives impugned. That's why conditions that every body admits are wrong are often allowed to continue, for the aver age man, no matter how honest and earnest,: doesn't like ti b6 made a target. Statesv.lle Land mark. Concord Boys Arrested tor Car-Breaking. Clarence Honeycutt and Walter Gray "were arrested by the police last night on the charge of steal ing goods from a freight car. A car was entered while on the side track here Saturday night. Goods were missed when the car was opened at Charlotte and tbe local offioers were notified. The pDlice heard that the two young men were selling goods and they were arrested last night. They were tried at the Recorder's court this morning and plead guilty to the the charge. Thay were bound over to court under a bond of $200 in default of which they were com mitted to jail. Conoord Tribune. Deatness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by con stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by by an inflamed condi turn of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tabes. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum bling sound, or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube ' restored to its normal conition, hearing will be destroyed forever, nine caies out ten are caused by uatarrn, wnicn is nothiug but an inflamed condi tion of the muoous surfaces. - We Will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Chenbt & Co. Toleda, O. Sold by Druggists, 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. dftt V I o r if theW yffl s a hard trvc SALISBURY AND ROWAN NEWS. News of Interest to Our Readers From Air Over the Coonty. On the afternoon of February 13 the meeting of the Ninth dis trict, K. of P. will be held in this oily. This district embraces the towns of Salisbury, Spencer, Concord, Lexington, Norwood, China Grove, Albemarle . and Thomasville. J. M. Boyette, of Albemarle, is district deputy grand chancellor. Several of the graad lodge officers will presen on tde ocoasion of this meeting and will explain the secret work. Rowan Ruperior Court will con vene next Monday . with Judge Whedbee on the bench. Judge Whedbee is making a splendid record by the manner in which he runs the court and by seeing that all who deserve punishment get all that is coming to them. It ie hoped that his coming to Salis bury will mean a decrease in crime However, Judge Wned bee will be here only one week a? he and Judge Justice have mad an exchange of courts for the second week. Two bouses were destroyed in Spencer Tuesday. The fire start ed in the residence of J. 8. Mc Neil and later thit of W. R. Riel caught fice and both were destroy ed as there was no water in reach which mads it impossible for the firemen to render assistance. The owners savedmuoh o their furni ture'andousvhold'ortects. F-W- Wagoner, a former well known and successful jroung Row an unty farmerj who removed to Efland, Route No.: 2,flaib fli; wne?9 I19 purshased a farm, cam? . Mil oaturaay. ne came aiter nis smbther who will make her future lpmwith h,im. He reports that it lfSBting lonjr fine on hisi county farm.' Mr. Wagon-i arm upon wniou so resiae snouia J he decide to again make his home in Rowaa. He returned yester day morning after spending sever al days with friends and relatives in this county, his mother return ing with him. Rosewood camp Woodmen of the World at a meeting Tuesday night elected delegates to the head camp convention to be held in Asheville the second Tuesday in March. Messrs. Whitehead Kluttz and M. Eller were elect ed delegates and Messrs. Dave Bradshaw and W. L. Ross alter nates, r The State Baraca-Philathea convention, which last year met in Salisbuay, will meet April 12- 15 in Charlotte, the committee having selected that city. The Queen City will no doubt enter tain the young people -in royal style. , Miss Mary Henderson left Wednesday morning for San Francisco from where vhe will sail on the 15th of this month for Japan to spend a year, with her sister, Mrs. Lyman Cotten. Miss Henderson will spend several dayB in California visiting numerous places of interest before sailing for Japan. There will be another meeting of the members of the Rowan county Farmer's' Educational and Co-operative Union in this city Saturdav to complete plans for the establishment of the. Union Warehouse & Trading Comoanv. mfi,a nnnAnt- ing the business will be adopted. It is expected that this will be a largely attended meeting. State Senator T. D. Brown, will come up from Raleigh to be present on this ocoasion he being one of the leading members of the union in Rowan county and one of the number instrumental in tne es tablishmect of this warehouse company. More than $3,000 of the stock for the warehouse has already been subscribed. The u. u. K. xL. are to nave a great time in Salisbury on Thurs day cf next week. A large num bery of .candidates will be on hand, many of them coming from Char- CAN ADRiANOPLE RESIST ATTACKS? Turkish . CommaDder Will Not Sorrento Wbile one Soldier Lasts. . London. Feb ,4. The Turks re main on the defensive at Tchat alja and Adrianople The Adria nople fortress replies only feebly to the Bulgarian bombardment and apparently no attempt . has been made in the way of a sortie. The Turkish newspaper Tanin asserts that Adrianopk' has suf ficient provisions for four months and other Turkish representatives deolare that the fortress certainly will be able to hold out for sever al week. SPIBIT OF CONFIDENCE. Official qnarters in Constanti nople breathe a. spirit of great, confidence in the new regime and declare the condition of the coun try and the wintry weather pre cludes serious operations along tbe Tchatalja lines for the pres ent. " Meanwhile, diplomacy has made .) ete4 forward since the resump n oi hostilities and the Porte is mad- uo- further communica uu either to the Powers or the Allies. ri.uuld it turn cut that Adrian pje can res ss for any consider able time, diplomatic negotiations re likely to rejnain at a stand still, although in the European capital? a settlement by diploma cy rather than by arms ia still hoped for. - ; y : " There is no confirmatiou of the reported occupation of Scutari' by she Montenegrins - . m1 Shukri Pasha(the Turkish com mander who; iik'def ending Adrian ople is on8of the most determined officers of the Ottoman army. He has declared that he will not sur render the forfeas until the1 last of his soldiers has been killed. .CastrotiSneafc Castrd, formed president of Vene xuela," who is waiting under bail in this city a hearing of the Fed eral Court of his efforts to come into the United States, in spite of. the ruling of Secretary Nagel, con tinued today to spend his waking, hours in his hotel room overlook ing Central Park. The General received several visitors. It was announced tonfght that General Castro will be the princi pal spaaker Thursday night at a meeting to be held in an East Side hall under the auspices of the "Citizens Castro Protest Con ference." nothers Can Safely Buy Dr. King's New Discovery and give it to the little ones when ail ing and suffering with colds, coughs, throat or lung troubles. tastes nice, harmless, once used, always used. Mis. Bruce Craw ford, Niagra, Mo, , writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery changed our bey from a pale weak sick boy to the picture of health." Always helps. Buy it at all Druggists. lotte and other neighboring cities to learn the mysteries of this clan. W. C. Rose was a ploasent cal ler at The- Record office in Salis bury, one day last week. Andy Bryan, who shot and pro bably fatally wounded Tom Furry, or Ferabee, ina Negro settlement east of Salisbury last week, wast given a preliminary hearing in the Rowan County Court yterday morning. It is Ross is being held as a witness An NeSroeB No Need to Stop Work When tbe doctor orders you to stop work it staggers you. I can't you say. You know you are weak, run down and failing in health day by day, but you must .work as long as you oan stand. What you need i Electric Bitters to give tone, streugtn ana vigor to your system, to prevent break down and build you up. Don t be weak sickly or ailing when Eiectrio Bitters will bentnt you from the first dose. Thousands bless them tor tneir Rionous neaita and Btrength. Try them. Every boV tioKuautoDu w aiaijr. juiv 50o. at al Druggists Sl8 Mrs. Amanda Beaver,, widow of Edmocd Beaver, died in her 51st year about 12 o'clock last Tues day night, at her . home about, a mile and a half south' of China; Grove, after a few weeks illness of a com plication of diseases.- The ; funeral servioes were conducted by her pastor, R9V. 0. A: Brown, at Lutheran Chapel E. L. Ch'urcn, at 11 o'clock Thursday 'morhingi . after which her body was tenderly -laid to rest in GreeVLawn ;Ceine-; tery. . - -;-. . "Xhi- 'zJ' i-r Ollie Syjvester'tneifcnr-year-!' old son of Mr.v And Ytb: W. A . Bostian, who'reside at the old Aohenbaok place just beyond the northern limits of , Salisbury ac companied bis ' father to the barn Wednesday if ternoon and .knock ed a pitch; fork down-, against a . horse which kicked him near the h east and caused his death. The' little fellow-, -was carried the. house, a physioian was called and v efforts were made to revive himtv but death soon ' foliowed.l The? funeral wis held yesterday after? ; noon,- Rev, ; C.", A.f G .Thomas . fficiating, and the "intermaat was ; in the'eemetery "as' OalvarySapvt tist Church near Ellis' X roads i Mrs. Bettie Fespermau, had been ill for soma time with Bright ?8 disease ad paralysis, died at. her: hcn West Came tary street altftrarv, Wednajp day afternoon, ..Mrs.; Fdspernn vas 42 years old, 'ther funeralfvas conducted by 'KevJohi WvMoore yesterday afternoon and the in ternUnt was in Chestnut Hill Cemetery; : i.. Stater Antl-SiiooslUigne After listening to a number of addresses at its sessions in Raleigh Wednesday and Thursday, the - State Anti-Saloon League adopted the following: The State conventionof the Anti-Stoioon League, embrscing the temperance . forces ; of ' North Carolina, assembled in Raloigh . January 29th and 80th, are grati fied at the rapid growth of tem perance sentimeat throughout the the State during the past two- v years and look forward with brighter hope than ever before fed the extermination of 'the liquor traffic in North Carolina' by the complete enforcement of our pro hibition law, upheld, as it is, by . a healthy public sentiment, which- is becoming more ' and more pro nounced each year; therefore be it resolved: '. "1st. That we heartily endorse the Webb-Kenyon-6hepherd bill how pending in Congress and that we appreciate the resolution recently unanimously 'passed by our Legislature,' giving its en-- dcrsement to this bill. ' "2d. That we earnestly reoom cueud the passage of a laV limit ing the quantity, , of intoxioants imported into the State to indi viduals to one gallon at a time and not mole than two ; gallons per week. ' '3d. That we earnestly reoom med the adoption of -a blind tiger search and seizare law. . .. ''4th. That the transportation companies be required to keep a record of - all liquors delivered in the State and that the signature of the consihee shall be shown with each delivery, which record shall be available, as evidence in courts. 5th. We congratulate the peo ple of North Carolina on thV growth of sentiment of the law and the ready response of the Legislature?, past and present, to this growing sentiment, and ap preciate the offorts of the judioia ry to carry into effect the.prohibi tion law with firmness and jus tice." . . . J. A. Hartness of State sville waB re-elected president' of the League and a vice preiidens was elected for ech congressional dis trict. T. H. Vanderford, of SaU isbury is the vice president for this district and W. C Dowd, of Charlotte is vice president fcr the ninth district. Havdsn Bart . nf jlsyloraville is a member of the 1 6X80UtlV8 COmmittaa nf thy I J League. : '4 - ,1 V.'v -3 "fe Tit pat -