'''K I r? Ri '-'"S- i Ji i-??ftr-rs I i? - c ' w -: ftfv5 - 'r : ' V r . ii i " 1 THE ROWAN RECORD Published Weekly CHINA GROVE, NORTH CAROLINA NEWS STORIES IN MINIATURE Miner Mention of a Week's Important Events. A HISTORY OF SEVEN DAYS' Paragraphs Which Briefly Chronlclf , the Event of Interest as Bulle tined by Wire, Wireless and Cable Foreign News. Washington In his annual report the Postmaster General recommended an amendment to cheapen and enlarge the parcel post. An amendment for the popular elec tion of Presidents was defeated in the Senate, but only by a vote of 35 to 32. - The Senate debated the proposed one-term limitation for Presidents, and Senator Martine declared that Mr. Wilson would not be a candidate for re-election. Gross sealing frauds were laid bare In a report by a House commit tee, and recommendation made of a suit on a $500,000 bond for restitution. Personal President-elect Wilson has invited his classmates of Princeton, '79, to a smoker at Chevy Chase Club, Wash ington, March 3. The Presdent and Mrs. Taft enter tained in the White House at dinner in honor of the Speaker and Mrs. Champ Clark. Former Mayor McClellan of New York has finished his first term as a professor at Princeton. His class has petitioned the university authorities to keep him there. President Taft, Yale, '78, sent fra ternal greetings to Augustus Smith to commemorate the later's 97th birth day. Mr. Smith is the oldest Yale graduate living. Sporting In the international skating races ai Christiana, the Russian, Ippolitow, won the 5,000 meters event in 8 min. 43 4-10 sees. Mathiesen, the Norwe gian champion, won the 1;500 meters in 2 min. 22 1-10 sees. "Jim" Thorpe, the Carlisle Indian, who was crowned the world's greatest athlete at t. the Olympic games at Stockholm and has been stripped of his amateur achievements because he has confessed to playing professional baseball, has signed with the New York Nationals. Bescher of the Cincinnati Reds is in a class by himself in continuous base- jrunning feats. He buus led the Nation- alj, League-' ini years, his' totals being as follows: 1909, 4; 1910, 70; 1911, 80; 1912, 67. Young Joe Shugrue, the New Jer sey lightweight, provided 6,000 fans in Madison Square Garden, New York, with a big surprise by taking the measure of Leach Cross in a hair raising ten round bout. Cross was outclassed. General Mra T"lo1nTi Trnv Vnnlrpro NP "V Is the mother of twins, born 32 hours tpart. Mrs. Meddelena Ciccone was found guilty in Newark, N. J. of murdering her husband with arsenic. Her daugh ter, testified against her. "Certified pure" water must be used on railroad trains and steamboats for drinking purposes, says the Interstate Commerce Doard in its latest edict. The West Virginia Legislature unanimously ratified the income tax amendment to the Federal constitu tion. . Prosecuting Attorney Gunter of Ai ken, S. C, said h hadn't the "least idea of convicting F. O. Beach" on a charge of attacking Mrs. Beach. Park-in-Pines, a winter resort hotel at Aiken, S. C, and Savannah, Ga., dock property valued at $1,500,000 were destroyed by fire. Cipriano Castro, ex-President of Venezuela, was released from Ellis Island, New York, under $500 bail on a writ of habeas corpus by Judge Holt. President-elect Wilson announced that het expected to have ten Cabinet places to fill, instead of nine as now, as he expected Congress to , pass the measure creating a separate Depart- xnent of Labor. A board of naval" officers will con vene at the . Naval War College at Newport to determine, what prompted Commander Frank Marble, a member of the college to shoot himself in February, 1911. 'President Taft has signed a meas ure providing for a $2,000,000 Lincoln Memorial to be erected in Potomac Park, Washington, D. C. An appro priation of $300,000 will be asked of Congress to start the work. The North Carolina House passed a bill to hold liable to a fine the person who gives tips and the receiver of tips. Supported by 36 Democrats, 46 Re publicans and one Progressive, Wil liam McKinley, Democrat, of Chicago, was elected temporary speaker of the Illinois! Legislature, ending a dead lock which lasted 21 days. - The Sulzer inquiry comiriission for mally charged former Adjt,-Gen. Ver beck with diverting $155,000 of New York State funds, and the Attorney- General was instructed to act In the' matter. Doctor Robert MacArthur, head of the World's Baptist Alliance, has tendered his resignation as pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, At lanta. Fifty delegates from Western Indian tribes will urge President-elect Wilson to appoint an Omaha Indian, Thomas L. Sloane,' of Bender, Neb., Coinmis doner of Indian Affairs. r The annual ' dead letter - sale .lc Washington netted the United Statei $10,861. 1 - ;r The election f Senators fey the people direct, was favored by.tb.e-Ne vada Assembly and the Idaho Senate . Chinese, Japanese and other Orien tal athletes have - gathered at Manila for the far eastern olympiad. George S. Legare, Congressman from the First South Carolina district died in Charleston. N The City Council of Philadelphil voted to reduce the price of gas to 8C cents a thousand. Lake Superior is frozen over from Grand Marais to Duluth for the firsl time this winter. The five members of the family ol Major Harris, Richland, Iowa, died in a fire which destroyed their home After having a monument erected for himself, Joseph S. Smith, a farmei of Greenville, Ga.,' committed suicide. Mrs. Eleanor F. Smith, aged 92, died at her home, Newton, N. J., from mumps. Newark Bay is frozen for a half mile 'off Bayonne shore for the first time this winter. - Abraham Oreleck, a merchant of Providence, died of heart disease when his automobile caught fire. Henry and Walter Robinson, broth ers, were drowned - near Providence when their boat was overturned. Panama Canal officials say that de spite the great land slides in the Cu lebra Cut, they will turn on the water at the appointed time. President R. T. Millner of the State Agricultural and Mechanical College at Austin, Tex., expelled 400 students for insubordination. Swift & Co. have purchased four large poultry and produce companies, thereby extending their control over the produce business of the West. The ordnance department will be gin work soon on the new cavalry sword. The long straight blade will replace the slightly curved sabre. . Mrs. Annie Dobkin is suing the Chi cago Cubs for $25,000 for injuries sus tained when she was struck by a foul ball. Governor Wilson conferred with the Democratic members of the New Jer sey Legislature on the bills he has recommended for passage. Secretary of Commerce and Labor Nagel decided that General CSpriano Castro must be excluded from the United States as an undesirable per son. Thomas J. O'Connor, a young civil engineer, fell from the top of a steel tower 125 feet high he had just com pleted at Arlington, N. J., and was killed. Edward I. Church, teller of the Ber gen & Lafayette Trust Co., Jersey City, testified that he had made resti tution of $4,598 embezzled from that institution. A hot iron falling into a pit of oi) caused an explosion which started a fire that destroyed the rolling mill oi the John A. Roebling's Son's plant at Trenton. The damage is $100,000. If the requests of the suffragettes are responded to, features of their pageant, to be held in Washington, will be one baby, one convict, one beautiful woman, and one male imbe cile. Samuel H. London, who for sevea trtrit.,t9nthycnrB has studied the" social evil herjr and abroad, told the Curran commit tee that 100 policemen assist "white slavers" in keeping their victims in subjugation. He said the "white slaves" support 6,100 men in New York. Foreign . The shortage of men in the British navy is nine per cent., exactly the same as in the United States service. Baron Ilkeston, member of the Lib eral party in the House of Lords, died in London. Desidiare Arias, the last of the revo lutionist leaders in the Dominican Re public? has laid down his arms. Piano players in London moving picture houses have organized and will demand an increase of wages. The average wage is $1.75 a week. Business houses, residences and shops of the United Railways were burned at Merida, Mexico, at a loss of $100,000. Fifteen women and girls were fined $10 each, or seven days in jail, for wearing projecting hatpins, in Ade laide, Australia. Lieut-General Jenkher Jacobus C. C. den Beer Poortugael, aged 81, inter national jurist and author and several times delegate 'to The Hague Confer ence, died in The Hague. The Porte instructed the Turkish Army to fire no shot till the allies had attacked, and ordered the peace en voys to stay at their posts till hos tilities were resumed. The returns of the French succes sion duty department for 1911 shows that there were 359,113 estates worth 5,761,000,000 francs, making 666 mil lionaires in French money and 42 mil lionaires in American dollars. The Cunard Line hasasked the Aus trian Government for a concession for a steamship service between Tri este and Portland, Me. A similar con cession is held by the Canadian Pa cific. ' ' The Assize Court of Paris con demned the manager and edjtor of La Bataflle Syndicaiste to five years in jail and to pay a fine of $500 for printing an article urging the assassi nation of King Alfonso if he should come to Paris. Lieut.-Gen. Kurloff, commander of the special corps of military police, against whom the charges of negli gence in connection with the assassi nation of Premier Stolypin have just been quashed by imperial order, is soon to be appointed Governor-General of one of the Russian Asiatic provinces. A 'rebel leader demanded 2,000 goats from a Mexican town to feed his soldiers. Suffragettes in London hurled lead slugs stamped "Votes for women" from slingshots, and at Birmingham they tore up the turf of golf links. Chancellor Lloyd-George announced the Liberal party would work for the emancipation of the land from "an effete and unprofitable system." Lieutenant Smith and nine blue jackets have been lost from the Brit ish cruiser Perseus. They were -watching for pirates on the Omar coast of the Persian gulf. Farmers Educational and Co-Operative Union of America JlattnsEspedal Moment to the Progretthre Agricohnrist Hope is the best- doctor. Ground grain goes, farthest. Tomorrow is the best day yet! A good old two-foot rule: Keep your feet dry. It is better to be poor and well, than rich and ill. . Yesterday is hopeless; today is bet ter than tomorrow. ' The folks who think themselves "big bugs" are often humbugs. . Some people have fine stock, and yet by careless neglect invite loss. Throwing out money with a scoop paves the way for almshouse soup. Few men love the tax collector, yet everybody does business with him. A neat letter head is a standing ad vertisement of a businesslike farmer. It isn't the size of the present we prize, it's the fellowship in and behind it. It is better to live in a cabin with your wife than in a palace without her. j If you want to keep hired hands don't let your son boss them too much. We can save ourselves from a good many worries by just walking around them. These are the days when the short horse is too frequently curried neither soon or late. There is no better measure of the worth of a man than the uplift he gives to humanity. It is easy to preach, but not so easy to teach, and the teacher must know a lot more than he teaches. There can't be much "sunshine in the soul" when one goes through life sighing "This world's a wilderness of woe." CANADA SETS' GOOD EXAMPLE Co-Operative Organization at St. Cath arines Ships, Large Quantities of Fruit to the West. The St. Catharines. Ontaria. Cold Storage company is a good example of a concern organized as a joint stock company, yet working steadily in the direction of true co-operation. This society was organized in 1896, and has a mechanical cold storage plant val ued at $13,000 and a working capital of $2,000. A part of the capital was secured by mortgage on the property. The debt has been entirely paid off by the addition of new members who took stock, and by applying the divi dends on the stock to this purpose. Working capital has also been p: vided. " The society is now endeav lng to effect an equal division shares, with each member holding worth of stock. To do (his it Is traa- ferrlhg stock of the old members hold- ing more man wis amount 10 new Ing so much. Thus the society will be conducted eventually on a one-man-one-vote basis. The company . ships to all parts of Ontario and Quebec and to many parts of western Canada, the shipments con sisting of apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, grapes and an in creasing quantity of other fruits and vegetables. The sales amount to about $75,000 annually. The society handles supplies for its members and others. It handles fruit for non-members, and sells supplies to them, paying over one-half as much profit per dollar as it returns t& members. The Bupply branch is a very important part of the business of the society, as it handles all kinds of fruit packages, spray pumps, and other machinery, ladders, etc., seeds, fertilizers and spraying chemicals. It has now be come the temporary wholesaler for the federation of fruit associations. In 1908 the supplies amounted to about $27,000 and in 1900 to $40,000. The society charges a little less than regu lar market prices and then rebates to members and to non-members buying through the association and selling their fruit the same way, the percent age of rebate depending upon the amount of business done with the so ciety. Help Our Cotton Growers. The Farmers' Educational and Co operative Union of America are mak ing an appeal for the use of cotton for bagging. At present jute is used gen erally, being a little cheaper than cot ton, but the millions paid by Amer ican consumers for jute go abroad, while the same or a little greater amount spent on cotton fabric would go into American pockets. Jute is raised mostly in India Cotton could be used to advantage in place of Jute "for holding grains, sugar, salt, coffee, beans, potatoes, meats and many other articles. It could also replace jute in rope and twine. Solve Matot Problem. ' Because a man gnjws good fruit is bo indication that tie is selling that fruit for . what it is really worth. It is one thing to grow the fruit, and another thing to sell it. Co-operative marketing associations solve the mar keting problem, and enable the grower to get full value. Disease Preventive. The man who keeps everything neat and clean about his hog yards is not very apt to have trouble from cholera or any . other disease, provided , of course, that he feeds good, clean feed. Keep Boar by Himself. Give the herd boar a penr by himself and grain enough to keep in gcod condition. r K FARMEBS FORM "NEV SOCIETY Aimsto Affiliate All Organizations for : Action Along Lines, of Country ; : ; Life Questions. : , The objects outlined by ; the. ., new constitution adopted by the Farmers National congress in New Orleans, are to affiliate all societies for action along lines of .broad country life ques tions; to aid in establishing state and local organizations devoted to country life; to secure co-operation among pro ducers; to aid in general and vocation al education of farmers., and to further the passage and execution ' of laws which 'Will promote country life. . This constitution provides for two kinds of membership. Persons may become annual members by paying an nual dues of one dollar; after attend ing one annual meeting, annual mem bers may become life members by the payment of ten dollars, or, after at tending four annual meetings they may become life members upon the payment of one dollar. Associations, institutions and departments may be come members and send delegates up on payment of ten dollars for one dele-. gate and five dollars for each addi tional delegate. Organizations with four to eight thousand members are entitled to two delegates each; eight to sixteen thousand members, three delegates, and one additional delegate for each additional -sixteen thousand members. Each delegate has one vote, but in dividual members from a given state are to pool their votes and vote by states. Each state delegation is en titled to' as many votes in jthe annual meeting as there are multiples of ten thousand farms in the state. There being something like seven million farms In the United States, this would provide about seven hundred votes from all states. It is believed that there are about fifteeu hundred coun try life organizations which may be considered by the council eligible to membership; with' the additional dele gates from large 'organizations there may be approximately two thousand delegates representing organizations. This means a possible delegate body in annual meeting with between twenty-five hundred an3 three thousand voting delegates, f Besides the usual executive officers, there is a council made up of one member from each state, and this council elects an executive of five members chosen from the membership of the council. There is also a vice president for each state, who is chair man of his state delegation. It is expected the individual mem bership will be rapidly increased to thousands, or even-tens of thousands, and also that most eligible organiza tions will adhere wf Uiin a few years. This will provide an annual budget of some tens of thousands of dollars. The congress will of e have its an- nual meetings xpected that these will ore techni- Slerests cal of A jj' ? -y The! an- nual ri der tJ posslbv greatly printed There is a ft ian for audit ing the accounts 5ae congress. The constitution may be amended in either of two ways. Upon a year's notice, it can be changed by a two-thirds vote at the annual meeting; or. after dis cussion, at an annual meeting, it can be amended by mail, or by return pos tal card vote, within thirty days after the annual meeting. The new constitution was made at once operative and the old officers, who had been elected for a two-year term, were retained for the ensuing year. The president is C. F. Sanford. London, O., and the secretary is J. H. Kimble, Port Deposit, Md.; John M. Stahl of Chicago is legislative agent and W. L. Ames of Wisconsin is treas urer. Provision has also been made for a committee to investigate an efficient warehouse system for all farm prod ucts, with a view to securing adequate and inexpensive warehouse facilities. Other committees are being projected Planning Home Orchards. A farm orchard for home use only should differ as to the varieties from a commercial orchard. . In the latter three or four varieties is enough, no matter how many acres you may plant, and you select these for proved bearing qualities and size and keeping. For the home orchard you aim for variety, something for all seasons. You want a few trees of the earliest. Some of the choicest dessert fruit, even if tender in tree and not very produc tive. Before selecting consult with your nearest fruit grower: Take his ad vice rather than that of the traveling salesman. Dress Poultry-Properly. Poorly dressed poultry goes begging In the market, while the supply of choice (fancy) stock is not sufficient to meet the demand. In shipping to market, all dressed poultry should be assorted according to size and color, in order to secure the best returns. Small. poor, scraggy birds, half dressed, bring prices in proportion. . Surplus Fsad and Profit. In feeding the eairy cow it is a rec ognized fact thata "certain amount o! nourishment must be used to keep up her body. Whaty's given above this, li it is tne rignt xma. goes to produce milk. Best Qtmpost Heap. The best oCmpost heap is the ma nure of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and fowls, i All such should be' saved jVrs Y andVi' ICO- x. r BCPft C ft DRMftMPC AAMUMtUUl S l LUnLLu n IIUIilnliuL - Auction of Old Michigan- Court house Brings Up Odd Story. Building at Berrien Springs Once Owned by a Young Widow Who Was Woed and Won by a Chicagoan r 'n an Odd Place. Berrien Springs, Mich. The old Berrien county courthouse at, Berrien Springs, Mich., connected with which there is an unusual Chicago romance, has been advertised to be sold under the hammer, in order to satisfy an in debtedness that has been hanging over it for 'some time. A Chicago minister named Flavlus J. Probst once married Into the pos session of this historic structure, which was erected in the early 30s, and which at one time was one of the most extensive marrying places in the middle west. After the county seat was moved from Berrien Springs to St. Joseph the courthouse and the Jail came into the possession of Mrs. Julia Allen, a pret ty young widow of the former county seat. She became a member of a party invited to go through one , of the big Chicago water tunnels, and on this trip, so the story goes, she met Mr. Probst, and before either of them had again saw daylight they had fall en 'in love with each other, he pro posed and she accepted. They were subsequently married, and took up their abode in the jail section of the old county courthouse, where they spent their honeymoon and lived hap pily for some time. Then came a ripple in this odd sea of matrimony. The wife set up the claim that her husband had hypnot ized her into deeding him the court house property, and there was a suit to set aside the transfer. This suit hung in the courts for some years, and it had many of the angles of the famous Jarndyce vs. Jarndyce case in Dickens' "Bleak House," and people began to say that there wasn't much chance for Mrs. Probst getting judg ment until the day of judgment or un til the old courthouse had rotted away from the ravages of time. But a son of Mrs. Probst by her first marriage ultimately effected a settlement, and again the building passed back to the ownership of Mrs. Probst. Berrien Springs at the time the old courthouse was housing the govern mental business of Berrien county en joyed as much distinction as a Gret na Green as St. Joseph since has taken I JO 'f Old Courthouse at Berrien Springs. Mich. to itself.- Lovers paddled their ca noes up and down the St. Joe river, stopping long enough at Berrien to be married In its quaint old courthouse. Children and grandchildren of Michi gan, Indiana and. Illinois, pioneers pledged their troths within its shad ow and were joined in matrimony from its crude bench. The people of this section of Ber rien county say to this day that St. Joe boosters stole the county seat, and long after Mrs. Allen had. ac quired the old buildings the promo ters of the big dune overlooking Lake Michigan-evinced genuine regret that they hadn't carried the historic old building along with the books. ' Up to this time no one knows just what will become of the old south west Michigan landmark, but among the possibilities is the chance that it will pass into the hands of the lo cal lovers of history to house many different objects that tell of the early day and of human struggle in perma nent settlement. DOG'S BARK SAVES MASTER Boy Rescued From Suffocation in Sleep by Firemen Whose Quarters Are Across the Street. Chicago. The life of Nathan Kap lan, son of Frank Kaplan, owner of a saloon at 506 West Chicago avenue, was saved by the barking of a fox terrier when fire attacked the build- The boy was asleep in the rear of the saloon when fire, started by crossed electric wires, attacked the barroom. He was rapidly becoming unconscious from the smoke when the barking of the dog was heard by Lieu tenant Frank .Stift of engine company No. 14, whose quarters are across the street. Upon going to the saloon, Lieuten ant Stift and Pipeman Oscar Fugate found It filled with smoke. The bark ing was becoming - fainter, and they broke down the door. In a rear room they found young Kaplan unconscious and carried him out. A "still" alarm was sounded, after which the two firemen rescued the elder ;. Kaplan, his '.wife and their daughters, Catherine and Elizabeth, from their apartments above the saloon. Sells Whisky for a Pie. Conneaut. O. It cost Sig Hahn. a Conneaut druggist, $1,400 to sell about an ounce of whisky to a wom an who came into his store a few days ago. ' , The woman, a dry detective, asked for enough whisky to make a mince pie, and the druggist complied. The detective at once swore out & warrant for his arrest. Hahn was tried on four counts and pleaded guilty to each, being fined $150 on each count. He was also as sessed $800, Dow-Aiken tax by the state. PAST GOING Miss Duff Writes Interesting State ment For Publication in the Benklf of Women. Webster Springs, W. Va, In an In teresting letter from this place, miss Agnes Duff says: "I had been afflicted with womanly trouble for three years, and felt weak all the time. My back and sides ached so, I al most eot nast eoine. ' I had used a great many different kinds, of remetlles, but they failed to do me any rood. . v 1 had heard of Cardui. the woman's tonic, and decided to try It, When had used the third bottle of Cardui, I felt like a new person entirely, gained both in health and weight. . I Draise Cardui toi my recovery and good health, and I feel sure It will do the same for others, as it has me, If they will only give it a trial." " The above letter ia an earnest, frank statement of Miss- Duff's opinion of Cardui. She has confidence in it, be cause It relieved her. after many dif ferent kinds of other remedies had failed, 'and she believes it will help you, Just as it did her, if you will give it a fair trial. We join Miss Duff in urging you to give Cardui a trial. It cannot harm you, and, judging from the experience of thousands of others, is almost aura to do you good. N. B. Writ to: ChatfanoOM Medicine Co Ladieft' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga, Term., for Special Instructions on your case and 64-page book. Home Treatment for Women." sent in plain wrapper. Adv. Watered Stock. Two old cronies had been sitting in a cafe on. Cortland street one Saturday afternoon for several hours and were pretty much the worse for their lengthy tete-a-tete. . "What is your nationality, anyway. Jim?" asked one. "Well, I'll tell you, Bob. My father came from Glasgow, so you see I'm half Scotch" "And the -other half seltzer, jniess." put in his companion.: Satur day Evening Post. Made Him Suspicious. "Did you ask your, girl's father for her hand in marriage?" "I did." "And he refused you. I can tell by the way you look." "No, he didn't He Eave his consent." "Then why the peculiar look you are wearing?' "He was so darned willing." Houston Post. His Status. "Is that druggist well thought of in the community?"- "Sure. Isn't he a pill-er of the church?" TO DRIVE OUT MALARIA AND BUILD UP THE SYSTEM Take the Old Standard GBOVK'S TASTKBSS CHLLL TONIC. Too know what yon are taking. The formal Is plainly printed on every bottle. bowing it is simply vnln' ne ina iron in a tasteless form, and tbe most effectual form. For grown peopietina couaren. su cents, aut. " )' Accounted For. "Way-is.it soXfew- women look well- in a steamer cap?" "I guess . because it's a handy cap." , : Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tionlays pain,cures wind collc,25c a bottlejkdr It takes more than a soft answer to turn away the book agent. Women Are Constantly Being Restored to Health by Lydia . PinkhanVs . Vegetable Compound. "Worth mountains of gold, says one woman. Another says, "I would not give Lydia E. Pinkham's. Vegetable Compound for all the other medicines for women in the. world." Still another writes, u I should like to have the merits of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound thrown on the sky with a searchlight so that all suffering women could read and be convinced that there is a remedy for their ills. We could fill a newspaper ten times the size of this with such quo tations taken from the letters we have received from grateful women whqse health has been restored and stuTering banished by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ' - , . . Why has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound accomplished such a universal success ? Why has it lived and thrived and kept on doing its glorious work among the sick women of the world for mora than 30 years ? ' ; . Simply and surely because of its sterling worth. The reason no other medicine has ever approached its success is plainly and sim ply because there is no other medicine so good for women's ills. Here are two letters that just came to the writer's desk only two of thousands, but both tell a comforting story to every suffering wo man who will read them and be guided by them. FROM MBS. I. H. BROWN. Iola, Kansas. ' ' During' the Chan ge of Uie I was sick for two years. Be fore I took yo or medicine I could not bear the weight of my clothes and was bloated very badly. I doc tored with three doctors but they did me no good. They said nature must have its way. My sister ad vised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I purchased a bottle. Before it was gone the bloating left me and 1 was not so sore. I continued taking it until I had. taken 12 bottles. Now I am stronger than I have been for years and can do all my work, even the washing. Your j medicine is worth its weight in gold. I cann6t praise it enough. If more women would take your medicine there would be more healthy women. You may use this letter for the good of others." Mrs. D. H. Bbowk, 809 North Walnut Street, Iola, Kan. Write to LYDIA E.PrSlTHAM (UOttdDEHTULL) LYHPf. MASS.. for ad vice. 1 four letter will be opened, read by a-woman and held In strict confidence. Bt Cough Sjrap. Tutu Good. Um la tima. - Bold fcr DnggiMM. -. m t M IJ.MM.llUiLiJill.UJ.liTC J21 l . " Think -Before you Speak. it thou thinkest twice before thot speakest once thou wilt speak twice the better for it. Better say nothing than not to :' the .purpose. And, tc speaTc pertinentlly, consider both whal is fit and when it is fit to speak. In all debated' let truth be thy aim, nol victory, or an unjust Interest; and en deavor .-to gain rather Chan to expose they antagonist. William Penn. To Pop Corn. Very often corn will hdt pop quick ly, even over a "very hot fire. If you will put " the corn to be popped in a sieve and pour cold water over it, not allowing the water to stand on the corn,! It will not only pop quickly, but the. "open, kernels will "be larger and lighter and more flaky than they oth erwise," would have . been. The days have been "short" because there's less time In them and time is money. . Query: Is a bride self-possessed aft er her father gives her away? AND COMPOUND STOPS COUGHS - CURES COLDS fv.. No Opiates b Saf For Children at long as they last Begnlar (I SJH values sold two for CL00 . 60o ' " three 1 LOO u -260 ---. su "1.00 Delivered, parcel post, our expense. Money must be sent In advanoe. We guarantee to please or money refunded upon return of ties in an unsoiled and onused condition. Give preference of eolordeslrad. Tbe Alpha Co., Germantown.Va. Hie Man Wn.0 Pat the E E s pi FEE T Look for This Trade-Mark Pio lurc on the Label when buying ALLEN'S F00TEASE The Antiseptic Powder for Ten- Traae-Mar. der. Aching Feet. Sold every where. 25c. Sample FREE. Address, ALLEN g. OLMSTED. Le Key, N. Y. IF YOU HAVE - no appetite. Indigestion, Flatulence, Sick Headache, "all ran down" or losing flesh, yoo wuiitna fast what yon need. -They tone up tne weak stomach and build up tb flagging- energlea. Opium, Whiskey and lraa Habits ed at home or at Sanitarium. Bonk sudict lire k. H.wnnr HrLPSf tt Aarenta Wanted ; V", Articles tbat sell. SaA , Supply tJo., nox 4l, Hvmieistc W. N. U CHARLOTTE, N SEEDS AND P; (TARBACnl PLAKTS-TS eenti ser thousand. Rot Our Scod Caf umvirre Best liarden or Fields ee ra.L. wiLLti sbtu UU Augusta, Ga. Cabboae Plants For Sale We ffrow line stoekv nl&nta ann iwtfncr mi main iinA of Southern Railroad, can deliver quickly and at a. low rate. . We guarantee every shipment and send cultural directions If desired. Farly Jersey, Charles ton and Flat Ixrtcfc (1 per 1000, 6000 and over at We per 1000. Special prices to Union Afrenta and dnalers. W. L. KIVETT, Hlsh Point, North Carolina MRS. WIIXIAMS SATS t Elkhart, Ind. " I suffered for 14 years from organic inflammation, fe male weakness, pain and irregulari ties. The pains in my sides were increased by walking or standing on my feet and I had such awful bearing down feelings, was depressed in spirits and became thin and pale with dull, heavy eyes. , I had six doctors from whom I received only temporary relief. L. decided to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound a fair trial and also the Sani tive Wash. - I have now used the remedies for four months and cannot express my thanks for what they have done for me. Mrs. Sades Wn LUJfSttaa j axnes Street, Elkhart, Indiana. MEDICINE CO. and answered AHen'&L lott rise attire core ChruaK:(j Ice ra.mue Ulcers 3c Pofnlou Ulcwrs. Varicose Ulcenjn- 13. I 1 7 I wuou yivvntoivivunM u unn, n UMinr Ml.. . (KM. . . J. P. AI.I.KN. CepW AU.8W PauL Mixta. J ;- . :..5: ; -':' '. - - i -A- i ft.

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