THE DEAREST DflBY Mrt, Wakes' Fondest Hopes Realized-r-Heallh, Hap. pines and Baby. Plattsburg, Miss. Lydia E. PJnk bam's Vegetable Compound baa proved very beneficial to me, for now I am well and bave a sweet, healthy baby, and our home is happy. , , , I was an invalid from nervous pros tration, indigestion and female troubles. "I think I suffered every pain a wo man could before I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I think it saved this baby's life, as I lost my first one. " - "My health has been very gjpod ever since, and I praise your medicine to all my friends." Mrs. Verna Wilkesl R. F. D. No. 1, Plattsburg, Miss. The darkest days of husband and wife are when they come to look forward to a childless and lonely old age. Many a wife has found herself inca pable of motherhood owing to some derangement of the feminine system, often curable by the proper remedies. In many homes once childless there are now children because of the fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound makes , women normaL If you want special advice write to lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. RESINOL STOPS SKIN TROUBLES If you have eczema, ringworm, or other itching, burning, unsightly skin or scalp eruption, try Resinol Oint ment and Resinol Soap, and see how quickly the itching stops and the trouble disappears, even in severe and stubborn cases. Pimples, blackheads and red, sore, blotchy faces and hands speedily yield to Resinol. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap heal skin humors, sores, boils, burns, scalds, cold-sores, chafinga and piles. Prescribed by physicians for eighteen years. All druggists sell Resinol Soap (25c) and Resinol Ointment (50c and $1). Sent by parcel post on receipt of price. For sample of -each write to Dept. 7-K, Resinol Chem. Co., Balti more, Md. LEARN to be an anto ex pert and make bis money. We teach jonoTerytnlimand emoloT von while learning. Free model to Home Study Students. Small cost. isasy paymenie rv me ior special oner,piauc.s. iomg m if ass-a, iw, waas-a, v. v. KODAKS EXPERT OEVELOnXG 6 ezp. film developed 10c Print 3 to i eta. Prompt attention to mail orders. R. C. BERNAU, GREENSB0R0.N.C. TYPEWRITERS All makes, sold, rented and skilfully repaired. Ken ted (6 for 8 months, rent appUes on purchase, iiuucu Tinwium sr., im OS, M Bart Mala Street, Birtwil, T. KODAKS and High Grade Finishing. . Mail orders given Spe cial Attention. Prices reasonable. Service prompt. Bend for Price List. LASSXAG'S ART STORE, CHABLESTOK. B. 0. CABBAGE PUMTS,FeeWi'vaM "Wakefle Ids" a specialty, f 1 per thousand. Edg-e-worth Farm, Koute S, Marsh vUle, N. C Borne Co. Special Seed Corn. Bred twenty years for purity & yield. $2 bushel shelled. M cob. C. W. Tompkins Son. Guinea. Va. JClassified Column POTATO PLANTS Nancy Hall and Porto Rico Yams. $1.75 per thous and. M. L. Fant, Waldo, Fla. AGENTS WANTED 100 per cent. Selling "Electro-Edge" Razor Strop pastu. Puts keen edge on any razor; buyers everywhere, sample 25c (coin.) J. E. Rue, Littleton, N. C. OSTRICH FEATHERS cleaned, curled and dyed. We not only clean your feathers, but curl them in the latest approved styles or dye them to match any costume. Write for catalogue to day. The Ben-Vonde Co., "Quality" Dyers & Cleaners, "Largest in the South," Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte Directory MONUMENTS First class work. Write for prices. .Mecklenburg. Marble a Granite Company Charlotte. North Carolina TYPEWRIT E R S nn ri mirih.ii teed satisfactory. We New, reDout ana mm -"". sell supplies for aU makes. We re C0STA5T. Casriette, H. t An excellent remedy for all blood diseases. Price 50c and $1.00 per bottle post paid by Parcels Post. CHARLOTTE DRUG CO. Cor. Trade and College St., V Charlotte. N. C. Send your name and address on postal card, receive sample FREE. "It takes the place of calomel." The great liver medicine, pleas ant to take. Write today. W.L.HAND&CQ., DEPT. L. BOX 768, CHARLOTTE, N. C. 'y J 2 SAVE THE ORPHANS r jfv, , tIFE SAVERS FROM CHICAGO RES . CUE INMATES OF FORT ' Wayne asylum. CARLAND-RELATES, INCIDENTS Children at First Afraid to Trust Themselves I rv Boats Crews Strug gle desperately Across Mile of Rag- ing- Flood. : . Chicago. Half-frozen and Vithout foocU: fifty-eight children and their at tendants were rescued from the Fort Wayne Orphan Asylum by Captain Charles Carland ' and his crew , from the Chicago life- saving station. Cap tain Carland and six life savers -returned to Chicago from Port Wayne with their surf boat, but immediately departed for Terre Haute to continue their rescue work. Cartaln Carland's story was graphic. He told how he and his men arrived at the asylum Just after four children had met death when an attempt was made to rescue them. Five trips to the asylum were made by Captain Carland and each time a boatload was taken, safely across half a mile of swiftly flowing water. Besides , the children four matrons and six men were rescued from the building. Carland Tells Sttry. "We arrived at Fort Wayne when the water was highest," said Captain Carland. "No sooner had we arrived "when a report reached us that the children were marooned in theX)rphan Asylum. One attempt had been made to rescue, them which ended disas trously for four of the children and two braVe men. The small rowboat in which the- would-be rescuers . had reached the building overturned after four of the children had been taken from a second-story window. All were drowned.. "Conditions in the asylum were aw ful when six men and myself finally reached the building. In one small room, huddled together half frozen and hungry," were the little girls and boys with their attendants. "Many were crying, a . few ' were asleep from exhaustion. One of the women had fainted. Afraid to Trust Boats. "At first they refused to trust their lives to our boats. They had witnessed the fate of the first boat and were afraid. We finally carried twelve of the little ones out of the second-story window and then our fight back start ed. It needed the combined strength of every man on the boat, to fight the .current and prevent the boat -from overturning. Then" we were hampered by the cries of the children and at times the one matron we took with us would become panic stricken. ( After getting to shore the children were placed in the care of merchants of the town, and we went back for another load. "We received a different reception on -our second arrival at the asylum. A shout of Joy went up when they heard that the first load had been landed safely.- A little confusion resulted from the natural anxiety of the tots to get into the boat. No one was hurt, however, and after five trips we suc ceeded in removing all the children and their attendants to safety. "The merchants thanked us for what we. had done. One of the ma trons told us the children had not had a full meal for 48 hours. They had run out of coal and were breaking up the furniture in the place for fire woddj. The fire they kindled in the middle of the room, braving the danger of the entire building burning up." Brings 200 Peru Children. Charles H. Thacher and his wife, who live at 3260 Groveland avenue, arrived here from Peru, Ind., with 200 Peru children, many of them now orphans. A man in Pru, having a boat; de manded $50 from Thacher to take the two away. There was another wom an in the marooned house, and the boatman refused to take herv "A shot was fired and the man fell out of the boat; dead," said Mr. Thach er. Mr. Thacher escaped with his wife and the other woman in the boat. A secoad man, l)r. Hupp, offered a boat man $100 to take his wife to a hospital, there being imminent a visit from the stork. The man refused and the doc tor knocked him out of the boat with a brick. A Winona college student rowed the doctor's wife to the hos pital, where a baby was torn, mother and child being saved. Trio in Stolen Boat Drowned. Three unknown men were drowned at Peru when a leaky boat, which they had stolen, sank. The boat was own ed by Oliver Wilson, a farmer who lives near the water line of the inter urban tracks. Wilson discovered the theft when the three men were 100 yards from shore. When they ' had gone a half mile, they appeared in distress. The Wilson family watched the men struggle in the water and disappear. No effort has been made to recover the bodies. At Logansport neroic work was done by the crew sent from Lake Bluff and by tho cadets from Culver Military academy in saving lives. In all more than 5,000 persons were trescued from marooned homes and taken to safety in rowboats. " Many lost everything they possessed. Horses, cattle arid other animals were killed by the hundreds. Mounted Squad on Zebras. f ' The German police of Africa are mounted on the backs' of zebra, and these animals have been found to be very successful as mounts. . ' Long Stretch of Sleep. . A sleep for 72 hours without a break occured to a bottle washer in a Paris restaurant, ; a few days ago, after he had cut his band accidentally on a Sunday. Shortly afterwards he went Ho bed and . did not 'wake for three days. ! ', . Having an Understanding. She When we are married,' dear, Will you expect me to bake my own bread? He? I'll leave that with you. darling only I shall insist on your not baking mine. OH! MY BACK! A stubborn backache5 that hangs on, week after week, la cause to suspect kidney trouble, lor when the kidneys are Inflamed and swol len, bending the back brings a sharp, twinge that almost takes the breath away. . ' It's hard to ; work and just as hard to rest or sleep. . , V Doan's Kidney Pills revive slug gish v kidneys relieve "congested, aching kidneys. The proof is an amazing- collection of backache testimonials. A CONNECTICUT CASE : Charles B- PbllltpsSl Him 8t., New HiTea, Oonn., says: "I suf fered from ectting backaches and dliiy pells, ana my wfetole system was ran dojsn. I was confined to Bed for three weeks and my physclan said I was bordering on Blight's disease. His medicine failed to help me, and finally I determined to give Doan's Kidney ruts a inai. xney re lieved me almost from v the first and soon oared me entirely." Xvny Bonn Tdb Sttrj" Get Doan's at Any Store, 50c a Box - DOAN'S "JfJLS FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. Buffalo. New York THIN ICE. "I'm awfully afraid I 'shall' tall, Mr. Gull." "You needn't be, Miss Spooner, I'll support you." "Oh! Archibald, this is so sudden." Explaining the Needle. , A typesetter in a printing house be came very adroit in explaining the large number of misprints for which he was responsible. Even when he changed his work and became a wait er in a restaurant, says Das Echo, his skill did not forsake him. One day he had served a guest with a plate of soup, and was turning away, when he was called back sharply. "This is an outrage!" cried the in dignant diner. "I find a needle in my soup! What does this mean?" "Just a misprint, sir," explained the former typesetter. "It should have been a noodle." Youth's Companion. A Confession. Startled by convincing evidence that they were the victims of serious kid ney and bladder trouble, numbers of prominent people confess they have found relief by using KURIN Kidney and Bladder Pills. For sale by all medical dealers at 25c. Burwell & Dunn Co., Mfrs., Charlotte, N. C. Adv. Its Place. "Where shall we put this sleepy hollow chair?" "On the map 'of the carpet." For SUMMER HEADACHES Hicks' CAPUDINE la the best remedy no matter what causes them whether from the heat, sitting in draughts fever ish condition, etc. 10c., 25c and 60c per bottle at medicine stores. Adv. Matching It. "I see your coming lecture takes a rosy view of life." "Yes; pink always was my color." INVIGORATING TO THE PAXE AND SICKLY. -The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GRUVKV TAHTKLHS3 chill TONIC, drives out Ma laria, enriohes the blood and builds tip the system. sore Appetiser. For adults and children. 60 eta. A wise man puts his ears on the job and gives his tongue a rest. CONSTIPATION Mnnyon's Paw-Paw Pills are anlike all oth er laxatives or catnar? tics. They coax the liver into activity by iv! ill gentle methods, they II T do not scour: thev do 1 11 1 111 not gripe; they do not weaken; but they do start all the secretions of the liver and stom ach in a way that soon puts these organs in a healthy condition and I TsTfTliLiN corrects constipation. Munyon's Paw-Paw Pills are a tonic to the stomach, liver and nerves. They invigorate instead of weaken; they enrich the blood instead of impover ishing it; they enable the stomach to get all the nourishment from food that is put into it Price 25 cents. All Druggists. Why Scratch? "Hunt's Cure" is guar anteed to stop and permanently cure that terrible itching. It is compounded for that purpose and your money will be promptly refunded WITHOUT QUESTION if Hunt's Cure fails to cure Itch, Eczema, Tetter, Ring Wnrm nr a n v rttVior RVin Disease, sue at your aruggist a, or by mail direct if he hasn't it. Manufactured only by A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO., Sherman, Texas Kodak Finishing Cheapest prices on earth by photographic specialists. De veloping any roll film 5c. Prints , 2c and 4c. Mail your films to Dept. K, PARSONS OPTICAL CO. 244 KING ST., CHARLESTON, SO. CAROLINA Is guaranteed to eive fullest satlsf action. Write us for copies of treatments irom peo- Sl who have been eneflted. 26c and 60c .'at your dealer's or KTDNKT ANT KHKUMATISM direct from RYDALE REMEDY CO., Newport NEWS,VA EYE ACHES m 5 Ok fl 'HI M food value: of many eggs Though. Nearly Half Water, Their Contents Are Extremely Nutritious Comparison Withs Meat. Via any persons often ask what an egg is marie of, ; but strange to say few' ever find out tcTtheir entire satis faction. A test at the department of agriculture shows that the white of an egg is nearly seven-eighths water, the balance . being nearly pure albumen. The yolk, is slightly less than one-half water. This is true of the eggs of chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese. In comparing the eggs- of these various ', birds the department of agriculture quotes ..the following figures: Hen , eggs, 60 per cent, water, 16 per 'cent; protein, 36 per cent. fat. . Goose eggs, .44 'per cent, water, 19 per cent, protein, 36 per cent. fat. Duck eggs, 46 per cent water, 17 per cent, protein, 36 per cent fat Turkey eggs, 48 per, cent, water, 18 per cent protein, 33 per cent fat Of Bourse, farmers understand that protein goes to make muscle and blood, while fat is fuel for running the machinery of the body. Thus it will be seen that eggs, though half or near ly half water, are extremely nutritious, containing all the elements required for the building and support of the body. There is no truth, however, in, the old saying that an egg contains as much nutriment as a . pound' of; steak. It -would be nearer correct to estimate a pound of eggs as being equal to a pound of lean steak in nu tritious value. MAKE 'PERCHES MITE-PR00F Made of 2x4 Stuff, There Is No Place for Little Insects to Hide Kerosene Does Work. The simplest constructed perch we can get, if it gives satisfaction should be the one to build. There is no place for the mites to hide, even, should they get on these perches. The perches are made of 2x4 stuff with one edge rounded, the pieces that form the support for the perches are of the same material as the perches, also that of the legs, which are one foot long, which makes the perches 18 inches from the floor. Sufficiently high for convenience and not so high that when fowls jump from them, Mite-Proof Perchfes. ' they will bruise their feet, causing "Bumble-foot," broken legs or breast bones. The legs should fit the cans loosely so that in removing them to facilitate cleaning out the droppings, the cans will not b,e overturned. The cans should contain an inch or two of kerosene or coal oil at all times, and there is no possible chance of any mites, big or little, getting by. INDUSTRIOUS HEN LAYS EGGS Fowl Should Not Be Compelled to R main . Idle by Being Cooped Up in Filthy Quarters. The hen is naturally industrious, and she should not be compelled to remain idle by being cooped up in dark, filthy quarters, where drafts are prevalent, the- floor without some good litter and surroundings other wise unhealthy. Rather encourage her to work by providing her with good, comfortable quarters. Construct a good scratch shed, but if this . be impossible then construct a dropping board under the roosts and place the litter upon the floor of the coop- Permit all the light possible. Scatter the grain food in the litter and let old biddy scratch for it to her heart's content Avoid feeding moldy food and pro vide drinking water in plenty. During the bitter cold weather slightly warm the water for the convenience of the fowls. Remember, the working hen is the one that will shell out the eggs. while the idle one will not lay: Windbreak for Poultry. A windbreak of some sort makes a poultry house warmer on the inside and gives the fowls a sheltered place for outdoor exercise. The owner of a chicken house built under the shel ter of a number of evergreen trees says drinking water hardly ever freezes inside. - Winter Feed for Poultry. One of the best and most relished winter feeds for poultry is cabbage, says a writer in an exchange. Even though there is an abundance of other green vegetable rriatter, I should still strive to add some cab bage to the list It Is true that there is nothing quite as good for the hens as a grow ing crop, such" as rye, over which they can range and thus combine exercise with, food getting, and every effort should, be made to provide it, but often space is too limited for such Crops, and dependence- must be had altogether on substitutes that can be stored away. . . ; ' '. Feeding Poultry. At the high-price of grain the man who has to buy all his feed must fig ure very closely and make the most ot every pound of it in feeding his poul try, else he will come out at the lit tle end of the horn in the spring. , Pulling 'Poultry Sinews. , A New Hampshire man has patent ed, a device to draw the sinews from legs of poultry by foot power. 0 'J RECORD OF WORK WELL; DONE Anti-Tuberculosis Campaign Fruitful of Results Tor tne uooa ot ' . All Mankind. 4 Some comparisons shp wing the Pro gress ; of xhe - anu-tUDercuiosis : : cam paign in the last eight yeara and the present needs of this movement are made by the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tubercu losis in a brief report of its work re cently Issued. . During the'eight years of Its work, the national association has assisted ;,ln the organization oi over 800 state and local antl-tubereu- losls societies located in almost every state and territory of the Union. Over 500 hospital and sanatoria have been established, with' more than 30,000 beds for consumptives About 400 dispensaries, -with more than 1,000 physicians in attendance and at least 150 " open air schools for: tuberculous and anaemic children,' have also been provided. Laws dealing with tubercu losis .' have been . passed in w45 states, and ordinances on this subject have been i adopted " In ..over 200 cities and towns.- An active field campaign of education against tuberculosis has been carried on in 40 states and ter ritories by means of lectures, exhibits, the press, and the distribution of over 100,000,000 pamphlets 04 the disease. PIMPLE ME IN BLOTCHES Morri' r- one year 1 stiffe' acn. ecze' forrjf pimi ing?. Hry severe attack of Y accompanied by wed itseM by the ... f ired, rather hard ire ".not only disflgur .irdru( They also ap vc ad chest. Their c'tn p: Intense as to a, nd ;they very often .idDurning . I tried sev- pear itcc: cause. caused t eral iKK. . J ;.;sure t, cure' remedies, tiiihy'ptarito: good Sev- eraVtmmtfcs .aga -I heard of Cuticura Soap and,'Jt)intmen.t and wrote for a sample. 'i. ;?.' - 1 found them 0 soothing that I at once purchased, a twenty-five cent cake of Cuticura ISoap, and a fifty cent box of Cuticura Ointment. After using them for about a month, all of the itching and the pimples had en tirely disappeared." (Signed) John Finger. Dec. 30, 1911. : Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the. world. Sample of 4ach free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address -post-card "Cuticura. Dept. I Boston.' Adv. . '.. ' THE CARD CLUB. "How .is your Wife getting along at her card club?" "Fine. So far nobody's put up a better lunch than she did." Eczema Seven Years Cured by Tet - terine. "I 'had Eczema on my chest for seven years and the torture was almost unbear able. One or your salesmen orxered to pay for the Tetterine If It did not cure me. I used less than three .boxes and am entirely well." Clem Klnard, Ruffln. S. C Tetterine cures Eczema. Itching Piles, Dandruff, Ring Worm and every form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tetterine 50c. Tetterine Soap 25c. Tour druggist, or by mall from the manufacturer. The Shup trine Co., Savannak, Qa. With every mail order for Tetterine we ?1ve box of Shuptrlne's 10c Liver Pills ree. Adv. After Material. Editor "Why do you persist in com ing heret I teli you I don't buy. fic tion." Author "Oh, I don't wish to sell any of my stories., I am writing a short serial, entitled 'The Ugjllest Man on Earth,' and came in merely to obtain local color." - Burduco Liver Powder. Nature's remedy for biliousness, constipation, Indigestion and all stom ach diseases. A vegetable prepara tion, better than calomel and will not salivate. In screw top cans at 25c each. Burwell & Dunn Co., Mfrs Charlotte, N. C. .Adv. 7" His Reason. "Why does that museum freak com plain that he is a dead one?" "Because he is a living skeleton." DOES TOUR HEAD ACHE? Try Bieks CAPUDINE. It's liquid pleas ant to take effects immediate good to prevent Sick Headaches and Nervous Headaches also. Your money back if not satisfied, 10c, SSc and SOc. at medicine stores. Adv. The average- girl treats a new ac quaintance far better than she does an old friend so the old friend thinks. ;. RAILROAD SURGEON DISCOV ERS WMDEBFUL REMEDY Pof Mao and Beasti the Old Reliable Dr.. Porter's Antiseptie Healing OiL Relieves Fain, Stops the Bleeding: and Heals at the same time. . Thousands of Farmers- and- Stoclptnen know it already, and a trial will convince jouthat DFLPORTBR'S ANTISEPTIC HBALIKG OIC is 'the most Wonderful Remedy ever 'discovered for "Wounds, Burns, Old Sores, Carbuncles, Granulated Eyelids, alt Skin or Scalp .Diseases, and. also tor JBaroed wire cuts, oalis, sores, Scratches, Shoe Boils, Warts, Mange on Dogs, eta Continually people are finding new-uses f of thi s famous old Remedy .Soldi Dy nearly au JJfugglsts. your -Druggist hasn't it, sendus 50c in stamps for me dium size, or $1.00 for large size, and it will be sent by Parcel Post. Money .refunded, if not' satisfactory. We mean it. Paris XedidaeCo. 2622 Pihe St., St. Louis, Mo; PUTHAM Color mose goods brighter and faster cotorsthan dye any rarment without ripping apart. Write r' " , v Y 1 "right Brass. A great -time and' labor saver In keeping brass; copper . and other met als bright and shining, either Indoors or outdoors, in any kind of weather, is to clean and-scour In the usual way, aq.d give them a coat of negative var nish,: to be obtained at a store!'; Many ornaments which lack raster are also Improved by one application. Paradox. "What makes, you think 'those rumors are groundless FV - "Because they are so much In the air." v - - ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVegctable Preparaiion for As similating the Food andRegula ling the Stomachs and Bowels of i5l Promotes Digesfion.Cheerful nessand Rest .Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Nar c otic . Jbtpe tfOtdDrSAffUELfmJWt Jlx Svn -JMttUSmHs -. Aw' Sud CtartftdSufmr WiiAiymm f favor. Aperfect Remedy forConstipa tion . Sour Stomach.Diairhoea. Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ness arid LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Company. . NEW YORK. Guaranteed under the Food am Exact Copy of Wrapper " C WHY IIIGUBATOR CHICKS DIE It Depends. "Do you favor the open door pol icy?". .:- "Not if I am on the warm side." TO STOP. TEraCOggEJ CUIUS THE Sprar or mop the throat vita the wonderful antisep Uo, DR. PO&TBB'S AjrXISKPTIO ElALINQ OlL. It cares in one dar. FaU. directions with each bottle, atcaciua. j Mean Insinuation. "I have no way of killing time." "Why, I've heard you sing." JJr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar coated, tiny grannies, easy to take. Do not gripe. ,Adv. - Many a woman has the big head because she has credit at a hair em porium. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gnms, reduces lnflamma Uon.aJlays paln,cures wind colic J6e a bottleJUtt First acquire a business of your own, then learn to attend to it. Mamma Sjkvs fits Safe for Children CONTAINS NO OPIATES mm BBiOaKTSBf A school of actual business training. Learn Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and ' English. We train for business employment and success. Send for new handsomo catalogue and full information. Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RXLEIGH, N. C or CHARLOTTE, N. C .00 sa.6o s4jOo 4-. so AND R.oo SHOES FOR MEN AND.W0MEN BEST B0Y8 8H0E8 In tht WORLD M2.0O. 82.6Q an4 93.QO. The largest makers of Men's $30 and S4.00 shoes in the world. yonr dealer to snow -W. I.. Dovanas aHuio. avou SV4.50 shoes. Jnstas srood srfS9im I TiSjkJ'MX Ash lc ana wear as otner jdskm costing so 97 n oniy auierenee is leacners, styles ana snapes to salt every body, It yoa eoald visit W. I Douglas large facto ries at Brockton, Has., svnd see for yoarseli bow caref ally W. I. would then understand to St better, look better, longer than any otner : w. L. Donfias lhoef sr. Dot direct from the factory and Bnoes ror every mem oeroi Oatol. it will snow and why yoa ean save SUBSTITUTE . W. I DOV6US . QUININE AND fROHtTHE MOST EFFECTUAL GENERAL TOHIG Grove'sTasfeles chill Tonic corhbiBethotb H. tasteless form The Quinine drives out Malaria -and the fron;"build$ up the . , Systeco, For Ad"Hs and Quidren. You know what, you are talcing when yoa take GROVE.'S TASTELESS chill TONIC recognized for 30 years 'as the standard General Strengthening Tonic. It has no equal for .Malaria, and Fevers, Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. .'Removes Biliousness without pureing. Relieves nervous "depression and low spirits. Invigorating to the pale and sickly. It arouses the liver to action; and' purifies the blood. A true tonic, and'sure appetizer. Guaranteed by your Druggist.' We mean it. SOc : , There iaOniyTJne"BRGMOQt7ININB, That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Look for signature of E. W. GROVE on every box. Cures a Cold in. One Day 25c TO ivdk. swwr "v 11 Itakewo FADISILISSS HDYES any other dye. One Mfc packars colors all Boers. They dye hi cold wsterbctterthaa eo&erdre, Toaess) for free booklet How to Dye, Bleach and Mfat Colors. MOKKOC OBUQ COMlfaWT,- QeOacy, 1W I- iiamimsai to womzw ennnsns: B i those pains and aches resulting " from weakness or derangement of the organs distinctly feminine : sooner or later leave their mark. Beauty soon fades away. Now ; is the time to restore health ' - . and retain beaory -- : DR. PIERCES Favnnte IVftsnTnfinn i That rrsat, potent, strsngtii-chrms; rsstorattve will help you. Start tsesy. GaSSSk Tear Dntgut wfl Strply T Bi ForlnfEtnts and Children. The Kind You ilava Always Bought Bears the ature In Use For Over Thirty Years lo) m tms HTAWsi Mann, nrnm mw etrv. Write for book saving- jonag chicks. Bead va names of 7 friends that use incubators and get book free. Ralsall Remedy Co., Btaokwellkla no appetite, Iadlsestion, Flatulence, Sick Headache, aU ran down" or losing flesh, yosi will find - . Inst what yoa need. They teste ap the weak' Tbe Man Who Pat the EE sln F E E T Ixxk for This Tnde-ICsxk Pio tare on the Isabel when buyinjr ALLETi'S FC0T-EASE 1 1 ThcAntiseoye lVwJe far 'TmI Trade-Msra. jderAchin Feet. Sold every . wbctCi Z&C sample, kjcbb. AOaress. ALLEN S. OLMSTED. L Uoy, N. yT Salesmen Vanted We have a OASH weekly proposition for a' respon sible soan to handle our line of HIGH flBADS NURSSSr stock. OOMPLBTB NSW OUTFIT FHBB. Write at ones for our liberal offer and secure exclusive Agency. , . ; ! W. T. HOOD & COMPANY OLD DOMINION NURSERIES. Richmond, Va. Mention this paper when wrlUng. No Vacation er any time yon ai in style. ins price, sooet in svi Donrlu shoes are made. whv thev are wamuiter bold their shape and wear maae for tbe price. for sale in yoor Tleftiity, order save tbe nuddlemaD's profit. toe iaouiy, as au prices, Dy CAVTiaS See that yon bow to order by mail, money on tout footwear. .L.Doaslas UstamDed . BntktM, Bflaae. on roe oonosa. FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS. If you (eel OT OP SORTS"aUM DOWM'or'OOT TMS BLUES surrca from kidmey, blaodsk, nksvovs disxasesw OMKOHICWEAKNE9SBS.ULCaRS.8UM EKUFTIONS, FK-KsTfl write foe my rRll book. THE most IHSTRUCTlvsy' MEDICAI. BOOK EVER WKITTSK4T TRLLS AU.aboet UxH i DISEASES mmd the REMARKABLE CURBS tmCTIO b THI HEW FRENCH REMIDV. N.1.M.N4.t THERAPIONroTv Kit's the remedy for roes own silBient. Don't seod a cent. AbaoUMalyFRCB. No'tonowap'oiraOars. Or LBClSrO -MXD. CO. UAVEESTOCK RD. liAMrSTEAO. LOMDON.iNa. ' Opium, Whiskey and. lrn Habits treat ed at home or at Sanitarium. Book ob Tinnlrr, T?i VkE, u mjr wvat w (No CHI) Lher, Stoauh aeV AesBBdieitis . ineh. rnrr iM syntl s; mA bk.M pg seek, . TULZ GsatoMSeBMCeDsst.4S51S SJWrWaSt.,aiesce LioupsorrSweSSe: JOHN I THOMPSON 802TS CO,Troy,X.Y. W. fl. CHARLOTTE, NO, 14-1913. 11 fftfHTI lUUial I j n LW IF YOU HAYE ' no appetite, I ileadache'aUraii rill find n f 1111 id SZrTLT . : ; i xzswru I I s ... :: i"Llf oe fifwiZvtii - 4 -

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